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Two in-line monitoring probes were inserted into a 3.2 L batch cooling crystallizer to monitor the progression of a dextrose monohydrate crystallization and how it was influenced by process variables including impurities, seed size and initial dextrose concentration. The probes used were a K-patents refractometer and a Lasentec FBRM probe. These probes were applied to continuously monitor dextrose concentration in solution and crystal chord length distribution throughout the duration of the crystallization. The influence of process variables on crystallizer performance, as determined by final crystal yield and chord size, may not be intuitive and some unexpected results occurred. The continuous in-line measurement data proved very useful for interpreting how variations in the process variables influenced the crystallizer performance. Supersaturation is a key variable in the control of the crystallization process as it influences both nucleation and crystal growth. In-line monitoring of solution dextrose concentration can be applied to continuously evaluate supersaturation and this can then be applied to control supersaturation so as to achieve a desired crystallizer performance.  相似文献   

A new model able to describe the kinetics of isothermal crystallization is presented: it is a model written in the form of a differential equation allowing use under dynamic temperature variations. It describes the crystallization process as if it is a reversible reaction with a first order forward reaction and a reverse reaction of order n. The model has the advantage of having an analytical solution under isothermal conditions that facilitates parameter estimation. The quality of this model was compared with the more traditional Avrami (with and without induction time) and Gompertz models using different model selection criteria. To show the universality of the model, different fat samples, different crystallization temperatures and different measuring techniques were used for model evaluation. The new model was selected as the best for the majority of the samples and this independent of the model selection criterion used.  相似文献   

Molecular-level understanding of solid-phase crystallization growth kinetics has the potential to improve the fundamental basis for understanding this process. This understanding has been developed here as part of an activated-state model, which accounts for the effects of the moisture content and the temperature on the crystallization rate. Water-induced crystallization (WIC) at different temperatures (15 °C, 25 °C, 40 °C) and a constant relative humidity (75%) environment has been used to analyze the changes in enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy of activation for the solid-phase crystallization of lactose. WIC showed that, at higher temperatures, crystallization commences at lower moisture contents. The enthalpy and Gibbs free energy of activation increased during the crystallization process, which suggested that the binding energy needed for the formation of an activated complex increased as the moisture content decreased, making the formation of the activated complex more difficult. The entropy of activation, on the other hand, decreased with the decrease in the moisture content. From the activated rate equation, the energy of activation has been estimated to be 39 ± 2 kJ mol−1, which is similar to the literature value (40 kJ mol−1) for the solid-phase crystallization of lactose. The reaction rate constant at 25 °C is 1.4 × 10−4 s−1, which is similar to the literature value of 1.3 × 10−4 s−1. The WLF equation is inconsistent and hence unreliable in predicting the rates of crystallization at the glass-transition temperature from the analysis of experimental data at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Glass transition temperatures (Tg) for dilute and concentrated glucose: fructose: water solutions have been determined by differential scanning calorimetry. The supplemented phase diagrams (glucose: fructose 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 4:1 (w/w)) are presented and from these the temperature (Tg') and concentration (C'g) of the maximally freeze-concentrated glass have been determined. Theoretical predictions of Tg for binary (glucose: fructose) and tertiary (glucose: fructose: water) systems according to the Couchman–Karasz and Gordon-Taylor equations are given and discussed. Annealing vitrified glucose: fructose glasses above their Tg allows the glass concentration to approach C'g as a result of ice formation. Viscosity measurements of fructose and fructose: glucose mixtures allow for a calculation of Tg of the non-aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Organic acids, hot water (HW), and chlorine have been commonly used in carcass decontamination for years. However, it has been observed that organic acids have adverse effects on color and are corrosive, while HW is discoloring. On the other hand, glucose fermentation by lactic acid bacteria in meat during the rigor period might be effective in microbial inhibition, without producing an adverse effect on the organoleptic quality of meat. Therefore, this study has aimed at finding an alternative meat decontamination procedure without any adverse effects. In this study, briskets were treated with 6 different applications: D (+) glucose monohydrate (GM) (16.51 g/100 mL, 15%) dip, HW dip, sodium pyrophosphate (SPP) and HW dip, GM + SPP + HW, and GM + HW combined dip. Then, the results of these applications were compared. First, GM + HW and GM + SPP + HW applications indicated more inhibition on Pseudomonas spp., Coliform and total Mesophile Aerob Bacteria growth, resulting in lower acidity loss ( P < 0.01). Second, additional use of SPP with GM and HW did not enhance microbial inhibition ( P < 0.01). Finally and most importantly, GM, 15%, improved a and b Hunter values significantly ( P < 0.01), producing a very intense red meat color that can be very attractive for meat producers and consumers.  相似文献   

In this work, a mass transfer study on aroma compound recovery by pervaporation process was performed using a model based on solution–diffusion theory. CFD method was employed to solve the governing mass transfer equations by considering the flux coupling. Concentration profiles of penetrants inside the membrane as well as permeation flux and aroma permeate concentration through the membrane were determined. The modeling results were validated by the experimental data obtained for pervaporative recovery of isopentyl acetate and n-hexanol from their binary aqueous solutions with composite PDMS membrane. The influence of key operating parameters such as feed aroma concentration and temperature on the flux and permeate concentration was also investigated theoretically and experimentally. The results showed that the aroma permeate concentration as well as the total and partial fluxes increased with an increase in the feed aroma content and feed temperature. The predicted results were in good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

The cashew crop is an important agro-economic activity in many equatorial areas, although less than 10% of the cashew apple production is exploited industrially. This work focuses on two aspects: obtaining food-grade syrups from cashew apple juice and studying fixed bed adsorption dynamics to separate fructose from glucose. Syrups obtained by concentrating clarified cashew apple juice under vacuum showed similar characteristics to a reference food-grade syrup, with a higher content in fructose, which may contribute to a higher sweetening power with less caloric intake. Adsorption equilibrium studies were performed with synthetic solutions of fructose and glucose by frontal analysis under the concentration range found in the syrups (10-120 g/L) at 30, 40 and 60 °C, using the cation exchange resin Dowex MTO 99Ca. Fructose was more strongly adsorbed than glucose, with measured selectivities ranging from 1.50 to 2.25. Resistance to mass transfer was significant and thought to be due to resin crosslinkage. Glucose and fructose breakthrough curves using cashew apple syrup as feed were practically identical to those measured with synthetic solutions, which leads us to believe that high-fructose syrups may be readily obtained by using current continuous chromatographic units, such as SMB.  相似文献   

通过设计“水解植物蛋白液 葡萄糖”模型热反应,考察了不同3-氯-1,2-丙二醇 (3-MCPD)含量的HVP液、葡萄糖用量、反应温度、反应时间等因素对热反应产物中 3-MCPD 含量的影响。结果表明:模型热反应产物中 3-MCPD 含量随着 HVP 液中 3-MCPD 的含量增加而增加;随着葡萄糖用量增加而减少;随着反应温度的升高,3-MCPD 的量先增加后减少;热反应时间越长,3-MCPD 的含量越高。  相似文献   

Modulation of crystallization of stearic acid and its derivatives is important for tuning the properties of stearate oleogels. The present study delineates the crystallization of stearic acid in stearate oleogels in the presence of Span 60. Microarchitecture analysis revealed that stearic acid crystals in the oleogels changed its shape from plate‐like structure to a branched architecture in the presence of Span 60. Consequently, a significant variation in the mobility of the solute molecules inside the oleogel (Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching studies, FRAP analysis) was observed. Thermal analysis (gelation kinetics and DSC) revealed shortening of nucleation induction time and secondary crystallization with an increase in the Span 60 concentration. Furthermore, isosolid diagram suggested better physical stability of the formulations at higher proportions of Span 60. XRD analysis indicated that there was a decrease in the crystal size and the crystallinity of the stearic acid crystals with an increase in Span 60 concentration in the Span 60 containing oleogels. However, crystal growth orientation was unidirectional and found unaltered with Span 60 concentration (Avarmi analysis using DSC data). The mechanical study indicated a composition‐dependent variation in the viscoelastic properties (instantaneous [τ1], intermediate [τ2], and delayed [τ3] relaxation times) of the formulations. In conclusion, Span 60 can be used to alter the kinetics of the crystallization, crystal habit and crystal structure of stearic acid. This study provides a number of clues that could be used further for developing oleogel based formulation.  相似文献   

Both sexes of mice were fed a high fat diet (HFD) for 10 weeks without and with polyphenolic‐rich potato extracts (PRPE) of cultivars Onaway and Russet Burbank. PRPE attenuated weight gain in male and female mice by as much as 63.2%, which was associated mostly with a reduction in adiposity. Mice receiving PRPE showed enhanced capacity for blood glucose clearance. Sex differences regarding the impact of HFD and PRPE on plasma levels of insulin, ghrelin, leptin, gastric inhibitory peptide, and resistin were noted. PRPE may serve as part of a preventative dietary strategy against the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Ultrasound has been used to study the behaviour of dextran, legumin (11s globulin of the broad bean Vicia faba ) and their mixtures in aqueous salt solutions under different physico-chemical and thermodynamic conditions. The attenuation coefficient of the solutions was measured as a function of pH (3–10) and ionic strength (0, 0.025, 0.05 M NaCl). The attenuation in the dextran solutions was independent of pH and ionic strength, whereas that in the solutions containing legumin had a maximum value near to the isoelectric point of the legumin (∼φ 5). The magnitude of this maximum depended on the ionic strength of the solution. The cause of the observed attenuation was scattering of ultrasound by precipitated protein. The addition of dextran to solutions where the biopolymers are thermodynamically compatible decreases the attenuation, whereas its addition to solutions where the biopolymers are incompatible increases it. This is because protein precipitation is greater in incompatible systems.  相似文献   

The survival of Bifidobacterium longum NCIMB 8809 was studied during refrigerated storage for 6 weeks in model solutions, based on which a mathematical model was constructed describing cell survival as a function of pH, citric acid, protein and dietary fibre. A Central Composite Design (CCD) was developed studying the influence of four factors at three levels, i.e., pH (3.2–4), citric acid (2–15 g/l), protein (0–10 g/l), and dietary fibre (0–8 g/l). In total, 31 experimental runs were carried out. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the regression model demonstrated that the model fitted well the data. From the regression coefficients it was deduced that all four factors had a statistically significant (P < 0.05) negative effect on the log decrease [log10N0 week−log10N6 week], with the pH and citric acid being the most influential ones. Cell survival during storage was also investigated in various types of juices, including orange, grapefruit, blackcurrant, pineapple, pomegranate and strawberry. The highest cell survival (less than 0.4 log decrease) after 6 weeks of storage was observed in orange and pineapple, both of which had a pH of about 3.8. Although the pH of grapefruit and blackcurrant was similar (pH ∼3.2), the log decrease of the former was ∼0.5 log, whereas of the latter was ∼0.7 log. One reason for this could be the fact that grapefruit contained a high amount of citric acid (15.3 g/l). The log decrease in pomegranate and strawberry juices was extremely high (∼8 logs). The mathematical model was able to predict adequately the cell survival in orange, grapefruit, blackcurrant, and pineapple juices. However, the model failed to predict the cell survival in pomegranate and strawberry, most likely due to the very high levels of phenolic compounds in these two juices.  相似文献   

Four model solutions with the Maillard precursors methionine and glucose were reacted at 40 °C for up to 15 days. The solutions had a high or low precursor concentration leading to either high or medium water activity (0.96; 0.86). The water activity of the two other solutions was reduced by adding either salt or sucrose. Glucose, methionine and the Amadori compound (Fru–Met) were quantified after 1, 2, 6, 10 and 15 days. The results show that high salt and sucrose levels had a much more pronounced influence on glucose consumption and Fru–Met formation than differences in water activity. Glucose degradation and Fru–Met formation was favoured by high sucrose levels and inhibited by high NaCl levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of Maillard reaction products (MRPs) derived from aqueous glucose/glycine, diglycine, and triglycine model systems as a function of heating time. The pH of MRPs derived from the Glu-G model system decreased markedly as the heating time increased, while MRPs derived from the Glu-Di model system showed the highest increase in absorbance at 420 nm. MRPs derived from the Glu-G model system showed the highest cupric ion chelating ability, while MRPs derived from the Glu-Di model system had the highest ferrous ion chelating activity. MRPs derived from the Glu-Di model system were found to be effective antioxidants in different in vitro assays with regard to the 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH) radical scavenging activities and ferric reducing/antioxidant power (FRAP).  相似文献   

A non-structured model has been developed to describe the CO2 emission during growth of Geotrichum candidum on a lactate + peptone-based liquid medium. From the nitrogen and carbon mass balances, it was shown that about 50% of the total CO2 released was from the metabolism of the energy supply for biosynthesis, and the remaining from that for maintenance; thus, CO2 production was considered to be partially associated with growth. The model fitted the experimental data as long as a net growth was observed (0-50 h). The coefficients for growth- and non-growth-associated CO2 production were A = 0.646 (dimensionless) and B = 0.017 h(-1), respectively. From the coefficients of the model and the CO2 history data, the biomass kinetics has been reconstructed, and the calculated biomass concentrations agree fairly well with the experimental data. From this, measurement of the CO2 evolved may be used as an indirect and non-intrusive method of monitoring fungal growth during the first 50 h of cultivation.  相似文献   

潘南 《中国油脂》2022,47(3):18-26
以福建紫海胆(Heliocidaris crassispina)性腺为研究对象,采用单因素实验和正交实验优化水酶法提取紫海胆性腺脂质工艺,并基于气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)、二醇基硅胶固相萃取(Generik Diol SPE)、高效薄层色谱(HPTLC)和差示扫描量热(DSC)等技术,以脂质得率、理化性质、脂肪酸组成、营养指标、脂质组成、熔融与结晶特性为指标,探讨了水酶法、Folch法和Matyash法对紫海胆性腺脂质品质的影响。结果表明:水酶法提取紫海胆性腺脂质最佳工艺条件为料液比1∶ 20、中性蛋白酶添加量7 500 U/g、酶解时间5 h、酶解温度50 ℃和pH 7,该条件下脂质得率为2322%,显著低于Folch法(27.27%)和Matyash法(27.14%);与Folch法和Matyash法相比,水酶法提取的紫海胆性腺脂质过氧化值(0.006 g/100 g)较低,碘值(95.77 g/100 g)较高,饱和脂肪酸含量(51.48%)较低,多不饱和脂肪酸含量(34.53%)较高,EPA与DHA总含量(15.04%)较高,营养指标较好,磷脂含量(4.23%)较低,熔融与结晶温度较低。综上,虽然水酶法提取紫海胆性腺脂质工艺存在得率低、破乳工艺复杂、磷脂选择性差等技术瓶颈,但其反应条件温和、绿色安全,所提取的脂质品质佳,具有较好的营养价值、较低的熔融与结晶温度,适合高品质海洋膳食脂质的研制。  相似文献   

To clarify the useful properties of the macroalgal beach-casts for food, we determined mineral, water-soluble polysaccharide and total phenolic compound contents and antioxidant properties of aqueous solutions obtained from frond of eight brown and four green algae. These algae were washed ashore from the East Sea (the Sea of Japan) to the northeast beaches of the Noto Peninsula in autumn. There were fresh and large amounts of Ecklonia stolonifera (Es), Ecklonia kurome (Ek), Sargassum ringgoldianum subsp. coreanum (Sr) and Sargassum macrocarpum on the beaches. Potassium, magnesium and calcium ions were high in Sr-solution. High molecular weight water-soluble polysaccharide, mainly alginates, and relative viscosity were also high in Sr-solution. Both Es and Ek solutions showed high contents of total phenolic compounds and high antioxidant activities, including DPPH radical- and hydroxyl radical-scavenging and ferrous reducing power. On the other hand, the highest superoxide anion radical-scavenging activity was in the Sr solution. In the case of Sr, the same antioxidant properties were also found in the aqueous solution obtained from stem. These results suggest that some macroalgal beach-casts, especially Sr, can be utilised as new natural resources for functional foods, cosmetics, medical applications and fertilizer instead of being processed to landfill or incineration.  相似文献   

The mechanism of As(V) removal from aqueous solutions by means of hydrated ferric oxide (HFO)-treated sugarcane bagasse (SCB-HFO) (Saccharum officinarum L.) was investigated. Effects of different parameters, such as pH value, initial arsenic concentration, adsorbent dosage, contact time and ionic strength, on the As(V) adsorption were studied. The adsorption capacity of SCB-HFO for As(V) was found to be 22.1 mg/g under optimum conditions of pH 4, contact time 3 h and temperature 22 °C. Initial As(V) concentration influenced the removal efficiency of SCB-HFO. The desorption of As(V) from the adsorbent was 17% when using 30% HCl and 85% with 1 M NaOH solution. FTIR analyses evidenced two potential binding sites associated with carboxyl and hydroxyl groups which are responsible for As(V) removal. Adsorption, surface precipitation, ion exchange and complexation can be suggested as mechanisms for the As(V) removal from the solution phase onto the surface of SCB-HFO.  相似文献   

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