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全断面岩石掘进机(TBM)刀盘是TBM的核心部件,其结构参数设计是其核心技术之一。论述以青海隧道的TBM刀盘结构设计为背景,考虑青海隧道地质岩石边界条件,根据相关的刀盘结构参数设计的复杂工程技术要求,建立了刀盘结构主参数优化设计模型,以刀盘结构强度和刚度为优化目标,采用近似相应面模型建立刀盘结构强度和刚度分析的近似模型,进而采用多目标遗传算法对刀盘主要结构参数进行优化。与原TBM刀盘结构设计方案进行对比表明,本文获取到的刀盘主结构优化设计参数具有更好的刀盘结构刚度和强度,可以改善刀盘主轴承受力状况,延长主轴承寿命和滚刀寿命,可以为工程师在进行刀盘结构设计时提供刀盘的主结构参数,提高刀盘结构的强度和刚度性能。  相似文献   

刀盘是隧道掘进机(TBM)开挖岩石的核心部件,其由于整体尺寸大,刀柄安装位置倒角小,一般有限元整体分析很难获得该位置的准确应力,也就无法确定估算设计结构的强度和可靠性。因此,为解决由于TBM刀盘整体尺寸大、现实条件很难对其进行网格细化和网格质量的保证,而造成的有限元分析时间长、分析精度低等问题,应用子模型法对TBM刀盘进行结构强度分析,通过验证两模型分析结果收敛趋势的一致性和两模型局部优化分析对比,证明了子模型法的可靠性和可行性,也表明了子模型法为刀盘等大型构件的强度分析提供了新的方法,对今后的大型构件有限元分析具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

推进速度是全断面岩石隧道掘进机(Tunnel boring machine,TBM)的重要设计参数。其值过小将降低机械的掘进效率;过大将引起刀盘的大幅振动,导致联接螺栓超常松动、引起主轴承塑性变形与断裂,严重影响施工安全。为确定推进速度的临界值,引入非线性弹簧单元模拟破岩过程中滚刀与岩石的相互作用,采用有限元法对刀盘掘进过程进行动态仿真,得到了在不同岩层中掘进时保证刀盘动力稳定性的推进速度临界值。所得结果可为合理设计TBM推进速度,有效控制刀盘振动,减少振动破坏,提升TBM的地质适应性和施工安全性提供参考。  相似文献   

针对全断面隧道掘进机刀盘裂纹损伤及寿命预测等工程问题,提出了基于子模型技术的应力强度因子求解方法,并用含裂纹的矩形钢板对该方法进行了验证,分析了裂纹网格参数对刀盘裂纹尖端应力强度因子的收敛性影响。结果表明,钢板的应力强度因子数值和理论计算结果最大相对误差为3.6%。同时得到了保证刀盘应力强度因子求解精度和效率的裂纹单元网格参数,为结构的裂纹扩展寿命预测提供了参考。  相似文献   

李杨 《机械制造》2013,51(6):42-45
刀盘是TBM的关键部件,是影响TBM掘进效率的决定性因素。分析TBM刀盘的结构形式,根据盘形滚刀的破岩机理和大直径滚刀在现代工程实际中的良好业绩,说明大直径滚刀是TBM发展方向;根据平均刀间距的计算公式,确定滚刀数量及布置方式;根据安装滚刀的线速度计算刀盘最大转速,为TBM刀盘的选型、刀具布置及动力配备提供重要依据。  相似文献   

受结构复杂性的影响,TBM刀盘的有限元建模过程将耗费大量的时间成本。基于APDL(ANSYS parametric design language)语言,研究了典型刀盘结构的有限元参数化建模方法,并通过模态实验对建模方法的可靠性进行了验证。结果表明:刀盘固有频率的计算值与测试值的最大误差仅为6.58%,按本文方法建立的刀盘有限元模型能够较好地反映实物模型的固有特性,可作为相关仿真计算的基础模型。研究结果可为刀盘的仿真分析及复杂结构的快速有限元建模提供参考。  相似文献   

隧道掘进机(TBM)是用于隧道掘进的大型复杂工程机械,刀盘是TBM的关键部件承载数十把滚刀与岩石作用。掘进时的反力和扭矩作用在刀盘上容易产生裂纹降低寿命,刀盘的寿命制约着TBM的寿命。为了研究刀盘的寿命,提出了综合运用多体动力学和有限元计算刀盘动应力的一种方法并使用此方法计算了刀盘的动应力,计算结果与实测数据的均值误差仅为13%。对动应力进行统计计数并按照幅值的分布规律将其分为八级,结合材料的应力-寿命曲线对刀盘裂纹萌生寿命进行了预测,预测结果表明刀盘的裂纹萌生寿命为84天。裂纹萌生寿命预测结果可以为TBM刀盘的抗疲劳设计提供参考,也可以为安排施工检修周期提供依据。  相似文献   

为验证全断面掘进机综合试验机的刀盘是否满足掘进实验要求,运用有限元分析软件Ansys对刀盘在正常工况下的受力特性进行分析,分析结果表明刀盘最大Mises应力偏大,据此提出了相应的修改方案,然后对修改后的刀盘在正常工况、静启动脱困工况以及最大推力推挤工况下的受力特性进行分析,得出刀盘Mises应力图和结构变形图,结果表明刀盘应力集中的部位位于牛腿与辐条的连接处、幅板与辐条的连接处以及辐条与刀盘外壁的连接处,修改后的刀盘的强度和刚度满足掘进实验要求。  相似文献   

秦岭隧道是中国乃至亚洲第一大长隧道,地质条件复杂。秦岭隧道的挖掘设备是引进Wirth公司的隧道挖掘机,Wirth公司是隧道挖掘机的专业生产厂家,本文介绍了秦岭隧道工程引进的开式全断面隧道掘进机。  相似文献   

TBM在工作过程中地层结构的多变性导致刀盘受力的复杂性,针对刀盘受力问题以TBM刀盘掘进沈阳地铁二号线复合地层为研究条件,基于SolidWorks建立了简化的刀盘三维模型和岩石截面分层模型,构成破岩系统模型。利用CSM滚刀预测模型计算了滚刀在不同岩层下所需的破岩力,合算出掘进实际地层时刀盘所需推力。在ADAMS环境中对刀盘破岩过程进行动力学模拟,通过提取盘面上所有滚刀载荷和刀盘惯性载荷来确定整个TBM刀盘掘进过程中的载荷时间历程。  相似文献   

Cutterhead loads are the key mechanical parameters for the strength design of the full face hard rock tunnel boring machine(TBM). Due to the brittle rock-breaking mechanism, the excavation loads acting on cutters fluctuate strongly and show some randomness. The conventional method that using combinations of some special static loads to perform the strength design of TBM cutterhead may lead to strength failure during working practice. In this paper, a three-dimensional finite element model for coupled Cutterhead–Rock is developed to determine the cutterhead loads. Then the distribution characteristics and the influence factors of cutterhead loads are analyzed based on the numerical results. It is found that, as time changes, the normal and tangential forces acting on cutters and the total torque acting on the cutterhead approximately distribute log normally, while the total thrusts acting on the cutterhead approximately show a normal distribution. Furthermore, the statistical average values of cutterhead loads are proportional to the uniaxial compressive strength(UCS) of cutting rocks. The values also change with the penetration and the diameter of cutterhead following a power function. Based on these findings, we propose a three-parameter model for the mean of cutterhead loads and a method of generating the random cutter forces. Then the strength properties of a typical cutterhead are analyzed in detail using loads generated by the new method. The optimized cutterhead has been successfully applied in engineering. The method in this paper may provide a useful reference for the strength design of TBM cutterhead.  相似文献   

刀盘设计是全断面岩石隧道掘进机的设计关键,是影响其掘进性能的决定性因素。综述了刀盘设计关键技术的研究进展,重点对盘形滚刀破岩机理、刀盘切削参数、围岩力学属性参数及试验、刀具破岩受力分析模型和施工预测模型、刀盘布局(含刀具布置)等方面进行了较系统的分析和总结。最后讨论了有待深入研究的问题。   相似文献   

刀盘主参数设计是全断面岩石隧道掘进机的关键问题,是影响其掘进性能的决定性因素。刀盘破岩机理复杂,刀盘须针对围岩属性进行适应性设计,充分利用先前刀盘设计实例中积累的成功经验和数据至关重要。提出基于实例推理的刀盘主参数设计方法。给出刀盘设计实例的表示方法;根据实例属性特点,给出各种属性的局部相似度计算方法;针对取值为区间数的实例属性,提出一种基于属性值概率分布的区间相似度计算方法;运用组合修改实例的方法获得新刀盘的主参数设计方案。经工程应用实例设计表明,该方法设计结果较好。  相似文献   

TBM刀盘设计若干关键技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刀盘设计是全断面岩石隧道掘进机的设计关键,是影响其掘进性能的决定性因素.综述了刀盘设计关键技术的研究进展,重点对盘形滚刀破岩机理、刀盘切削参数、围岩力学属性参数及试验、刀具破岩受力分析模型和施工预测模型、刀盘布局(含刀具布置)等方面进行了较系统的分析和总结.最后讨论了有待深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

全断面岩石掘进机智能选型方案生成系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用人工智能技术对全断面岩石掘进机进行优化选型,实现掘进机方案设计智能化。针对隧道掘进机选型领域知识的特点,在知识获取中分别应用两种不同的机器学习方法:实例学习和类推学习,形成了一种协同推理模型;采用Microsoft公司的可视化集成开发工具Visual Foxpro6.0在Windows平台上建立了知识库,开发了基于人工神经网络和范例推理系统的功能模块,建造了掘进机智能选型方案生成系统原型;通过案例对该系统进行了验证。将该系统应用在掘进机选型智能决策系统中,可以有效地指导掘进机的设计与选用。  相似文献   

Wear Analysis of Disc Cutters of Full Face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wear is a major factor of disc cutters’ failure. No current theory offers a standard for the prediction of disc cutter wear yet. In the field the wear prediction method commonly used is based on the excavation length of tunnel boring machine(TBM) to predict the disc cutter wear and its wear law, considering the location number of each disc cutter on the cutterhead(radius for installation); in theory, there is a prediction method of using arc wear coefficient. However, the preceding two methods have their own errors, with their accuracy being 40% or so and largely relying on the technicians’ experience. Therefore, radial wear coefficient, axial wear coefficient and trajectory wear coefficient are defined on the basis of the operating characteristics of TBM. With reference to the installation and characteristics of disc cutters, those coefficients are modified according to penetration, which gives rise to the presentation of comprehensive axial wear coefficient, comprehensive radial wear coefficient and comprehensive trajectory wear coefficient. Calculation and determination of wear coefficients are made with consideration of data from a segment of TBM project(excavation length 173 m). The resulting wear coefficient values, after modification, are adopted to predict the disc cutter wear in the follow-up segment of the TBM project(excavation length of 5621 m). The prediction results show that the disc cutter wear predicted with comprehensive radial wear coefficient and comprehensive trajectory wear coefficient are not only accurate(accuracy 16.12%) but also highly congruous, whereas there is a larger deviation in the prediction with comprehensive axial wear coefficient(accuracy 41%, which is in agreement with the prediction of disc cutters’ life in the field). This paper puts forth a new method concerning prediction of life span and wear of TBM disc cutters as well as timing for replacing disc cutters.  相似文献   

Attempts to minimize energy consumption of a tunnel boring machine disc cutter during the process of fragmentation have largely focused on optimizing disc-cutter spacing, as determined by the minimum specific energy required for fragmentation; however, indentation tests showed that rock deforms plastically beneath the cutters. Equations for thrust were developed for both the traditional, popularly employed disc cutter and anew design based on three-dimensional theory. The respective energy consumption for penetration, rolling, and side-slip fragmentations were obtained. A change in disc-cutter fragmentation angles resulted in a change in the nature of the interaction between the cutter and rock, which lowered the specific energy of fragmentation. During actual field excavations to the same penetration length, the combined energy consumption for fragmentation using the newly designed cutters was 15% lower than that when using the traditional design. This paper presents a theory for energy saving in tunnel boring machines. Investigation results showed that the disc cutters designed using this theory were more durable than traditional designs, and effectively lowered the energy consumption.  相似文献   

全断面隧道掘进机刀具异常磨损的识别分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对全断面隧道掘进机(TBM)施工过程中刀具过度磨损或异常磨损的识别问题,在分析TBM掘进效率影响因素和进行掘进状况无监督模式识别的基础上,利用现场掘进数据,得到场切深指数fFRI和切割系数C在不同掘进状况下的相互影响规律,据此提出以两者作为TBM刀具异常磨损的二维特征识别参量,确定了此空间中的刀具异常磨损决策阈值。TBM刀具磨损的预测和异常磨损识别方法的确定,对于保障TBM的安全掘进以及提高其利用率和经济性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对全断面掘进机施工环境提出了一种可视化仿真系统整体框架和技术流程,开发具有人机交互功能的全断面掘进机可视化仿真系统。  相似文献   

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