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An important issue in the field of flexible multibody dynamics is the reduction of the flexible body's degrees of freedom. For this purpose, often modal reduction through projection onto a subspace spanned by some dominant eigenvectors is used. However, as in this method the dynamical boundary conditions are not taken into account, a large number of eigenmodes is required to obtain a good approximation and also the selection of the dominant modes can be quite difficult. Therefore, the authors propose an approach based on accounting for the flexible body as an input-output system in the frequency domain. The reduced order model is generated by imposing a set of interpolation conditions concerning the values and derivatives of the system's transfer function in a predefined frequency range. This procedure is known as moment-matching and can be realised through projection onto so-called Krylov-subspaces. As this technique allows the incorporation of the frequency content and the spatial distribution of the loads, in the chosen frequency range more accurate reduced order models can be obtained compared to other model reduction techniques available in structural mechanics. The calculation of the Krylov-subspaces can be implemented very efficiently, using the Arnoldi or Lanczos procedure in connection with sparse matrix techniques. The capability of the proposed technique is demonstrated by means of a numerical example. 相似文献
This paper presents a method for improving dynamic solutions that are obtained from the dynamic simulation of flexible multibody systems. The mode-acceleration concept in linear structural dynamics is utilized in the proposed method for improving accuracy in the postprocessing stage. A theoretical explanation is made on why the proposed method improves the dynamic solutions in the context of the mode-acceleration method. A mode-acceleration equation for each flexible body is defined and the load term in the right hand side of the equation is represented as a combination of space-dependent and time-dependent terms so that efficient computation of dynamic solutions can be achieved. The load term is obtained from dynamic simulation of a flexible multibody system and a finite element method is used to compute dynamic solutions by quasi-static analyses. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the linearized stability analysis and system identification of flexible multibody systems. Two
closely related stability analysis approaches are summarized. Next, these approaches are extended to provide robust system
identification procedures that combine least squares techniques and Kalman filters. The singular value decomposition, a numerically
stable mathematical tool, is used to improve the robustness of the algorithm. The proposed algorithm identifies a minimum
order plant based on input-output data, and is applicable to both experimental measurements or numerically computed responses.
The proposed approaches are computationally inexpensive and consist of purely post processing steps that can be used with
any multi-physics computational multibody tool or with experimental data.
Commemorative Contribution. 相似文献
The development of a sliding joint for very flexible multibody dynamics using absolute nodal coordinate formulation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Soo-Ho Lee Tae-Won Park Jong-Hwi Seo Ji-Won Yoon Kab-Jin Jun 《Multibody System Dynamics》2008,20(3):223-237
In this paper, a formulation for a spatial sliding joint is derived using absolute nodal coordinates and non-generalized coordinate
and it allows a general multibody move along a very flexible cable. The large deformable motion of a spatial cable is presented
using absolute nodal coordinate formulation, which is based on the finite element procedures and the general continuum mechanics
theory to represent the elastic forces. And the nongeneralized coordinate, which is related to neither the inertia forces
nor the external forces, is used to describe an arbitrary position along the centerline of a very flexible cable. Hereby,
the non-generalized coordinate represents the arc-length parameter. The constraint equations for the sliding joint are expressed
in terms of generalized coordinate and nongeneralized coordinate. In the constraint equations for the sliding joint, one constraint
equation can be systematically eliminated. There are two independent Lagrange multipliers in the final system equations of
motion associated with the sliding joint. The development of this sliding joint is important to analyze many mechanical systems
such as pulley systems and pantograph-catenary systems for high speed-trains. 相似文献
Biological system models are routinely developed in modern systems biology research following appropriate modelling/experiment design cycles. Frequently these take the form of high-dimensional nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations that integrate information from several sources; they usually contain multiple time-scales making them difficult even to simulate. These features make systems analysis (understanding of robust functionality) — or redesign (proposing modifications in order to improve or modify existing functionality) a particularly hard problem. In this paper we use concepts from systems theory to develop two complementary tools that can help us understand the complex behaviour of such system models: one based on model decomposition and one on model reduction. Our aim is to algorithmically produce biologically meaningful, simplified models, which can then be used for further analysis and design. The tools presented are applied on a model of the Epidermal Growth Factor signalling pathway. 相似文献
The paper describes the extension of the composite rigid body formalism for the flexible multibody systems. The extension
has been done in such a way that all advantages of the formalism with respect to the coordinates of large motion of rigid
bodies are extended to the flexible degrees of freedom, e.g. the same recursive treatment of both coordinates and no appearance
of O(n
3) computational complexity terms due to the flexibility. This extension has been derived for both open loop and closed loop
systems of flexible bodies. The comparison of the computational complexity of this formalism with other known approaches has
shown that the described formalism of composite rigid body and the residual algorithm based on it are more efficient formalisms
for small number of bodies in the chains and deformation modes than the usual recursive formalism of articulated body inertia. 相似文献
R. Al Nazer A. Klodowski T. Rantalainen A. Heinonen H. Sievänen A. Mikkola 《Multibody System Dynamics》2008,20(4):287-306
Bone is known to adapt to the prevalent strain environment while the variation in strains, e.g., due to mechanical loading,
modulates bone remodeling, and modeling. Dynamic strains rather than static strains provide the primary stimulus of bone functional
adaptation. The finite element method can be generally used for estimating bone strains, but it may be limited to the static
analysis of bone strains since the dynamic analysis requires expensive computation. Direct in vivo strain measurement, in
turn, is an invasive procedure, limited to certain superficial bone sites, and requires surgical implementation of strain
gauges and thus involves risks (e.g., infection). Therefore, to overcome difficulties associated with the finite element method
and the in vivo strain measurements, the flexible multibody simulation approach has been recently introduced as a feasible
method to estimate dynamic bone strains during physical activity. The purpose of the present study is to further strengthen
the idea of using the flexible multibody approach for the analysis of dynamic bone strains. Besides discussing the background
theory, magnetic resonance imaging is integrated into the flexible multibody approach framework so that the actual bone geometry
could be better accounted for and the accuracy of prediction improved. 相似文献
We illustrate procedures to identify a state-space representation of a lossless or dissipative system from a given noise-free trajectory; important special cases are passive systems and bounded-real systems. Computing a rank-revealing factorization of a Gramian-like matrix constructed from the data, a state sequence can be obtained; the state-space equations are then computed by solving a system of linear equations. This idea is also applied to perform model reduction by obtaining a balanced realization directly from data and truncating it to obtain a reduced-order model. 相似文献
Jorge A. C. Ambrósio Maria Augusta Neto Rogério P. Leal 《Multibody System Dynamics》2007,18(2):117-144
The paper presents a general optimization methodology for flexible multibody systems which is demonstrated to find optimal
layouts of fiber composite structures components. The goal of the optimization process is to minimize the structural deformation
and, simultaneously, to fulfill a set of multidisciplinary constraints, by finding the optimal values for the fiber orientation
of composite structures. In this work, a general formulation for the computation of the first order analytical sensitivities
based on the use of automatic differentiation tools is applied. A critical overview on the use of the sensitivities obtained
by automatic differentiation against analytical sensitivities derived and implemented by hand is made with the purpose of
identifying shortcomings and proposing solutions. The equations of motion and sensitivities of the flexible multibody system
are solved simultaneously being the accelerations and velocities of the system and the sensitivities of the accelerations
and of the velocities integrated in time using a multi-step multi-order integration algorithm. Then, the optimal design of
the flexible multibody system is formulated to minimize the deformation energy of the system subjected to a set of technological
and functional constraints. The methodologies proposed are first discussed for a simple demonstrative example and applied
after to the optimization of a complex flexible multibody system, represented by a satellite antenna that is unfolded from
its launching configuration to its functional state. 相似文献
This paper presents a task-level control methodology for the general class of holonomically constrained multibody systems. As a point of departure, the general formulation of constrained dynamical systems is reviewed with respect to multiplier and minimization approaches. Subsequently, the operational space framework is considered and the underlying symmetry between constrained dynamics and operational space control is discussed. Motivated by this symmetry, approaches for constrained task-level control are presented which cast the general formulation of constrained multibody systems into a task space setting using the operational space framework. This provides a means of exploiting task-level control structures, native to operational space control, within the context of constrained systems. This allows us to naturally synthesize dynamic compensation for a multibody system, that properly accounts for the system constraints while performing a control task. A set of examples illustrate this control implementation. Additionally, the inclusion of flexible bodies in this approach is addressed. 相似文献
Panagiotis Patrinos Pantelis Sopasakis Haralambos SarimveisAuthor vitae 《Automatica》2011,(9):2016-2022
In this paper, the strictly convex quadratic program (QP) arising in model predictive control (MPC) for constrained linear systems is reformulated as a system of piecewise affine equations. A regularized piecewise smooth Newton method with exact line search on a convex, differentiable, piecewise-quadratic merit function is proposed for the solution of the reformulated problem. The algorithm has considerable merits when applied to MPC over standard active set or interior point algorithms. Its performance is tested and compared against state-of-the-art QP solvers on a series of benchmark problems. The proposed algorithm is orders of magnitudes faster, especially for large-scale problems and long horizons. For example, for the challenging crude distillation unit model of Pannocchia, Rawlings, and Wright (2007) with 252 states, 32 inputs, and 90 outputs, the average running time of the proposed approach is 1.57 ms. 相似文献
A parametrized model in addition to the control and state-space variables depends on time-independent design parameters, which essentially define a family of models. The goal of parametrized model reduction is to approximate this family of models. In this paper, a reduction method for linear time-invariant (LTI) parametrized models is presented, which constitutes the development of a recently proposed reduction approach. Reduced order models are computed based on the finite number of frequency response samples of the full order model. This method uses a semidefinite relaxation, while enforcing stability on the reduced order model for all values of parameters of interest. As a main theoretical statement, the relaxation gap (the ratio between upper and lower bounds) is derived, which validates the relaxation. The proposed method is flexible in adding extra constraints (e.g., passivity can be enforced on reduced order models) and modifying the objective function (e.g., frequency weights can be added to the minimization criterion). The performance of the method is validated on a numerical example. 相似文献
The floating frame of reference techniques is an established technique to incorporate flexibility in multibody models. The
model dimension of the body flexibility models can be reduced by model reduction techniques such as Component Mode Synthesis
(CMS) or Krylov subspace-based techniques, but the efficiency of these techniques is limited by the number of interface nodes
in which the flexible body is or can be loaded. A common solution to this problem is condensing the different nodes of a given
interface surface into a single node, which represents the net motion of the interface surface. Commercial finite element
packages offer two modeling techniques to condense interface surfaces: rigid multipoint constraints and interpolation multipoint
constraints. Rigid multipoint constraints will typically result in stiffness overestimation, whereas interpolation multipoint
constraints will lead to an underestimation. Which approximation of both is most suitable depends on the application. However,
the default definition of interpolation multipoint constraints does not allow generation of reduced body flexibility models
for multibody models. This paper gives a theoretical background of the problem cause, and offers a practical solution. The
two modeling techniques result in significantly different approximations of the body flexibility dynamics, as is shown in
a numerical example. 相似文献
The recent advances in technology sectors often clash with traditional organizational paradigms which can limit or make difficult an efficient implementation in the real world. In this paper we show how it is possible to exploit the advantages of innovative technologies in manufacturing when these are supported by new and efficient methods for production management. More in details, we face a flow shop scheduling problem in a shoe manufacturing system in which overtaking of jobs is allowed thanks to an innovative transportation system. Overtaking means that a job can be put in waiting state and another job can surpass it, allowing the change of the scheduling sequence. Preemption is not allowed. The objective function of the problem is the minimization of the maximum lateness. We propose a decentralized model, based on multi-agent system theory, to represent the production cells of the plant and to include the potentiality offered by overtaking of jobs at decisional level. The adoption of a decentralized approach increases the system flexibility since each machine is able to solve its local scheduling problem. Adding or removing machines to the plant will not imply a change in the scheduling algorithms. The outcomes of this work are reached firstly through a formulation of the problem with three flow shop scheduling models, secondly through a comparison of the models with respect to different performance indicators. The results highlight as the decentralized approach is able to reach comparable performances with the centralized one for a relevant number of instances. Moreover sensitivity analysis shows as in the decentralized model the computational time required to solve bigger instances increases less quickly than in the case of centralized ones. Finally, simulations of the decentralized approach clarify as the correlation of the local solution procedure is effected by the number of machines of the flow shop and the coordination mechanism is effected by the number of the jobs to be scheduled. 相似文献
Henrik Sandberg Author Vitae 《Automatica》2006,42(3):467-472
In this paper, the balanced truncation procedure is applied to time-varying linear systems, both in continuous and in discrete time. The methods are applied to a linear approximation of a diesel exhaust catalyst model. The reduced-order systems are obtained by using certain projections instead of direct balancing. An approximate zero-order-hold discretization of continuous-time systems is described, and a new a priori approximation error bound for balanced truncation in the discrete-time case is obtained. The case study shows that there are several advantages to work in discrete time. It gives simpler implementation with fewer computations. 相似文献
Rajendra Prasad 《Computers & Electrical Engineering》2000,26(6):445-459
A method of obtaining reduced order models for multivariable systems is described. It is shown that the method has several advantages, e.g. the reduced order models retain the steady-state value and stability of the original system. Irrespective of whether the original multivariable system is described in state space form or in the transfer matrix form, the proposed method yields the reduced order models in state space form. In this method the Routh approximation is used to formulate the common denominator polynomial of a reduced order model. This is used to describe the structure of Ar matrix. The matrices Br and Cr are chosen appropriately and some of the elements of Br/Cr matrices are specified in such a way that after matching time moments/Markov parameters, the resulting equations are linear in the unknown elements of Br and Cr matrices. The procedure is illustrated via a numerical example. 相似文献