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Subpixel mapping of snow cover in forests by optical remote sensing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forest represents a challenging problem for snow-cover mapping by optical satellite remote sensing. To investigate reflectance variability and to improve the mapping of snow in forested areas, a method for subpixel mapping of snow cover in forests (SnowFrac) has been developed. The SnowFrac method is based on linear spectral mixing modelling of snow, trees and snow-free ground. The focus has been on developing a physically based reflectance model which uses a forest-cover map as prior information. The method was tested in flat terrain covered by spruce, pine and birch forests, close to the Jotunheimen region of South Norway. Experiments were carried out using a completely snow-covered Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scene, aerial photos and in situ reflectance measurements. A detailed forest model was photogrammetrically derived from the aerial photos. Modelled and observed TM reflectances were compared. In the given situation, the results demonstrate that snow and individual tree species, in addition to cast shadows on the snow surface from single trees, are the most influencing factors on visible and near-infrared reflectance. Modelling of diffuse radiation reduced by surrounding trees slightly improve the results, indicating that this effect is less important. The best results are obtained for pine forest and mixed pine and birch forest. Future work will focus on deriving a simplified reflectance model suitable for operational snow-cover mapping in forests.  相似文献   

In order to monitor snow-cover dynamics in the Tana River Basin in Northern Fennoscandia, SPOT VEGETATION (VGT) images of the snowmelt seasons of 1998 and 1999 were used to identify snow-covered areas, employing an algorithm that was originally developed for data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). This algorithm is based on the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI), which usually is calculated from the green and mid-infrared bands. In the absence of a green band, the applicability of this algorithm to VGT data from the red and mid-infrared bands was tested by comparing NDSI values with a corresponding Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image. The best agreement was found with slightly lower threshold values for the NDSI. Comparison of the snow-cover estimates also allowed testing of the performance of the NDSI-based algorithm in partially snow-free conditions. By applying the algorithm to ten-day syntheses of VGT images, the moment of snow disappearance could be registered for each 1×1?km pixel in the study area. The results were largely consistent with observations at meteorological stations in the area, confirming the effectiveness of VGT images and the algorithm employed in monitoring snow-cover depletion patterns.  相似文献   

Snow-cover information is important for a wide variety of scientific studies, water supply and management applications. The NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) provides improved capabilities to observe snow cover from space and has been successfully using a normalized difference snow index (NDSI), along with threshold tests, to provide global, automated binary maps of snow cover. The NDSI is a spectral band ratio that takes advantage of the spectral differences of snow in short-wave infrared and visible MODIS spectral bands to identify snow versus other features in a scene. This study has evaluated whether there is a “signal” in the NDSI that could be used to estimate the fraction of snow within a 500 m MODIS pixel and thereby enhance the use of the NDSI approach in monitoring snow cover. Using Landsat 30-m observations as “ground truth,” the percentage of snow cover was calculated for 500-m cells. Then a regression relationship between 500-m NDSI observations and fractional snow cover was developed over three different snow-covered regions and tested over other areas. The overall results indicate that the relationship between fractional snow cover and NDSI is reasonably robust when applied locally and over large areas like North America. The relationship offers advantages relative to other published fractional snow cover algorithms developed for global-scale use with MODIS. This study indicates that the fraction of snow cover within a MODIS pixel using this approach can be provided with a mean absolute error less than 0.1 over the range from 0.0 to 1.0 in fractional snow cover.  相似文献   

A snow-cover mapping method accounting for forests (SnowFrac) is presented. SnowFrac uses spectral unmixing and endmember constraints to estimate the snow-cover fraction of a pixel. The unmixing is based on a linear spectral mixture model, which includes endmembers for snow, conifer, branches of leafless deciduous trees and snow-free ground. Model input consists of a land-cover fraction map and endmember spectra. The land-cover fraction map is applied in the unmixing procedure to identify the number and types of endmembers for every pixel, but also to set constraints on the area fractions of the forest endmembers. SnowFrac was applied on two Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images with different snow conditions covering a forested area in southern Norway. Six experiments were carried out, each with different endmember constraints. Estimated snow-cover fractions were compared with snow-cover fraction reference maps derived from two Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images acquired the same days as the MODIS images. Results are presented for non-forested areas, deciduous forests, coniferous forests and mixed deciduous/coniferous forests. The snow-cover fraction estimates are enhanced by increasing constraints introduced to the unmixing procedure. The classification accuracy shows that 96% of the pixels are classified with less than 20% error (absolute units) on 7 May 2001 when all forested and non-forested areas are included. The corresponding figure for 4 May 2000 is 88%.  相似文献   

An up-to-date spatio-temporal change analysis of global snow cover is essential for better understanding of climate–hydrological interactions. The normalized difference snow index (NDSI) is a widely used algorithm for the detection and estimation of snow cover. However, NDSI cannot discriminate between snow cover and water bodies without use of an external water mask. A stand-alone methodology for robust detection and mapping of global snow cover is presented by avoiding external dependency on the water mask. A new spectral index called water-resistant snow index (WSI) with the capability of exhibiting significant contrast between snow cover and other cover types, including water bodies, was developed. WSI uses the normalized difference between the value and hue obtained by transforming red, green, and blue, (RGB) colour composite images comprising red, green, and near-infrared bands into a hue, saturation, and value (HSV) colour model. The superiority of WSI over NDSI is confirmed by case studies conducted in major snow regions globally. Snow cover was mapped by considering monthly variation in snow cover and availability of satellite data at the global scale. A snow cover map for the year 2013 was produced at the global scale by applying the random walker algorithm in the WSI image supported by the reference data collected from permanent snow-covered and non-snow-covered areas. The resultant snow-cover map was compared to snow cover estimated by existing maps: MODIS Land Cover Type Product (MCD12Q1 v5.1, 2012), Global Land Cover by National Mapping Organizations (GLCNMO v2.0, 2008), and European Space Agency’s GlobCover 2009. A significant variation in snow cover as estimated by different maps was noted, and was was attributed to methodological differences rather than annual variation in snow cover. The resultant map was also validated with reference data, with 89.46% overall accuracy obtained. The WSI proposed in the research is expected to be suitable for seasonal and annual change analysis of global snow cover.  相似文献   

Retrieval of subpixel snow covered area, grain size, and albedo from MODIS   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We describe and validate a model that retrieves fractional snow-covered area and the grain size and albedo of that snow from surface reflectance data (product MOD09GA) acquired by NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The model analyzes the MODIS visible, near infrared, and shortwave infrared bands with multiple endmember spectral mixtures from a library of snow, vegetation, rock, and soil. We derive snow spectral endmembers of varying grain size from a radiative transfer model specific to a scene's illumination geometry; spectra for vegetation, rock, and soil were collected in the field and laboratory. We validate the model with fractional snow cover estimates from Landsat Thematic Mapper data, at 30 m resolution, for the Sierra Nevada, Rocky Mountains, high plains of Colorado, and Himalaya. Grain size measurements are validated with field measurements during the Cold Land Processes Experiment, and albedo retrievals are validated with in situ measurements in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. The pixel-weighted average RMS error for snow-covered area across 31 scenes is 5%, ranging from 1% to 13%. The mean absolute error for grain size was 51 µm and the mean absolute error for albedo was 4.2%. Fractional snow cover errors are relatively insensitive to solar zenith angle. Because MODSCAG is a physically based algorithm that accounts for the spatial and temporal variation in surface reflectances of snow and other surfaces, it is capable of global snow cover mapping in its more computationally efficient, operational mode.  相似文献   

The recent paper by Wang and Zender [Wang, X., & Zender, C. S. (2010). MODIS snow albedo bias at high solar zenith angles relative to theory and to in situ observations in Greenland. Remote Sensing of Environment.] draws erroneous conclusions about solar zenith angle biases at high latitudes by not making appropriate use of the extensive quality flags available with the MODIS BRDF/Albedo. Coarse resolution MODIS white-sky albedo data are compared with actual blue-sky field albedometer measurements from the Greenland GC-Net. By utilizing large area averages of the MODIS data product that combine both high quality and poor quality data indiscriminately, the authors erroneously conclude that the accuracy deteriorates for solar zenith angle (SZA) > 55° and often becomes physically unrealistic for SZA > 65°. Once the quality flags are considered, however, the comparisons demonstrate that the MODIS product performs quite well out to the recommended limit for product use of 70° SZA. This verifies the conclusions of an earlier more rigorous evaluation performed by Stroeve et al. [Stroeve, J., Box, J. E., Gao, F., Liang, S., Nolin, A., & Schaaf, C. B. (2005). Accuracy assessment of the MODIS 16-day albedo product for snow: comparisons with Greenland in situ measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment.]. With over a decade of observations and products now available from the MODIS instrument, these data are increasingly being used to evaluate and tune climate and biogeochemical models. However, such use should take into account the documented quality and limitations of the satellite-derived product.  相似文献   

Snow and glaciers in the mountain watersheds of the Tarim River basin in western China provide the primary water resources to cover the needs of downstream oases. Remote sensing provides a practical approach to monitoring the change in snow and glacier cover in those mountain watersheds. This study investigated the change in snow and glacier cover in one such mountain watershed using multisource remote-sensing data, including the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Landsat (Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM), and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)), Corona, and Google EarthTM imagery. With 10 years’ daily MODIS snow-cover data from 2002 to 2012, we used two de-cloud methods before calculating daily snow-cover percentage (SCP), annual snow-cover frequency (SCF), and annual minimum snow-cover percentage (AMSCP) for the watershed. Mann–Kendall analysis showed no significant trend in any of those snow-cover characterizations. With a total of 22 Landsat images from 1967 to 2011, we used band ratio and supervised classification methods for snow classification for Landsat TM/ETM+ images and MSS images, respectively. The Landsat snow-cover data were divided into two periods (1976–2002 and 2004–2011). Statistical tests indicated no significant difference in either the variance or mean of SCPs between the two periods. Three glaciers were identified from Landsat images of 1998 and 2011, and their total area increased by 12.6%. In addition, three rock glaciers were also identified on both the Corona image of 1968 and the Google high-resolution image of 2007, and their area increased by 2.5%. Overall, based on multisource remote-sensing data sets, our study found no evidence of significant changes in snow and glacier cover in the watershed.  相似文献   

Water perhaps is the most valuable natural asset in the Middle East as it was a historical key for settlement and survival in Mesopotamia, “the land between two rivers”. At present, the Euphrates and Tigris are the two largest trans-boundary rivers in Western Asia where Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia are the riparian countries. The Euphrates and Tigris basins are largely fed from snow precipitation whereby nearly two-thirds occur in winter and may remain in the form of snow for half of the year. The concentration of discharge mainly from snowmelt during spring and early summer months causes not only extensive flooding, inundating large areas, but also the loss of much needed water required for irrigation and power generation purposes during the summer season. Accordingly, modeling of snow-covered area in the mountainous regions of Eastern Turkey, as being one of the major headwaters of Euphrates-Tigris basin, has significant importance in order to forecast snowmelt discharge especially for energy production, flood control, irrigation and reservoir operation optimization.A pilot basin, located on the upper Euphrates River, is selected where five automated meteorological and snow stations are installed for real time operations. The daily snow cover maps obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS at 500 m resolution are compared with ground information for the winter of 2002-2003 both during accumulation and ablation and at accumulation stage for the winter of 2003-2004. The snow presence on the ground is determined from the snow courses performed. Such measurements were made at 19 points in and around the upper Euphrates River in Turkey and at 20 points in the upper portion of the pilot basin for the winters of 2002-2003 and 2003-2004, respectively. Comparison of MODIS snow maps with in situ measurements over the snow season show good agreement with overall accuracies ranging between 62% and 82% considering the shift in the days of comparison. The main reasons to have disagreement between MODIS and in situ data are the high cloud cover frequency in the area and the current version of the MODIS cloud-mask that appears to frequently map edges of snow-covered areas and land surfaces. The effect of elevation and land cover types on validation of MODIS snow cover maps is also analyzed. In order to minimize the cloud cover and maximize the snow cover, MODIS-8 daily snow cover products are used in deriving the snow depletion curve, which is one of the input parameters of the snowmelt runoff model (SRM). The initial results of modeling process show that MODIS snow-covered area product can be used for simulation and also for forecasting of snowmelt runoff in basins of Turkey.  相似文献   

Land surface albedo is a key parameter of the Earth’s climate system. It has high variability in space, time, and land cover and it is among the most important variables in climate models. Extensive large-scale estimates can help model calibration and improvement to reduce uncertainties in quantifying the influence of surface albedo changes on the planetary radiation balance. Here, we use satellite retrievals of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surface albedo (MCD43A3), high-resolution land-cover maps, and meteorological records to characterize climatological albedo variations in Norway across latitude, seasons, land-cover type (deciduous forests, coniferous forests, and cropland), and topography. We also investigate the net changes in surface albedo and surface air temperature through site pair analysis to mimic the effects of land-use transitions between forests and cropland and among different tree species. We find that surface albedo increases at increasing latitude in the snow season, and cropland and deciduous forests generally have higher albedo values than coniferous forests, but for few days in spring. Topography has a large influence on MODIS albedo retrievals, with values that can change up to 100% for the same land-cover class (e.g. spruce in winter) under varying slopes and aspect of the terrain. Cropland sites have surface air temperature higher than adjacent forested sites, and deciduous forests are slightly colder than adjacent coniferous forests. By integrating satellite measurements and high-resolution vegetation maps, our results provide a large semi-empirical basis that can assist future studies to better predict changes in a fundamental climate-regulating service such as surface albedo.  相似文献   

MODIS积雪产品及研究应用概述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
MODIS是新一代图谱合一的光谱成像仪,适合进行雪情监测。概要介绍了MODIS积雪产品及NDSI算法在积雪制图方面的应用,也介绍了MODIS积雪产品在国内外研究应用的现状和今后的发展趋势。并且给出了应用MODIS数据制作内蒙古雪盖图的实例。  相似文献   

A joint US Air Force/National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) blended global snow product that uses Earth Observation System Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT or QSCAT) data has been developed. Existing snow products derived from these sensors have been blended into a single, global, daily, user-friendly product by using a newly developed Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA)/NASA Snow Algorithm (ANSA). This initial blended snow product uses minimal modelling to expeditiously yield improved snow products, which include, or will include, snow-cover extent, fractional snow cover, snow water equivalent (SWE), onset of snowmelt and identification of actively melting snow cover. The blended snow products are currently 25-km resolution. These products are validated with data from the lower Great Lakes region of the USA, from Colorado obtained during the Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX), and from Finland. The AMSR-E product is especially useful in detecting snow through clouds; however, passive microwave data miss snow in those regions where the snow cover is thin, along the margins of the continental snowline, and on the lee side of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. In these regions, the MODIS product can map shallow snow cover under cloud-free conditions. The confidence for mapping snow-cover extent is greater with the MODIS product than with the microwave product when cloud-free MODIS observations are available. Therefore, the MODIS product is used as the default for detecting snow cover. The passive microwave product is used as the default only in those areas where MODIS data are not applicable due to the presence of clouds and darkness. The AMSR-E snow product is used in association with the difference between ascending and descending satellite passes or diurnal-amplitude variations (DAV) to detect the onset of melt, and a QSCAT product will be used to map areas of snow that are actively melting.  相似文献   


Snow cover is an important component of the cryosphere, and the study on spatial and temporal variations of snow cover is essential for understanding the consequences and impacts of climate change and water resources management. In this study, the temporal variation of snow-covered area (SCA) and spatial variability of snow-cover frequency (SCF) on Tibet is analysed based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/Terra snow cover product (MOD10A2) from 2000 to 2015, and relationships with main climate variables are investigated. Results are as follows: (1) there is a very weak decreasing trend in annual mean SCA, and a slight increasing trend in autumn and winter and a slight decreasing trend in spring and more robust decreasing trend in summer for SCA are found. (2) The temporal variation of SCA is negatively correlated with temperature, whereas it is little correlated with corresponding precipitation. (3) The general trend of spatial SCF variation on Tibet, predominated by snow-cover variations in spring and autumn, tends to decrease in spring while it tends to increase in autumn. (4) The spatial variability of SCF is attributed to snow-cover variations in autumn and spring, which is more obvious in higher latitudes in autumn while it is more noticeable in lower-latitude southeastern plateau in spring. (5) The regions with higher variability of snow cover are main pastoral land and more prone to snow-related disaster in Tibet, becoming key zone of snow-cover monitoring and disaster prevention and mitigation.  相似文献   

MODIS和VEGETATION雪盖产品在北疆的验证及比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
雪盖产品的准确性评估对于水文模型中的遥感应用具有重要的意义,利用北疆47个气象站实测雪深资料,并将气象站根据海拔和下垫面进行分类,对我国可使用的3种光学遥感雪盖产品MOD10A1、MOD10A2和VGT-S10雪盖产品进行验证。研究表明,MOD10A1、MOD10A2和VGT-S10雪盖产品识别总体精度分别为91.3%、90.6%和87.9%,3种产品在农田、草地、城镇和建筑用地总体精度更高 |在稀疏灌木林、裸地与稀疏植被识别总体精度较低,特别是在山区,3种产品识别精度均较低,分别为66.3%、75.7%和61.9%。进一步统计3种雪盖产品的错分误差、漏分误差,发现3种产品错分误差都比较小,但在山区站的漏分误差比较严重,分别为32.4%、21.7%和36.3%,3种产品在山区都低估了雪盖面积。3种不同时间分辨率的雪盖产品云影响率分别为61.8%、7.6%和1.8%。最后将MODIS合成与VGT-S10时间分辨率相同的雪盖产品,并对两种产品在积雪积累期和消融期进行相互比较,比较发现MODIS识别精度要优于VGT-S10雪盖产品,3种产品中VGT-S10由于合成天数最多,所以雪盖产品受云的影响最小。  相似文献   

基于ART模型的MODIS积雪反照率反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积雪反照率是研究局地或全球的能量收支平衡和气候变化中的重要参数,遥感反演为积雪反照率的获取提供了便利的手段。积雪反照率大小主要取决于积雪的自身物理属性(雪粒径、形状和污染物等因子)以及天气状况,遥感反演反照率大多基于双向反射模型(BRDF),积雪BRDF模型常使用积雪辐射传输模型获得。采用考虑了雪粒径、粒子形状以及污染物影响的渐进辐射传输理论(ART)模型,建立了MODIS积雪反照率反演算法,得到了MODIS 8d合成积雪反照率产品。将此算法应用于具有均一积雪地表的格陵兰岛地区,并使用GC-Net实测数据进行了验证,反演的总均方根误差(RMSE)为0.018,相关系数(r)为0.83,结果表明考虑了积雪特性的ART模型能够较好地反演积雪反照率,而且反演需要的参数较少。  相似文献   

Snow cover represents an important water resource for the Upper Rio Grande River Basin of Colorado and New Mexico. Accuracy assessment of MODIS snow products was accomplished using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Daily snow cover maps produced from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data were compared with operational snow cover maps produced by the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC) and against in situ Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) measurements for the 2000-2001 snow season. Over the snow season, agreement between the MODIS and NOHRSC snow maps was high with an overall agreement of 86%. However, MODIS snow maps typically indicate a higher proportion of the basin as being snow-covered than do the NOHRSC snow maps. In particular, large tracts of evergreen forest on the western slopes of the San de Cristo Range, which comprise a large portion of the eastern margin of the basin, are more consistently mapped as snow-covered in the MODIS snow products than in the NOHRSC snow products. NOHRSC snow maps, however, typically indicate a greater proportion of the central portion of the basin, predominately in cultivated areas, as snow. Comparisons of both snow maps with in situ SNOTEL measurements over the snow season show good overall agreement with overall accuracies of 94% and 76% for MODIS and NOHRSC, respectively. A lengthened comparison of MODIS against SNOTEL sites, which increases the number of comparisons of snow-free conditions, indicates a slightly lower overall classification accuracy of 88%. Errors in mapping extra snow and missing snow by MODIS are comparable, with MODIS missing snow in approximately 12% of the cases and mapping too much snow in 15% of the cases. The majority of the days when MODIS fails to map snow occurs at snow depths of less than 4 cm.  相似文献   

How does snow's anisotropic directional reflectance affect the mapping of snow properties from imaging spectrometer data? This sensitivity study applies two spectroscopy models to synthetic images of the spectral hemispherical-directional reflectance factor (HDRF) with prescribed snow-covered area and snow grain size. The MEMSCAG model determines both sub-pixel snow-covered area and the grain size of the fractional snow cover. The Nolin/Dozier model analyzes the ice absorption feature that spans wavelength λ≅1.03 μm to estimate snow grain radius when the pixel is fully snow-covered. Retrievals of subpixel snow-covered area with MEMSCAG are progressively more sensitive to the HDRF as grain size decreases, solar zenith angle increases, and fractional snow cover increases. The model overestimates snow cover in the forward reflectance angles by up to +20% and underestimates it in the backward reflectance angles by as much as −15%. Grain size retrievals from both MEMSCAG and Nolin/Dozier are more sensitive to anisotropy as grain size and solar zenith angle increase. MEMSCAG retrievals of grain size are insensitive to snow-covered area. The largest inferred grain sizes occur around a peak in the backward reflectance angles and the smallest generally occur at the largest view angles in the forward direction. Retrievals of albedo from MEMSCAG and Nolin/Dozier are similarly sensitive to anisotropy, with albedo errors up to 5% for a 30° solar zenith angle and up to 10% at 60°. The albedo differences between the two models are less than 0.015 for all grain sizes and solar zenith angles.  相似文献   

Accurate areal measurements of snow cover extent are important for hydrological and climate modeling. The traditional method of mapping snow cover is binary where a pixel is considered either snow-covered or snow-free. Fractional snow cover (FSC) mapping can achieve a more precise estimate of areal snow cover extent by estimating the fraction of a pixel that is snow-covered. The most common snow fraction methods applied to Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images have been spectral unmixing and an empirical Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI). Machine learning is an alternative for estimating FSC as artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been successfully used for estimating the subpixel abundances of other surfaces. The advantages of ANNs are that they can easily incorporate auxiliary information such as land cover type and are capable of learning nonlinear relationships between surface reflectance and snow fraction. ANNs are especially applicable to mapping snow cover extent in forested areas where spatial mixing of surface components is nonlinear. This study developed a multilayer feed-forward ANN trained through backpropagation to estimate FSC using MODIS surface reflectance, NDSI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and land cover as inputs. The ANN was trained and validated with higher spatial-resolution FSC maps derived from Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) binary snow cover maps. Testing of the network was accomplished over training and independent test areas. The developed network performed adequately with RMSE of 12% over training areas and slightly less accurately over the independent test scenes with RMSE of 14%. The developed ANN also compared favorably to the standard MODIS FSC product. The study also presents a comprehensive validation of the standard MODIS snow fraction product whose performance was found to be similar to that of the ANN.  相似文献   

Snow is a medium that exhibits highly anisotropic reflectance throughout the solar spectrum. The anisotropic nature of snow shows more variability in snow metamorphic processes for wavelengths beyond 1.0 μm than in the visible spectrum. This behavior poses challenges for the development of a model that can retrieve broadband albedo from reflectance measurements throughout the snow season. In this paper, a semi-empirical model is presented to estimate near infrared (0.8-2.5 μm) albedo of snow. This model estimates spectral albedo at a wavelength of 1.240 μm using only three variables: solar zenith angle, scattering angle and measured reflectance, which is used to retrieve near infrared albedo. To form a base for such a model, quantification of reflectance patterns and variability in varying snow condition, i.e. snow grain size, and sun-sensor geometry are prerequisite. In this study the DIScrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer (DISORT) model is used to simulate bi-directional reflectance. The performance of the developed model is evaluated by using DISORT simulated spectral albedo for various snow grain sizes and solar zenith angles, as well as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and in-situ measurements. The developed model is shown to be capable of estimating spectral albedo at 1.240 μm with acceptable accuracy. The mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), and root mean squared error (RMSE) in the estimates are found to be 0.053, 0.055 and 0.064, respectively, for a wide range of sun-sensor geometries and snow grain sizes. The model shows better accuracy for spectral albedo estimates than for those computed using the Lambertian reflectance assumption for snow, reducing the error in the range and standard deviation by 75% and 65%, respectively. Applying the model to MODIS, the retrieved albedo is found to be in good quantitative agreement (r = 0.82) with in-situ measurements. These improvements in albedo estimation should allow more accurate use of remote sensing measurements in climate and hydrological models.  相似文献   

Using streamflow and Snowpack Telemetry (SNOTEL) measurements as constraints, the evaluation of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) daily and 8-day snow-cover products is carried out using the Upper Rio Grande River Basin as a test site. A time series of the snow areal extent (SAE) of the Upper Rio Grande Basin is retrieved from the MODIS tile h09v05 covering the time period from February 2000 to June 2004 using an automatic Geographic Information System (GIS)-based algorithm developed for this study. Statistical analysis between the streamflow at Otowi (NM) station and the SAE retrieved from the two MODIS snow-cover products shows that there is a statistically significant correlation between the streamflow and SAE for both products. This relationship can be disturbed by heavy rainstorms in the later springtime, especially in May. Correlation analyses show that the MODIS 8-day product has a better correlation (r=−0.404) with streamflow and has less percentage of spurious snowmelt events in wintertime than the MODIS daily product (r=−0.300). Intercomparison of these two products, with the SNOTEL data sets as the ground truth, shows that (1) the MODIS 8-day product has higher classification accuracy for both snow and land; (2) the omission error of misclassifying snow as land is similar for both products, both are low; (3) the MODIS 8-day product has a slightly higher commission error of misclassifying land as snow than the MODIS daily product; and (4) the MODIS daily product has higher omission errors of misclassifying both snow and land as clouds. Clouds are the major cause for reduction of the overall accuracy of the MODIS daily product. Improvement in suppressing clouds in the 8-day product is obvious from this comparison study. The sacrifice is the temporal resolution that is reduced from 1 to 8 days. The significance of the results is that the 8-day product will be more useful in evaluating the streamflow response to the snow-cover extent changes, especially from the long-term point of view considering its lower temporal resolution than the daily product. For clear days, the MODIS daily algorithm works quite well or even better than the MODIS 8-day algorithm.  相似文献   

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