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Four experiments studied the nature, development, and specificity of serotonergic involvement in the control of suckling behavior in Sprague-Dawley rat pups from 10 to 35 days of age. During development, suckling normally declines after 10 days and is abandoned after 30 days. It was found that (a) methysergide, a serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) receptor blocker, reinstated suckling behavior in pups 15 days of age and older; (b) quipazine, a 5-HT receptor agonist, inhibited suckling of pups 10 days of age and older; (c) methysergide pretreatment blocked the quipazine inhibition of suckling; and (d) metergoline, another 5-HT blocker, also stimulated suckling, and fenfluramine, a 5-HT releaser, blocked suckling in deprived pups. Data support the hypothesis that a serotonergic inhibitory mechanism modulates the suckling of weaning-age rats. These pharmacological manipulations of 5-HT appear to alter specific components of suckling behavior involved in its initiation and maintenance but do not appear to alter a general hunger system. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The intestinal absorption, biliary excretion and metabolism of genistein, a potent and specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor that occurs naturally in soy foods, was examined in anesthetized, adult female rats fitted with indwelling biliary cannulas. 4-14C-Genistein, when infused into the duodenum, was rapidly absorbed from the intestine, taken up by the liver and excreted into the bile as its 7-O-beta-glucuronide conjugate. Cumulative recovery of 14C-radioactivity in the bile over a 4-h period was 70-75% of the dose. When genistein was infused into the portal vein, it was also taken up efficiently by the liver, conjugated with glucuronic acid and transported into bile. However, portal blood collected after duodenal infusions of genistein contained mostly genistein 7-O-beta-glucuronide, suggesting that in vivo glucuronidation occurred in the intestinal wall rather than the liver. This was confirmed using everted intestinal sac preparations. Reinfusion of genistein 7-O-beta-glucuronide into the duodenum or into the mid small intestine resulted in its reappearance in the bile, albeit more slowly than when genistein was infused. Over a 4-h collection period, the cumulative recovery of 14C-radioactivity in bile was 27 and 70-75% of the administered dose for duodenal and ileal infusions, respectively. These data indicate that genistein is highly bioavailable in rats and because of its enterohepatic circulation may accumulate within the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Conducted 4 experiments to assess the effects of both maternal and endogenous factors on the ontogeny of nocturnal feeding in the rat. Day and night weight gain was determined in the sighted or blind litters of sighted or blind Sprague-Dawley dams and in young weaned at 15 days of age. It is concluded that sighted dams impose a diurnal milk-intake pattern on their young. The nocturnal patterns of solid-food intake began at 19 days of age. Blind litters also displayed nocturnal feeding when kept with sighted dams, but only until 35 days of age. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the suckling behavior of neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats on their own anesthetized mother from the day of birth until after weaning (35 days). Even newborn Ss were capable of nipple attachment without maternal assistance. Before 11–23 days of age, pups deprived of suckling for 22 hrs and nondeprived pups quickly attached to their mother's nipples, sucked, and remained attached to the nipple though no milk delivery occurred. Then behavior underwent at least 3 changes: (a) After 11–23 days of age, latency to attach became considerably elevated in nondeprived pups; (b) a 2nd change in latency occurred at 23–25 days of age, when nondeprived pups no longer even attached to the nipples of anesthetized mothers; and (c) about 14 days of age, deprived pups began to shift from 1 nipple to the next after initial attachment. These developmental changes were seen in other test situations in which pups were placed directly on a nipple and not required to search and when various periods of deprivation were utilized. These transitions were not critically dependent on the onset of visual function or on the pup's experience with food other than mother's milk. Suckling, therefore, in not an unmodified reflex but is an appetitive behavior that undergoes a series of changes during development. These transitions constitute major developmental events in the ontogeny of rat ingestive behavior. (48 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Determined the relation between dehydration and suckling behavior in 567 Sprague-Dawley weanling rats 15, 20, and 23 days of age. After 15 days of age, intra- and extracellular dehydration sharply reduced both the number of Ss that suckled and the amount of milk consumed. Rehydration returned both behaviors to control levels. Thus, during the weaning period, the internal determinants of suckling are not homologous with those of drinking, but are more homologous with those governing feeding. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eight experiments were conducted to examine several possible determinants and controls of milk intake in 10-day-old preweanling Sprague-Dawley rats. Results indicate that while the amount of milk the mother provides is a major determinant of milk consumption, pups will individually adjust their intake in response to certain treatments. Deprived pups ingested more milk than nondeprived littermate controls if given access to enough milk. Intragastric intubations of skimmed milk or distilled water reduced milk intake; heavy cream or isotonic saline did not. Injections of polyethylene glycol or formalin, which produced hypovolemia, increased milk consumption, and hypertonic saline decreased it. Results indicate that preweanling rats are behaviorally responsive to certain changes in body fluids and suggest that milk intake involves more than an invariant reflex. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responsiveness to a surrogate nipple providing water, saccharin, 5% ethanol, or 10% ethanol was tested in newborn rats naive to suckling (3–5 hr old) on Postnatal Day (P) 0 and in older neonates with regular suckling experience on P1 or P2. At all ages, pups demonstrated greater nipple attachment for saccharin or 5% ethanol than for water. Intake of saccharin and 5% ethanol was high in newborns, far exceeding that of water. At P1 and P2, pups exhibited a preference for saccharin, but not for 5% ethanol. Preexposure to a nipple providing ethanol or saccharin (but not a nipple alone or fluids alone) increased subsequent responsiveness toward an empty surrogate nipple (no fluid), both 1 hr and 24 hr after preexposure. Although, during preexposure, pups responded most positively to the nipple providing saccharin, the longest time spent on an empty nipple was observed in pups preexposed to 10% ethanol. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of immune suppression on the uptake of particles across the wall of the intestine and the dissemination of the particles to systemic organs. Normal and dexamethasone-immunosuppressed rats were dosed orally with 0.5 mL distilled water or fluorescent polystyrene latex particle suspension containing 2.33 x 10(9) 2-microm diameter particles. One hour after particle dosing, the animals were killed by CO2 asphyxiation. The intestinal tissues and systemic organs were sampled for particle quantitation. To avoid contamination by particles adherent to intestinal mucosa the epithelium of intestinal tissue samples was removed before quantification. The number of fluorescent particles in tissues was determined by fluorescence microscopy of digests of selected samples. The uptake of particulate material across the intestinal wall was significantly (P < 0.05) increased in rats treated with dexamethasone but the number of particles transferred to systemic organs did not differ from values found for control animals. The results suggest that although dexamethasone increased intestinal permeability the apparatus or mechanisms involved in particle transport to distal sites were not affected during immune suppression.  相似文献   

In 5 experiments with a total of 55 male Sprague-Dawley rats, infusion of liquid food into the duodenum inhibited sham feeding. The inhibition reflected satiety because the duodenum infusion elicited the complete behavioral sequence characteristic of satiety. The chemical and/or colligative load that the infusion imposed on the intestine appeared to be the adequate stimulus for satiety. Duodenal infusions that inhibit sham feeding and elicit satiety are not aversive, because they will not function as the UCS for the formation of a conditioned taste aversion for saccharin. The satiety elicited by the infusion of food into the duodenum is termed "intestinal satiety" by the authors. This emphasizes the belief that satiety is a reflex that can be elicited by the activation of receptors in the wall of the intestine. It is known that the activation of some intestinal receptors releases the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK). Since CCK mimics a duodenal infusion by inhibiting sham feeding and eliciting the complete behavioral sequence of satiety, it is suggested that CCK mediates intestinal satiety in the rat. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the intraspecific interactions of 160 male Long-Evans domesticated rats in 2 experiments to examine the relation between juvenile and adult fighting. Ss were observed throughout their ontogeny and after they reached sexual maturity. In Exp I, Ss were group housed with siblings and observed with siblings. Ss in Exp II were in 1 of 4 conditions that were either group or individually housed and were observed with either familiar or unfamilar conspecifics. Data suggest that the individual differences of juveniles remained reasonably stable throughout Ss' ontogeny and into adulthood. The conclusion is that the relative frequencies of these immature fights can predict the future aggressiveness of an animal as an adult. Moreover, the factors that influence adult aggressive behaviors, factors such as unfamiliarity and social deprivation, also have an impact on juvenile agonistic behaviors. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, Charles River rat pups 3 days of age and older consumed large quantities of milk, sucrose, and wet mash when the Ss were placed in warm containers in which one of these diets had been spread on the floor. The volume of Ss" intake was directly related to the severity of food deprivation. Ingestive behavior occurred in the early part of the 30-min test, but later in the test, Ss stopped feeding and became quiescent. Their ingestive behavior thus resembled that of adults in (a) the motor aspects of feeding responses (licking and lapping), (b) the dependency on deprivation for intake, and (c) the pattern of intake termination. However, in Exp IV, when diet was restricted to a small area of the test container, young Ss consumed little diet. They did not appear able to direct or focus their ingestive responding. It was not until 9–12 days of age that Ss successfully consumed milk from a localized source. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats given large dopamine (DA)-depleting brain lesions as adults exhibit severe impairments in ingestive behavior and sensorimotor function. In contrast to these well-known effects, the present 2 studies showed that virtually complete destruction of central dopaminergic neurons produced no such dysfunctions when it occurred in neonates (Sprague-Dawley). Ss continued to suckle and grow, albeit somewhat more slowly, and they could be weaned readily when they were 27 days old. Although most brain-damaged Ss did not survive weaning when they were 18 days old (controls exhibited no difficulty), this failure appeared to be the consequence of their reduced body weight and related inability to maintain body temperature in a relatively cool environment (22°C). Such premature weaning occurred more successfully when growth was stimulated by rearing brain-damaged pups in small litters or when ambient temperatures were raised to 31°C to minimize heat loss. Results demonstrate that the effects of near-total DA-depleting brain lesions are considerably less severe when they occur in infants than when they occur in adults, and, consequently, they reveal a capacity for neural plasticity during development that is no longer present at maturity. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I nipple-attachment behavior in Sprague-Dawley albino rats was disrupted by raising rat pups in isolation from their mother and siblings on the 3rd–5th day after birth. In Exp II nipple attachment was maintained, however, in isolation-reared pups that received, on Days 3 and 4 postnatally, either 6 or 12 opportunities to search for, locate, and attach to the nipples of an anesthetized mother. Suckling remained severely disrupted on Day 5 in pups whose experiences on Days 3 and 4 were restricted to either nipple search alone or nipple attachment without previous search. Findings focus attention on the role of experience in suckling maintenance and suggest that in rats the suckling system is not fully specified at birth. (35 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Determined the factors that enhanced milk intake during deprivation in albino rats 15, 20, and 25 days of age. Ss were subjected, for 8 hrs, to 1 of 6 regimens. Results show that intake at Day 15 was reduced by the opportunity to suckle, independent of receiving a milk load. This same trend was apparent, although not as strong, among Day 20 Ss. By Day 25, nonnutritive suckling during the privation period no longer attenuated milk intake, although preloads did, whether or not they were paired with nonnutritive suckling. Thus, suckling in Ss became increasingly freed from oral demands and more responsive to the nutritive consequences. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During mammalian ontogeny, there is a transition from suckling to the chewing of food. Is suckling a neuromuscular precursor to chewing, or are suckling and chewing independent systems? Electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded in rat pups of ages 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21 days from the superficial masseter, anterior digastric, sternohyoideus, and genioglossus muscles during suckling and chewing. The EMG patterns of the 3 components of suckling behavior (nipple attachment, rhythmic sucking, and the stretch response) are distinctive from one another and reflect the musculoskeletal biomechanics of suckling. Chewing EMGs are present by 12 days of age and attain the adult pattern by 18–21 days of age. During nipple attachment, pups exhibit a motor pattern that is similar to that of adult chewing, but other aspects of suckling differ from chewing in some EMG features. Comparison of EMGs between behaviors and between ages allowed interpretation of the degree of continuity of muscular activity across the suckling-to-chewing transition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, 216 5-day-old Sprague-Dawley rat pups equipped with tongue cannulae placed either 2 mm rostral or 4–6 mm caudal to the intermolar eminence received sweet or salty solutions while suckling. This ingestion was followed by intraperitoneal injections of .3 M LiCl or isotonic saline. Ss with anterior cannulae took in considerably less fluid than controls when tested 5 or 16 days later. A series of control groups demonstrated that this acquired aversion was associative in nature. Ss with posterior cannulae did not form the association. It is suggested that the failure of 5-day-old Ss with posterior cannulae to form associations while suckling was not due to the prevention of conditioning by the act of suckling but instead resulted from the failure of the fluid to reach anterior taste receptors when injected into the posterior oropharynx, where the nipple normally empties its contents. Findings are discussed in terms of the transfer of information obtained during suckling to feeding and drinking during and after weaning. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated circumstances under which a novel odor could elicit nipple attachment behavior in 3-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats. In Exp I, Ss suckled washed nipples scented with citral (a lemon odor) only if they either had received tactile stimulation (by stroking with a soft brush) or had been administered amphetamine in the presence of citral prior to the suckling test. Ss stimulated in citral's absence or only exposed to citral without stimulation failed to suckle such nipples. In Exp II, Ss stimulated in a benzaldehyde (an almond odor) ambience suckled washed nipples scented with benzaldehyde but not those with citral scent. The opposite held for those stimulated in a citral-rich environment. The stimulus conditions that supported this conditioning were investigated in Exp III. Simultaneously increasing citral concentration and raising ambient temperature markedly attenuated the phenomenon. Exp IV demonstrated that not all classes of stimulation produced conditioning. Caffeine, in a wide range of doses, did not allow citral to elicit suckling on washed nipples. Findings are discussed within a framework of higher-order conditioning and may provide a mechanism by which naturally occurring stimuli come to elicit the species- and age-typical behavior of suckling. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The risk of side effects of low activity (i.e. <20 mCi) Iodine-125I (125I) interstitial radiotherapy was analyzed in patients with low-grade gliomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Permanent (247 patients) or temporary 125I-implants (268 patients) were used with a median reference dose of 60 Gy and 100 Gy, respectively, which was calculated to the outer rim of the tumour. The mean dose rate for temporary implants was low (median, 10 cGy/h). Risk factors were obtained from the multivariate proportional-hazards model. RESULTS: Radiogenic complications occurred in 39/515 patients (28 patients with transient symptoms and 11 patients with progressive symptoms). The most important risk factor was the volume of the intratumoural 200 Gy isodose. Available experimental data have associated a high dose zone in this range with the size of the treatment induced radionecrosis. Rapid tumour shrinkage (decrease of the tumour volume > or =50%) within the first 6 months with subsequent centripetal movement of non-pathologic tissue into the high dose zone and a reimplantation were additional risk factors. Radiation injury after rapid tumour shrinkage could be better avoided with temporary implants. A 200 Gy isodose volume <4.5 ml corresponded to an estimated risk of radiogenic complications <3%. There was a steep increase of the risk beyond this limit. Translation of the 200 Gy isodose volume in terms of the treatment volume and the reference dose allows rational treatment planning. The estimated risk of a temporary implant with an applied reference dose of 60 Gy and a treatment volume <23 ml was <3%. CONCLUSIONS: The intratumoural necrotizing effect of a low activity 125I implant limits its application to small treatment volumes. Radiation injury outside the treatment volume can be better avoided with temporary implants in the case of rapid tumour shrinkage.  相似文献   

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