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Water–air imbibition and oil–water drainage displacements were conducted using a laboratory flow apparatus in fractured sandstone systems. During the experiments, porosity and saturation were measured along the core using a Computerized Tomography (CT) scanner. 3-D saturation images were reconstructed to observe matrix–fracture interactions. Differences in fluid saturations and relative permeabilities caused by changes of fracture width have also been analyzed. In the case of water–air imbibition, narrower fracture apertures showed more stable fronts and delayed water breakthrough compared to the wide fracture systems. However, the final water saturation was higher in wide fracture systems, thus showing that capillary pressure in the narrow fracture has more effect on fluid distribution in the matrix. During oil–water drainage, oil saturations were higher in the blocks near the thin fracture, again showing the effect of fracture capillary pressure. Oil fingering was observed in the wide fracture. Fine-grid simulations of the experiments using a commercial reservoir simulator were performed. Relative permeability and capillary pressure curves were obtained by history matching the experiments. The results showed that the assumption of fracture relative permeability equal to phase saturation is incorrect. It was found that both capillary and viscous forces affect the process. The matrix capillary pressure obtained by matching an experiment showed lower values than those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Predicting reservoir wettability and its effect on fluid distribution and hydrocarbon recovery remains one of the major challenges in reservoir evaluation and engineering. Current laboratory based techniques require the use of rock–fluid systems that are representative of in situ reservoir wettability and preferably under reservoir conditions of pressure and temperature. However, the estimation of reservoir wettability is difficult to obtain from most laboratory experiments. In theory, it should be possible to determine the wettability of reservoir rock–fluid systems by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) due to the surface-sensitive nature of NMR relaxation measurements. Thus, NMR logs should in principle be able to give an indication of reservoir wettability, however, as yet there is no proven model to relate reservoir wettability to NMR measurements. Laboratory NMR measurements in representative and well-characterised rock–fluid systems are crucial to interpret NMR log data.A series of systematic laboratory experiments were designed using a range of sandstone core plugs with the aim of investigating the feasibility of using NMR measurements as a means to determine wettability. NMR T2 spectrum measurements were performed in reservoir core plugs at different saturations and wettability states. The samples were first cleaned by hot solvent extraction, then saturated with brine and a drainage/imbibition cycle performed. At the lowest brine saturation the same samples were aged in crude oil and a further drainage/imbibition cycle performed. NMR transverse relaxation time, T2, was measured on fully saturated samples, at residual saturations and some intermediate saturation values. The wettability of the samples is evaluated using the Archie's saturation exponent and by Amott-Harvey wettability index.The wettability of the cores studied ranged from mixed-wet to oil-wet. The NMR T2 results for cleaned and aged reservoir core plugs, containing oil and water, show that fluid distribution and wettability can be deduced from such measurements. The results on aged core plugs suggest that the oil occupies a wide range of pore sizes and is in contact with the pore walls. The results presented in the paper suggest that NMR T2 relaxation has the potential to be an alternative technique to evaluate rock wettability in the laboratory and in the reservoir.  相似文献   

为明确富有机质页岩孔隙演化规律,以鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组不同成熟度(RO值介于0.53%~1.09%之间)黑色页岩为研究对象,通过扫描电镜、氮气吸附和X-射线衍射等技术手段对页岩储层的纳米孔隙及热演化特征进行研究,并依据FHH分形模型探讨了页岩孔隙分形特征及热演化规律。结果表明:页岩孔隙总体积和比表面积主要受控于中孔(2~50nm)和大孔(>50nm),并与TOC含量有较好的相关性;随着RO值的增加,页岩孔隙总体积先下降,再略微上升,比表面积先下降,再明显回升,这是压实作用和生排烃作用共同作用的结果。RO值与有机质孔发育程度密切相关,是中孔的最大贡献者。页岩孔隙的分形维数普遍较高,随着热演化程度的加深整体呈增大趋势,且与孔体积及平均孔径显著负相关,与比表面积正相关,表明页岩孔隙结构趋于复杂,吸附能力提升。  相似文献   

根据岩石的毛管压力曲线资料.在矩法确定的岩石孔隙结构特征值基础上,提出了孔隙结构特征值函数的方法.室内驱油实验结果证明,孔隙结构特征值函数与水驱油效率有很好的正相关性,利用孔隙结构特征值函数可以预测油藏的水驱油效率.  相似文献   

The special gas wettability phenomenon of reservoir rocks has been recognized by more and more researchers.It has a significant effect on efficient development of unconventional reservoirs.First,based on the preferentially gas-covered ability and surface free energy changes,definition and evaluation methods have been established.Second,a method for altering rock wettability and its mechanisms have been studied,surface oriented phenomena of functional groups with low surface energy are the fundamental reason for gas wettability alteration of rock.Third,the effect of gas wettability on the surface energy,electrical properties and dilatability are investigated.Last,the effects of gas wettability on capillary pressure,oil/gas/water distribution and flow are investigated with capillary tubes and etchedglass network models.The gas wettability theory of reservoir rocks has been initially established,which provides theoretical support for the efficient production of unconventional reservoirs and has great significance.  相似文献   

依据已证实低阻油层的地质、测井、测试和化验分析资料,分析了双河油田低阻油层的形成机理,认为岩性细、岩石颗粒表面粗糙;泥质含量大,泥质含量中绿泥石所占比例高;油层薄,油层内存在泥质夹层;含油高度小以及泥浆滤液的侵入等是形成低阻油层的主要原因。在此基础上,提出了解释低阻油层的基本思路。  相似文献   

In order to relate the wetting properties at the pore scale to the macroscale hydrodynamics, a series of benchmark experiments on the effect of the wetting on flow in porous media were performed. Gravity drainage of hexane (oil) in a model porous medium consisting of water-wet sand was studied using γ-ray densitometry and weight measurements. The advantage of our system is that we know and control the wetting properties perfectly: we can tune the wetting properties by changing the salinity of the water. This allows us to perform porous medium flow experiments for the different wetting states without changing the transport properties (viscosity and density) of the oil. Drainage is found to be more efficient and, consequently, oil recovery more important for partial wetting.  相似文献   

The effect of wettability on fluid flow properties in porous media has been extensively studied, and is still a subject of highly active investigation. Most of the work has focused on cores of homogeneous wettability. Little attention has been paid to wettability heterogeneity effects at the core or pore scale. In a previous paper, we reported on a series of centrifuge experiments performed to study the effect of wettability heterogeneity on capillary pressure. An experimental technique, named cyclic aging, was developed to create regions of different wetting in the same core sample. In this paper, the work is extended to study the effect of wettability heterogeneity on both capillary pressure and relative permeability curves using centrifuge, continuous injection and steady state techniques.The experimental procedure consists of three steps: (1) the core plug is fully saturated with brine and subsequently a drainage experiment is performed targeting an initial oil saturation Soi, (2) after aging, oil is displaced by water to residual oil saturation Sor, and (3) oil is injected targeting higher initial oil saturation. In the secondary drainage experiment (step 3), oil first displaces water from the pores exposed to crude oil in primary drainage (step 1) and then enters fresh pores not exposed to crude oil before.In our previous study, it was found that wettability heterogeneity caused a step change in capillary pressure which correlated very well with the saturation at which wettability contrast was expected. However, the height of the step could not be explained by wettability contrast and/or water trapping alone. An experimental artifact caused by the centrifuge technique made the step higher than expected. The experimental artifact was the result of the nonuniform saturation profile developed across the core at the end of the centrifuge experiment. In this study, new techniques were used which resulted in a uniform saturation profile along the core sample during the primary drainage experiment. It was found that in this case the step in the capillary pressure is determined by wettability contrast and water trapping. It was also found that the relative permeability curve changes its characteristics when oil accesses the pores not previously exposed to crude oil.The results of this study show that (1) only the part of the pore space exposed to crude oil undergoes wettability changes on both core scale and pore scale, and (2) ignoring wettability heterogeneity can lead to large errors in the estimated two phase flow functions with important consequences with respect to fluid flow in porous media.  相似文献   

储层环境岩石电阻率变化规律研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
应用先进的模拟储层条件下岩石电阻率测试技术,利用保压密闭取心技术取得具有保持原始地层饱和状态的储层特征岩心,在储层环境下系统地研究了岩石电阻率与温度、压力、饱和度等参数之间的变化规律,同时对饱和原油及饱和水样品进行对比分析,从理论上探讨了不同流体饱体和介质在岩石电阻率测试中所产生的影响。研究储层环境下岩石电阻率的变化规律,不仅可以对测井曲线进行标定,而且可以通过饱和原油样品电阻率测定来确定储层含油饱和度。此项研究首次把保压密闭取心技术获得的岩心应用到电阻率测试技术上,开辟了电阻率研究的新领域。  相似文献   

王伟  夏宏泉  王谦 《测井技术》2017,(6):642-647
塔里木盆地克深地区白垩系巴什基奇克组致密砂岩储层具有高温高压和高强地应力特征,地应力对地层电阻率影响显著,导致电阻率测井曲线识别储层流体性质常存在多解性。开展岩样在高温高压下,围压大于轴压和围压小于轴压2种加载方式下的电阻率及其各向异性系数随水平应力差变化的实验研究。在弹性形变内,岩石电阻率随水平应力差的增大呈e的指数形式增大;电阻率随压力的变化呈明显的方向性特征;沿加压方向电阻率变化幅度小,垂直加压方向电阻率变化幅度大;不同加载方式下的电阻率各向异性系数随水平应力差变化关系不一样。为山前盆地高陡地层处于强挤压状态下,用地应力校正电阻率测井曲线值提供了可靠的实验理论依据和途径。  相似文献   

A capillary equilibrium-based network model is used to compute oil recovery and Amott wettability indices in intermediate-wet porous media. The pattern of wettability at the pore level is a generalization of the work of Kovscek et al. [Kovscek, A.R., Wong, H., Radke, C.J., 1993. A pore-level scenario for the development of mixed wettability in oil reservoirs, AICHE J., 39 (6) 1072–1085]. The model allows a single pore to contain both oil-wet and water-wet regions, with oil/water contact angles anywhere in the range 0–180°. We investigate models with varying contact angles, and where different fractions of the pore space are oil-wet. We show that oil recovery shows a complex, non-monotonic dependence with both contact angle and oil-wet fraction, and we explain the results in terms of competing displacement mechanisms at the pore scale. Strongly oil-wet media allow stable oil layers to form in the crevices of the pore space. These layers maintain the connectivity of the oil phase and allow low residual saturations to be achieved, but only by production well after breakthrough.  相似文献   

为探讨高煤级煤的微观孔隙结构特征及其对含气性的影响,选取黔西地区黔普地1井龙潭组5件高煤级煤样品,分别采用高压压汞、低温N2吸附和CO2吸附对各煤样的纳米级孔隙进行定量表征,基于BJH和DFT方程分别计算孔隙的孔径、孔体积和比表面积,分析煤的微孔(孔径<2 nm)、介孔(孔径2~50 nm)和宏孔(孔径>50 nm)的孔径分布特征,并统计各级孔径对孔体积和比表面积的贡献率。在低温N2吸附实验的基础上,运用FHH模型分析了高煤级煤孔隙结构分形性质及其控制因素。采用线性拟合的方法,讨论了高煤级煤的持续演化对微孔和介孔的影响,以及各级孔径的比表面积对含气性的控制作用。结果表明:微孔、介孔和宏孔对孔体积的贡献率分别为49.47%、33.22%及17.31%,对比表面积的贡献率依次为85.44%、14.35%及0.21%;高煤级煤的孔隙形态可分为2类:小于3.7 nm的孔主要以一端开口的孔为主,大于3.7 nm的孔则主要为两端开口的孔和细颈瓶孔;孔隙分形维数随着地层压力的增加而增大,且以3.7 nm为界,大孔隙比小孔隙具有更加复杂的空间结构;微孔和介孔随镜质体反射率呈现规律性的变化,微孔的大量形成与煤大分子空间结构演化导致的介孔体积缩小有关;微孔对CH4吸附量的控制作用远超过介孔和宏孔,小于2 nm的微孔为煤层气的吸附提供了主要的空间。  相似文献   

页岩纳米孔隙分形特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以氮气分子为探测介质,采用氮气吸附分形分析方法研究了页岩孔隙结构及其不规则性,计算了页岩纳米孔隙分形维数,给出了分形维数与有机碳含量、页岩组成、孔隙结构参数之间的关系曲线,讨论了分形维数对气体吸附和渗流的影响。结果表明,页岩纳米孔隙具有明显的分形特征。分形维数与有机碳含量、微孔发育程度有关。有机碳含量越高,分形维数越大。分形维数反映了页岩微孔的发育程度,微孔越发育,平均孔径越小,比表面积越大,分形维数越大。分形维数对气体的赋存和运移有着不同的影响,分形维数越大,孔隙结构趋于复杂,这有利于气体吸附存储,但不利于气体渗流。  相似文献   

盛强  郭平  陈静  杜建芬  王玉华 《特种油气藏》2012,19(4):122-125,157
为了评价泡沫在多孔介质中的稳定性,借助可视化微观模型驱替装置,利用图像采集系统,通过对大量图片进行分析,研究了水湿和油湿介质中不同压力下单一泡沫体系、复合泡沫体系在多孔介质中的稳定性以及泡沫的形成与衰变机理。结果显示,单一泡沫体系和复合泡沫体系在水湿介质中形成的泡沫稳定性均较好,泡沫形成较为容易;同等条件下泡沫体系在油湿介质中泡沫的形成较水湿介质中困难,泡沫稳定性较水湿介质中差;压力相同时,水湿介质和油湿介质中添加了高聚物的复合泡沫体系比单一泡沫体系泡沫稳定性好。  相似文献   

具有启动压力梯度的油水两相渗流理论与开发指标计算方法   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:23  
现有的油水两相渗流理论和注水开发指标计算方法是基于达西定律的,而低渗油层和某些稠油油层的渗流不符合达西定律,存在启动压力梯度。鉴于此,建立了具有启动压力梯度的油水两相渗流数学模型,推导出了其分流量方程、等饱和度面推进速度方程、水驱油前缘饱和度和位置计算公式,进而研究了具有启动压力梯度的注水开发指标计算方法,导出了井排见水前后开发指标计算公式(中高渗油层达西流情形下的注水开发指标的计算是其特例),并进行了实例分析。结果表明:启动压力梯度对低渗油田注水开发指标有较大的影响,见水前产油量按达西流计算,随时间增大而递增,按非达西流计算则随时间增大而递减;按达西流计算的初始产油量、见水后产油量及产液量均比按非达西流计算的高。建立的计算方法为低渗油田注水开发指标计算提供了理论依据,对于宾厄姆型稠油油田注水开发的理论及计算的研究也很有意义。图4参9(陈志宏摘)  相似文献   

孔隙网络模型广泛应用于多孔介质的微观模拟中,已经可以较好地实现对渗流参数的定量预测,并用来描述微观渗流过程.首先对孔隙网络模型建立方法和孔隙空间描述作了扼要介绍,总结了准静态和动态两类孔隙网络模型的特征及应用范围,然后着重论述了孔隙网络模型的应用情况及研究较活跃的几个方面,最后对其发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

为消除高矿化度钻井液侵入对双侧向电阻率的影响,通过岩电实验分析影响因素,改进电极系和测量工艺,使非渗透层岩样电阻率与双侧向电阻率一致。在高温高压条件下,用半渗透隔板气驱法测量岩电参数,再用高矿化度钻井液驱替模拟钻井液侵入。以此为基础,建立岩样电阻率与测井电阻率的对应关系,形成以实验为依据的电阻率测井校正方法。在准噶尔盆地腹部多口钻井的应用表明,应用校正后的电阻率计算的含气饱和度更为合理,为测井响应研究和储集层评价提供了有效手段。  相似文献   

以沁水盆地高阶煤3^#煤层为研究对象,借助高压压汞实验对高阶煤的孔隙参数进行测试,研究了高阶煤的孔隙结构特征,采用解吸速率实验对高阶煤的解吸速率和解吸量进行分析,并探讨了孔隙结构对煤层气解吸产出的控制规律。结果表明:3^#煤层的孔隙半径较小,煤层孔隙结构复杂;煤层主要以气体吸附孔和气体扩散孔为主,气体渗流孔占比很少,煤层的吸附气体体积大、吸附性能强、气体的扩散、渗流条件差。3^#煤层孔隙结构分形特征曲线呈"两段型",孔径大于940.7 nm时,不具有分形特征;孔径小于940.7 nm时,分形维数介于2.67~2.76之间,具有很好的分形特征。高阶煤的煤层气解吸特征具有快速解吸和慢速解吸2个阶段,快速解吸时间短,解吸量占比低;慢速解吸时间长,解吸量占比高,煤层气解吸困难。煤层的孔隙结构对煤层气的解吸具有重要影响,高阶煤较差的孔隙结构控制着煤层气解吸速率慢、解吸量低、产出程度低,煤层气井生产实践中表现为开始阶段产气量增长快,产气高峰时间短,稳产气量低、生产时间长,煤层气开发难度大。研究结果为高阶煤的煤层气抽采效果评价提供参考依据。  相似文献   

关于多孔介质对凝析气露点压力的影响,不同学者研究得出的结论各不相同,有的结论甚至相反.到目前为止还没有一种理论能较好地解释这种矛盾现象.在大量调研国内外多孔介质对相变影响的基础上开展实验研究,得出了多孔介质对凝析气露点压力有影响的结论;进行理论研究,建立了分别考虑毛细管压力和吸附现象的露点压力计算模型.针对中原油田白庙、桥口凝析气以及模拟凝析气流体分别进行了实例计算.结果证明毛细管压力和吸附现象对凝析气露点压力有影响.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地高电阻率水层的成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯盆地属典型的特低渗透率油田,在存在大量因储层岩性发生变化而形成的低电阻率油层的同时,同样也存在因储层岩性发生变化而形成的高电阻率水层.以延长组的长3~长8储层为典型代表,其储层特点是在同一储层、水层和油层的电性十分接近,甚至好于油层,致使油层计算的含油饱和度明显偏高.经过对大量岩心的细致观察和对各种化验资料的分析认为,造成高电阻率水层的主要原因是由于储层岩石颗粒细,分选差,含有大量的粉末状物质,正是这些物质堵塞了储层的孔隙喉道,连通的孔隙变成了孤立的孔隙,使储层电阻率增加.这种情况表现为2种,即当储层胶结疏松时,表现为水层;当储层胶结致密时,表现为干层.由于这些高电阻率水层的广泛存在,严重影响了石油勘探和开发,使测井解释常常出现失误,并给测井解释带来了又一个难题.  相似文献   

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