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Forest parameters, such as mean diameter at breast height (DBH), mean stand height (H) or volume per hectare (V), are imperative for forest resources assessment. Traditional forest inventory that is usually based on fieldwork is often difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to conduct over large areas. Therefore, estimating forest parameters in large areas using a traditional inventory approach combined with satellite data analysis can improve the spatial estimates of forest inventory data, and hence be useful for sustainable forest management and natural resources assessment. However, extracting practical information from satellite imagery for such purpose is a challenging task mainly because of insufficient knowledge linking forest inventory data to satellite spectral response. Here, we present the use of a cost-free Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) in order to explore whether it is possible to combine all available optical bands from a specific sensor for improving forest parameter spatial estimates, based on fieldwork at Lahav and Kramim Forests, in the Israeli Northern Negev. A generic strategy, based on morphological structuring element, convex hall and spectral band linear combination algorithms, was developed in order to extract the mathematical dependencies between the forest inventory measurements and linear combination sets of Landsat-7 ETM+ spectral bands, which yields the highest possible correlation with the forest inventory measured data. Using the mathematical dependency functions, we then convert the entire Landsat-7 ETM+ scenes into forest inventory parameter values with sufficient accuracy and tolerance errors needed for sustainable forest management. The root mean square error obtained between the measured and the estimated values for Lahav Forest are 0.70 cm, 0.29 m, and 1.48 m3 ha?1 for the mean DBH, H, and V, respectively, and for Kramim forest are 0.61 cm, 0.70 m, and 6.31 m3 ha?1, respectively. Furthermore, the suggested strategy could also be applied with other satellites data sources.  相似文献   

Empirical models are important tools for relating field-measured biophysical variables to remote sensing data. Regression analysis has been a popular empirical method of linking these two types of data to provide continuous estimates for variables such as biomass, percent woody canopy cover, and leaf area index (LAI). Traditional methods of regression are not sufficient when resulting biophysical surfaces derived from remote sensing are subsequently used to drive ecosystem process models. Most regression analyses in remote sensing rely on a single spectral vegetation index (SVI) based on red and near-infrared reflectance from a single date of imagery. There are compelling reasons for utilizing greater spectral dimensionality, and for including SVIs from multiple dates in a regression analysis. Moreover, when including multiple SVIs and/or dates, it is useful to integrate these into a single index for regression modeling. Selection of an appropriate regression model, use of multiple SVIs from multiple dates of imagery as predictor variables, and employment of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to integrate these multiple indices into a single index represent a significant strategic improvement over existing uses of regression analysis in remote sensing.To demonstrate this improved strategy, we compared three different types of regression models to predict LAI for an agro-ecosystem and live tree canopy cover for a needleleaf evergreen boreal forest: traditional (Y on X) ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, inverse (X on Y) OLS regression, and an orthogonal regression method called reduced major axis (RMA). Each model incorporated multiple SVIs from multiple dates and CCA was used to integrate these. For a given dataset, the three regression-modeling approaches produced identical coefficients of determination and intercepts, but different slopes, giving rise to divergent predictive characteristics. The traditional approach yielded the lowest root mean square error (RMSE), but the variance in the predictions was lower than the variance in the observed dataset. The inverse method had the highest RMSE and the variance was inflated relative to the variance of the observed dataset. RMA provided an intermediate set of predictions in terms of the RMSE, and the variance in the observations was preserved in the predictions. These results are predictable from regression theory, but that theory has been essentially ignored within the discipline of remote sensing.  相似文献   

Estimation of stand volume and tree density in a large area using remotely sensed data has considerable significance for sustainable management of natural resources. In this paper, we explore likely relationships between forest stand characteristics and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) reflectance values. We used multivariate regression technique to predict stand volume and tree density. The result showed that a linear combination of greenness and difference vegetation index (DVI) were better predictors of stand volume (adjusted R2 = 43%; root mean square error (RMSE) = 97.4 m3 ha?1) than other ETM+ bands and vegetation indices. In addition, the regression model with ETM4 (near infrared band) and ETM5 (first shortwave band) as independent variables was a better predictor of tree density (adjusted R2 = 73.4%; RMSE = 170.13 ha?1) than other combinations of ETM+ bands and vegetation indices. Results obtained from this study demonstrate the significant relationship between forest stand characteristics and ETM+ reflectance values and the utility of transformed bands in modelling stand volume and tree density. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that ETM+ data are useful to estimate forest volume and density and to gain insights into its structural characteristics in our study area. Forest managers could use ETM+ data for gaining insights into stand characteristics and generating maps required for developing forest management plans and identifying locations within stands that require treatments and other interventions.  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass (AGB; Mg/ha) is defined in this study as a biomass of growing stock trees greater than 2.5 cm in diameter at breast height (dbh) for stands >5 years and all trees taller than 1.3 m for stands <5 years. Although AGB is an important variable for evaluating ecosystem function and structure across the landscape, such estimates are difficult to generate without high-resolution satellite data. This study bridges the application of remote sensing techniques with various forest management practices in Chequamegon National Forest (CNF), Wisconsin, USA by producing a high-resolution stand age map and a spatially explicit AGB map. We coupled AGB values, calculated from field measurements of tree dbh, with various vegetation indices derived from Landsat 7 ETM+ data through multiple regression analyses to produce an initial biomass map. The initial biomass map was overlaid with a land-cover map to generate a stand age map. Biomass threshold values for each age category (e.g., young, intermediate, and mature) were determined through field observations and frequency analysis of initial biomass estimates by major cover types. We found that AGB estimates for hardwood forests were strongly related to stand age and near-infrared reflectance (r2=0.95) while the AGB for pine forests was strongly related to the corrected normalized difference vegetation index (NDVIc; r2=0.86). Separating hardwoods from pine forests improved the AGB estimates in the area substantially, compared to overall regression (r2=0.82). Our AGB results are comparable to previously reported values in the area. The total amount of AGB in the study area for 2001 was estimated as 3.3 million metric tons (dry weight), 76.5% of which was in hardwood and mixed hardwood/pine forests. AGB ranged from 1 to 358 Mg/ha with an average of 70 and a standard deviation of 54 Mg/ha. The AGB class with the highest percentage (16.1%) was between 81 and 100 Mg/ha. Forests with biomass values >200 Mg/ha accounted for less than 3% of the study area and were usually associated with mature hardwood forests. Estimated AGB was validated using independent field measurements (R2=0.67, p<0.001). The AGB and age maps can be used as baseline information for future landscape level studies such as quantifying the regional carbon budget, accumulating fuel, or monitoring management practices.  相似文献   

Surface temperature (Ts) is an essential parameter in many land surface processes. When Ts is obtained from remotely sensed satellite data the consideration of atmospheric correction may be needed to obtain accurate surface temperature estimates. Most atmospheric correction methods adjust atmospheric transmissivity, path radiance and downward thermal radiation coefficients. Following a standardized atmospheric correction of Landsat 7 thermal data, some differences were found between these corrected data and surface temperature derived from very-high resolution airborne thermal data. Five different methods for determining atmospheric correction were evaluated comparing atmospherically corrected Landsat 7 data with airborne data for an area of olive orchards located at Southern Spain. When using standard default Landsat 7 calibration coefficients Ts differences between satellite and airborne observations ranged from 1 to 6 K, highlighting the need to perform more robust atmospheric correction. When applying the customized values for semi-arid temperate climate in Idaho, USA, and the values based on the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Ts differences ranged from 1 to 4 K, indicating that additional local calibration may be appropriate. Optimal coefficients were determined using the Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) approach, a nonlinear algorithm included in Solver tool, obtaining Ts differences around 1–3 K. In order to evaluate the impact of considering the proposed correction approaches, assessment of the evapotranspiration and crop coefficient values derived from the Mapping Evapotranspiration with Internalized Calibration (METRIC) energy balance model provided maximum errors of around 4%, indicating that the METRIC model does not require a robust atmospheric correction. However, the localized calibration approaches are proposed as useful alternatives when absolute land surface temperatures values are required, as in the case of the determination of crop water stress based on differences between canopy (Tc) and air temperature (Tair).  相似文献   

It is useful to have a disaggregated population database at uniform grid units in disaster situations. This study presents a method for settlement location probability and population density estimations at a 90 m resolution for northern Iraq using the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) digital terrain model and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper satellite imagery. A spatial model each for calculating the probability of settlement location and for estimating population density is described. A randomly selected subset of field data (equivalent to 50%) is first analysed for statistical links between settlement location probability and population density; and various biophysical features which are extracted from Landsat or SRTM data. The model is calibrated using this subset. Settlement location probability is attributed to the distance from roads and water bodies and land cover. Population density can be estimated based upon land cover and topographic features. The Landsat data are processed using a segmentation and subsequent feature–based classification approach making this method robust to seasonal variations in imagery and therefore applicable to a time series of images regardless of acquisition date. The second half of the field data is used to validate the model. Results show a reasonable estimate of population numbers (r = 0.205, p<0.001) for both rural and urban settlements. Although there is a strong overall correlation between the results of this and the LandScan model (r = 0.464, p<0.001), this method performs better than the 1 km resolution LandScan grid for settlements with fewer than 1000 people, but is less accurate for estimating population numbers in urban areas (LandScan rural r = 0.181, p<0.001; LandScan urban r = 0.303, p<0.001). The correlation between true urban population numbers is superior to that of LandScan however when the 90 m grid values are summed using a filter which corresponds to the LandScan spatial resolution (r = 0.318, p<0.001).  相似文献   

Forest disturbances influence many landscape processes, including changes in microclimate, hydrology, and soil erosion. We analyzed the spectral response and temporal progress of two types of disturbances of spruce forest (bark beetle outbreak and clear-cuts) in the central part of Šumava Mountains at the border between the Czech Republic and Germany, Central Europe. The bark beetle (Ips typographus [L.]) outbreak in this region in the last 20 years resulted in regional-scale spruce forest decay. Clear-cutting was done here to prevent further bark-beetle propagation in the buffer zones.The aim of the study is to identify the differences in spectral response between the two types of forest disturbances and their temporal dynamics. General trends were analyzed throughout the study area, with sampled disturbance areas selected to assess the relationship between field vegetation data and their spectral response. Thirteen Landsat TM/ETM+ scenes from 1985 to 2007 were used for the assessment. The following spectral indices were estimated: NDMI, Tasseled Cap (Brightness, Greenness, Wetness), DI, and DI′. The DI′, Wetness, and Brightness indices show the highest sensitivity to forest disturbance for both disturbance types (clear-cuts and bark beetle outbreak). The multitemporal analysis distinguished three different stages of development. The highest spectral differences between the clear-cuts and the bark beetle disturbances were found in the period between 1996 and 2004 with increased levels of forest disturbance (repeated measures ANOVA, Scheffé post hoc test; p ≤ 0.05). Clear-cut disturbance resulted in significantly higher spectral differences from the original forest and occurred as a more discrete event in comparison to bark beetle outbreak.  相似文献   

This study compared aspatial and spatial methods of using remote sensing and field data to predict maximum growing season leaf area index (LAI) maps in a boreal forest in Manitoba, Canada. The methods tested were orthogonal regression analysis (reduced major axis, RMA) and two geostatistical techniques: kriging with an external drift (KED) and sequential Gaussian conditional simulation (SGCS). Deterministic methods such as RMA and KED provide a single predicted map with either aspatial (e.g., standard error, in regression techniques) or limited spatial (e.g., KED variance) assessments of errors, respectively. In contrast, SGCS takes a probabilistic approach, where simulated values are conditional on the sample values and preserve the sample statistics. In this application, canonical indices were used to maximize the ability of Landsat ETM+ spectral data to account for LAI variability measured in the field through a spatially nested sampling design. As expected based on theory, SGCS did the best job preserving the distribution of measured LAI values. In terms of spatial pattern, SGCS preserved the anisotropy observed in semivariograms of measured LAI, while KED reduced anisotropy and lowered global variance (i.e., lower sill), also consistent with theory. The conditional variance of multiple SGCS realizations provided a useful visual and quantitative measure of spatial uncertainty. For applications requiring spatial prediction methods, we concluded KED is more useful if local accuracy is important, but SGCS is better for indicating global pattern. Predicting LAI from satellite data using geostatistical methods requires a distribution and density of primary, reference LAI measurements that are impractical to obtain. For regional NPP modeling with coarse resolution inputs, the aspatial RMA regression method is the most practical option.  相似文献   

We have produced the first 30 m resolution global land-cover maps using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. We have classified over 6600 scenes of Landsat TM data after 2006, and over 2300 scenes of Landsat TM and ETM+ data before 2006, all selected from the green season. These images cover most of the world's land surface except Antarctica and Greenland. Most of these images came from the United States Geological Survey in level L1T (orthorectified). Four classifiers that were freely available were employed, including the conventional maximum likelihood classifier (MLC), J4.8 decision tree classifier, Random Forest (RF) classifier and support vector machine (SVM) classifier. A total of 91,433 training samples were collected by traversing each scene and finding the most representative and homogeneous samples. A total of 38,664 test samples were collected at preset, fixed locations based on a globally systematic unaligned sampling strategy. Two software tools, Global Analyst and Global Mapper developed by extending the functionality of Google Earth, were used in developing the training and test sample databases by referencing the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer enhanced vegetation index (MODIS EVI) time series for 2010 and high resolution images from Google Earth. A unique land-cover classification system was developed that can be crosswalked to the existing United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) land-cover classification system as well as the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) system. Using the four classification algorithms, we obtained the initial set of global land-cover maps. The SVM produced the highest overall classification accuracy (OCA) of 64.9% assessed with our test samples, with RF (59.8%), J4.8 (57.9%), and MLC (53.9%) ranked from the second to the fourth. We also estimated the OCAs using a subset of our test samples (8629) each of which represented a homogeneous area greater than 500 m?×?500 m. Using this subset, we found the OCA for the SVM to be 71.5%. As a consistent source for estimating the coverage of global land-cover types in the world, estimation from the test samples shows that only 6.90% of the world is planted for agricultural production. The total area of cropland is 11.51% if unplanted croplands are included. The forests, grasslands, and shrublands cover 28.35%, 13.37%, and 11.49% of the world, respectively. The impervious surface covers only 0.66% of the world. Inland waterbodies, barren lands, and snow and ice cover 3.56%, 16.51%, and 12.81% of the world, respectively.  相似文献   

An algorithm for burned area mapping in Africa based on classification trees was developed using SPOT-VEGETATION (VGT) imagery. The derived 1 km spatial resolution burned area maps were compared with 30 m spatial resolution maps obtained with 13 Landsat ETM+ scenes, through linear regression analysis. The procedure quantifies the bias in burned area estimation present in the low spatial resolution burned area map. Good correspondence was observed for seven sites, with values of the coefficient of determination (R2) ranging from 0.787 to 0.983. Poorer agreement was observed in four sites (R2 values between 0.257 and 0.417), and intermediate values of R2 (0.670 and 0.613) were obtained for two sites. The observed variation in the level of agreement between the Landsat and VGT estimates of area burned results from differences in the spatial pattern and size distribution of burns in the different fire regimes encompassed by our analysis. Small and fragmented burned areas result in large underestimation at 1 km spatial resolution. When large and compact burned areas dominate the landscape, VGT estimates of burned area are accurate, although in certain situations there is some overestimation. Accuracy of VGT burned area estimates also depends on vegetation type. Results showed that in forest ecosystems VGT maps underestimate substantially the amount of burned area. The most accurate estimates were obtained for woodlands and grasslands. An overall linear regression fitted with the data from the 13 comparison sites revealed that there is a strong relationship between VGT and Landsat estimates of burned area, with a value of R2 of 0.754 and a slope of 0.803. Our findings indicate that burned area mapping based on 1 km spatial resolution VGT data provides adequate regional information.  相似文献   

Since January 2008, the U.S. Department of Interior / U.S. Geological Survey have been providing free terrain-corrected (Level 1T) Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data via the Internet, currently for acquisitions with less than 40% cloud cover. With this rich dataset, temporally composited, mosaics of the conterminous United States (CONUS) were generated on a monthly, seasonal, and annual basis using 6521 ETM+ acquisitions from December 2007 to November 2008. The composited mosaics are designed to provide consistent Landsat data that can be used to derive land cover and geo-physical and bio-physical products for detailed regional assessments of land-cover dynamics and to study Earth system functioning. The data layers in the composited mosaics are defined at 30 m and include top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance, TOA brightness temperature, TOA normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the date each composited pixel was acquired on, per-band radiometric saturation status, cloud mask values, and the number of acquisitions considered in the compositing period. Reduced spatial resolution browse imagery, and top of atmosphere 30 m reflectance time series extracted from the monthly composites, capture the expected land surface phenological change, and illustrate the potential of the composited mosaic data for terrestrial monitoring at high spatial resolution. The composited mosaics are available in 501 tiles of 5000 × 5000 30 m pixels in the Albers equal area projection and are downloadable at http://landsat.usgs.gov/WELD.php. The research described in this paper demonstrates the potential of Landsat data processing to provide a consistent, long-term, large-area, data record.  相似文献   

The Tertiary Sivas Basin contains widespread, tectonically deformed deposits of massive Oligocene gypsum. This unit is one of the most important factors controlling the tectono‐stratigraphic evolution of the basin insofar as these deposits are interpreted as décollement levels. As a considerable fold and thrust belt, the Sivas Basin also has a remarkable structural expression within these evaporite deposits, as seen in satellite images aided by colour composites. Because of the arid climatic conditions of the region, the basin provides ease of interpretation geologically in terms of the synoptic‐view capability of broad‐band multispectral data sets, such as ASTER and Landsat ETM+. In this study, various processing methods — such as data fusion and decorrelation stretching — were applied to highlight Oligocene gypsum deposits of the basin.  相似文献   

Lack of data often limits understanding and management of biodiversity in forested areas. Remote sensing imagery has considerable potential to aid in the monitoring and prediction of biodiversity across many spatial and temporal scales. In this paper, we explored the possibility of defining relationships between species diversity indices and Landsat ETM+ reflectance values for Hyrcanian forests in Golestan province of Iran. We used the COST model for atmospheric correction of the imagery. Linear regression models were implemented to predict measures of biodiversity (species richness and reciprocal of Simpson indices) using various combinations of Landsat spectral data. Species richness was modeled using the band set ETM5, ETM7, DVI, wetness and variances of ETM1, ETM2 and ETM5 (adjusted R2 = 0.59, RMSE = 1.51). Reciprocal of Simpson index was modeled using the band set NDVI, brightness, greenness, variances of ETM2, ETM5 and ETM7 (adjusted R2 = 0.459 RMSE = 1.15). The results demonstrated that spectral reflectance from Landsat can be used to effectively model tree species diversity. Predictive map derived from the presented methodology can help evaluate spatial aspects and monitor tree species diversity of the studied forest. The methodology also facilitates the evaluation of forest management and conservation strategies in northern Iran.  相似文献   

Owing to continuing touristic developments in Hurghada, Egypt, several coral reef habitats have suffered major deterioration between 1987 and 2013, either by being bleached or totally lost. Such alterations in coral reef habitats have been well observed in their varying distributions using change detection analysis applied to a Landsat 5 image representing 1987, a Landsat 7 image representing 2000, and a Landsat 8 image representing 2013. Different processing techniques were carried out over the three images, including but not limited to rectification, masking, water column correction, classification, and change detection statistics. The supervised classifications performed over the three scenes show five significant marine-related classes, namely coral, sand subtidal, sand intertidal, macro-algae, and seagrass, in different degrees of abundance. The change detection statistics obtained from the classified scenes of 1987 and 2000 reveal a significant increase in the macro-algae and seagrass classes (93 and 47%, respectively). However, major decreases of 41, 40, and 37% are observed in the sand intertidal, coral, and sand subtidal classes, respectively. On the other hand, the change detection statistics obtained from the classified scenes of 2000 and 2013 revealed increases in sand subtidal and macro-algae classes by 14 and 19%, respectively, while major decreases of 49%, 46% and 74% are observed in the sand intertidal, coral, and seagrass classes, respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare the role of spectral and spatial resolutions in mapping land degradation from space‐borne imagery using Landsat ETM+ and ASTER data as examples. Land degradation in the form of salinization and waterlogging in Tongyu County, western Jilin Province of northeast China was mapped from an ETM+ image of 22 June 2002 and an ASTER image recorded on 24 June 2001 using supervised classification, together with several other land covers. It was found that the mapping accuracy was achieved at 56.8% and higher for moderately degraded (e.g. salinized) farmland, and over 80% for severely degraded land (e.g. barren) from both ASTER and ETM+ data. The spatial resolution of the ASTER data exerts only a negligible effect on the mapping accuracy. The 30 m ETM+ outperforms the ASTER image of both 15 m and 30 m resolution in consistently generating a higher overall accuracy as well as a higher user's accuracy for barren land. The inferiority of ASTER data is attributed to the highly repetitive spectral content of its six shortwave infrared bands. It is concluded that the spectral resolution of an image is not as important as the information content of individual bands in accurately mapping land covers automatically.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate artificial neural networks—self-organizing map (SOM)—as a semi-automatic method for extraction and analysis of landscape elements in the man and biosphere reserve “Eastern Carpathians”. The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) collected data to produce generally available digital elevation models (DEM). Together with Landsat Thematic Mapper data, this provides a unique, consistent and nearly worldwide data set.To integrate the DEM with Landsat data, it was re-projected from geographic coordinates to UTM with 28.5 m spatial resolution using cubic convolution interpolation. To provide quantitative morphometric parameters, first-order (slope) and second-order derivatives of the DEM—minimum curvature, maximum curvature and cross-sectional curvature—were calculated by fitting a bivariate quadratic surface with a window size of 9×9 pixels. These surface curvatures are strongly related to landform features and geomorphological processes.Four morphometric parameters and seven Landsat-enhanced thematic mapper (ETM+) bands were used as input for the SOM algorithm. Once the network weights have been randomly initialized, different learning parameter sets, e.g. initial radius, final radius and number of iterations, were investigated. An optimal SOM with 20 classes using 1000 iterations and a final neighborhood radius of 0.05 provided a low average quantization error of 0.3394 and was used for further analysis. The effect of randomization of initial weights for optimal SOM was also studied. Feature space analysis, three-dimensional inspection and auxiliary data facilitated the assignment of semantic meaning to the output classes in terms of landform, based on morphometric analysis, and land use, based on spectral properties.Results were displayed as thematic map of landscape elements according to form, cover and slope. Spectral and morphometric signature analysis with corresponding zoom samples superimposed by contour lines were compared in detail to clarify the role of morphometric parameters to separate landscape elements. The results revealed the efficiency of SOM to integrate SRTM and Landsat data in landscape analysis. Despite the stochastic nature of SOM, the results in this particular study are not sensitive to randomization of initial weight vectors if many iterations are used. This procedure is reproducible for the same application with consistent results.  相似文献   

Beach and delta areas are dynamic physical features with changes occurring at many spatial and temporal scales due to both general and catastrophic events. Geomorphic changes such as temporal and periodic changes in riverbeds and coasts are common events in all deltaic areas. The Hendijan river basin is located in the southwest of Iran, close to the city of the Hendijan and many villages and rural settlements. Changes in various geomorphic features, such as riverbed and shoreline migration, Sebkhas, alluvial terraces, meanders and old, dry rivers over 48 years of time, were detected and identified using Landsat TM and ETM satellite data and topographic maps. Simple bands subtraction, principal component analysis (PCA) and fuzzy logic were used to identify regions that have undergone land cover change. Results of this study show that the Hendijan River channel has migrated several times over the last 48 years. Several meanders and ox‐bow lakes remain as a result of migration. The shoreline has migrated over 4 km into the Persian Gulf. The resulting maps can be used in an integrated coastal zone information system as it has been proposed for the Heddijan delta.  相似文献   

Structural and functional analyses of ecosystems benefit when high accuracy vegetation coverages can be derived over large areas. In this study, we utilize IKONOS, Landsat 7 ETM+, and airborne scanning light detection and ranging (lidar) to quantify coniferous forest and understory grass coverages in a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) dominated ecosystem in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Linear spectral mixture analyses of IKONOS and ETM+ data were used to isolate spectral endmembers (bare soil, understory grass, and tree/shade) and calculate their subpixel fractional coverages. We then compared these endmember cover estimates to similar cover estimates derived from lidar data and field measures. The IKONOS-derived tree/shade fraction was significantly correlated with the field-measured canopy effective leaf area index (LAIe) (r2=0.55, p<0.001) and with the lidar-derived estimate of tree occurrence (r2=0.79, p<0.001). The enhanced vegetation index (EVI) calculated from IKONOS imagery showed a negative correlation with the field measured tree canopy effective LAI and lidar tree cover response (r2=0.30, r=−0.55 and r2=0.41, r=−0.64, respectively; p<0.001) and further analyses indicate a strong linear relationship between EVI and the IKONOS-derived grass fraction (r2=0.99, p<0.001). We also found that using EVI resulted in better agreement with the subpixel vegetation fractions in this ecosystem than using normalized difference of vegetation index (NDVI). Coarsening the IKONOS data to 30 m resolution imagery revealed a stronger relationship with lidar tree measures (r2=0.77, p<0.001) than at 4 m resolution (r2=0.58, p<0.001). Unmixed tree/shade fractions derived from 30 m resolution ETM+ imagery also showed a significant correlation with the lidar data (r2=0.66, p<0.001). These results demonstrate the power of using high resolution lidar data to validate spectral unmixing results of satellite imagery, and indicate that IKONOS data and Landsat 7 ETM+ data both can serve to make the important distinction between tree/shade coverage and exposed understory grass coverage during peak summertime greenness in a ponderosa pine forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Crop residues on the soil surface provide not only a barrier against water and wind erosion, but they also contribute to improving soil organic matter content, infiltration, evaporation, temperature, and soil structure, among others. In Argentina, soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merill) and corn (Zea mays L.) are the most important crops. The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate two different types of model for estimating soybean and corn residue cover: neural networks (NN) and crop residue index multiband (CRIM) index, from Landsat images. Data of crop residue were acquired throughout the summer growing season in the central plains of Córdoba (Argentina) and used for training and validating the models. The CRIM, a linear mixing model of composite soil and residue, and the NN design, included reflectance and digital numbers from a combination of different TM bands to estimate the fractional residue cover. The results show that both methodologies are appropriate for estimating the residue cover from Landsat data. The best developed NN model yielded R2 = 0.95 when estimating soybean and corn residue cover fraction, whereas the best fit using CRIM yielded R2 = 0.87; in addition, this index is dependent on the soil and residue lines considered.  相似文献   

Estimating the distribution of impervious surfaces and vegetation is important for analysing urban landscapes and their thermal environment. The application of a crisp classification of land-cover types to analyse urban landscape patterns and land surface temperature (LST) in detail presents a challenge, mainly due to the complex characteristics of urban landscapes. In this article, sub-pixel percentage impervious surface areas (ISAs) and fractional vegetation cover (FVC) were extracted from bitemporal Thematic Mapper/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (TM/ETM+) data by linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA). Their accuracy was assessed with proportional area estimates of the impervious surface and vegetation extracted from high-resolution data. A range approach was used to classify percentage ISA into different categories by setting thresholds of fractional values and these were compared for their LST patterns. For each ISA category, FVC, LST, and percentage ISA were used to quantify the urban thermal characteristics of different developed areas in the city of Fuzhou, China. Urban LST scenarios in different seasons and ISA categories were simulated to analyse the seasonal variations and the impact of urban landscape pattern changes on the thermal environment. The results show that FVC and LST based on percentage ISA can be used to quantitatively analyse the process of urban expansion and its impacts on the spatial–temporal distribution patterns of the urban thermal environment. This analysis can support urban planning by providing knowledge on the climate adaptation potential of specific urban spatial patterns.  相似文献   

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