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原子时标TA(NIM)是一个独立时标,其频率由NIM5铯喷泉基准驾驭。产生时标的主钟是一台主动型氢原子钟,铯喷泉基准定期对其测量和校准。时标算法通过预估氢钟将来的频率,补偿过去预估频率与校准频率之差,并评估无校准数据期间的氢钟频率,最终尽可能实现TA(NIM)的频率与NIM5铯喷泉基准保持一致。2007年8月,TA(NIM)开始试运行,2008年6月正式运行。1年多来的数据分析表明,TA(NIM)运行连续可靠,与TAI间的时间稳定度(5天)达到1.2 ns,相对频差为2.0×10-15。  相似文献   

A new harmonic power standard has been developed at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), Beijing, China, for the calibration of harmonic power analyzers under nonsinusoidal conditions at fundamental frequencies of 50 and 60 Hz. The standard is based on digital sampling techniques that do not require synchronization. A compensation algorithm is presented in this paper. A new definition of the uncertainty for harmonic measurement is proposed that is referred to the fundamental. A characterization signal and its application are introduced. Results have shown that over its operating range of up to 50 A, 500 V, and the sixtieth-order harmonic, the harmonic power standard has uncertainties $(k =2)$ of less than 30 $muhbox{V/V}$, 36 $mu hbox{A/A}$, and 42 $muhbox{W/VA}$ for voltage, current, and power measurements, respectively.   相似文献   

本文报导了中国计量科学研究院(NIM)研制新一代“激光冷却铯原子喷泉”国家时间频率基准装置的进展,实现了从磁光阱(MOT)过渡到光学黏胶(OM)装载-冷却铯(Cs)原子,利用飞行时间(TOF)法记录到信噪比优于40的原子云荧光信号,原子经后冷却达到(10-20)uK,用光学黏胶从铯蒸气直接获得了冷原子云,并给出了对实验的讨论。  相似文献   

本文报导了中国计量科学研究院(MM)研制新一代"激光冷却铯原子喷泉"国家时间频率基准装置的进展实现了从磁光阱(MOT)过渡到光学黏胶(OM)装载-冷却铯(Cs)原子,利用飞行时间(TOF)法记录到信噪比优于40的原子云荧光信号;原子经后冷却达到(10~20)μK;用光学黏胶从铯蒸气直接获得了冷原子云.并给出了对实验的讨论.  相似文献   

杨雁  黄璐  王维  陆文俊  陆祖良 《计量学报》2020,41(3):284-289
基于一种交流电桥自动辅助平衡方法,中国计量科学研究院(NIM)研制了新一代二端对电容电桥装置。电桥采用固定比率的感应耦合比率臂电桥,通过复用比率,用单一电桥即实现了计算电容过渡和电容10:1传递;采用一种改进的靴带法实现电桥感应比率臂比率的精确校验。该装置用于电容单位的量值复现和标准电容器的高准度量值传递。利用新一代二端对电容电桥装置,可从计算电容装置复现1 pF电容值,并实现电容 1~100 pF的十进制量值传递,电容量值传递相对标准不确定度可达5×10-9(1592 Hz)。采用该电桥参加了10 pF和100 pF电容国际关键比对(CCEM.K4-2017),中国比对成绩优异,数据均非常接近关键比对参考值(KCRV),其中100 pF的结果最接近KCRV,与KCRV取得了很好的一致性,从而获得国际互认。  相似文献   

As infrared remote sensors are very important parts of Earth observation satellites, they must be calibrated based on the radiance temperature of a blackbody in a vacuum chamber prior to launch. The uncertainty of such temperature is thus an essential component of the sensors’ uncertainty. This paper describes the vacuum radiance-temperature standard facility (VRTSF) at the National Institute of Metrology of China, which will serve to calibrate infrared remote sensors on Chinese meteorological satellites. The VRTSF can be used to calibrate vacuum blackbody radiance temperature, including those used to calibrate infrared remote sensors. The components of the VRTSF are described in this paper, including the VMTBB, the LNBB, the FTIR spectrometer, the reduced-background optical system, the vacuum chamber used to calibrate customers’ blackbody, the vacuum-pumping system and the liquid-nitrogen-support system. The experimental methods and results are expounded. The uncertainty of the radiance temperature of VMTBB is 0.026 °C at 30 °C over 10 μm.  相似文献   

报道了中国计量科学研究院(NIM)在复现国际单位制(SI)长度单位米和时间单位秒的研究进展,包括稳频激光、NIM4铯原子喷泉钟和飞秒光学频率梳.NIM4钟不确定度达4.4×10-15,NIM在研的飞秒光梳将以优于1×10-13的不确定度实现光学波长向微波频率的溯源.文中还讨论了127I2饱和吸收633nm 3次谐波稳频的HeNe激光波长比5次谐波稳频的更"准确";指出飞秒光梳是从动跟踪系统,描述它的性能指标应当是它的跟踪精度;估计了用"吸收室-原子束-原子喷泉-原子/离子存储"4种不同原理所建频标可能达到的不确定度极限.最后简略展望时间频率基准研究的新动向--光钟.  相似文献   

High-temperature fixed points (HTFPs) have been thoroughly investigated, and the performance of variable temperature blackbodies (VTBB) has also improved rapidly. These two are beginning to be used in the calibration of pyrometers; however, tungsten strip lamps (STSL) still play a role in the dissemination of the high-temperature scale in China. International Temperature Scale of 1990 values of HTFPs and the lamps were assigned on a primary standard pyrometer (PSP) and were traced to the primary standard of the high-temperature scale at the National Institute of Metrology. In this paper, two pyrometers calibrated by using extrapolation and interpolation methods are reported. The values of the calibration were compared against the STSL values and the PSP values on HTBB, and their uncertainties are calculated as well. Because the stability of the HTFPs was better than that of the lamps, the calibration chains based on the lamps are starting to be replaced by HTFPs and VTBBs in China.  相似文献   

设计一种带刻度标尺并可灵活移动和拆卸的装置,提高超声波系统零声时标定的准确度和方便性。  相似文献   

The high-temperature primary standard system was gradually improved at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM) in China after 2004. A new primary standard pyrometer (PSP) was developed, one with a size-of-source effect of 1 × 10?4, and regional thermostats for interference filters, photoelectric detectors, and I/V converters. The relative spectral responsivity of the entire PSP was calibrated by means of a new facility. A new LED-based measurement facility and novel systematic error correction model were utilized to characterize the PSP nonlinearity and extend the photocurrent to PSP temperature readings of about 2680 °C. As an improved scheme, the fixed-point blackbody pyrometer assembly was utilized to realize and disseminate the International Temperature Scale of 1990 above the silver point. This scheme can avoid the influences of instability and inhomogeneity of tungsten strip lamps and corrects pyrometer drifts, thereby improving the realization uncertainty and simplifying the transfer chain. The expanded uncertainties of the scale realization ranged from 0.04 °C at the silver point to 0.48 °C at 2474 °C.  相似文献   

1999年,受原国家质量技术监督局委托,中国计量科学研究院参加了由国际计量局(BIPM)组织召开的38个米制公约国会议,并签署了《国家计量(基)标准互认与国家计量院签发的校准及测量证书互认》协议(MRA).根据协议,除承担参加国际关键比对并建立符合国际标准的检测服务质量体系外,国家计量科学院还可以要求所在洲的区域性计量组织(RMO)选择其它国家计量院(NMI)或者选派专家进行同行评审,以对其质量体系及最佳测量能力(CMC)进行旁证.得到亚太经济合作组织贸易与投资自由化便利化基金(APEC-TILF)的支持,亚太计量规范组织(APMP)决定在本地区组织同行专家以团队形式评审国家计量院,首先选择在中国计量科学研究院进行.  相似文献   

In August 2006, a scientific cooperation agreement between the Italian National Research Institute of Metrology (INRiM) and the National Chinese Institute of Metrology (NIM) was signed. The cooperation will last at least 3 years and has several goals in the field of contact thermometry. First of all, the Chinese Thermometry Division intends to have a temperature amplifier (TA) operative in its laboratories. The cooperation will begin with the manufacture of two new gas-controlled heat pipes by INRiM for NIM: one for lower temperatures and the other for higher temperatures, up to the silver fixed point. The know-how required for the use of those devices will be transferred from INRiM to NIM, since some young Chinese researchers will spend several months working in the Gas-Controlled Heat Pipes Laboratory of INRiM, learning all working principles of the TA and of the involved devices, such as the pressure controller, pressure lines, heater control, and cooling systems. Next, the heat pipes will be filled at INRiM with the working fluids (mercury and sodium) and sent to NIM. NIM will manufacture part of the required accessory devices, such as furnaces, pressure lines, and cooling systems, while a new pressure controller will be manufactured at INRiM for NIM. The acquired and assembled new devices will allow NIM to cooperate in several research activities related to contact thermometry, such as phase transition studies, new temperature standard proposals, and calibration capabilities evaluation. The paper reports all details of this cooperation, the first results achieved, and those expected.  相似文献   

Equipment for precise measurement of the quantized Hall resistance (QHR) at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), Beijing, China, is described. The essential parts in this equipment are a resistance comparator of one-to-one ratio with a comparison uncertainty of 3×10-8 and two specially designed resistor networks used for determining of the ratio between 12906.4035 Ω of QHR at i=2 and 10 kΩ or 1 kΩ. The transfer procedure from QHR to 10 kΩ or 1 kΩ can be completed easily with this equipment by a few one-to-one comparisons with a total uncertainty of 5×10-8  相似文献   

报道中国计量科学研究院(NIM)在微波-光学频率计量研究的新进展:用NIM4激光冷却-铯原子 喷泉钟复现国际单位制(SI)时间单位秒(s),用飞秒(FS)光学频率梳间接复现长度单位米(m)并标定稳频 激光波长实际实施米定义。NIM4铯原子喷泉钟的不确定度达到5×10-15,飞秒(FS)光梳锁定到NIM4钟控制的 氢钟后,其频率不确定度为2畅2×10-14。在此基础上讨论铯原子喷泉钟、稳频激光、FS光梳的作用、意义和相互 关系。最后简要介绍NIM5铯原子喷泉钟的研究进展和2006年起NIM立题研制锶原子存储  相似文献   

报道中国计量科学研究院(NIM)在微波-光学频率计量研究的新进展:用NIM4激光冷却-铯原子喷泉钟复现国际单位制(SI)时间单位秒(s),用飞秒(FS)光学频率梳间接复现长度单位米(m)并标定稳频激光波长实际实施米定义.NIM4铯原子喷泉钟的不确定度达到5×10-15,飞秒(FS)光梳锁定到NIM4钟控制的氢钟后,其频率不确定度为2.2×10-14.在此基础上讨论铯原子喷泉钟、稳频激光、FS光梳的作用、意义和相互关系.最后简要介绍NIM5铯原子喷泉钟的研究进展和2006年起NIM立题研制锶原子存储光钟.  相似文献   

AQSIQ Minister Zhi Shuping met Dacian Ciolos, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development of European Commission (EC) mad his entourage on July 23.  相似文献   

At the National Institute of Metrology of China (NIM), silicon photodiode-based narrow-band interference filter radiometers (FRs) have been designed for the radiometric determination of the thermodynamic temperature. The FR calibrations were performed on a new spectral comparator with a trap detector which was calibrated against the cryogenic radiometer at several discrete laser lines. The new spectral comparator is constructed from two grating monochromators assembled to give lower stray light and higher transmitted flux. Applying a transmittance measurement of the filter in the out-of-band region and careful control of the temperature, the irradiance responsivity of a 633 nm centered FR has been obtained over a dynamic range of nearly eight decades in the wavelength range from 450 nm to 1200 nm. The relative standard uncertainty of the responsivity is also analyzed and estimated to be less than 7 × 10?4 at the 1 ?? level.  相似文献   

NIM4#激光冷却-铯原子喷泉钟--新一代国家时间频率基准   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
中国计量科学研究院NIM4#冷原子喷泉钟自2003 年8月起已经稳定运行6个月,并于2003年9~12月期间完成了系统频率偏差评定.文中介绍NIM4#钟的喷泉实验、微波频率锁定和对其主要频率特性的实验研究.实验和分析表明,NIM4#钟频率稳定性达8×10-13τ-1/2,复现性达5 ×10-15,频偏评定不确定度达8.5 ×10-15.作为旁证,NIM4#与中国计量科学研究院原子时TA(NIM)进行了120天比对,频率偏差在误差范围之内.  相似文献   

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