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We derive a new joint power and rate control rule with which we can minimize the mean transmission delay in CDMA networks for a given mean transmission power. We show that it is optimal to respectively control the power inverse‐linearly and the rate linearly to the square root of channel gain while maintaining the signal‐to‐interference ratio at a constant. We also show that the proposed joint power/rate control rule achieves excellent performance results in terms of the probability of the instantaneous delay being within a target delay against one‐dimensional control schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive power-loading strategies for single-user and multicast orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless links in the presence of a nonregenerative relay node. Our approach is based on the minimization of the vector error rate at the destination subject to individual power constraints at the source and the relay. For the single-user case, we propose a joint max–min power-loading strategy that is optimal at large signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), and in doing so, we show how the original problem may be recast into an effective (no-relay) OFDM power-loading problem with a previously known solution. Using bounds on effective SNRs, we propose disjoint power-loading strategies that require channel state information either at the source or at the relay but not at both. For the multicast scenario, we propose a max–min equalizing solution that yields a minimum effective SNR at each user terminal. We also formulate several linear solutions based on prioritizing the users in the network. Our single-user simulations show considerable error-rate performance gains for the proposed joint max–min solution and gives hints as to where disjoint power loading is the most effective. Our multicast simulations show that the max–min equalizing solution is best suited for networks with random user locations, whereas the linear prioritizing solutions work best for networks with fixed user locations.   相似文献   

We consider both the single-user and the multi-user power allocation problems in MIMO systems, where the receiver side has the perfect channel state information (CSI), and the transmitter side has partial CSI, which is in the form of covariance feedback. In a single-user MIMO system, we consider an iterative algorithm that solves for the eigenvalues of the optimum transmit covariance matrix that maximizes the rate. The algorithm is based on enforcing the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions of the optimization problem at each iteration. We prove that this algorithm converges to the unique global optimum power allocation when initiated at an arbitrary point. We, then, consider the multi-user generalization of the problem, which is to find the eigenvalues of the optimum transmit covariance matrices of all users that maximize the sum rate of the MIMO multiple access channel (MIMO-MAC). For this problem, we propose an algorithm that finds the unique optimum power allocation policies of all users. At a given iteration, the multi-user algorithm updates the power allocation of one user, given the power allocations of the rest of the users, and iterates over all users in a round-robin fashion. Finally, we make several suggestions that significantly improve the convergence rate of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

Complex orthogonal space-time block codes (COSTBCs) based on generalized complex orthogonal designs (CODs) have been successfully implemented in wireless systems with multiple transmit antennas and single or multiple receive antennas. It has been shown that for a maximum rate COD with 2m-1 or 2m columns, a lower bound on decoding delay is (m-1 2m) and this delay is achievable when the number of columns is congruent to 0, 1 , or 3 modulo 4. In this paper, the final case is addressed, and it is shown that when the number of columns is congruent to 2 modulo 4, the lower bound on decoding delay cannot be achieved. In this case, the shortest decoding delay a maximum rate COD can achieve is twice the lower bound. New techniques for analyzing CODs are introduced with connections to binary vector spaces.  相似文献   

本文在研究VLSI缓冲器优化设计中关于延迟和功耗的基础理论基础上,基于高性能VLSI系统的非线性特性,给出了关于优化缓冲器延迟,尺寸和功耗设计以及驱动负载之间的关系,给出了基于最小延迟限度,获取缓冲器最优功耗的设计方法,可使缓冲器性能明显提高。经SPICE模拟,说明设计模型和优化设计结果是可行和较理想的。  相似文献   

We propose in this paper an efficient method to derive the optimal feasible power and weight for joint diversity and power control. Instead of solving a constrained optimization problem where both the variables of power and the variables of weight are involved, this method simply solves a set of equations where only the variables of power are involved. It is proven that the power and weight obtained from the proposed method can minimize the power consumption. To reduce the computational complexity, we further propose another method where the number of equations can be reduced from the number of users to the number of base stations.
Jui Teng WangEmail:

廖盛斌  杨宗凯  程文青  刘威  熊志强 《电子学报》2008,36(10):1931-1937
 无线传感器网络本质上是能量受限的,而且,传感器节点扮演着数据收集和数据转发的双重角色.本文提出了怎样分配传感器节点的功率用于转发其它节点的数据.在节点的转发功率分配比确定后,研究了采用价格作为一种方法,刺激节点与它到数据采集节点路径上的所有节点合作.通过把无线传感器网络中数据收集和传输抽象为一个网络效用最大化问题,通过采用对偶分解技术,提出了一种迭代价格与联合功率控制和速率调整的分布式算法.实验表明,该算法能提高系统的性能,同时降低功率的消耗.  相似文献   

Wireless local area networks (WLANs) are widely deployed recently. But many basic service sets (BSSs) nearby have to share a common channel due to the limitation in the spectrum resource. To get higher throughput with newly deployed access points (APs), it is necessary to improve spatial reuse of the channels by transmit power control (TPC). The achievable throughput, however, heavily depends on other factors such as rate adaptation (RA). Moreover, TPC without careful design may lead to asymmetric links and degrade fairness. In this paper, we jointly design TPC and RA to further improve total throughput of WLANs, and suggest (i) choosing power for each BSS by maximizing throughput which takes tradeoff between transmit rate and spatial reuse of channels, and, (ii) avoiding potential asymmetric links by explicit coordination among APs: each BSS uses almost the same power as its co-channel neighbors while BSSs far from each other may use different power levels as required. Extensive simulation evaluations confirm that the proposed scheme can greatly improve total throughput of dense WLANs, meanwhile fairness is retained.  相似文献   

本文采用博弈论研究了多小区CDMA功率控制问题。证明了在时延约束条件下联合考虑功率和速率控制的纳什均衡的唯一性,提出了多小区的速率和功率更新算法。仿真表明,本文提出方法可以满足不同用户对速率和时延的不同要求,且系统中各个用户的吞吐量和数据的发送速率有了大幅度的提高。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of sliding mode control (SMC) for uncertain switched stochastic system with time-varying delay. The system under consideration is concerned with the stochastic dynamics and deterministic switching laws. An integral sliding surface is constructed and the stable sliding mode is derived. A sufficient condition for mean-square exponential stability of the sliding mode is developed under a class of switching laws based on the average dwell time method. Variable structure controllers are designed to guarantee the existence of the sliding mode from the initial time. An illustrative example is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Asymptotically optimal uplink transmission power control policies are derived for synchronous and asynchronous CDMA time varying fading channels with multiple user classes, random spreading sequences and MMSE multiuser detector. One optimal policy minimizes the outage probability subject to maximum average power budget and maximum transmission power constraints. Another minimizes the average power budget subject to maximum outage probability and maximum transmission power constraints. If the channel states are available, we show that both optimal policies are channel inversion threshold cut-off policies and express them explicitly. When channel states are estimated, we show how to transform the optimal policies into estimator-based policies while controlling the degradation of their performance measures . Finally, we compare between the performance of the optimal policies and other policies in an environment with Lognormal and Rayleigh fading.  相似文献   

Modern power electronics are capable of regulating loads with bandwidths so high that they essentially enforce constant power on millisecond timescales and contribute to system-wide voltage instability problems. Active front-end control of such loads that implement a power buffer function has been shown to mitigate instability, but has relied on complicated hybrid control techniques. This paper proposes a geometric control surface that implements the power buffer function by coupling the input impedance to the stored energy and by altering the source and load dynamics. The surface is derived from optimal control theory where importance is placed on maintaining continuous input impedance and retaining as much local energy as possible. The optimal control is a tradeoff between the needs of the system and the needs of the load. This paper introduces a geometric control surface based on a change of variables that simply and effectively implements a power buffer function. The formulation and implementation of the optimal surface are presented, in addition to experimental validation of the new power buffer control law.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Full adder is one of the important components in electronics, used for various fundamental processing algorithms such as addition and multiplication. The...  相似文献   

Due to the uncertainty of the connections in delay tolerant networks, the source may need help from other nodes and make these nodes serve as relays to forward the messages to the destination. To further improve the performance, the source may also make these nodes serve as agents, which can help the source to make other nodes serve as relays. However, nodes may not be willing to help the source without any reward because of the selfish nature. This means that the source has to pay certain reward to the nodes that provide help. Furthermore, such fees may be varying with time. For example, if the nodes guess that the source is eager to transmit the message to the destination, they may ask for more reward. In addition, the reward that the source obtains from the destination may be varying with time, too. For example, the sooner the destination gets the message, the more reward may be. In such complex case, it may not be good for the source to request help all the time. This paper proposes a unifying theoretical framework based on Ordinary Differential Equations to evaluate the total reward that the source can obtain. Then, based on the framework, we study the optimal control problem by Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle and prove that the optimal policy confirms to the threshold form in some cases. Simulations based on both synthetic and real motion traces show the accuracy of the framework. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the performance of the optimal policy is the best through extensive numerical results.  相似文献   

由多个延时电路组成的延时控制系统,其延时精度与各延时电路的可靠度、预期延时值、延时时间的概率密度函数以及输出策略等有关。为使控制系统在规定延时值附近有最大动作概率,需合理安排各个延时电路的延时值。本文对并联延时控制系统和决策延时控制系统的延时精度进行分析,给出延时控制系统中各延时电路延时值的选取原则。  相似文献   

We study energy-efficient transmission of data with deadline constraints over a time-varying channel. Specifically, the system model consists of a wireless transmitter with controllable transmission rate, time-varying and stochastic channel state, and strict delay constraints on the packets in the queue. While the transmitter can control the rate, the transmission power required depends on the chosen rate and the prevailing channel condition. The objective is to obtain a rate control policy that serves the data within the deadline constraints while minimizing the total energy expenditure. Toward this end, we first introduce the canonical problem of transmitting $B$ units of data by deadline $T$ over a Markov fading channel, and obtain the optimal policy for it using continuous-time stochastic control theory. Using a novel cumulative curves methodology and a decomposition approach, we extend the above setup to consider extensions involving variable deadlines on the packets. Finally, utilizing the analysis we present a heuristic policy for the case of arbitrary packet arrivals to the queue with individual deadline constraints, and give illustrative simulation results for its performance.   相似文献   

该文提出了一种Internet优化速率控制机制Morcs,通过设计合理的链路拥塞费用函数,实现了社会福利最大化的系统优化目标。理论和仿真均证明了Morcs机制的收敛性和稳定性,仿真更进一步证明了Morcs比REM算法更稳定。本文接着进一步提出了Morcs机制的自适应实现方式aMorcs。aMorcs不需要网络链路的参与,完全在用户端实现,具有更好的可实现性,仿真表明aMorcs具有和Morcs相似的性能。  相似文献   

该文研究动态频谱访问中次用户通过功率控制共享主用户频谱资源的问题。将最小最大公平功率与数据率联合控制问题建模为准凹优化问题,提出了基于迭代求解线性规划问题的功率控制算法。此外,还提出了通过次用户间相互协作估计次用户到主用户以及次用户间链路增益的方法,分析了链路增益估计误差的统计特性,提出了利用保护裕量降低链路增益估计误差对主用户和次用户服务质量影响的方法。仿真结果表明:所提出算法的性能与现有算法相同,但计算时间仅为现有算法的10%~50%,甚至更低;1 dB的干扰裕量和1.5 dB的信干噪比裕量足以保证主用户和次用户服务质量免受链路增益估计误差的影响。  相似文献   

This article presents a heuristic algorithm that consists of two phases for the DMCLP under the constraints that the number of nodes served by a single loop is limited and networks mean delay is within the desired time.  相似文献   

邱菡  李玉峰  邬江兴 《电子学报》2009,37(3):567-573
 提出了一类具有最大速率控制的速率保障(Maximum Rate Control-Guaranteed Rate,MRC-GR)算法,可对流同时提供速率保障和最大速率控制.当网络各节点执行MRC-GR算法时,提供了确定网络端到端时延上限和下限的方法,针对服从令牌桶模型和同步单元模型的业务源给出了网络时延上限和下限.针对MRC-GR算法实例——具有最大速率控制的最差情形公平加权公平排队(worst-case fair weighted fair queueing with maximum rate control)调度算法进行仿真实验,仿真结果验证了理论分析.  相似文献   

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