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As debates about housing form an increasingly important arena of political controversy, much has been written about the new fissures that have appeared as governments not only struggle to reduce public expenditure deficits but also attempt to address problems such as affordability and homelessness. It is widely anticipated that new conflicts will be played out in the private rental market as access to homeownership becomes unrealistic and the supply of social housing diminishes. However, what other tensions might surface; that hitherto have not been subject to the critical gaze of housing research? In this paper, we provide some thoughts on the nascent policy issues as well as the ideological schisms that are likely to develop in coming years, offering suggestions as to how the focus of housing policy research might be reoriented towards a “politics” framework to capture and better understand the conflicts that are likely to arise.  相似文献   

《Utilities Policy》2003,11(2):87-94
There are expanding national discussions on a critical number of energy-related issues ranging from the importance of reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions to enhancing the nation’s energy security and moving towards a competitive electric utility industry. The complex interactions surrounding all of these issues have motivated the development of a relatively large number of energy-economic models to assist policy makers in the framing of appropriate policy directions. But how much do these models really inform the debate? The record of US model-based energy forecasting yields evidence that such models provide biased estimates that tend to reinforce the status quo, inadequately inform policy-makers about new market potential, and serve to constrain the development of innovative policies. This paper reviews some of the reasons for this conclusion and then explores the extent to which energy-economic models may reflect a more dynamic technological diffusion process that encourages new policy development.  相似文献   

The literature on the effects of environmental policy on the location behaviour of firms has so far failed to draw any firm conclusions. Different studies have shown that the effects may be zero, negative or positive. They always tend to be small. This paper argues that methodological issues form a major explanation for the contradictory results. It discusses the methodological strengths and weaknesses of data collection and secondary data analysis. Moreover, several typical studies are reviewed both in terms of methodology and findings. The paper finds that methodological issues tend to affect the results. The main substantive result is that at the present intensity of environmental policy plant closing is most likely to result, followed by reduced location of new firms whereas relocation is the least likely response. The results have to be interpreted with caution, however, because of methodological problems inherent to most studies.  相似文献   

Rooftop solar photovoltaics (PV) are significantly influencing the electricity market and system operability in Western Australia. Qualitative methods are used to determine likely impacts and solutions to associated technical and market challenges in this islanded electricity system. Solutions focus on flattening the load curve and addressing minimum system load issues, including via; tariff reform, new ancillary services, automation, storage and energy productivity; targeted markets to match energy supply to the new demand curve; together with enabling technologies such as; improved inverter functionality and control systems. A parsimonious model demonstrates the impacts of rooftop PV on the local mid-day wholesale energy prices.  相似文献   

Numerous building projects have been presented as having ‘net-zero’ energy performance. Such claims use a variety of different approaches: on- and off-site renewable energy technologies, purchasing green energy credits, etc. Efforts have subsequently been directed at formulating clear definitions of ‘net-zero’ that provide some degree of clarity and theoretical framing. The emerging notion of ‘net-positive energy’ buildings raises new theoretical and practical issues and introduces several new design considerations and possibilities. Net-positive energy is explored though viewing the role of a building for adding value to its context and systems in which it is part. Rather than considering only the generation of more exported energy versus its importation to individual buildings or the grid, the emphasis shifts to the maximization of energy performance in a system-based approach. Net-positive energy approaches open a host of new technical, behavioural, policy, and regulatory issues and opportunities not currently evident with net-zero energy buildings. These challenge the primacy of ‘individual’ buildings as the most effective unit to make significant energy gains and the current prevalent expectation that each and every new building should be required to attain net-zero performance. More generally, it highlights the importance of extending the systems limits of energy analysis.  相似文献   

This article presents basic technical and cost aspects of solar energy and surveys its planing and public policy domain. Such distinctions as direct vs. indirect, thermal vs. photovoltaic, and local VS. central solar systems are explained. Cost estimates for local thermal, central thermal, and photovoltaic applications are developed and related to conventional energy costs. Spatial aspects, including land area required for central solar utilities, are analyzed, Public policy planning issues covered include protection of solar sight lines, property tax incentives, life cycle costing, building codes and subdivision regulations, and electric utility pricing.  相似文献   

结合沈阳市在推广地源热泵技术应用过程中的发展经验,分析了推广应用该项技术应该注意的问题,并从科学规划、加强管理、开展科研等几方面实际工作入手,总结沈阳市的经验做法。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with an application of multi-objective methods in long term energy planning. The methods are useful in decreasing the uncertainties related to imperfect representation of the decision making process. First the policy issues, main reasons for diversity and complexity of the decision making process, are described. Furthermore, the energy model and adopted method of research are briefly introduced.Next the results with multiple objective methods are discussed. Finally, the evaluation shows clearly the policy issues where the decision makers agree and where they disagree.It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the valuable support of Professor F. A. Lootsma (Delft University of Technology). The financial contribution of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague, is appreciated.  相似文献   

The power sector has been going through quite turbulent times during the past couple of years. During this time, several long-held tenets of the sector have been rewritten. As new technologies appear and as the surge of renewables dramatically transforms the system, we witness an emergence of new market players and possibilities. With key issues revolving around different problem areas, the importance of taking a multidisciplinary view on forming development strategies proves crucial in achieving desired outcomes. Having a detailed understanding of the dynamics underpinning energy markets is crucial for both decision-makers and investors. Forming a successful development strategy or a policy framework requires reconciling a string of technical, environmental, economic and social factors. Choosing the right combination of policies and technologies could fuel economic growth while still providing secure and affordable energy in line with low-carbon goals. In this light, we take Southeast Europe (SEE) as a practical example and study various questions regarding legal frameworks and development policies of countries in the region. The methodology structure allows considering environmental, economic, technology and policy issues. Each country's electricity sector is evaluated using a comprehensive database, with particular consideration to its affordability, self-reliance and sustainability. This study presents an overview to help clarify some of the aspects behind forming a successful framework capable of making the right decisions for the future.  相似文献   

This article analyses critical policy implications for city-regional and national spatial frameworks in South Africa concerning the turn to new regionalism. International debates are reviewed concerning new regionalism, global city regions, the European Spatial Development Perspective and polycentric mega regions. In South Africa, there is a growing policy interest in the writings and implications of new regionalism as a base for rethinking urban and regional development policies. It is argued that the current depth of South African research and debate on issues raised by new regionalism is limited and that strategic planning for the building of Gauteng as a globally competitive city region is the most significant imprint of new regionalism on the South African policy landscape.  相似文献   

Urban compaction has become a policy direction which has been followed in a number of European countries throughout the 1990s. Although this policy direction may have both theoretical and political appeal, there is concern over the likelihood of being able to concentrate the majority of future development within existing urban areas. Most analysis would suggest that urban decentralisation is set to continue. Reversing these established patterns, as well as past policies which have encouraged dispersal, is likely to be a tall order. The aim of this article is to provide a closer examination of a particular city-region to assess whether national policy, which promotes compact cities, is feasible at the local level. The Cambridge subregion, within the UK, has been chosen as it has a tradition of policies which have encouraged dispersal and are in direct contrast to Government's new policy direction. Past spatial planning policies within the sub-region have left a legacy of dispersed settlement patterns, separating homes from workplace and encouraging inward commuting into Cambridge. The effects of this past policy stance are so ingrained that it will be hard to reverse such trends and accommodate additional development, particularly housing, within Cambridge's existing boundaries. Nicola Morrison (Dr) is research associate and affiliated lecturer in the Property Research Unit, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. Her research interests are focused on housing and land use planning issues within the UK context.  相似文献   

新型城镇化模式下的城乡统筹发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了中国当前城镇化发展的特征及存在的问题,从打破城乡二元结构的角度论述了选择新型城镇化发展模式的需求,聚焦城乡统筹的核心理念,梳理了西方国家城乡统筹发展的成功经验,并特别从城市中的农民工和公共服务均等化这两个新型城镇化发展中的核心议题展开讨论,提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2005,37(10):1017-1027
European Union and UK energy policy recognise the potential contribution the domestic housing sector can make in reducing energy consumption. In the UK, improvements to existing dwellings are likely to play a critical role in realising such potential. The need to consider both the value and uncertainty of external environmental and social costs in developing effective policy is also made explicit.This analysis investigates the impact of such values and uncertainties on the relative performance of a range of insulation measures applied retrospectively to an existing residential dwelling.Results from a case study suggest that large variations in capital cost, energy saving potential and the value of externalities have a significant impact on the relative cost effectiveness of these measures. However, in general, current investment decision-making based on normal market energy prices and today's climate is likely to deliver solutions that remain effective under significant levels of uncertainty.  相似文献   

我国建筑耗能状况及有效的节能途径   总被引:146,自引:19,他引:146  
江亿 《暖通空调》2005,35(5):30-40
简要分析了我国建筑能源消耗状况,从用能特点出发,对建筑物和建筑用能途径进行了新的分类,给出各类的现状、问题和节能潜力。在此基础上列出为实现建筑节能所需要的主要技术与产品研究领域和政策研究与保障机制。文中列出的关键技术研究为:基于模拟分析的建筑节能优化设计;新型建筑围护结构材料与部品;通风装置与排风热回收装置;热泵技术;降低输配系统能源消耗的技术;集中空调的温度湿度独立控制技术;建筑自动化系统的节能优化控制;楼宇式燃气驱动的热电冷三联供技术;燃煤燃气联合供热和末端调峰技术;节能灯、节能灯具与控制。有关政策与保障机制的研究问题为:建筑能耗数据的统计系统;住宅能耗标识方法与保障机制;大型公共建筑能耗评估与用能配额制;各种建筑用能装置的能耗标识标准与方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, the past, present and possible future developments of energy policy for the built environment in the Netherlands are described briefly. The focus is on the development of and necessity for introducing new policy instruments for the built environment. Over the years, energy policy has evolved gradually to create a more integrated approach to the energy efficiency of buildings and larger urban districts. However, further evolution might be inevitable due to a shift of the primary driver for ‘energy’ policy from energy conservation to carbon dioxide reduction. Maximum targets of carbon dioxide emissions are being developed for each sector by 2010 and each sector has the obligation to meet its defined carbon dioxide reduction goal. Severe carbon dioxide reduction goals for the built environment in the Netherlands can only be achieved by means of energy efficiency improvement and fuel substitution, replacing natural gas with lower-carbon fuels. The introduction of lower-carbon fuels raises policy questions on whether to maintain the old infrastructure at great cost or whether investment should be in a new energy infrastructure and how this transition can be managed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the past, present and possible future developments of energy policy for the built environment in the Netherlands are described briefly. The focus is on the development of and necessity for introducing new policy instruments for the built environment. Over the years, energy policy has evolved gradually to create a more integrated approach to the energy efficiency of buildings and larger urban districts. However, further evolution might be inevitable due to a shift of the primary driver for 'energy' policy from energy conservation to carbon dioxide reduction. Maximum targets of carbon dioxide emissions are being developed for each sector by 2010 and each sector has the obligation to meet its defined carbon dioxide reduction goal. Severe carbon dioxide reduction goals for the built environment in the Netherlands can only be achieved by means of energy efficiency improvement and fuel substitution, replacing natural gas with lower-carbon fuels. The introduction of lower-carbon fuels raises policy questions on whether to maintain the old infrastructure at great cost or whether investment should be in a new energy infrastructure and how this transition can be managed.  相似文献   

本文从一种新的视角阐述了紧凑城市理论提出的背景、定义及相关争论。借鉴荷兰的案例,笔者认为紧凑城市作为一种城市发展政策,应当以一种渐进的方式来实现。最后文章从城市开发、产业发展、社会可接受性、社会公平等社会和经济因素探讨我国背景下紧凑城市应该关注的问题。  相似文献   

Australia has had an active photovoltaic device research and development program for the past 30 years, with more sporadic interest shown in photovoltaic systems, components and markets. Exciting new developments continue to come out of Australian research laboratories, yet many are commercialized elsewhere and local deployment now lags behind that of many other countries. This paper examines past achievements, current research activities, research support and the potential for PV to contribute to future energy supply in Australia. It also examines some of the institutional and energy policy issues which provide the framework for continued development and increased deployment of photovoltaics in Australia.  相似文献   

基于节能减排理念的新农村住宅优化设计探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
农村建筑能耗与城市建筑能耗相比处于较低水平,农村住宅占我国建筑总量60%[1],而且多数属于能耗较高的建筑。适逢国家对节能减排的倡导和建设社会主义新农村的号召,尝试基于节能理念和传统住宅的基础上优化农村住宅设计,期望通过优化改良的新型住宅设计更好地达到节能减排的目的。  相似文献   

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