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This study investigated whether sensory realism cues in violent games – blood color (red vs. blue), screams of pain (on vs. off), and player perspective (first-person vs. third-person) – affect players’ physiological arousal (i.e., skin conductance levels), spatial presence (i.e., sense of being physically “there”), and state aggression in a popular violent game (Half-Life 2), controlling for users’ prior game experiences. A path model (N = 160) was examined to see the mediation effects of arousal and presence between realism cues and state aggression. In line with the general aggression model, results showed that realistic blood color and screams increased arousal, but no effect was found for first-person perspective. Presence significantly affected users’ state aggression. However, contrary to our expectation based on the excitation transfer theory, arousal did not show any significant effect on aggression. In addition, presence mediated the influence of realistic blood color on state aggression. In the effects of graphic realism of violence on user aggression, presence did a crucial role. Implications and future studies were discussed.  相似文献   

This study extends brand relationship theory to the context of the microblogging platform Twitter. The authors investigate the impact of Twitter trust on users’ intentions to continue using the platform and to “follow” brands that are hosted on Twitter (the trust transfer phenomenon). They also explore the role of perceived self-Twitter personality match in strengthening trust towards the Twitter brand. A cross-cultural American–Ukrainian sample allows to identify potential culture-based differences in brand personality and brand trust concepts. The results show that the positive effect of trust in Twitter on its users’ patronage intentions is robust across two cultures with diverse history and ideology. An important novel finding is the influence of trust in Twitter on patronage intentions towards the businesses hosted on Twitter. However, this relationship reaches statistical significance only in the Ukrainian sample, signaling potential differences in the trust transfer processes in different cultures. The study confirms the role of similarity in personality traits between Twitter users and the Twitter brand in engendering trust in Twitter. The salience of different personality traits in the “personality match – Twitter trust” link for different cultures suggests important implications for global marketers.  相似文献   

This research examines users’ motives for adopting and using social networking sites (SNSs), with the aim of providing a better understanding of the fundamental reasons behind SNS adoption behavior. To uncover the relationship between the attributes of SNSs and users’ perceptions of their consequences and values, this study integrates a means–end approach with uses and gratifications theory and thereby extends the technique to a communication media selection context. Laddering interviews identify users’ perceptions of five attributes, 10 consequences, and four values associated with SNS adoption (i.e., Facebook). The results show that belonging, hedonism, self-esteem, and reciprocity are the four main values users attain through SNS adoption. Furthermore, the chains associated with SNS adoption can be represented in a hierarchical value map. This study should help practitioners design online communication platforms that more closely fit their users’ needs and provide users with safer, more friendly, and thus more attractive environments.  相似文献   

Falling in love with online games: The uses and gratifications perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Playing online games is experience-oriented but few studies have explored the user’s initial (trial) reaction to game playing and how this further influences a player’s behavior. Drawing upon the Uses and Gratifications theory, we investigated players’ multiple gratifications for playing (i.e. achievement, enjoyment and social interaction) and their experience with the service mechanisms offered after they had played an online game. This study explores the important antecedents of players’ proactive “stickiness” to a specific online game and examines the relationships among these antecedents. The results show that both the gratifications and service mechanisms significantly affect a player’s continued motivation to play, which is crucial to a player’s proactive stickiness to an online game.  相似文献   

Online gaming has become a popular leisure-time activity. In this study, we enlisted and adapted the Push-Pull-Mooring model, which analyzes human migratory behavior based on the Demographic Migration Theory, to study the game switching of gamers. Data was obtained via an empirical survey of 654 online gamers and then was analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The results indicate that the Push-Pull-Mooring model can be extended to explain the switching intentions of online gamers. The “mooring effect” appears to have a stronger influence on the player’s switching intention than the “pull effect”, while the “push effect” appears to have no influence at all. We discuss the implications of our findings and offer possible avenues of exploration for managers of online game providers in order to help them understand their customers better.  相似文献   

Previous studies have sought insights into how websites can effectively draw sustained attention from internet users. Do different types of information presentations on webpages have different influences on users’ perceptions of the information? More precisely, can combinations of an ever greater number of advertising elements on individual websites increase consumers’ purchase intentions? The aim of this study is to explore changes in web advertising’s verbal and visual stimulation of surfers’ cognitive process, and to provide valuable information for the successful matching of advertising elements to one another. We examine optimal website design according to the personality-trait theory and resource-matching theory. Study 1 addresses the effects that combinations of various types of online advertising can have on web design factor, and to this end, we use a 2 (visual complexity: 3D advertising with an avatar, 2D advertising) × 2 (verbal complexity: with or without self-referencing that is an advertising practice to express product claims in words) factorial design. Study 2 treats personality traits (i.e., need-for-cognition and sensation seeking) as moderating variables to build the optimal portfolio regarding the “online-advertising effects” hypothesis. Our results suggest that subjects prefer medium-complex advertising comprising “3D advertising elements with an avatar” or “2D advertising elements with self-referencing”: high-sensation seekers and low-need-for-cognition viewers prefer the former, whereas low-sensation seekers and high-need-for-cognition viewers prefer the latter.  相似文献   

Framework-based development is currently regarded as one of the most promising software development approaches, boasting increases in lead time, productivity and quality. However, many frameworks and framework-related projects still fail, which indicates that frameworks still have unsolved problems. In this article, we will identify and investigate the major framework characteristics and individual differences that impact the most important users’ perceptions about frameworks. To test the causal relationships between these factors, we performed an online survey and analyzed the results using structural equation modeling. The results support the technology acceptance model (TAM), which was used as an underlying theory. In addition, we found that framework characteristics and individual differences have a significant impact on users’ perceptions, especially in the case of voluntary framework use. Beside TAM constructs, the results also suggest an additional determinant for the acceptance of frameworks: “confidence”. Despite the limits of our research, we foresee future research activities as well as theoretical and practical implications. Our results might be used to develop acceptable frameworks and for the evaluation of existing frameworks, their constituent parts and framework-related guidelines.  相似文献   

Recommender systems anticipate users’ needs by suggesting items that are likely to interest them. Most existing systems employ collaborative filtering (CF) techniques, searching for regularities in the way users have rated items. While in general a successful approach, CF cannot cope well with so-called one-and-only items, that is: items of which there is only one single instance (like an event), and which as such cannot be repetitively “sold”. Typically such items are evaluated only after they have ceased being available, thereby thwarting the classical CF strategy. In this paper, we develop a conceptual framework for recommending one-and-only items. It uses fuzzy logic, which allows to reflect the graded/uncertain information in the domain, and to extend the CF paradigm, overcoming limitations of existing techniques. A possible application in the context of trade exhibition recommendation for e-government is discussed to illustrate the proposed conceptual framework.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the role of “leads” of the first difference of integrated variables in the dynamic OLS estimation of cointegrating regression models. Specifically, we investigate Stock and Watson’s [J.H. Stock, M.W. Watson’s, A simple estimator of cointegrating vectors in higher order integrated systems, Econometrica 61 (1993) 783–820] claim that the role of leads is related to the concept of Granger causality by a Monte Carlo simulation. From the simulation results, we find that the dynamic OLS estimator without leads substantially outperforms that with leads and lags; we therefore recommend testing for Granger non-causality before estimating models.  相似文献   

The development of information technology has a significant influence on social structure and norms, and also impacts upon human behavior. In order to achieve stability and social harmony, people need to respect various norms, and have their rights protected. Students’ information ethics values are of critical and radical importance in achieving this goal. Using qualitative approach, the present study utilizes Kohlberg’s CMD model to measure improvement in students’ “information ethics values” through “technology mediated learning (TML)” models, and to assess the extent to which it is influenced by gender and Chinese guanxi culture. We find that while e-learning improves female students’ “respect rules,” “privacy,” “accessibility” and “intellectual property” values more than male students, the percentages relating to “intellectual property” for females in the higher stages remain lower than for males. Moreover, these results are interpreted from a Chinese guanxi culture perspective. In light of these results, educators should take account of such improvements when designing effective teaching methods and incentives.  相似文献   

The long-term development of social networking sites (SNSs) relies on their users’ continuance of use. This paper tested the role of perceived social capital and flow experience in driving users to continue using SNSs based on the expectation–confirmation model of information systems continuance. Using data from online surveys of social networking sites users in China, the proposed model was tested by using the Partial Least Squares (PLSs) technique. The results show that perceived bridging and bonding social capital have different role in building users’ satisfaction and continuance intention: perceived bridging social capital has remarkable influence on users’ satisfaction and continuance intention, but perceived bonding social capital has none. Flow experience has influence on users’ satisfaction but none on continuance intention. In addition, gender has impact on users’ continuance intention.  相似文献   

According to Simon’s (1977) decision making theory, intelligence is the first and most important phase in the decision making process. With the escalation of information resources available to business executives, it is becoming imperative to explore the potential and challenges of using agent-based systems to support the intelligence phase of decision-making. This research examines UK executives’ perceptions of using agent-based support systems and the criteria for design and development of their “ideal” intelligent software agents. The study adopted an inductive approach using focus groups to generate a preliminary set of design criteria of “ideal” agents. It then followed a deductive approach using semi-structured interviews to validate and enhance the criteria. This qualitative research has generated unique insights into executives’ perceptions of the design and use of agent-based support systems. The systematic content analysis of qualitative data led to the proposal and validation of design criteria at three levels. The findings revealed the most desirable criteria for agent based support systems from the end users’ point view. The design criteria can be used not only to guide intelligent agent system design but also system evaluation.  相似文献   

The user community has been an important external source of a firm’s product or service innovation. Users’ innovation-conducive knowledge sharing enables the community to work as a vital source of innovation. But, traditional economic theories of innovation seem to provide few explanations about why such knowledge sharing takes place for free in the user community. Therefore, this study investigates what drives community users to freely share their innovation-conducive knowledge, using the theory of planned behavior. Based on an empirical analysis of the data from 1244 members of a South Korean online game user community, it reveals that intrinsic motivation, shared goals, and social trust are salient factors in promoting users’ innovation-conducive knowledge sharing. Extrinsic motivation and social tie, however, were found to affect such sharing adversely, contingent upon whether a user is an innovator or a non-innovator. The study illustrates how social capital, in addition to individual motivations, forms and influences users’ innovation-conducive knowledge sharing in the online gaming context.  相似文献   

About 60 years ago Norbert Wiener and Claude Elwood Shannon established the new scientific discipline of information theory. However, it is very probable that Shannon’s article A Mathematical Theory of Communication would not have become famous without the help of Warren Weaver, whose popular text on “The Mathematics of Communication” re-interpreted Shannon’s work for broader scientific audiences. Weaver’s “preface” and Shannon’s article were published together in the book The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Norbert Wiener’s Cybernetics was an even more popular event, when it appeared in print. However publications were influential on two scientific areas with concepts unmentioned or unelaborated within the texts themselves: Systems Theory and information theory. A “General System Theory” had already been created by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the late 1920s for biological and philosophical research. This approach melded in North America in the 1950s with cybernetics, as well as a new system theoretical approach in engineering sciences in the 1950s. Bertalanffy’s “General System Theory” - or simply “systems theory” was used, became even more famous in humanities. In the 1960s attempts to yield both systems theory took root in the humanities, with mixed success.This paper will review the links across these fields showing the influences across cybernetics, system(s) theory and information theory throughout the 1950s and the theory of Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Then we focus to the non-technical but philosophical aspects of information theory. When Weaver emphasized not the technical but the semantic and influential problems of communication, his arguments were very similar to Charles W. Morris’ foundations of the Theory of Signs (1938) - Semiotics. We will show some interesting ideas of Weaver related to semiotic thinking and we will advocate a “fuzzy information theory” that has to be appropriate to cover this “semiotic concept of information”. Finally, the paper presents epistemological reflections in historical perspective on the concept of “information” as a “fluctuating object” that we take as a fuzzy concept.  相似文献   

In an effective e-learning game, the learner’s enjoyment acts as a catalyst to encourage his/her learning initiative. Therefore, the availability of a scale that effectively measures the enjoyment offered by e-learning games assist the game designer to understanding the strength and flaw of the game efficiently from the learner’s points of view. E-learning games are aimed at the achievement of learning objectives via the creation of a flow effect. Thus, this study is based on Sweetser’s & Wyeth’s framework to develop a more rigorous scale that assesses user enjoyment of e-learning games. The scale developed in the present study consists of eight dimensions: Immersion, social interaction, challenge, goal clarity, feedback, concentration, control, and knowledge improvement. Four learning games employed in a university’s online learning course “Introduction to Software Application” were used as the instruments of scale verification. Survey questionnaires were distributed to students taking the course and 166 valid samples were subsequently collected. The results showed that the validity and reliability of the scale, EGameFlow, were satisfactory. Thus, the measurement is an effective tool for evaluating the level of enjoyment provided by e-learning games to their users.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether deviant pornography use followed a Guttman-like progression in that a person transitions from being a nondeviant to deviant pornography user. In order to observe this progression, 630 respondents from Survey Sampling International’s (SSI) panel Internet sample completed an online survey assessing adult-only, bestiality, and child pornography consumption. Respondents’ “age of onset” for adult pornography use was measured to determine if desensitization occurred in that individuals who engaged in adult pornography at a younger age were more likely to transition into deviant pornography use. Two hundred and 54 respondents reported the use of nondeviant adult pornography, 54 reported using animal pornography, and 33 reported using child pornography. The child pornography users were more likely to consume both adult and animal pornography, rather than just solely consuming child pornography. Results suggested deviant pornography use followed a Guttman-like progression in that individuals with a younger “age of onset” for adult pornography use were more likely to engage in deviant pornography (bestiality or child) compared to those with a later “age of onset”. Limitations and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between three Eysenckian personality dimensions – psychoticism, extroversion and neuroticism – and the Internet use. A sample of 427 Turkish university students completed the Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire, an Internet survey which contained questions about interpersonal motives for Internet use and a scale for measuring the tendency for expressing one’s “true” self on the Internet. The results indicated that psychoticism was the only personality dimension related to establishing new relationships and having “Internet only” friends; and extroversion was the only personality dimension that is related to maintaining long-distance relationships, and supporting daily face-to-face relationships. The results supported the idea that for some individuals, Internet can be used as social substitute for face-to-face social interactions while for some others it can be used as a tool of social extension, depending on the user’s personality characteristics. Also, psychoticism and neuroticism were found to be positively associated with the expressing “true self” on the Internet, and it was shown that the relationship between psychoticism and Internet uses as social substitute is mediated by the tendency to express one’s true self on the Internet.  相似文献   

Dynamic images that possess beauty and are user-friendly can increase the use of digital technology. In addition to information conveyance, dynamic images also act as a communication bridge in the human–machine interface. Dynamic images are widely used in the application of digital media. Therefore, understanding the visual effects of dynamic images on viewers is a very important issue. From a visual communication design perspective, dynamic images influence not only image quality, but also the viewers’ perception and impression of the displayed image. In the contemporary age characterized by universal usage of dynamic images, designers should attain synchronized knowledge and understanding of relevant media technology so as to present preferred design quality in the management of digital design such as animation design, Web page design, multimedia design, and so on. The current study noted that psychological effects such as viewers’ visual attention, preferences, and understanding were more important than image quality. Therefore, this study adopted the viewpoint of “visual design” and conducted a perceptual evaluation of grating frequency and grating velocity. The pair-comparison method and scale method were adopted in the research methodology to simplify perceptual evaluations and enhance their validity. The purpose of this study was: (1) To propose recommendations for displaying dynamic images and improving image performance using perceptual evaluation methods. (2) To examine the influence of psychological factors on viewer’s comfort when they experience dynamic images. (3) To identify the best grating feature combinations that meet viewer’s psychological characteristics and propose recommendations for dynamic images design. The study concludes that it is useful to establish criteria for evaluating users’ perception and to, develop perceptual evaluations of dynamic images. It is recommended that designers find a balance between watching a moving imaging display “clearly” and watching it “comfortably” for successful reception by the viewer.  相似文献   

Computer Mediated Environments (CMEs) allow people to communicate and interact electronically, either synchronously or asynchronously, their key characteristic being online interactivity. This study attempts to provide a better understanding of communication behavior in CMEs, the study objective being to investigate the effects of the level of interactivity on web users’ attitudes and intentions towards the use of online communication tools. It tests constructs based on system characteristics (interactivity), extrinsic motivation (the Technology acceptance model), and intrinsic motivation (Flow theory) in an integrated theoretical framework for online communication behavior. This study demonstrates the development of a reliable and valid measure to capture several critical constructs in order to understand online communication behavior. Questionnaires were placed on the website for voluntary participants who use online communication tools to complete. The statistical results revealed that attitude and behavioral intention are directly affected by users’ internal and external motivation, and are indirectly affected by interactivity through the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and flow experience. This shows that interactivity is an important element of web-based information technology for absorbing users, and is not only mediated by task-oriented (external) motivation but also entertainment-oriented (internal) motivation.  相似文献   

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