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An explosive eruption occurred at Bezymianny Volcano (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) on 24 December 2006 at 09:17 (UTC). Seismicity increased three weeks prior to the large eruption, which produced a 12–15 km above sea level (ASL) ash column. We present field observations from 27 December 2006 and 2 March 2007, combined with satellite data collected from 8 October 2006 to 11 April 2007 by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), as part of the instrument's rapid-response program to volcanic eruptions. Pixel-integrated brightness temperatures were calculated from both ASTER 90 m/pixel thermal infrared (TIR) data as well as 30 m/pixel short-wave infrared (SWIR) data. Four days prior to the eruption, the maximum TIR temperature was 45 °C above the average background temperature (− 33 °C) at the dome, which we interpret was a precursory signal, and had dropped to 8 °C above background by 18 March 2007. On 20 December 2006, there was also a clear thermal signal in the SWIR data of 128 °C using ASTER Band 7 (2.26 μm). The maximum SWIR temperature was 181 °C on the lava dome on 4 January 2007, decreasing below the detection limit of the SWIR data by 11 April 2007. On 4 January 2007 a hot linear feature was observed at the dome in the SWIR data, which produced a maximum temperature of 700 °C for the hot fraction of the pixel using the dual band technique. This suggests that magmatic temperatures were present at the dome at this time, consistent with the emplacement of a new lava lobe following the eruption. The eruption also produced a large, 6.5 km long by up to 425 m wide pyroclastic flow (PF) deposit that was channelled into a valley to the south–southeast. The PF deposit cooled over the following three months but remained elevated above the average background temperature. A second field investigation in March 2007 revealed a still-warm PF deposit that contained fumaroles. It was also observed that the upper dome morphology had changed in the past year, with a new lava lobe having in-filled the crater that formed following the 9 May 2006 eruption. These data provide further information on effusive and explosive activity at Bezymianny using quantitative remote sensing data and reinforced by field observations to assist in pre-eruption detection as well as post-eruption monitoring.  相似文献   

Mount Erebus (Antarctica) is a remote and inhospitable volcano, where field campaigns are possible only during the austral summer. In addition to continuously monitoring seismic instruments and video cameras, data from scanners flown aboard polar orbiting space-craft, such as the Thematic Mapper (TM) and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), can contribute to continuous, year-round monitoring of this volcano. Together these data allow measurement of the temperature of, thermal and gas flux from, and mass flux to a persistently active lava lake at Erebus' summit. The monitoring potential of such polar-orbiting instruments is enhanced by the poleward convergence of sub-spacecraft ground-tracks at the Erebus latitudes, permitting more frequent return periods than at the equator. Ground-based observations show that the Erebus lava lake was active with an area of ~2800m2 and sulphur dioxide (SO2) flux of (230 +/- 90)td-1 prior to September 1984. AVHRR-based lake area and SO2 flux estimates are in good agreement with these measurements, giving (2320 +/- 1200)m2 and (190 +/- 100)td-1, respectively, during 1980. However during late-1984 the lava lake became buried, with TM data showing re-establishment of the lake, with a TM-derived surface temperature of 578-903 C, by January 1985. Following these events, ground-based lake area and SO2 flux measurements show that the lake area and SO2 flux was lower (180-630m2 and 9-91td-1, respectively). This is matched by a decline in the AVHRR- and TM-derived rate of magma supply to the lake from 330 167kgs-1 prior to 1984 to 30-76kgs-1 thereafter. Clearly, a reduction in magma supply to, and activity at, the lava lake occurred during 1984. We look forward to using data from such future polar-orbiting sensors as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS), Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER), Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) and Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AASTR) to contribute to high (once a day) temporal resolution measurement and monitoring of activity at this volcano. Such analyses will in turn contribute to a more complete understanding of how this volcano works.  相似文献   


The paper brings out the theoretical basis and utility of near-infrared band data sets obtained from Earth resources satellites, in the estimation of very high temperatures witnessed during volcanic eruptions. The Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) Linear Imaging Self Scanning System (LISS-II) data sets for the period 4 April 1991-4 August 1991 were used for studying the volcanic eruption at Barren Island (India). The effect of the sub-pixel size vent in the estimation of pixel-integrated temperature has been discussed. The volcanic vent temperature on 6 May 1991 was found to be 1084K. The availability of mid-IR bands (1-55-1-75 μm and 2.08-2.35μm spectral region) in Landsat-TM enabled bringing out the vent region in the false colour composite (FCC) generated using these and the near-IR (0.76-0.90μm) band. The very high or saturated values in mid-IR bands brought a good contrast between vent and its surroundings  相似文献   

Abstract. Many volcanic eruptions go essentially unmonitored. Potentially the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), with its global coverage, frequent return period, and sensitivity in the thermal infrared, represents a data source capable of monitoring surface volcanic activity unrecorded by ground observations or other satellite sensors. In this study an attempt is made to demonstrate this potential by extracting information for the 1984 eruption at Krafla, Iceland. Seven cloud-free AVHRR images were available for the 14 day period of eruptive activity. The surface activity was detectable as a major thermal anomaly in all three of the longer wavelength channels and was vigorous enough during one night-time pass to be detectable in the near-infrared channel (0.725-1.1μm). Channel 2 and 4 radiance data were used to calculate the size and temperature of sub-pixel heat sources within the lava flow field, and a heat source at 1050° C was estimated as occupying an area of approximately 240000 m2, which was distributed across 20 pixels. Detection and measurement of volcanic heat sources at such short wavelengths using low spatial resolution data has rarely been reported before. Field reports and maps were used to guide and confirm the analysis. Digital number variations within the anomaly could be related to various known features of the eruption. To monitor the eruption a weighted average method was derived and used to sharpen up the images, and the density sliced sharpened images enabled the development of the eruption to be mapped. Results compared well with field reports, suggesting that AVHRR and similar systems could be a useful source of data for monitoring eruptions where contemporaneous field observations are unavailable or incomplete.  相似文献   

The Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR-B) experiment acquired two L-band (23 cm wavelength) radar images (at about 28° and 48° incidence angles) over the Kilauea Volcano area of southeastern Hawaii. Geologic analysis of these data indicates that, although as lava flows and pyroclastic deposits can be discriminated, pahoehoe lava flows are not readily distinguished from surrounding low return materials. Preliminary analysis of data extracted from isolated flows indicates that flow type (i.e., as or pahoehoe) and relative age can be determined from their basic statistics and illumination angle.  相似文献   

On 16 June 2006 an overpass of IKONOS coincided with the emplacement of an active block-and-ash flow fed by a lava dome collapse at Merapi Volcano (Java, Indonesia). It was the first moving pyroclastic flow recorded on a satellite image. The very high-spatial resolution of the image indicated the extent and impact of pyroclastic material that was deposited during and prior to the day of image acquisition. A number of features associated with the hazardous block-and-ash flows emplaced in narrow, deep gorges were mapped, interpreted and analysed. The high-spatial-resolution IKONOS imagery worked extremely well for identifying pyroclastic deposits.The block-and-ash flow and surge deposits recognized in the IKONOS images include: (1) several channel-confined flow lobes and tongues in the box-shaped gorge; (2) thin ash-cloud surge deposit and knocked-down trees in constricted areas on both slopes of the gorge; (3) fan-like overbank deposits on the Gendol-Tlogo interfluves from which flows were re-routed in the Tlogo minor valley; (4) massive overbank flow lobes on the right bank of the Gendol River, which destroyed the village of Kaliadem 0.5 km from the main channel. A small part of this flow was re-channelled into the Opak tributary valley.The high-resolution IKONOS images also helped us to identify geomorphic obstacles that enabled flows to ramp up and spill out from the sinuous channel, as flow avulsion. Flow avulsions are dangerous as the redirect flows to unexpected areas away from the main channel. Valley fills from previous deposits, channel bends, and anthropogenic barriers in the channel (locally known as Sabo dams) influence the down valley passage of the flows. Sabo dams, originally built to ameliorate the effect of high sediment load streams, caused block-and-ash flows to avulse of the containing channel, and devastate populated areas.  相似文献   

A study of the remote Dubbi volcano, located in the northeastern part of the Afar triangle, Eritrea, was carried out using JERS-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery. It investigated the last known eruption of Dubbi volcano in 1861, the only volcano in Afar for which historical reports indicate a major explosive eruption. Various image processing techniques were tested and compared in order to map different volcanic units, including effusive and explosive products. Principal component analysis and optical-SAR fusion were found to be useful to determine the extent of the 1861 pumice deposits surrounding the volcano. SAR imagery revealed old lava flows buried below tephra deposits, emphasizing the ground penetrating property of the L-band (HH polarization). The interpretation obtained from satellite imagery was cross-checked with sparse historical testimonies and available ground-truth data. Two scenarios are proposed for the 1861 eruptive sequences in order to estimate the volumes of lava flows erupted and the timing of explosive and effusive activity. Identified as a bimodal basaltic-trachytic eruption, with a minimum volume of 1.2 km3 of hawaiite lava and a minimum area of 70 km2 of trachytic pumice, it represents the largest known historic eruption in the Afar triangle. This paper raises the issue of the potential volcanic hazards posed by Dubbi, which concern both the local population and the maritime traffic using the strategic route of the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Bezymianny (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia) is an active stratovolcano, characterized by a summit lava dome and overlapping pyroclastic flow (PF) deposits to the southeast. Three explosive eruptions (24 December 2006, 11 May 2007, and 14 October 2007) generated PFs that were dominated by juvenile material and were emplaced primarily due to column collapse. Following this, a gravitational lava flow front collapse event generated block and ash flow on 5 November 2007. Moderate spatial resolution data from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument were collected between October 2006 and December 2007 to assist in post-eruption monitoring and interpretation of the volcanological processes that produced the PF deposits. Using multitemporal ASTER thermal infrared (TIR) data, three periods of increased activity were observed that coincided with each eruption and subsequent activity. During a field campaign in August 2007, the May 2007 PF deposit was investigated in detail. Eight ASTER TIR pixels (90 m spatial resolution) were selected from the 30 June 2007 ASTER TIR image, seven of which were accessible in the field. Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) image and thermocouple data over these areas were collected to observe thermal heterogeneities with distance along the PF deposit. Although synchronous ASTER data were not possible at the time of fieldwork due to cloud cover, a field survey of blocks versus ash in each pixel was carried out to investigate thermal and textural variation with distance from the vent and to provide preliminary field results. Based on the field-derived temperature data and surface block percentages, the May 2007 PF deposit was more block-rich in the medial portion of the flow surface, but more ash-dominated at the PF terminus region, which promoted more rapid cooling. We present multitemporal ASTER data spanning a 14 month period and highlight ground-based observations acquired within the same period of eruptive and dome-growth activity. These data collectively provide thermal radiative and emissivity information on an actively changing explosive volcanic system and specifically documents changes over recently-emplaced and cooling PF deposits.  相似文献   

The island of Cyprus hosts one of the best preserved ophiolite sequences of the world: the Troodos massif. Lithologically the complex comprises a mantle series of ultramafic rocks overlain by gabbros and (plagio)granites. The crustal sequence consists of dyke swarms with two series of pillow lavas at the top known as the lower pillow lava and the upper pillow lava. Massive sulphide deposits, that have for long been exploited in Cyprus, occur at the contact between the lower and upper pillow lava series. This contact is difficult to map in the field. In this paper we explore the possibility of using advanced image processing techniques to discriminate the main lithological units to guide in mineral prospecting. A detailed field-spectral stratigraphic study forms the basis for the selection of potential spectral end-members characterizing the TM image used. It is shown that spectral angle mapping of TM data can provide mineralogical maps that compare favourably with known surface geology and provide insight in potential prosperous areas for mineral exploration when combined with standard hydroxyl and iron oxide mapping ratio images. Our work demonstrates how remote sensing can be used for mineral exploration at a reconnaissance stage in ultramafic terrains.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll distribution in Lake Kinneret was estimated at a time of low chlorophyll concentrations (3-7 mgm?3). Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data were acquired three days after the acquisition of high spectral resolution radiometric measurements in the range 400 to 750 nm, chlorophyll and suspended matter concentrations, and Secchi disk transparency at 22 stations. The radiometric data were used to create an algorithm for estimation of chlorophyll concentration from the TM data. The radiance in channel TM3 (620-690 nm) was primarily dependent upon non-organic suspended matter concentration. Radiance in this channel was substracted from radiance in TM1 (450-520 nm) to correct for the additional radiance caused by scattering of non-pigmented suspended particles and (TM1 – TM3)/TM2 was found to be a useful index for estimating chlorophyll concentration. The concentrations calculated from atmospherically corrected TM data were compared to chlorophyll extracted from lake water samples. The estimation error of chlorophyll concentration was less than 0.85 mgm?3.  相似文献   

We use airborne lidar data for the summit area of Kilauea Caldera, Hawaii, to explore the utility of topographic data collected by the TOPSAR airborne interferometric radar for volcanology studies. The lidar data are processed to a spatial resolution of 1 m/pixel, compared to TOPSAR with a spatial resolution of 5 m. Over a variety of fresh volcanic surfaces (pahoehoe and aa lava flows, ash falls and fluvial fans), TOPSAR data are shown to have a typical vertical offset compared to the lidar data of no more than ∼2-3 m. Larger differences between the two data sets and TOPSAR data drop-outs are found to be concentrated around steep scarps such as the walls of pit craters and ground cracks associated with the Southwest Rift Zone. A comparison of these two data sets is used to explore the utility of TOPSAR to interpret the topography of volcanic features close to the spatial resolution of TOPSAR, such as spatter ramparts, fractures, a perched lava flow, and eroded ash deposits. Comparison of the TOPSAR elevation and the lidar first-return minus the return from the ground surface (the so-called “bald Earth” data) for vegetated areas reveals TOPSAR penetration into the tree canopy is typically at least 10% and no more than ∼50%, although a wide range of penetration values from 0% to 90% has been identified. Our results are significant because they show that TOPSAR data for volcanoes can reliably be used to measure regional slopes and the thickness of lava flows, and have value for the validation of coarser spatial resolution digital elevation data (such as SRTM) in areas where lidar data have not been collected.  相似文献   

The severity of grassland degradation near Lake Qinghai, West China was assessed from a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image in conjunction with in situ samples of per cent grass cover and proportion (by weight) of unpalatable grasses (PUG) collected over 1?m2 sampling plots. Spectral reflectance at each sampling plot was measured with a spectrometer and its location determined with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. After radiometric calibration, the TM image was geometrically rectified. Ten vegetation indices were derived from TM bands 3 and 4, and from the spectral reflectance data at wavelengths corresponding most closely to those of TM3 and TM4. Regression analyses showed that NDVI and SAVI are the most reliable indicators of grass cover and PUG, respectively. Significant relationships between TM bands-derived indices and in situ sampled grass parameters were established only after the former had been calibrated with in situ reflectance spectra data. Through the established regression models the TM image was converted into maps of grass cover parameters. These maps were merged to form a degradation map at an accuracy of 91.7%. It was concluded that TM imagery, in conjunction with in situ grass samples and reflectance spectra data, enabled the efficient and accurate assessment of grassland degradation inside the study area.  相似文献   

Landsat TM data and field spectral measurements were used to evaluate chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a) concentration levels and trophic states for three inland lakes in Northeast China. Chl‐a levels were estimated applying regression analysis in the study. The results obtained from the field reflectance spectra indicate that the ratio between the reflectance peak at 700 nm and the reflectance minimum at 670 nm provides a relatively stable correlation with Chl‐a concentration. Their determination of coefficients R 2 is 0.69 for three lakes in the area. From Landsat TM data, the results show that the most successful Chl‐a was estimated from TM3/TM2 with R 2 = 0.63 for the two lakes on 26 July 2004, from TM4/TM3 with R 2 = 0.89 for the two lakes on 14 October 2004, and from the average of TM2, TM3 and TM4 with R 2 = 0.72 for the three lakes tested on 13 July 2005. These results are applicable to estimate Chl‐a from satellite‐based observations in the area. We also evaluate the trophic states of the three lakes in the region by employing Shu's modified trophic state index (TSIM) for the Chinese lakes' eutrophication assessment. Our study presents the TSIM from different TM data with R 2 more than 0.73. The study shows that satellite observations are effectively applied to estimate Chl‐a levels and trophic states for inland lakes in the area.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the capabilities of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data in regional mapping and characterization of inland valley (valley bottoms plus valley slopes or fringes) agroecosystems. A methodology was developed involving image enhancement, display and digitizing, as well as image and Geographical Information System (GIS) manipulation techniques for rapid studies of inland valley characteristics over large areas. A case study was conducted using Landsat-5 TM data over the regions of Save and Parakou in the Republic of Benin (path: 192, row:54 of Landsat TM World Reference System) encompassing about 3.12 × 106ha (study area) to highlight the strengths of the methodology. The results showed the ability of TM data, using the espoused methodology, to map inland valley characteristics: (a) as well as or better than 1 : 200000 topographic maps; and (b) to a significantly similar level to that of 1 : 50000 topographic maps. The technique involving a ratio image of TM4/TM7 (red), TM4/TM3 (green) and TM4/TM2 (blue) when displayed in a magnifying factor of one or greater provided the single best enhancement and display technique for mapping inland valley bottoms (see illustrations in figures 4, 5 and 11). A combination of this technique with two other image enhancement techniques, involving a false colour composite (FCC) of TM4 (red), TM3 (green) and TM5 (blue) and a ratio RGB (red-green-blue) image of TM4/TM5, TM4/TM3 and TM4/TM1, improved the results significantly. Relative to 1 : 200000 topographic maps TM data mapped up to 118 per cent stream frequencies (number of streams km?2) and 99 per cent stream densities (length of streams km?2). However, relative to 1 : 50000 topographic maps TM data mapped only 74 per cent stream frequencies and 77 per cent stream densities. The ability of TM data to provide the shape, size, area, spatial distribution and land use characteristics of inland valleys (see figure 11, for example), unlike other data sources, such as topographic maps, have been highlighted in this paper. TM-derived valley bottom widths and vegetation characteristics (e.g., Ratio Vegetation Index; RVI) of valley bottoms and valley fringes provided highly positive correlations or formed statistically significant relationships with the corresponding ground-measured information. In the total study area of 3.12 × 106ha, covered by a full Landsat-5 TM scene (image), there were 9 per cent valley bottoms (see figure 11) and 192 per cent valley fringes as mapped using the espoused methodology. Of this, 7.9 per cent of the valley bottoms and 159 per cent of the valley fringes were cultivated. The percentage of inland valleys and their cultivation intensities relative to their distance from the road network and settlements were established. The major road network and a significant proportion of the settlements were also mapped directly from the TM data. These results indicate the strength of the methodology to rapidly map and characterize inland valley agroecosystems at regional level using high-resolution remotely sensed data.  相似文献   

Tenerife is the central island of the Canary Archipelago (Spain), which consists of seven islands that represent different stages of geological evolution. The Teide-Pico Viejo (28° 16′ 30′′ N, 16° 38′ 42′′ W) stratocones formed during the last eruptive phase of the isle of Tenerife. It is an active, though currently quiescent, shield volcano that last erupted in 1909 and is located on the Tenerife Island. In the framework of the European Project FP6 Prevention, Information and Early Warning (PREVIEW)-EURORISK (http://www.preview-risk.com/), a field campaign was performed on Tenerife Island on September 2007. This campaign focused on the acquisition of in situ reflectance and emissivity spectra relative to Pico de Teide and Las Cañadas Caldera. The collected spectra represented the ‘ground truth’ and have been used for the supervised classification on multispectral (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)) and hyperspectral (Earth Observing 1 (EO1)-Hyperion) data. The first ever classification mapping carried out on the Teide Volcano by utilizing the remote-sensing method is reported in this article. The methods used to process and to classify the data are discussed, and a comparison with the existing geological maps is presented.  相似文献   

The distribution of phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration in Lake Garda (Italy) was estimated using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data acquired at two different times, February 1992 and March 1993. To investigate the waterleaving radiance adequately, the contribution of the atmospheric path radiance reaching the sensor should be removed. In this work a completely image-based atmospheric correction method was applied by means of an inversion technique based on a simplified radiative transfer code (RTC). A semi-empirical approach of relating atmospherically corrected TM spectral reflectances to in situ measurements through regression analysis was used. Limnological parameters were measured near to the TM images dates; some of the in situ measurements were used to define algorithms relating chlorophyll concentration measurements to water surface reflectance and the others too were used to validate the results of the predictive model. The models developed, which performed better (r2 = 0.818) when concentrations were higher than > 3.0 mg m3, were used to map chlorophyll concentration throughout the lake. Spatial distribution maps of chlorophyll concentration and concentration changes were produced with contour intervals of 1 mg m3.  相似文献   

This study focuses on developing a new method of surface soil moisture estimation over wheat fields using Environmental Satellite Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (Envisat ASAR) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data. The Michigan Microwave Canopy Scattering (MIMICS) model was used to simulate wheat canopy backscattering coefficients from experiment plots at incidence angles of 23° (IS2) and 43.9° (IS7). Based on simulated data, the scattering characteristics of a wheat canopy were first investigated in order to derive an optimal configuration of polarization (HH) and incidence angle (IS2) for soil moisture estimation. Then a parametric model was developed to describe wheat canopy backscattering at the optimal configuration. In addition, direct backscattering and two-way transmissivity of wheat crowns were derived from the TM normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI); direct ground backscattering was derived from surface soil moisture and TM NDVI; and backscattering from double scattering was derived from total backscattering. A semi-empirical model for soil moisture estimation was derived from the parametric model. Coefficients in the semi-empirical model were obtained using a calibration approach based on measured soil moisture, ASAR, and TM data. A validation of the model was performed over the experimental area. In this study, the root mean square error (RMSE) for the estimated soil moisture was 0.041 m3 m?3, and the correlation coefficient between the measured and estimated soil moisture was 0.84. The experimental results indicate that the semi-empirical model could improve soil moisture estimation compared to an empirical model.  相似文献   

The estuarine area of Pearl River that has taken great changes in land cover since 1990 is a typical area for studying the change of land surface temperature (LST). The LST of the years 1990 and 2000 in this area was estimated from the data of Landsat TM/ETM+ band 6, respectively, and three scales, corresponding to high, normal and low temperature ranges, were divided by a robust statistical method. The results show that the area of high temperature range in 2000 has an increase of 250 km2 compared with the year 1990. The urban‐used land and the bare land are the main land cover types constituting the high temperature range area.  相似文献   

Because of its complexity, it is very difficult to obtain information about distribution of biomass in tropical forests. This article describes the estimation of tropical forest biomass by using Landsat TM and forest plot data in Xishuangbanna, PR China. The method includes several steps. First, the biomass for each forest permanent plot is calculated by using field inventory data. Second, Landsat TM images are geometrically corrected by using topographic maps. Third, a map of the tropical forest is obtained by using data from a variety of sources such as Landsat TM, digital elevation model (DEM), temperature and precipitation layers and expert knowledge. Finally, the biomass and carbon storage of each forest vegetation type in the forest map is calculated by using the tropical forest map and the forest plot biomass GIS database. In the study area, forest area accounts for 57% of the total 1.7?×?106 hectares. The total forest biomass is 2.0?×?108 tonne. It is shown that the forest vegetation map, the forest biomass and the forest carbon storage can be obtained by effectively integrating Landsat TM, ancillary data including DEM, temperature and precipitation, forest permanent plots and knowledge using the method proposed here.  相似文献   

Thermal data are directly available from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) every 15 minutes at existing or inexpensively installed receiving stations. This data stream is ideal for monitoring high temperature features such as active lava flows and fires. To provide a near-real-time hot spot monitoring tool, we have developed, tested and installed software to analyse GOES data on-reception and then make results available in a timely fashion via the web. Our software automatically: (1) produces hot spot images and movies; (2) uses a thresholding procedure to generate a hot spot map; (3) updates hot spot radiance and cloud index time series; and (4) issues a threshold-based e-mail alert. Results are added to http://volcano1.pgd.hawaii.edu/goes/ within ~12 minutes of image acquisition and are updated every 15 minutes. Analysis of GOES data acquired for effusive activity at Kilauea volcano (Hawai'i) during 1997-98 show that short (<1 hour long) events producing 100m long (102 to 103 m2) lava flows are detectable. This means that time constraints can be placed on sudden, rapidly evolving efflusive events with an accuracy of 7.5 minutes. Changes in activity style and extent can also be documented using hot spot size, intensity and shape. From radiance time series we distinguish (1) tube-fed activity (low radiance, <10 MW m2 m-1); (2) activity pauses (no radiance); (3) lava lake activity (low radiance, <5 MW m2 m-1); (4) short (<3 km long) flow extension (moderate radiance, 10-20 MW m2 m 1 ); and (5) 12 km long flow extension (high radiance, 15-30 MW m2 m-1). The ability of GOES to detect short-lived effusive events, coupled with the speed with which GOES-based hot spot information can be processed and disseminated, means that GOES offers a valuable additional volcano monitoring tool.  相似文献   

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