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Landscape fragmentation caused by the main transport infrastructure network in Navarra (north of Spain) is analysed on both regional and local scales. Regional scale analysis identifies the overloaded zones (cloverleaves and corridors) and the territorial imbalance due to transportation infrastructures. In order to achieve an holistic approach, this information could be compared to other fragmentation-related regional activities. The study of the fragmentation caused by the two northern dual carriageways is carried out at a local scale, analysing the surrounding landscape, the potential permeability and the road-kill rates of medium-sized terrestrial wildlife. The black spots and the funnel effect sites are identified. As both regional and local scales are complementary, the two-scale analysis could improve landscape management. Finally, it is concluded that visual landscape study does not guarantee a functional integration.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an increased interest in approaches for the identification and assessment of landscapes, which has been, in part, a response to the European Landscape Convention (ELC). In this article, we review landscape physiognomy, an important component of the Polish approach to the assessment and identification of its landscape. We address the relevance of physiognomy both in relation to the ELC and to the landscape character assessments approach, and then explore the theoretical basis of landscape physiognomic structure. We also expand the existing classification of landscape interiors; this is followed by combining three approaches: (1) physical geography in the field of comprehensive classification of natural landscapes; (2) landscape ecology studies on the spatial structure of land cover patches against the ‘landscape matrix’ and (3) the theory of landscape interiors. Presented ideas create the outline of the concept of landscape’s physiognomic structure.  相似文献   

An accumulating body of research identifies the importance of landscape structure for a wide range of countryside interests. Landscape structure reflects the results of policies and practices, and is well-suited as a target for management actions. New landscape metrics represent a potential for indicator-based management, provided such metrics relate consistently to the landscape values of interest. In this paper we propose that aspects of landscape structure, specifically heterogeneity, may be related to landscape-based values such as biodiversity, cultural heritage and human appreciation. Birds and vascular plants correlated well with our index for the heterogeneity of land types, whereas insects did not. Occurrence of prehistoric graves was also associated with land type heterogeneity, though other types of cultural remains were not. Landscape experience seems to be associated with the heterogeneity of landscape space rather than heterogeneity of land types. Different aspects of heterogeneity, scale, and variation over time all contribute to explain how our measures of landscape-based values vary in their relationship to landscape heterogeneity. Successful integration between disciplines in landscape studies depends on having a common operational framework, a shared theoretical basis, and a harmonised approach to data collection.  相似文献   

Landscape planning in the UK tends to concentrate on the site and the landscape scales. Concepts of sustainable development and the re-discovered importance of regional-level planning suggest, however, that there is a growing case for the landscape community to develop a regional planning perspective and to engage in wider areas of decision making in order to assist landscape planning goals. These challenges are explored with particular reference to the North West of England which, through the work of an organization called Sustainability North West and the production of a Regional Landscape Strategy, has been at the forefront of regional-level landscape planning in the UK. A brief account is provided of the production of the Regional Landscape Strategy with some reflections on the experience, highlighting some of the problems and potential of the approach. An exploration of the scope for the wider integration of landscape planning within the new regional arrangements is given.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a major driver of land cover change worldwide, yet little is known about how urbanization affects beneficial arthropod communities. This study examined how local and landscape scale variables associated with urbanization influenced parasitic Hymenoptera abundance and diversity in residential and commercial properties along a rural to urban landscape gradient in Wisconsin. At a landscape scale, 300 m surrounding sites, land cover percentages were calculated for five cover classes: impervious cover, forest, grassland, agriculture, and urban green space. In addition, habitat diversity (Simpson's index) was calculated for the landscape surrounding study sites. At a local scale (within the boundaries of an individual property), flower diversity, flower area, tree density, and hardscape were measured and related to parasitoid abundance and diversity. During 2006 and 2007, parasitoids were sampled twice a month June-August using yellow sticky cards. Parasitoid abundance was a positive function of flower diversity, a local scale variable. The positive relationship between parasitoid abundance and flower diversity only occurred in areas containing high to moderate levels of urban development, suggesting parasitoids locally benefited from the increased availability of floral resources in urban but not rural sites. Parasitoid diversity decreased as impervious cover increased in the surrounding landscape. Parasitoid diversity decreased by approximately 10% in highly urbanized sites relative to rural sites, a pattern driven by several parasitoid families not detected in urban sites. These results suggest conservation strategies that focus on landscape variables at multiple scales can play an integral role in preserving beneficial arthropods across urban landscapes.  相似文献   

This research was carried out on the montane belt of a south-exposed watershed in the Intermediary Alps which have been hit by agriculture abandonment. The aim of the study was to study the relationships between vegetation, landscape mosaic, and two kinds of animals using this space at different scales: roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and earthworms (lumbricids). Landscape dynamics (post-cultural recolonisation) and landscape structure have been approached by means of the Arc/Info geographical information system (GIS). Several methods used to study on one hand roe deer distribution, and, on the other, earthworm abundance and diversity are developed. Of these, in particular, GIS processing is used to sample earthworms according to vegetation dynamics, and roe deer distribution is related to landscape heterogeneity. Earthworms are more abundant and diversified in the key steps of vegetation dynamics. These lumbricids can be considered as functional indicators of these dynamics. Results also demonstrate that both the vegetation type and the landscape heterogeneity have a direct influence on the use of the space by the roe deer. They show themselves to be structural indicators of the landscape.  相似文献   

刘管平的《关于园林建筑小品》是新中国成立以来第一篇有据可查的系统性总结园林建筑小品的学术论文,其以详实的调研资料和系统的归纳总结为人称道,对我国的现代化造园实践具有指导性意义。刘管平组织的园林小品编写,就园林建筑小品的基本概念作了溯源多方比较和总结,以探讨其研究范畴和重点。并以刘管平的调研资料和理论框架为基础,介绍了园林建筑小品的主要分类和设计原则。这些理论精髓,在现在看来仍然具有很强的指导意义,非常值得应用到当下的风景园林实践和教学中。  相似文献   

英国景观教育体系简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓位  申诚 《世界建筑》2006,(7):78-81
本文介绍了英国14所高校中,受英国景观学会认证的景观课程。景观建筑学作为景观相关专业的核心课程,主要教授景观设计、景观管理和景观技术等3方面知识。景观规划、景观管理等专业则教授学生大尺度规划和景观的长期维护管理的技能。  相似文献   

景观形态之理性建构思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘滨谊  刘谯 《中国园林》2010,26(4):61-65
探讨景观设计中形态设计的思维方法.采取平移建筑形态设计的方法易于忽略景观维度与尺度,而模仿艺术设计又偏于形态视觉效应而无视实用与技术.景观设计学科里的"形态"设计,无论是空间维度还是时间维度更加复杂,影响条件更加多元.设计实践已凸现出探讨景观专业自身设计方法的必要性与迫切性.从形态建构的逻辑、秩序、模式3个支点展开论述,将看似感性的设计方法纳入理性的框架,探寻、建构景观形态的有效设计方法,以启发创作主体从理性角度构筑的设计思维.  相似文献   

Comprehensive landscape valuation requires an integration of ecological, economical and social values. Landscape image does not only comprise its spatial and structural parts but also the formal visual and cultural aesthetic expression of the landscape. In accordance with this holistic image of the landscape the manifestation of these special elements and visual functions is reflective of the natural and cultural coherence and beauty of long functioning natural and cultivated landscape systems.Landscape image and identity on the one hand and its natural or cultural variety (singular appearances of elements, local peculiarities or particulars) on the other hand are the most important criteria for evaluation, classifying and protecting against possible impacts on the local and regional landscape.However, in addition to the desirability of preserving existing landscape identity, the protection of existing elements, space and functions should not blindly rule out the possibility of new developments emerging with new values.Based on this basic idea value ranking of landscape features and individual expression of partial image sectors can be performed on the level of ecological and sustainable land use and planning culture. In landscape planning it is recognised that such a ranking requires a combination with professional judgement, informed opinion and public preferences as well.To ensure the aims of preservation and development of a high-quality nature and culture beauty special methods of analysis and demonstration of the landscape structure and image are requested. The demonstrated methodical steps should correspond to the objective of a sustainable nature and landscape preservation and development on an aesthetic landscape planning level with guidelines and helpful data for the impact assessment and intervention rule (German nature conservation act).  相似文献   

当代地景建筑学科内涵探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄文珊 《规划师》2004,20(4):80-81
地景建筑学是一门新兴学科,所涵盖的专业范围相当广泛。它涉及敷地计划、城乡计划、区域地景计划、土地开发计划、生态规划与设计、古迹保存修复、地景设计等多方面的内容。  相似文献   

景观词义的演变与辨析(2)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林广思 《中国园林》2006,22(7):21-25
作为一个外来语,景观在中国当前的LA学术界中被普遍地使用,导致了人们对学科核心概念的误解。在明确景观存在德、英、中3个语境的前提下,通过对中文语境景观词义的演变过程以及Landscape在LA学科中含义拓展的回顾,进行了英语Landscape(景观)与中文风景的比较,指出了中国LA学科中景观并不等同于地理学和生态学的景观概念,比较了中国LA学科的大地景物规划与国际上景观规划的异同。  相似文献   

中小城市是今后吸纳城市化人口的重要组分,理解其格局与过程对城市可持续发展至关重要。景观格局的时空变化是探索城市化驱动力、城市化对环境—经济—社会影响的基础。研究基于景观生态学原理,利用长三角小城市——乐清市2005年—2009年连续五年的土地利用类型矢量数据,分析各年份土地利用变化,并运用Arc GIS内嵌Patch Analysis软件进行景观格局指数计算,从斑块类型水平和景观水平对景观格局变化进行了分析。结果显示,在斑块类型水平上,五年间建设用地面积大幅增加,其他用地类型破碎化程度加剧,?本连通度较高的林地越来越分散。在景观水平上,景观结构趋于破碎化,斑块形状更加复杂,将此结果与全球多个中小城市进行比较,这为研究城市化驱动下生态系统功能变化提供基础信息与依据。  相似文献   

AA景观都市主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AA的景观都市主义将21世纪的都市主义定位为通过景观过程和标量模型,把岌岌可危的生态环境,支离破碎的社会构成和迅速多变的生产方式联系起来。这种模型从当地、区域乃至全球尺度,图解城市的生态过程和复杂性,以便我们了解其演变的潜力,而不是停留在复古或分化社会的"新都市主义者"层面。  相似文献   

陈航  张晋石 《风景园林》2016,(10):120-127
日本景观社区营造开始于20世纪60年代,随后逐渐得到发展和完善。现行的景观社区营造,以《景观法》等法案作为其法律基础,并由景观行政团体依法实施。景观社区营造的内容主要由3个部分组成:景观规划、景观建设规范和设计导则、景观条例。在整理了以上内容的基础上,本文选取了日本兵库县篠山市的景观社区营造作为典型案例进行研究,并提出了日本景观社区营造工作对于我国景观规划建设工作的启示。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to put forward Turkey as a case study of the applicability of the European approach to landscape characterisation studies at the local scale within the context of the European Landscape Convention. For this purpose, a classification of landscape types with the help of LANMAP typology is suggested at the European scale in a basin in Turkey where there are obvious differences in terms of landscape characteristics. In particular, this study examines the usability of a countrywide thematic database when making this classification. It is understood that a mapping system as well as a common nomenclature of types of land covered at the country scale is insufficient for the suggested methodology for Europe. Later, results of the continuation of a classification system at the local scale for landscape characterisation are discussed, and some deficiencies of LANMAP when characterising the landscapes at this scale are mentioned.  相似文献   

Landscape planners need to make decisions about the best possible mix of landuses and their spatial arrangement in the landscape based on accurate, detailed, diverse and spatially explicit information. Traditionally, static, map-based land classifications have been used to support landscape planning decisions. However, land classifications have lacked the flexibility and adaptability necessary for planning in complex landscapes with competing demands. With the increasing availability of spatial databases, physical environmental models, visualization techniques and the analytical capabilities of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), more effective decision support systems can be developed for landscape planning. This paper discusses the assembly of a multivariate spatial database of biologically significant physical environmental parameters (e.g. mean annual rainfall, minimum temperature, soil wetness) using environmental modeling techniques, and the visualization and interactive query of this database in landscape planning. Spatially distributed data layers of 21 parameters including climatic, soil, and hydrological parameters, are modeled on both the topographic and regional scale using physical environmental models linked to a GIS. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the correlated data to five principal components (PCs) that capture over 91% of the physical environmental variation in the study area. The first three PCs were imported as bands of a 24-bit color image that enables the integrated multi-dimensional visualization of more than 83% of the environmental variation in the region. A prototype spatial decision support system called SimilarAreas was developed to provide an example of one type of interactive analysis useful in landscape planning that is possible with the database. SimilarAreas uses the concept of the environmental envelope [H.A. Nix, A biogeographic analysis of the Australian elapid snakes, in: R. Longmore (Ed.), Atlas of Elapid Snakes, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1986, pp. 4–15] of sites that have been interactively specified by the user and identifies other geographical areas with statistically similar environments to those specified using the environmental database. The system enables landscape planners to pose general queries like “Show me all areas with environments similar to these.” Specific application examples of SimilarAreas are provided in viticulture site planning and habitat restoration although potential applications of the modeling, visualization and query techniques described in this paper are much more diverse.  相似文献   

陈烨 《建筑与文化》2012,(11):87-89
本文中景观建筑指景观环境中的建筑。本文从中西方大视野中透视景观建筑所具有的特殊的文化性。从传统的景观意识以及观念演替的角度,在文化的建构与传承、文化的表征与参照物、文化的观念与学科研究的动向等方面展开,指出在观念引领下,文化的内涵在观念演替中促进了学科的发展,景观、建筑和城市正以前所未有的方式耦合在一起。  相似文献   

英国景观学会和谢菲尔德大学景观系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄妍 《世界建筑》2000,(5):67-70
概括介绍英国景观学会的宗旨及主要任务并介绍英国谢菲尔德大学景观系的特点及教学内容,以供业内人士借鉴,企盼国内同仁对景观建筑学这一边缘学科在我国的发展给予更多的关注与支持.  相似文献   

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