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To test if anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with autogenous patellar tendon can alleviate symptoms and functional limitations and increase activity levels in patients with advanced articular cartilage damage, we looked at 53 patients with arthroscopically documented cartilage damage. In this group, a mean of 7.5 years had elapsed between the original injury and the reconstruction, and 90 prior operative procedures had been done. Postoperatively, all patients had immediate motion and early functional rehabilitation. The results were assessed with the Cincinnati Knee Rating System. At followup (mean, 27 months), significant improvements were found for pain, swelling, giving way, functional limitations with daily and sports activities, and the overall rating score. Forty-two patients (79%) had returned to some type of athletic activity. Only three patients (6%) had failed results. In the patients' own ratings of the overall knee condition, 8 of 51 (16%) rated their knees as normal, 28 (55%) as very good, 7 (14%) as good, 5 (10%) as fair, and 3 (6%) as poor. We concluded that the majority of patients benefited from the arthroscopically assisted anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction because it decreased episodes of giving way with daily activities and increased activity without aggravating the preexisting arthrosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: In surgical resection for advanced hepatobiliary malignancies involving the portal vein and inferior vena cava, vascular reconstruction is usually required. We utilized left renal vein grafts for vascular reconstruction in cases of these malignancies, and their clinical significance is evaluated in this study. METHODOLOGY: Left renal vein grafts were utilized for reconstruction of the portal vein in four patients and patch repair of the inferior vena cava was performed in two patients with advanced hepatobiliary malignancies. All six patients underwent hepatic resection with vascular resection and reconstruction. Postoperative renal function and graft patency were assessed. RESULTS: Transient slight renal disturbances appeared in some patients, but there was no severe renal dysfunction requiring specific therapy. Graft patency was maintained during the follow-up period in all patients. CONCLUSION: The use of left renal vein grafts as autovein grafts seems appropriate in cases involving reconstruction of the portal vein and in those involving patch repair of the inferior vena cava defect in surgical resection for advanced hepatobiliary malignancies.  相似文献   

Arterial spin tagging techniques have been used to image tissue perfusion in MR without contrast injection or ionizing radiation. Currently, spin tagging studies are performed primarily using single-slice imaging sequences, which are time consuming. This note reports a multislice echo-planar arterial spin tagging technique (Simultaneous Multislice Acquisition with aRterial-flow Tagging, or "SMART"). Multiband RF encoding (Hadamard) is used to provide simultaneous multislice acquisition capability for spin tagging techniques (such as echo planar imaging signal targeting with alternating radio frequency and flow-sensitive alternative inversion recovery). The method is illustrated with a two-slice pulse sequence that was implemented using the FAIR technique to generate two perfusion weighted images simultaneously. Compared with single-slice sequences, this two-slice sequence provided similar image quality, signal-to-noise ratio, and twice the spatial coverage compared with the single-slice technique within the same scan time.  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of upper airway-esophageal communications are frequently lead to failure. Having previous experience of thoracic administration of Tissucol fibrin glue authors attempted the local application in a case of TEF. A young lady suffering from myasthenia gravis required longstanding artificial ventilation. Not surprisingly a TEP developed in the area of the tracheostomy. There was no room for surgical repair of the TEF. Two administrations of rapid acting form of Tissucol was needed following local astringent therapy and enzymatic debridement to achieve a complete and permanent closure of a tracheobronchial sinus in a diameter of 5 mm. In addition of meticulous technique and of general supporting therapy special attention was paid to the followings: 1/healthy wound edges 2/ local infection control 3/dry environment 4/patient building up strategy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: To preserve remnant liver function, extended left hepatectomy combined with middle hepatic vein reconstruction using a left renal vein graft was performed in resection of liver metastasis from sigmoid colon cancer, involving the confluence of the middle and left hepatic veins. METHODOLOGY: The tumor, 5 cm in size, occupied the superior part of segment 4, and involved the confluence of the middle and the left hepatic veins. An extended left hepatectomy, including the left lobe, left caudate lobe and part of segment 8, together with the middle hepatic vein trunk, was performed. The left renal vein was resected as a graft from the confluence of the inferior vena cava just distal to the branches of the gonadal vein, renal-azygos, splenorenal communications and vertebral veins. The middle hepatic vein was reconstructed using the left renal vein 3 cm in length. RESULTS: Impaired values of liver function tests were normalized by the third postoperative day. Renal function was good throughout the postoperative period. The patient was discharged two weeks after the surgery. The reconstructed middle hepatic vein was patent, which was evaluated by a color Doppler ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging 60 days after the surgery. The patient remained well in the eight months thereafter. CONCLUSIONS: Hepatic vein reconstruction using a left renal vein graft is a new and preferable addition for the selection of an optimal graft.  相似文献   

Wild fungal strains isolated from litter and soil were inoculated in test tubes containing a synthetic medium with 0.5% sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) as sole carbon source. After the incubation time, cylindrical probes were taken from each tube using a borer and stained with Congo red 0.1% to reveal the remaining CMC. The relative cellulase activity was estimated by measuring the deepness of the clearing zone, and the growth by the limit of mycelial penetration in the medium. The ratio: hydrolysis zone/depth of growth, provides additional information to compare strains. A test using culture supernatants of liquid media growing strains was developed for enzyme assay using a modification of the cylinder-plate method. Petri dishes were filled with agar-CMC medium and cups were cut off with a steel punch. Such cups were filled with culture supernatants. After incubation, the plated were stained with Congo red, and the diameter of each cleared zone was recorded. Comparative studies of strains could be performed as well as quantitation of enzyme activity using a standard cellulase solution and computing the area of the cleared zones. This method may be useful when a large number of strains must be tested for cellulolytic activity or when conventional tests fail for assaying enzymatic induction in vitro.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of fibrin adhesive on the healing of colonic anastomoses in rats with and without faecal peritonitis. DESIGN: Controlled study. SETTING: Laboratory for experimental surgery, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. MATERIAL: 120 male Wag/Rij rats. INTERVENTIONS: All rats had a single layer end-to-end anastomosis fashioned with 7/0 polypropylene. Faecal peritonitis was then induced in half of the rats by placement of 200 mg powdered autoclaved rat faeces in the peritoneal cavity near the anastomosis. Rats were allocated to one of four groups (n = 30 in each): 1--control; 2--additional sealing with fibrin glue; 3--peritonitis alone; and 4--peritonitis with fibrin glue. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Body weight, adhesion formation, anastomotic bursting pressure and collagen concentration around the anastomosis on days 2, 4, and 7 in 10 rats from each group. RESULTS: 11 rats died of peritonitis before the experiment was completed. Peritonitis caused increased formation of adhesions and abscesses, with or without fibrin sealant. Bursting pressure at the anastomosis was significantly reduced in peritonitis compared with controls on days 4 and 7, and this was not prevented by fibrin. Sealing of anastomoses resulted in lower bursting pressures on day 4 in control animals. Collagen concentration was significantly reduced in peritonitis with or without fibrin sealant on days 4 and 7, and after fibrin sealing of control anastomoses. CONCLUSION: Faecal peritonitis reduced mechanical strength and collagen concentration of colonic anastomoses, and this was not prevented by additional sealing of the anastomosis with fibrin sealant.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The search for an adequate tissue for reconstruction of the urethra in those patients with a paucity of local skin continues. Over the past 18 months, the use of buccal mucosa as a substitution for urethra was evaluated. METHODS: Six patients who had complex hypospadias had buccal mucosa grafts for urethral reconstruction. All patients had had previous surgery for repair of chordee or significant complications from previous surgery with a result of lack of penile skin. Patients were operated on and followed for 8 to 17 months. RESULTS: Buccal mucosa was used as a rolled tube in 4 patients, an onlay graft in 1, and a folded tube in 1. A urethrocutaneous fistula that was repaired 6 months after the buccal surgery was the only complication. CONCLUSIONS: By virtue of its tissue characteristics, ease of handling, and ease of harvest, buccal mucosa is an excellent tissue for urethral reconstruction.  相似文献   

When the medial third of the upper or lower eyelid has to be reconstructed after full-thickness tumour excision, we usually use Hübner tarsomarginal grafts, but when medial canthal lesions spread to the medial orbital wall without invading the orbital margin, conchal graft becomes our first surgical option. Previously reported solutions to this difficult problem are few and concern more directly medial orbital wall fractures. We found no article dealing specifically with the use of conchal graft in post-ablative reconstruction of the medial orbital wall. Nevertheless the concha presents great advantages over bone grafting or rib cartilage, because it is more flexible and malleable. And it is less prone to extrusion or infection as may be allografts implants. It is a very effective way to repair medial orbital defects, but graft reorientation must be perfect to match exactly the medial orbital wall concavity.  相似文献   

This article describes a modified arthroscopic technique of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using quadrupled hamstring tendon graft. The autogenous semitendinosus and gracilis grafts are harvested without detachment of the tibial insertion. To obtain longer grafts, the accessory tibial insertions of the hamstring tendons are dissected. The EndoButton (Acufex Microsurgical, Andover, MA) is used for femoral fixation and two spiked staples are used for tibial fixation in a belt buckle fashion. Then the residual anterior laxity is restored by additional absorbable interference screw fixations. In this technique, more viable graft is obtained and more firm distal fixation is achieved by preservation of the tibial insertion of hamstring tendons.  相似文献   

Although neovaginal reconstruction has achieved satisfactory results, there is still room for refinement and improvement. Despite its popularity, McIndoe's inlay split-thickness skin graft method still has several significant drawbacks. Here a new approach to neovaginal reconstruction by using a full-thickness skin graft displayed in the fashion of spatial W-plasty is described. Our idea combines the advantages of a full-thickness skin graft and Z-plasty principle in clinical practice. Four patients who had been reconstructed with this method had satisfactory results with minimal secondary contracture and unilateral linear groin scar. Three of them have married and enjoy sexual life without difficulties. The fourth patient has not married but shows no contracture in follow-up examinations. Since the result is encouraging, this method deserves wider clinical application.  相似文献   

Contribution of 42 patients, aged 57 to 69 (mean age 58) with infiltrant vesical neoplasia who underwent radical cystoprostatectomy according to the technique described by P.C. Walsh (38/42) or radical cystectomy with hysterectomy (4/42). Neoplasia stages were as follows: 7 T2G-III; 13 T3aGII: 15 T3aG-III and 7 T3bG-III. Ten (10) patients, aged between 48 and 70 (mean age 57), with prostate neoplasia who were performed radical prostatectomy using the technique described by the above author, were also ascribed to the last group. Prostate neoplasias were at the following stages: 4 T2c; 5 T3a and 1T3b. T3 stages had been given hormonal therapy prior to the procedure. No patient received radiotherapy. Rectal injury occurred in 2 of the 52 (2/52) patients described. One was a female patient who was being performed cystectomy and hysterectomy plus double adnexectomy. Urinary by-pass in this case was C.F.C. detubulized ureterosigmoidostomy. The second case was a male patient undergoing radical prostatectomy. In both cases pre- and post-operative discharge colostomy was performed. Suture of rectal injury was also done in the patient where colostomy was performed during the procedure. The authors emphasise that no rectal injury that may take place during radical prostatectomy or cystoprostatectomy should be disregarded. They raise and answer questions of great practical interest such as: Is simple suture of the rectum enough? Should the omentum be used in rectal repair? Is it indispensable to perform discharge colostomy? and, is prognosis more serious when the gut is not prepared?  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although biological glues have been used clinically in cardiovascular operations, there are no comprehensive comparative studies to help clinicians select one glue over another. In this study we determined the efficacy in controlling suture line and surface bleeding and the biophysical properties of cryoprecipitate glue, two-component fibrin sealant, and "French" glue containing gelatin-resorcinol-formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde (GRFG). METHODS: Twenty-four dogs underwent a standardized atriotomy and aortotomy; the incisions were closed with interrupted 3-0 polypropylene sutures placed 3 mm apart. All dogs had a 3- by 3-cm area of the anterior wall of the right ventricle abraded until bleeding occurred. The animals were randomly allocated into four groups: in group 1 (n = 6) bleeding from the suture lines and from the epicardium was treated with cryoprecipitate glue; in group 2 (n = 6) bleeding was treated with two-component fibrin sealant; group 3 (n = 6) was treated with GRFG glue; group 4 (n = 6) was the untreated control group. The glues were also evaluated with regard to histomorphology, tensile strength, and virology. RESULTS: The cryoprecipitate glue and the two-component fibrin sealant glue were equally effective in controlling bleeding from the aortic and atrial suture lines. Although the GRFG glue slowed bleeding significantly at both sites compared to baseline, it did not provide total control. The control group required additional sutures to control bleeding. The cryoprecipitate glue and the two-component fibrin sealant provided a satisfactory clot in 3 to 4 seconds on the epicardium, whereas the GRFG glue generated a poor clot. There were minimal adhesions in the subpericardial space in the cryoprecipitate and the two-component fibrin sealant groups, whereas moderate-to-dense adhesions were present in the GRFG glue group at 6 weeks. The two-component fibrin sealant was completely reabsorbed by 10 days, but cryoprecipitate and GRFG glues were still present. On histologic examination, both fibrin glues exhibited minimal tissue reaction; in contrast, extensive fibroblastic proliferation was caused by the GRFG glue. The two-component and GRFG glues had outstanding adhesive property; in contrast, the cryoprecipitate glue did not show any adhesive power. The GRFG glue had a significantly greater tensile strength than the two-component fibrin sealant. Random samples from both cryoprecipitate and the two-component fibrin glue were free of hepatitis and retrovirus. CONCLUSIONS: The GRFG glue should be used as a tissue reinforcer; the two-component fibrin sealer is preferable when hemostatic action must be accompanied with mechanical barrier; and finally, the cryoprecipitate glue can be used when hemostatic action is the only requirement.  相似文献   

Donor-site complications, specifically chest wall deformities and thoracic scoliosis, occurring after harvest of costal cartilage grafts are presented and discussed. The cases of 18 patients (12 male and 6 female), who underwent costal cartilage grafts for microtia reconstruction from 1975 to 1993, were reviewed for donor-site complications using radiography and physical examination. Ribs from which costal cartilage had been harvested showed increased inward bowing on radiographs in 16 of 32 donor sites. The frequency of rib deformity in donor sites was 20.0 percent when cartilages were harvested from patients older than 10 years of age, whereas it was 63.6 percent in patients younger than 10 years old. This difference was statistically significant (p = 0.027, Fisher's exact test), although only 32 grafts were performed in 18 cases. The upper ribs demonstrate a higher incidence of deformity than lower ribs. Thoracic scoliosis was found in 4 of 16 cases. The biomechanical impact of these deformities was considered because of respiratory movement of the thorax and injury to the germinal growth center of the ribs. We recommend delaying costal cartilage grafts for as long as possible, leaving the costochondral junction intact to minimize chest wall deformity and thoracic scoliosis.  相似文献   

Displacement of bone graft particles during their placement, neck flap closure, and insertion of the freeze-dried mandibular crib housing the graft to the glenoid fossa is a commonly encountered problem during major mandibular reconstruction with autogenous particulate cancellous bone and marrow. Autologous fibrin adhesive proved to be a solution as demonstrated in a series of 33 cases. In addition to adhesive and hemostatic properties, it helped the remodeling process begin about 50% earlier by providing the substratum for migration of mesenchymal cells, accelerating revascularization and migration of fibroblasts, stimulating the growth of both fibroblasts and osteoblasts, and slowing the multiplication of microorganisms. Bony incorporation and remodeling were detected radiographically at the fourth postoperative week compared with the eighth week in bone grafts without autologous fibrin adhesive.  相似文献   

Inadequate tip projection in traditional rhinoplasty led to postrhinoplasty deformity, which with time got worse. Sheen's vertical shield and Peck's horizontal multiple rectangular stacked cartilage graft have been used to reduce postrhinoplasty tip projection loss. The new two fixed column disk cartilage graft technique at the tip-defining points is designed to combine the advantages of both techniques. This technique can be used in both open and closed rhinoplasty, and the amount of projection can be adjusted to fit the dorsum with relative ease. This technique has been used in 38 primary rhinoplasties with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

A technique for closing small tympanic perforations with a fat graft taken from the ear lobe is described. Our results and those of other authors are summarized and the advantages of the technique are detailed.  相似文献   

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