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李佳婧  黄秋韵 《中国园林》2022,38(11):64-69
中国不断增加的认知症老年人群对专业认知症照料设施提出了迫切需求。既有研究表明,康复花园是认知症照料设施中支持老年人身心疗愈的重要空间载体。美国认知症照料设施发展较早,在康复花园的建设和研究上有较为丰富的经验。简要回顾了美国认知症康复花园的发展历程,梳理了认知症老人对康复花园的需求与设计原则。基于对美国12所不同规模和类型的认知症照料设施康复花园的实地调研,归纳了美国认知症康复花园的规模和布局特征。结合案例花园实际使用效果,总结出了美国认知症康复花园的6个设计特色,包括:室内外空间协同设计、注重空间“自明性”设计、设置丰富的活动设施、打造多层次过渡空间、营造不同私密层级的休憩交往空间,以及鼓励老年人参与花园维护。研究结果可为今后我国认知证照料设施康复花园的设计营建提供参考。  相似文献   

传统中医理论在康健花园设计中的应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
康健花园是近30年在美国兴起的园林设计.目前存在缺乏系统理论,难以有效指导实践的困境.因此,急需一套将人与自然相互联系的系统理论用以指导此类设计.中医学有着悠久历史,其基本理念是通过调节人与自然以及人本身的阴阳五行平衡关系以达到治病养生的目的.运用中医学可以指导风景园林师设计出更具疗效的康健花园.对此作一初步探讨,并在此基础上提出康健花园设计的新框架与导则.  相似文献   

现代康复医学理念指导下的康复景观在促进老年人行动力恢复、全面健康等方面有着更为细致深入的科学实践,对于通用的适老性户外环境设计具有较强的启发性。以瑞士RehaClinic 康复中心集团的巴德- 祖赫扎康复中心(RehaClinic Bad Zurzach)附属花园为例,通过实地调研与文献分析,对其跨学科设计团队、多元化设计目标、康复性空间设计及项目成果进行解析,总结出对适老性户外环境设计的启示:(1)整合跨学科项目团队;(2)空间布局结合老人行动力特征;(3)据园艺治疗要求匹配功能模块与细节设计;(4)遵循循证设计理念,建立完整工作流程。  相似文献   

The use made of the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden by two groups is considered. Children are the most frequent user group; however, senior citizens are the second most frequent visitor type to use the garden space. Because of this dichotomy in user groups, an examination of the site design from the perspective of a behaviourist and medical practitioner was prompted. An investigation of site features and layout suggests that the underlying principles that were applied in designing the 64 garden teaching areas for children also serve the senior citizens. An explanation of how principles of design have application in the creation of garden spaces for individuals separated by over two generations of age is presented.  相似文献   

The use made of the Michigan 4-H Children's Garden by two groups is considered. Children are the most frequent user group; however, senior citizens are the second most frequent visitor type to use the garden space. Because of this dichotomy in user groups, an examination of the site design from the perspective of a behaviourist and medical practitioner was prompted. An investigation of site features and layout suggests that the underlying principles that were applied in designing the 64 garden teaching areas for children also serve the senior citizens. An explanation of how principles of design have application in the creation of garden spaces for individuals separated by over two generations of age is presented.  相似文献   

古荣锋 《城市建筑》2014,(23):213-213
当今社会,节能环保已经成为了各行各业的大势所趋。随着园林的应用越来越广泛,园林施工中的节能技术也越来越受到重视,本文结合工程实例,分析了节能技术在园林施工中的应用,希望能对相关工作有所裨益。  相似文献   

实地考察位于浙江义乌大元村由晚明清初士绅阶层女性倪仁吉营造的香草园遗址,并结合史料复原其景观原貌及示意平面,发现香草园意匠虽与明清江南士人园林有相似性,但倪仁吉可以自由出入中门,园内主体建筑以她女性化特质强烈的号"凝香"命名,体现出女性对园林空间的主导意识;多用男性士人视野下颇具女性特征的花木造景,植物配色较明清男性在园林中为女性营造的女性空间更多彩,造景植物的选择因她所属士绅阶层而在品赏及情感表达层面有别于平民阶层女性;她的园居生活兼具男性士人情致与女性趣味,具有代表士绅阶层女性园林活动的典型性,且依据园居类型的不同选择或开敞或隐蔽的活动空间,与多被安置在男性所造园林边缘区域内的女性活动空间的遮蔽性相区别。  相似文献   

北京传统中轴线遗产区园林绿地是中轴线的重要组 成,与城市空间和建筑空间共同构成中轴线的遗产本体。中轴线 园林绿地是北京老城历史累积叠加形成的具有生命的历史文化遗 产,对北京传统中轴线申遗具有重要价值。通过研究传统中轴线 遗产区园林绿地的发展历程,厘清了不同时期园林绿地在有形要 素“位置与格局”“建筑与景观”和无形要素“功能与传统”三 方面的发展情况,进而分析得出中轴线园林绿地的五大历史遗产 价值。结合中轴园林绿地的历史遗产价值和保护现状,提出传统 中轴线遗产区园林绿地保护和管理的相关建议。  相似文献   

墨尔本皇家植物园依安·波特基金会儿童园的规划与建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何儿童公园的设计必须首先理解儿童是有创造力的个体,他们能够在公园里游玩、想象并创造他们自己的故事。这就是说,在公共景观里建设儿童公园需要仔细地进行规划,并且是一个从一开始就有清晰愿景的过程。这个愿景必须得到下述条件的支持:孩子们成为该设计中的积极参与者,对场地进行透彻的综合分析。许多儿童活动空间的失败被归咎于不佳的植物设计。在成千上万游客踩踏的情况下,了解场地上的小气候环境以及如何利用小气候来最大限度地维持植物最佳生长状态,可以避免这类问题。墨尔本皇家植物园依安·波特基金会(Ian Potter Foundation)儿童园的规划开始于一个清晰的愿景。规划包括了一系列孩子们参与的有意义的讨论,许多场地得到调整,包括土壤改良以及额外的排水措施;而且,规划特别强调植物材料的选择。描述了儿童公园的设计全过程并相信这就是公园取得成功的原因所在。  相似文献   


An under-investigated impact of urbanisation is the decrease in green spaces like domestic gardens, which does not bode well for urban sustainability. To this end, research was conducted in a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa to ascertain the degree to which residents use their garden spaces for the cultivation of edibles and to establish their management practices regarding garden waste. A mixed-methods approach determined that potential gardening space occupied, on average, about two-thirds of the area of residential plots. However, the 129 selected respondents were cultivating lawns, not food. Where the cultivation of edibles did occur, it was predominantly fruit with minimal vegetable production. The residents of the middle-class suburb had a penchant for using private gardening services who disposed of the garden waste elsewhere. Some home-composting activities were recorded. A municipal-driven composting programme will provide the impetus for increasing the rate of home composting. The study established that food production in the middle-class suburb has the potential to contribute to sustainable urban green spaces through increased home-garden cultivation. However, on-site techniques of disposing with garden waste must be promoted.  相似文献   

This study, which was conducted on the only surviving garden of the historic gardens in the city of Tabriz in Iran (i.e. the garden of El-Goli), closely examines its importance and place in the Iranian art of gardening. El-Goli garden is considered as an important place in the city by foreign and local tourists. However, in recent years, with the development of Tabriz and consequently the increased need for green space and recreational areas for citizens, this historic garden has become a public promenade and park. This paper examines the risks and threats posed by the change in land use. Since visitors are the main threats, a questionnaire was developed to identify their reasons for visiting the garden, their behaviour in the garden and how they use this historic garden. The questionnaire was completed by 100 visitors who were randomly selected. The table of frequency for each variable was prepared using SPSS software. Finally, the results show that most visitors not only are unaware of the historical value, but also come to the garden for other purposes such as recreation, leisure and use of facilities and so on. Thus, their attitudes and behaviours will pave the way for the destruction of the garden.  相似文献   

Colonel Light Gardens, about 6 km south of Adelaide, South Australia, is recognized as a national and international exemplar in the field of garden suburb planning. The first objective of the suburb's Development Plan seeks the conservation and reinforcement of its ‘original three dimensional garden suburb design’ and statements supporting other objectives detail its ‘essential’ urban design and land use elements. However, town planning is more than the design of urban places and spaces. It is also concerned with how these may be achieved effectively and how the services and facilities required by citizens are properly supplied and located. This crucial other side of the ‘town planning coin’ has been demonstrated in the Colonel Light Gardens' development. The Garden Suburb Act of 1919 established a Garden Suburb Commission with powers similar to what, in later years, would be known as urban development corporations. Hence, it was first in a line of such organizations in South Australia and stands with international exemplars such as the British garden cities and new towns.  相似文献   

"龙安寺方丈庭园"是日本具有代表性的庭园,但其建造时期、建造者、建造意图都未有定论。本文认为此园是对中国五台山的描绘。自古以来五台山的文殊菩萨信仰非常兴盛,从8世纪开始有多位来自日本的高僧到访过五台山,并将佛像、绘画等带回了日本。以此为依据在13世纪绘制而成的"五台山文殊菩萨骑狮像",中央石峰的形态与"龙安寺方丈庭园"中央置石组群造型相同,可以推断"五台山文殊菩萨骑狮像"中的石峰是其描摹的原型。  相似文献   

城市花园是城市风景园林的重要空间类型,虽在城市绿地系统分类体系之外,但在人们生活中却扮演重要角色的绿色空间。增加城市花园的生物多样性特征是提高城市花园景观质量和城市空间效能的的重要途径之一,也是人们通过花园生物多样性感知进一步认知、体验关注更大尺度环境多样性性与生物多样性,并开展生物多样性教育的有力切入点。通过分析美国纽约都市农场、法国巴黎花卉公园、法国明日之花园等多个国外城市花园生物多样性设计经典案例,总结出直接提高场地生物多样性、寓意表达对生物多样性的关注、历史文化与生物多样性的结合和市民文化参与生物多样性设计4类不同的城市花园生物多样性设计类型,并在此基础上提出了城市花园生物多样性设计框架。  相似文献   

“中园”作为一种造园手法,在中法两国历史上鼎盛时期的园林中以不同的面貌存在,并且在现代园林中广泛应用。中法两国在古典园林的成就方面,被视为中西园林界的代表,在许多方面存在可比性。同时,17世纪古典主义时期的园林对现代园林的发展具有很强的指导意义。通过对两国17世纪园林中“园中园”异的比较,探寻两国固有的特色,分析“中园”传统基础上的现代应用,试图为中国园林的现代化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

园林景观设计是本校建筑学专业的必修课,基于此,该课程的教学目标定位于拓宽学生知识面,并提高其建筑设计水平。鉴于中国古典园林在建筑群体组织、营造空间序列等方面对现代建筑设计有很好的借鉴意义,将古典园林的设计手法运用到建筑设计中,亦有助于创造具有本土特色的现代建筑,该文通过一个作业的设计,引导学生深入理解古典园林在现代建筑中的继承与发展。介绍了该作业题目的设计,并选取三份学生作业做简要的分析。  相似文献   

设计公司在设计前通常会先与客户交谈,了解他们期望得到的效果,在项目中孩子们设计师带来了渴望已久的灵感。设计师让孩子们将理想中花园的样子用彩笔画出来给他们看。画面中有流水、隧道、山洞和情景,竟全然没有一条笔直的线条或90度的转角!  相似文献   

15世纪的意大利佛罗伦萨,园林的发展发生了一次重大的革新,产生了影响之后整个欧洲园林发展方向的美第奇式园林形式,成为了近代欧洲园林风格的滥觞。以相关文献资料为基础,通过分析美第奇园林产生、发展的时代背景,结合对各阶段典型案例造园要素和手法的分析,解读其发展演变历程,归纳其各阶段园林演变特征及意义,并重点从历史观角度提炼总结其创作思想;在此基础上,得出美第奇式园林创作思想的启示。  相似文献   

该工程建筑由于立面大开洞造成竖向构件转换、楼板局部不连续;上部立面收进大于25%,形成了侧向刚度突变,属超限高层建筑。本文主要介绍该工程的结构设计、计算方法、采取的构造措施。  相似文献   

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