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有关植物源饮料和食品原料中多酚的去除已有报道,但大多数是用多酚去除率等理化指标进行效果评估,很少有用生物学毒性指标来评估多酚去除的效果。本研究以山核桃鲜果仁水提物为例,用PVPP吸附法去除山核桃水提物中的多酚,并利用神经细胞模型的毒理学检测,评估PVPP去除多酚的效果。数据显示,用PVPP吸附法处理山核桃水提物可以显著地去除多酚(p<0.01),以40mg PVPP对500mg山核桃仁的比例处理10min,多酚去除率可达到84.6%。进一步用荧光显微镜观察细胞形态和MTT法测定细胞活力的细胞毒理学测定表明,未经PVPP处理的山核桃水提物显著(p<0.01)地增加了人类SH-SY5Y-EGFP神经肿瘤细胞和人类HUVEC正常细胞的死亡率,并呈现明显的剂量效应;而PVPP去除多酚的山核桃水提物没有显著地引起SH-SY5Y-EGFP神经肿瘤细胞和HUVEC正常细胞的死亡(p>0.05)。以上结果表明山核桃鲜果仁水提物因为含有较多的多酚物质,对人类肿瘤细胞和正常细胞都具有显著的体外细胞毒性(p<0.01),以此为毒理学评估指标,发现PVPP处理可以大量地去除多酚,降低山核桃果仁水提物中多酚的细胞毒性。   相似文献   

有关植物源饮料和食品原料中多酚的去除已有报道,但大多数是用多酚去除率等理化指标进行效果评估,很少有用生物学毒性指标来评估多酚去除的效果。本研究以山核桃鲜果仁水提物为例,用PVPP吸附法去除山核桃水提物中的多酚,并利用神经细胞模型的毒理学检测,评估PVPP去除多酚的效果。数据显示,用PVPP吸附法处理山核桃水提物可以显著地去除多酚(p0.01),以40mg PVPP对500mg山核桃仁的比例处理10min,多酚去除率可达到84.6%。进一步用荧光显微镜观察细胞形态和MTT法测定细胞活力的细胞毒理学测定表明,未经PVPP处理的山核桃水提物显著(p0.01)地增加了人类SH-SY5Y-EGFP神经肿瘤细胞和人类HUVEC正常细胞的死亡率,并呈现明显的剂量效应;而PVPP去除多酚的山核桃水提物没有显著地引起SH-SY5Y-EGFP神经肿瘤细胞和HUVEC正常细胞的死亡(p0.05)。以上结果表明山核桃鲜果仁水提物因为含有较多的多酚物质,对人类肿瘤细胞和正常细胞都具有显著的体外细胞毒性(p0.01),以此为毒理学评估指标,发现PVPP处理可以大量地去除多酚,降低山核桃果仁水提物中多酚的细胞毒性。  相似文献   

Patulin, a mycotoxin produced by several genera of fungi, including Byssochlamys, Aspergillus, and Penicillium, has been an important concern in apple cider and apple juice due to its toxicity and health consequences. In this study, the effects of UV on the patulin level, physical and chemical properties, and sensory attributes in apple juice from concentrate were investigated. Kinetic modeling of patulin reduction by UV radiation in apple juice from concentrate was calculated and compared with the degradation rate observed previously in apple cider. From an initial patulin contamination of approximately 1,000 ppb (μg/liter), the UV exposure, ranging from 14.2 mJ/cm(2) (one pass) to 99.4 mJ/cm(2) (seven passes), was successful in reducing patulin levels by 72.57% ± 2.76% to 5.14% ± 0.70%, respectively. Patulin reduction by UV radiation followed first-order kinetic modeling in a fashion similar to first-order microbial inactivation. An exponential correlation between UV exposure and the percentage of patulin remaining was observed, giving an r(2) value of 0.9950. Apple juice was repeatedly exposed to 14.2 mJ/cm(2) for each treatment, and patulin levels were significantly decreased when compared with the level obtained with the previous UV exposure treatment. While there were no significant differences in the percentages of titratable acidity and ascorbic acid (P > 0.05), there were minor yet random sampling differences in pH and degrees Brix (1 °Brix is 1 g of sucrose in 100 g of solution; the °Brix represents the soluble solids content of the solution as percentage by weight [%, wt/wt]) (P ≤ 0.05). A significant difference (P ≤ 0.05) in sensory perception for the finished apple juice was detected between the control and the full seven-pass UV radiation treatment using an experienced consumer panel and a triangle test. Patulin reduction by UV radiation from both the current study and a previous study involving apple cider was compared, which showed that both matrices strongly fit a first-order kinetic degradation model. However, the kinetic constant for degradation in apple juice was approximately 5.5 times greater than that observed in an apple cider matrix.  相似文献   

以绿豆芽和苹果为原料,研制复合型澄清果汁饮料。用两种汁液比、汁液量、蔗糖量、柠檬酸量为因素,采用4因素3水平L9(3^4)正交实验设计,筛选最佳实验配方。结果表明,最佳配方为绿豆芽:苹果汁为1:1、汁液量22%、蔗糖用量7%、柠檬酸用量0.02%。  相似文献   

为回收浓缩苹果汁加工中果汁脱色树脂所吸附的营养物质多酚,探讨了果汁脱色树脂LSA-900C对苹果多酚的吸附解析能力,并利用LX-60树脂进行了多酚的静态吸附、解析纯化等回收试验。结果表明:果汁脱色树脂LSA-900C对苹果多酚有较强的吸附能力,吸附量为48.58 mg/g,用70%乙醇可快速洗脱,一次洗脱解析率达到89.07%;洗脱的苹果幼果多酚用LX-60树脂纯化,其吸附量为62.18 mg/g,用60%甲醇水溶液洗脱,洗脱速率快,一次洗脱解析率达到92.31%。采用特定树脂进行苹果多酚的吸附分离纯化是可行的。  相似文献   

This paper reports the influence of fermentation conditions (temperature and yeast strain) on the chemical composition of cider. The cider was analysed for the non-volatile acids, polyalcohols, residual sugars and major volatile compounds. The application of principal components analysis enables the ciders to be differentiated on the basis of the two factors considered. The first principal component achieved the separation according to the type of strain and the second principal component separates the samples according to the fermentation temperature. The variables that carry most weight on first component were ethyl acetate, acetaldehyde and isobutanol. On second component the variables more relevant were: acetoin and 2,3-butanediol.  相似文献   

混浊苹果(金冠)汁的研制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
司俊玲 《食品工程》2008,(2):41-42,61
解决了混浊苹果(金冠)汁制作工艺中的护色、澄清等关键技术,最后通过正交试验确定产品的最佳配方,制成营养丰富、清凉爽口的饮用佳品。  相似文献   

An ion-exchange resin was employed to remove copper from tequila. Elemental analysis, batch and column copper uptake measurements were performed to assess the extent of metal removal; FTIR and XPS were employed to elucidate the copper complexes formed on the surface of resin; GC was used to investigate resin fouling and the extent of methanol removal. A modified Langmuir isotherm was used to explain adsorption equilibrium data. A ligand density of 2.21 mmol/g as sulphonic group, was measured. Maximum copper uptake by resin was 0.59 mmol/g. GC results from column experiments revealed methanol changes from 311 mg/100 ml anhydrous alcohol (AA) to 212 mg/100 ml AA, complying with Mexican regulations. Tequila solution with copper (5.3 l, 7.3 mg/l) was treated to breakthrough point in column experiments reaching 0.5 mg/l of copper at effluent. These results comply with the Mexican regulation for copper concentration (?2 mg/l) showing the promise of resin for industrial applications in removal of copper and methanol from tequila.  相似文献   

以橙汁、苹果汁、红枣和怀菊花为主要原料生产果汁饮料.先制备红枣、怀菊原汁,再分别通过配方均匀设计实验和正交实验进行科学合理调配,并进行稳定性的研完,研制出一种天然、营养、风味独特的复合查汁饮料.  相似文献   

研究了不同因素对果酸洗脱曲线及回收率的影响,确定了果酸洗脱回收的最佳工艺条件。结果表明:洗脱剂浓度、柱操作流速、温度及梯度洗脱对洗脱曲线及回收率有不同程度的影响,果酸洗脱回收最佳条件为:2% NaOH、2BV/h、20℃;采用梯度洗脱(2%-4%-2% NaOH),可提高果酸回收率。  相似文献   

研究了苹果汁中果酸在4种阴离子交换树脂上的静态吸附特性,其中LSI-1031阴离子交换树脂对果酸的交换吸附能力最强;系统测定并分析了果酸在LSI-1031阴离子交换树脂上交换吸附静态动力学、吸附等温曲线、动态动力学曲线及影响动态动力学曲线的因素,并确定了果酸交换吸附最佳工艺参数,结果表明:LSI-1031阴离子交换树脂吸附平衡时间为4h;20℃时,LSI-1031阴离子交换树脂吸附等温曲线符合Langmuir型吸附曲线;柱操作流速、果汁中果酸浓度以及温度对LSI-1031阴离子交换树脂动态动力学曲线都有影响,柱处理最佳条件为:流速3BV/h、温度50℃,并且低果酸浓度的果汁有利于提高树脂的处理量。  相似文献   

Leuconostc mesenteroides B-512F and L. mesenteroides B-742 were cultivated in clarified cashew apple juice to produce prebiotic oligosaccharides. Yeast extract (20 g/L); K2HPO4 (g/L) and sucrose (50 g/L) were added to the juice to promote the microbial growth and dextransucrase production. Initial pH was adjusted to 6.5 with H3PO4. Fermentations were carried out at 30 °C and 150 rpm for 24 h. The prebiotic effect of the fermented cashew apple juice, containing oligosaccharides, was evaluated through the Lactobacillus johnsonii B-2178 growth. L. johnsonii was incubated for 48 h using fermented cashew apple juice as substrate. Lactobacillus growth was compared to the microbial growth in non-fermented juice and in MRS broth. L. johnsonii growth in the fermented cashew apple juice was threefolds the observed growth in the non-fermented juice.  相似文献   

越桔芦荟复合保健饮料的研制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对越桔果汁酶解及澄清条件的研究,认为0.016mg/100g的果胶酶作用5h及0.04%的明胶澄清效果最好。在对该饮料的原料配比确定过程中运用了正交试验,得出越桔果汁占15%时成品风味良好具有一定保健功效。  相似文献   

An As(III)-imprinted chitosan resin (As-ICR) was successfully prepared to selectively remove arsenic from Laminaria japonica Aresch (LJA) juice. Batch adsorption experiments and column adsorption experiments were performed to evaluate the adsorption conditions, selectivity, and reusability. The results showed that the minimum total arsenic concentration of the juice was 4.16 mg/L at pH 6.0, 40 °C, with equilibrium time 4 h. The selectivity of As-ICR for arsenic was much higher than that of non-imprinted chitosan resin. As-ICR could be reused for 10 times with only about 13% regeneration loss. FTIR spectra demonstrated that the adsorption of As-ICR for arsenic occurred on amino and hydroxyl groups. Total arsenic concentration of the juice decreased significantly, while the other metal ions decreased except Zn2+ insignificantly. This suggests that As-ICR is a very promising sorbent for selective removal of arsenic from the juice.  相似文献   

以椰子水和腰果梨为原料,对椰子水腰果梨复合果酒的发酵工艺进行研究.通过中心组合试验设计和响应面分析优化发酵工艺.最佳工艺为发酵温度为20℃、SO2添加量为100mgkg、腰果梨汁添加量为8%.以最佳酿造工艺制成的椰子水腰果梨复合果酒酒体澄清透亮,香气清淡,风味独特.  相似文献   

High Intensity Light Pulses (HILP) represent an emerging processing technology which uses short (100-400 μs) light pulses (200-1100 nm) for product decontamination. In this study, model and real foods of differing transparencies (maximum recovery diluent (MRD), apple and orange juices and milk) were exposed to HILP in a batch system for 0, 2, 4 or 8 s at a frequency of 3 Hz. After treatment, inactivation of Escherichia coli or Listeria innocua was evaluated in pre-inoculated samples. Sensory and other quality attributes (colour, pH, Brix, titratable acidity, non-enzymatic browning, total phenols and antioxidant capacity (TEAC)) were assessed in apple juice. Microbial kill decreased with decreasing transparency of the medium. In apple juice (the most transparent beverage) E. coli decreased by 2.65 and 4.5 after exposure times of 2 or 4 s, respectively. No cell recovery was observed after 48 h storage at 4 °C. No significant differences were observed in quality parameters, excepting TEAC and flavour score, where 8 s exposure caused a significant decrease (p < 0.05). Based on these results, HILP with short exposure times could represent a potential alternative to thermal processing to eliminate undesirable microorganisms, while maintaining product quality, in transparent fruit juices.  相似文献   

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