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Abstract: We explore the validity of moiré gap equation in terms of the digital speckle photography technique and show that the equation can be adapted to measure the shape or surface strain of curved objects. Examples of the utility of this approach are demonstrated using a spherical rubber ball.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Carbon fibre composites find wide applications in aerospace, sporting goods industry and biomedicine. Mechanical and thermal properties of such materials are highly anisotropic; therefore, adequate experimental measuring methods are requested to determine them. This paper describes the application of electronic speckle pattern interferometry to full-field, real-time characterisation of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of anisotropic materials. The topics such as correlation fringes tilt and influence of small rigid body rotation were theoretically described and experimentally verified. A series of measurements was carried out to determine the CTE tensor for unidirectional and bi-directional carbon fibre laminates and to prove the feasibility of the method. The measuring set-up developed includes a temperature control unit for cooling and heating and a one-dimensional in-plane speckle interferometer.  相似文献   

讨论了测量不确定度的来源和在热膨胀特征参数检测中不确定度的影响因素,介绍了热膨胀测量不确定度评定的实例。  相似文献   

利用数字散斑照相术测量面内位移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用数字图像处理技术直接对双曝光散斑图进行全场分析,获取了杨氏条纹图.通过对条纹图的滤波增强、二值化、细化等操作,提取了条纹周期,实现了物体面内微小位移的测量.实验结果表明,该方法可获得高对比度的散斑干涉条纹,经过数字图像处理,条纹细化无断点和毛刺,有利于条纹判读,提高测量精度,其微位移测量误差小于4%.由于散斑图及条纹图像均是在计算机内存储、处理,实现了散斑照相术的数字化,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(12):883-898
Local displacements in the plane of an object surface illuminated by coherent light may be measured by recording double-exposure photographs of it. When the surface is illuminated symmetrically by two oblique beams, ‘speckle correlation fringes’ appear in the doubly exposed negative, due to the non-linear nature of the photographic recording. Factors affecting the visibility of these fringes and the range of displacement which can be measured are discussed. The fringe visibility falls to zero for displacements larger than a speckle width, but measurements can then be performed upon the optical transform of the negative image. With uni-directional object illumination, the in-plane displacement can be measured on a point-by-point basis in magnitude and in direction from Young's fringes observed. With two symmetrical oblique illuminating beams the effect of a small surface strain is displayed, even if large lateral displacement has occurred, by using spatial filtering when viewing the photographic image.  相似文献   

《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(10):1229-1231
Speckle photography provides a simple, non-contact method of measuring in-plane displacements. By using the technique to measure the displacement at two points on an object which is being rotated about an axis parallel to the line of sight, the amount of rotation can be calculated without the need to identify the actual axis of rotation.  相似文献   

Gren P 《Applied optics》2001,40(14):2304-2309
The measuring of situations with optical measuring methods is difficult when a deformation field must be determined while it is superposed to comparatively large rotating or translating object motion. Interferometric methods such as pulsed TV holography might be suitable to measure the small transient deformation, but the often-large bulk motion makes the phase information disappear. However, by a combination of digital speckle photography (DSP) (also called digital image correlation) with pulsed TV holography, such measuring problems can be mastered. A method to calculate the bulk in-plane motion by DSP from the usual pulsed TV holography recordings and then to use this information to restore the interference phase is proposed. This technique may be attractive in the study of transient vibrations overlaid on rotating or translating motions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a modified speckle photography technique is demonstrated for the measurement of a variable range of the in-plane displacement. The modification focuses on coupling the diode pump solid state laser DPSS with the conventional speckle photography technique. The DPSS laser emerges different wavelengths to provide speckle patterns of suitable size to measure the desired range of the in-plane displacement. The second harmonic generation in a nonlinear crystal of wavelength 532 nm and the principle diode laser wavelength 808 nm are employed in identifying the object positions within a lateral displacement made by a standard linear stage in the range from few microns up to 1.2 mm. The sensitivity and the correlation of the speckles formed by both wavelengths suit both small and large movements. A continues measurement by the modified technique can be achieved by identifying a scale factor in the uniform area in which both wavelengths are effective, and high correlation between the results obtained by 532 and 808 nm is maintained. The uncertainty in measuring 1.2 mm lateral movement by the modified speckle photography is found to be 26.8 μm.  相似文献   

氟硅酸盐微晶玻璃的热膨胀性能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
氟硅酸盐微晶玻璃的热膨胀性能主要取决于微晶玻璃的晶相组成及其相对含量.透辉石结晶相的含量增加使微晶玻璃的热膨胀系数降低,与此相反碱镁闪石结晶相的含量增加却使微晶玻璃的膨胀系数增加.K2O-MgO-SiO2-CaF2系统氟硅酸盐微晶玻璃的最小热膨胀系数为:78.4×10-7(20~300℃);最大热膨胀系数为:85.6×107(20~300℃).  相似文献   

新型负热膨胀氧化物材料   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
沈容  王聪  王天民 《材料导报》2001,15(8):35-38
综述了近年来新发现的新型负热膨胀氧化物材料AM2O8,AM2O7,A2(MO4)及其负热膨胀机理,并对其潜在的应用作了简单论述。  相似文献   

The thermal expansion of polycrystalline MgB2 from 5–300 K is studied using high-resolution capacitance dilatometry. The thermal expansivity exhibits a small jump of –5.8×10–8 K–1 at T c (in accord with expectations from the Ehrenfest relationship and published specific heat and pressure data) and a negative peak-like feature close to 5 K. No indications of any structural instabilities are observed.  相似文献   

微结构是微器件或微系统的基本组成部分,对其运动特性的测试有助于对器件或系统的性能和稳定性进行评价.为此,针对频闪成像技术获得的微结构运动图像序列,对数字散斑相关技术应用于微结构平面运动特性测试的实现方法进行了探讨,采用梯度法实现全局刚性位移的精确测量,并作为牛顿迭代法的初值进行区域变形量的提取。具有较高的计算效率SiCRF微谐振器平面运动特性测试实验表明,微结构平面刚性位移测量的分辨率和偏差分别能够达到1/100像素和1/20像素,区域变形信息提取的有效性也得到了初步验证.  相似文献   

先进近零膨胀陶瓷研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陶瓷材料易受外界温度剧变的影响,在材料中产生热引力,导致陶瓷材料失效.因此近零膨胀陶瓷在耐热冲击性能上具有显著优势,应用十分广泛,一直是材料学界研究的热点.介绍了磷酸盐、钛酸铝、微晶玻璃、钨酸锆几类典型的耐热冲击陶瓷材料,重点介绍了其热膨胀性能、现阶段的应用情况和国内外的发展状况.并提出了研究中存在的问题及其今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

金属在受高低温交变影响时,由热膨胀系数的差异在金属内部引起了晶格畸变,并产生了微上的空间——高温空洞。在热胀冷缩的不断的作用下,高温空洞连成一片,穿透金属基体表面,构成高温隧洞。高温隧洞的不断堆积就形成不可逆转的疏松,导致耐温金属抗高温摩擦性能的降低,最终造成构件失效。本文主要讨论以Fe、Cr、C为主要成份的合金  相似文献   

中国计量科学研究院研制的高精度材料线膨胀系数测量装置,满足温度范围为5~40 ℃、被测件长度在20~1 000 mm之间的线膨胀系数测量。采用激光干涉法测量被测件长度变化量,用高精度温度传感器测量温度值。设计了热平衡式干涉镜,利用空气折射率修正和零位误差补偿技术,保证在5~40 ℃变温范围内激光干涉仪的测量精度。以500 mm标准量块作为测量对象,线膨胀系数测量结果与德国物理技术研究院(PTB)测量结果的相对偏差为0.2%。材料线膨胀系数测量不确定度达到3×10-8K-1。  相似文献   

M. J. Pechersky 《Strain》2002,38(4):141-149
ABSTRACT:  A new technique for the measurement of residual stresses is presented. The technique is based on strain measurements following thermal stress relaxation. The heat input is supplied by a low power infrared laser and the strain is measured with speckle pattern correlation interferometry. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the technique and an example of how it has been applied in a practical situation.  相似文献   

陶瓷材料特殊热膨胀性能的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张彪  郭景坤 《功能材料》1993,24(6):566-572
具有特殊热膨胀性能的陶瓷是一种应用广泛的功能材料,近年来深受重视。本文简述了高膨胀、低膨胀、梯度膨胀、各向异性膨胀、突变膨胀和复合匹配膨胀等材料的组成、影响膨胀的因素、设计要点和应用范围。  相似文献   

钛酸铝材料的结构、热膨胀及热稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐刚  韩高荣 《材料导报》2003,17(12):44-47
详细回顾了关于铁酸铝材料结构、热膨胀和热稳定性的研究。A12TiO5属于正交晶系假板钛矿结构。其晶格热膨胀各向异性行为,导致多晶铁酸铝陶瓷材料的微裂纹化,从而具有低膨胀、低热导率和优良的抗热震性等特性。但Al2TiO5低温下属于动力学稳定态,当温度低于1280℃易于分解为α-A12O3和金红石型TiO2。引入异质同构的化合物MgTi2O5或Fe2TiO5固熔于A12TiO5晶格,可以降低热力学分解温度和增加结构熵,有效地抑制Al2TiO5的分解。Al2TiO5在还原气氛下的分解机理上不明确,需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

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