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In this paper, a disruption recovery model is developed for an imperfect single-stage production–inventory system. For it, the system may unexpectedly face either a single disruption or a mix of multiple dependent and/or independent disruptions. The system is usually run according to a user defined production–inventory policy. We have formulated a mathematical model for rescheduling the production plan, after the occurrence of a single disruption, which maximizes the total profit during the recovery time window. The model thereby generates a revised plan after the occurrence of the disruption. The mathematical model, developed for a single disruption, is solved by using both a pattern search and a genetic algorithm, and the results are compared using a good number of randomly generated disruption test problems. We also consider multiple disruptions, that occur one after another as a series, for which a new occurrence may or may not affect the revised plan of earlier occurrences. We have developed a new dynamic solution approach that is capable of dealing with multiple disruptions on a real-time basis. Some numerical examples and a set of sensitivity analysis are presented to explain the usefulness and benefits of the developed model. The proposed quantitative approach helps decision makers to make prompt and accurate decisions for managing disruption. 相似文献
Airline disruptions incurred huge cost for airlines and serious inconvenience for travelers. In this paper, we study the integrated aircraft and crew schedule recovery problem. A two stage heuristic algorithm for the integrated recovery problem is proposed. In the first stage, the integrated aircraft recovery and flight-rescheduling model with partial crew consideration is built. This model is based on the traditional multi-commodity network model for the aircraft schedule recovery problem. The objective of this model also includes minimization of the original crew connection disruption. In the second stage, the integrated crew schedule recovery and flight re-scheduling model with partial aircraft consideration is built. We proposed a new multi-commodity model for the crew schedule recovery. The main advantage of such model is that it is much more efficient to integrate the flight-scheduling and aircraft consideration. New constraints are incorporated to guarantee that the aircraft connections generated in the stage 1 are still feasible. Two stages are run iteratively until no improvement can be achieved. Experimental results show that our method can provide better recovery solutions compared with the benchmark algorithms. 相似文献
This paper discusses a computer program that recognizes and describes two-dimensional patterns composed of subpatterns. The program also recognizes all patterns in a scene consisting of several patterns.
Patterns are stored in a learned hierarchical, net-structure memory. Weighted links between memory nodes represent subpattern/pattern relationships. Both short term and permanent memories are used.
Pattern recognition is accomplished with a serial heuristic search algorithm, which attempts to search memory and compute input properties efficiently. Without special processing, the program can be asked to look for all occurrences of a specified pattern in a scene. 相似文献
Charged system search for optimal design of frame structures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The charged system search (CSS) algorithm is utilized for design of frame structures. The algorithm is inspired by the laws in physics. The CSS utilizes a number of charged particles which influence each other based on their fitness values and their separation distances considering the governing law of Coulomb. A comparison between the characteristics of the CSS algorithm and other well-known meta-heuristics is performed to indicate their similarities and differences. Some benchmark frame examples are optimized with the CSS algorithm. Comparison of the results of CSS with some other meta-heuristic algorithms shows the robustness of the new algorithm. 相似文献
多因素问题的启发式搜索算法MFRA 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文新定义了一类多因素启妇式搜索问题,提出了适于此类问题求解的启发式搜索算法MFRA。文中研究了算法MFRA的可采纳性质,单调限制性质和比较性质等。基于算法IDA的思想,提出了MFRA的改进算法MFRA-IDA,这一算法具有线性存储空间这一重要特性。 相似文献
Hub facilities may fail to operate in networks because of accidental failures such as natural disasters. In this paper, a quadratic model was presented for a reliable single allocation hub network under massive random failure of hub facilities which more than one hub may be disrupted in a route. It determines the location of the hub facilities and the primal allocation of non-hub nodes. It also determines the backup allocation in case of failure of the primal hub. First, a new lexicographic form of a bi-objective quadratic model is presented where the first objective maximizes served demands or equivalently, minimizes lost flows and the second objective minimizes total cost under a to massive disruption in the network. Then, by adding a structure-based constraint, the model is transformed to a single objective one. A linearization technique reported in the literature is applied on the quadratic model to convert it into classic linear zero–one mixed integer model while enhancing it by finding tighter bounds. The tight bounds’ technique is compared with other techniques in terms of computational time and its better performance was approved in some problem instances. Finally, due to the NP-hardness of the problem, an iterated local search algorithm was developed to solve large sized instances in a reasonable computational time and the computational results confirm the efficiency of the proposed heuristic, ILS can solve all CAB and IAD data set instances in less than 15 and 24 seconds, respectively. Moreover, the proposed model was compared with the classical hub network using a network performance measure, and the results show the increased efficiency of the model. 相似文献
We describe a system of computer algorithms that finds the rib cage in chest radiographs. Our algorithms link the dorsal and ventral portions of the rib contours such that each rib is identified and can be displayed individually. In a preliminary application of our system to five adult chest radiographs, about 90% of the ribs were found, and ca. 15% of the computed rib contours were false. 相似文献
王士同 《计算机工程与设计》1996,17(1):3-8
首先针对搜索树中深度固定且目标唯一的寻优问题,指出宽度优先反复加宽的搜索效率要比深度优先反复加深的搜索效率高,基于此,提出了基于宽度优先反复加宽的启发式搜索算法IWA*,算法IWA*是可采纳的。为了保持算法IWA*的搜索效率高于算法IDA*的搜索效率,同时又使算法IWA*的存贮空间复杂度减低,文中基于分层技术,提出了基于深度优先的IWA*算法──IDWA*。算法IDWA*也是一个可采纳的启发式搜索算法。 相似文献
领域相关的Web网站抓取方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文提出了一种抓取领域相关的Web站点的方法,可以在较小的代价下准确地收集用户所关心领域内的网站。这种方法主要改进了传统的聚焦爬虫(Focused Crawler)技术,首先利用Meta-Search技术来改进传统Crawler的通过链接分析来抓取网页的方法,而后利用启发式搜索大大降低了搜索代价,通过引入一种评价领域相关性的打分方法,迭到了较好的准确率。本文详细地描述了上述算法并通过详细的实验验证了算法的效率和效果。 相似文献
噪声图象中提取边界的随机启发式搜索方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在噪声图象中如何有效地提取边界是图象分析领域中的难点。启发式搜索的方法常常用于提取边界,但是,这种方法由于采用固定的起始点、固定的引导度量以及对图象仅进行一次性搜索,对噪声往往很敏感,为此提出了一种随机启发式搜索算法,该方法随机地选取起始点,并依照引导度量的概率反复地进行随机搜索获得各种可能的边界轨迹,然后进行各搜索轨迹的积累自增强,最后根据自增强积累统计结果获得边界。大量的实验结果证明,在噪声图象中,随机启发式搜索方法可以在提取出有意义边界的同时有效地抑制噪声。 相似文献
A scene analysis system for the recognition and inspection of overlapping workpieces in visually noisy scenes is described. It consists of a preprocessing algorithm based on an edge-following operator and a model-based analysis algorithm. In the preprocessing stage, which is not described in detail, features such as corners, straight lines, circles and circular arcs are extracted and described by a few parameters. In the analysis stage, the pattern features extracted by the preprocessing algorithm are used to synthesize, in model-guided fashion, a prototype of the workpiece, which is continuously checked against the model. A similarity measure indicates the match between model and scene. Besides topographical features, the analysis makes use of grey levels, textural measures and values representing colors.Results obtained with different, partly occluded workpieces are given. 相似文献
The creation of train timetables for long-haul single track networks is a challenging process. This task is more difficult if track maintenance disruptions are to be taken into account. This paper describes how the Problem Space Search (PSS) meta-heuristic can be used for large scale problems to create quality timetables in which both train movements and scheduled track maintenance are simultaneously considered. We show that the PSS meta-heuristic can rapidly generate a large number of alternative train timetables and then describe how the technique is generalized to construct an integrated timetable which includes track maintenance. We show how the technique can also be used as an operational tool where a revised schedule can be quickly generated to take into account the new state of a disrupted system. A case study for a single track rail network in Queensland Australia, which spans a distance of 480 km, has 57 crossing loops and typically carries over 50 trains per day is discussed. 相似文献
The sources of disruption to airline schedules are many, including crew absences, mechanical failures, and bad weather. When
these unexpected events occur, airlines recover by replanning their operations. In this paper, we present airline schedule
recovery models and algorithms that simultaneously develop recovery plans for aircraft, crews, and passengers by determining
which flight leg departures to postpone and which to cancel. The objective is to minimize jointly airline operating costs
and estimated passenger delay and disruption costs. This objective works to balance these costs, potentially increasing customer
retention and loyalty, and improving airline profitability.
Using an Airline Operations Control simulator that we have developed, we simulate several days of operations, using passenger
and flight information from a major US airline. We demonstrate that our decision models can be applied in a real-time decision-making
environment, and that decisions from our models can potentially reduce passenger arrival delays noticeably, without increasing
operating costs. 相似文献
In the practical production process of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS), unexpected disturbances such as rush orders arrival and machine breakdown may inevitably render the existing schedule infeasible. This makes dynamic rescheduling necessary to respond to the disturbances and to improve the efficiency of the disturbed FMS. Compared with the static scheduling, the dynamic rescheduling relies on more effective and robust search approaches for its critical requirement of real-time optimal response. In this paper, a filtered-beam-search (FBS) -based heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve the dynamic rescheduling problem in a large and complicated job shop FMS environment with realistic disturbances. To enhance its performance, the proposed algorithm makes improvement in the local/global evaluation functions and the generation procedure of branches. With respect to a due date-based objective (weighted quadratic tardiness), computational experiments are studied to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with those of other popular methods. The results show that the proposed FBS-based algorithm performs very well for dynamic rescheduling in terms of computational efficiency and solution quality. 相似文献
Beam search is a heuristic search algorithm that explores a state-space graph by expanding w most promising nodes at each level (depth) of the graph, where w is called the beam-width which is taken as input from the user. The quality of the solution produced by beam search does not always monotonically improve with the increase in beam-width making it difficult to choose an appropriate beam-width for effective use. We present an algorithm called Incremental Beam Search (IncB) which guarantees monotonicity, and is also anytime in nature. Experimental results on the sliding-tile puzzle, the traveling salesman, and the single-machine scheduling problems show that IncB significantly outperforms basic monotonic methods such as iterative widening beam search as well as some of the state-of-the-art anytime heuristic search algorithms in terms of the quality of the solution produced at the end as well as the anytime performance. 相似文献