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<正>广东合和建筑五金制品有限公司是国内数一数二的建筑五金生产企业,1981年成立。从当年的合和塑胶厂到今天的合和集团,经过三十多年的发展,合和作为一家民营企业已经形成了自己独有的企业文化,即合和文化。通过合和文化,合和集团逐步完善自我,以合作共赢,和谐发展  相似文献   

在当今工业信息化进程中,建筑业的工业化生产和信息化施工是动生产力发展的必然趋势。阐述了工业化生产和信息化施工的概念和优势,论证了工业化生产和信息化施工的可行性,分析了我国现阶段工业化生产和信息化施工尚存在的问题,最后指出工业化生产和信息化施工是目前和今后一段时间应该努力的方向。  相似文献   

项目风险分析采用主观和客观相组合的风险分析方法,根据所描述的风险,产生原因、影响后果和范围等不同情况,按照不同的标准,在全面识别风险的基础上,准确地判断风险,对风险进行不同分类。静态和动态风险,纯粹和投机风险,可控和不可控风险,整体和局部风险,计量和非计量的风险,找出问题的所在。但由于在项目实施过程中,风险因素众多,并且各因素在不断相互影响和变化。根据分析判断的结果,第一层次的风险主要是由于第二层次的风险引发和导致的。因此第一层次风险分析主要从第二层次风险的发生和危害结果的描述中展开。  相似文献   

●脱节与怀旧 港口城市,这个概念在历史上不仅仅意味着穿梭的船只和汹涌的人潮,还有更抽象些的出发和抵达,观念的汇聚和扩散,冒险和征服,发财和破产,梦想和绝望;或者更细节的,狼藉不堪的街巷、醉鬼,廉价和无价的爱情,以及仿佛永无终止的告别。  相似文献   

随着国家墙体材料的改革和政策的落实,粘土实心砖逐渐被禁止使用和淘汰,煤矸石和页岩成为主要的烧结砖原料。在各个矿区为了资源综合利用和治理当地的环境污染,制砖普遍应用了煤矸石。由于我国幅员辽阔,再加上煤矸石和页岩形成的年代不同,所以各个地区原料的物理和化学性能也不尽相同,对于建设方或是设计者,选择什么样的工艺和破碎设备不能一概而论,  相似文献   

谢赞勇 《小城镇建设》2005,(9):74-74,77
随着我国工业化、城镇化和现代化建设的推进,水、地、能源等资源需求持续大幅度增加,供需矛盾日益突出,环境压力越来越大。最近,党中央、国务院从战略和全局的高度,把建设节约型社会和发展循环经济摆到了更加突出的重要位置,提出以资源的高效和循环利用,来促进经济和社会的可持续发展。城市绿地作为依附于土地资源、山水资源的一种基础设施形态,同时,又是植物资源和建筑资源的具体承载者,它的规划合理与否,直接关系到城市资源综合利用的质量和效率。在大力推进建设节约型社会的今天,按照贯彻落实科学发展观的要求,合理规划和配置城市绿地,突…  相似文献   

姚宏军 《智能建筑》2023,(11):62-65
本文主要研究了BIM技术和人工智能技术在建筑设计、施工和运营维护中的应用。随着信息技术的不断发展,BIM和人工智能技术已经成为建筑行业中非常重要的技术手段,能够大幅提高建筑项目的效率和质量,降低成本和风险。在建筑设计中,BIM和人工智能技术可以实现建筑模型的自动化设计和优化,提高设计效率和精度。在建筑施工中,BIM和人工智能技术可以帮助项目管理人员预测和控制施工进度,实现施工协调和安全管理的智能化。在建筑运营维护中,BIM和人工智能技术可以监测和预测设备运行状态,实现运营维护管理的自动化和智能化。本文的研究成果对于推动建筑行业数字化转型,提升建筑项目效率和质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

<加强城市的安全和保障:2007年全球人类住区报告>主要介绍了城市安全和保障的三大威胁.它们是:城市犯罪与暴力,居住权缺乏保障和强制驱逐,以及自然和人为灾害.它分析了世界各地与这些威胁有关的状况和发展趋势,并特别重视其背后的原因和影响,以及在城市,国家和国际层面上所采取的好的政策和最佳范例.  相似文献   

<正>随着现代科技进步和快速发展的信息产业、地区差异越来越小,东西方文化日益频繁的交流和融合,西方文化的大量涌入对中国产品设计带来了前所未有的影响,包括区域生态平衡和区域文化消失了,位置感和归属感下降和一系列的问题。地域文化的产生和发展自然气候和当地习俗的形成,习惯和生活方式,这些都是特别重要的因素形成了地域文化。人地域文化的创造者,在一开始,是人们为了适应当时的地理环境和行为,这种行为使民族文化的基础上发展。不同的地理和自然条件的不同的生活方式和理念,形成自己的地域文化。  相似文献   

生态小区是通过调整人居环境生态系统内生态因子和生态关系,使小区成为具有自然生态和人类生态、自然环境和人工环境、物质文明和精神文明高度统一、可持续发展的理想城市住区。生态小区空间结构合理、基础设施完善,生态建筑、智能建筑和生命建筑广泛应用,人工环境与自然环境融合。它符合城市规划和区域规划,与区域和城市融洽,是生态城市的一部分,体现了所在城市的风貌和特质。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article:
Affordable Water Supply and Sanitation. Proceedings of the 20th WEDC Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22–26 August 1994. Edited by J. Pickford, P. Barker, A. Coad, T. Dijkstra, B. Elson, M. Ince and R. Shaw.
Contaminated Land , by Stephen Tromans and Robert Turrall-Clarke.
E.C. Treaty and Environmental Law , by L. Kramer.
Mixing and Transport in the Environment. (Eds. Keith Bevan, Philip Chatwin and John Millbank.)
Stream Ecology, Structure and Function of Running Waters , by J. David Allan.
Operation and Maintenance of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Systems: A Guide For Managers. Written for, and published by, the World Health Organisation.
Integrated Solid Waste Management: A Lifecycle Inventory , by Peter White, Dr-Ing Marina Franke and Peter Hindle.
Report 142: Control of Pollution from Highway Drainage Discharges. By Martin Luker and Keith Montague with contributions from 11 other individuals.
Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels. H. R. Wallingford and D. I. H. Barr.
The Ecological Basis for River Management. (Edited by D. Harper and A. Ferguson.)
Waste Incineration and the Environment. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology 2. (Eds. R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison.)  相似文献   

珊瑚礁礁灰岩工程特性测试研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
珊瑚礁是一种特殊的岩土类型。运用现场钻探、标准贯入试验、波速测试、平板载荷试验等勘探手段和方法,对沙特红海珊瑚礁礁灰岩进行了含水率、重度、抗压强度等室内试验,分析研究了珊瑚礁礁灰岩的物理力学性质及相关关系。测试研究表明:岩芯采取率、岩石质量指标和标准贯入试验可以评价珊瑚礁礁灰岩沿深度的岩土性能变化特征;珊瑚礁礁灰岩具有结构多变、多孔、重度小、性脆、强度低且变化大等工程特性;珊瑚礁弹性波传播速度小,而珊瑚碎屑岩和珊瑚状石灰岩具有较高的弹性波波速;载荷试验p-s曲线与其他岩土不同,随着荷载的增大,礁灰岩空隙发生了脆性破坏,岩土被压密。测试成果可供礁灰岩的进一步研究和工程应用参考。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article:
Pollution in the UK, by Denise Franklin, Professor Neil Hawke and Mark Lowe. Published by Sweet and Maxwell
Low-Cost Sanitation, by John Pickford.
Waste Treatment and Disposal. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology. 3. (Eds. R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison.)
Drilling for Water - A Practical Manual, by Raymond Rowles.
The Environmental Guide to Pollution Control Technology. Published by Caldicott Morgan
Environmental Impact Assessment for Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities, by Judith Petts and Gev Eduljee.
Environmental Health Law, by Prof. Neil Hawke.
Risk and Opportunities - Managing Environmental Conflict and Change, by Valerie Brown, D. Ingle Smith, Rob Wiseman and John Handmer.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Promoting local growth: process, practice, and policy. Daniel Felsenstein and Michael Taylor (eds.)
Governance, institutional change and regional development. M. Danson, H. Halkier, and G. Cameron (eds.)
Institutions and systems in the geography of innovation. (Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation). M.P. Feldman and N. Massard (eds)
Job Access, Workplace Mobility, and Occupational Achievement. Maarten van Ham  相似文献   

人文地理与城乡规划专业综合人文地理和城乡规划的学科背景和专业知识,其专业内涵和外延的界定、课程体系的构建等问题一直存在。西部地区地方院校基于地理学背景开设的人文地理与城乡规划专业,往往面临专业定位、课程设置、学生能力培养等方面的思考。从学生自身层面反馈问题与建议,能更好修正自上而下教学改革的局限性。文章以南宁师范大学人文地理与城乡规划专业为例,结合本科生调查问卷分析,对课程设置、课时安排、课程内容、培养方法等方面进行调整。  相似文献   

Concrete filled steel tubes (CFTs) promote economical and rapid construction. They offer increased strength and stiffness relative to structural steel and reinforced concrete. The steel tube serves as formwork and reinforcement to the concrete fill, thereby reducing the labor requirements. CFT components encourage the optimal behavior of each material (concrete and steel) while providing a symbiotic relationship between the two to mitigate undesirable failure modes. The fill increases the compressive strength and stiffness, delays and restrains local buckling of the tube, and enhances ductility and resistance if composite action is achieved.Both rectangular and circular CFT have been employed, but circular CFT provide better performance, because they provide increased confinement of the concrete and composite action. A missing component for circular CFT construction is reliable and ductile connections. The research described herein that investigated and develops design procedures for simple and economical connections of circular CFT piers or columns to reinforced concrete foundations, pile caps and wide cap beams (bridge construction) is presented and evaluated. The connection requires no dowels or internal reinforcement connecting the tube to the footing or cap beam. Experiments and analytical studies evaluate the inelastic seismic performance and establish design criteria for the connection. The seismic performance of a CFT column and connection assembly is compared to a conventional reinforced concrete column. The research shows that the proposed connection develops the full capacity of the composite column. The assembly provides excellent ductility and inelastic deformation capacity under seismic loading while mitigating damage even at larger drift demands.  相似文献   

住区作为城市基本单元,良好的规划建设在改善人居环境和引导居民的健康生活习惯上具有基石作用,为深入解析住区外部空间环境对居民的健康影响,促进公众健康,追踪梳理了国内外相关主题文献,辨析了住区空间对居民健康影响的要素系统和影响路径,归纳了用地与设施、空间形态、交通与街道、绿色空间四类空间要素对居民健康的影响,发现相关健康影响并非仅是简单的正负线性相关,还存在显著的地域差异、多因素影响特征和阈值非线性相关性,进而探讨了相关研究的结论与方法在住区规划建设过程中的运用。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Business, Pollution and Regulation, by S. Simpson and J. Carless.
Chlorinated Organic Micropollutants. Edited by R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison.
Contaminated Land and its Reclamation. Edited by R. E. Hester and R. M. Harrison
Dam Hydraulics, by D. L. Vischer and W. H. Hager.
Environmental Health Criteria No. 177: 1, 2-Dibromoethane
Life Cycle Design: A Manual for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Marine Debris: Sources, Impacts and Solutions. Edited by J. M. Coe and D. B. Rogers.
Resource and Environmental Management, by B. Mitchell.  相似文献   

This essay investigates the relationship between programming and design. It exposes and criticizes those views that characterize programming and design as separate and their relationship as linear. Instead, we propose that the relationship is interactive and that the clarification of programmatic and design issues goes hand in hand. During this interactive process both client and architect take significant responsibilities. The design process of the First Unitarian Church of Louis Kahn is an illustrative example. Investigation of the client's reports, of Kahn's and the client's letters, and of Kahn's design proposals exposes the client's contribution and the interaction between programming and design. Our study suggests that clients have the potential to play crucial roles in design and deserve credit.  相似文献   

在乡村振兴战略背景之下,针对当下“凝冻式”保护利用导致的传统村落活力缺失、日渐破败和空心化的严峻问题,基于环太湖传统村落的深入调研,从“三生”融合发展的视角出发,构建空间维度和时间维度相结合的活态化保护利用多元路径。其中,空间维度的多层级路径由村落整体格局、建筑单体和室内环境三个层级构成;时间维度的历时性路径由近期、中期和远期相结合的方式渐进推进,时间和空间维度的路径相互交织作用,共同实现传统村落活态化保护利用。最后以环太湖地区周铁传统村示范工程建设为例阐述了上述多元路径的实践应用,进行了兼具一定的前瞻性和实操性的探索。  相似文献   

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