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In order to investigate the molecular basis of the differences observed in the immunogenicity of various BCG vaccines, which may play a major role in BCG vaccination efficiency, the presence and the partial structure of the lipoarabinomannans (LAMs) were investigated in four different BCG strains (Pasteur, Glaxo, Copenhagen, and Japanese strains). According to their cell-wall extraction mode, the LAMs were subdivided into two classes, namely, parietal LAMs and cellular LAMs. From a structural point of view, the cellular LAMs and parietal LAMs both belong to the ManLAM class since the relevant structural features, described for ManLAMs, that is, the phosphatidyl-myo-Ins anchor and the manno-oligosaccharide caps were characterized. In addition, thanks to NMR experiments realized on the native ManLAMs, we prove the existence of succinyl groups and we determine their location on the C-2 of the 3,5-di-O-alpha-D-Araf units. The average number of succinyl groups was estimated at one and four per ManLAMs molecule for Glaxo and Japanese vaccines, respectively, and two for Pasteur and Copenhagen strains.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To compare the costs and effectiveness of directly observed therapy (DOT) vs self-administered therapy (SAT) for the treatment of active tuberculosis. DESIGN: Decision analysis. SETTING: We used published rates for failure of therapy, relapse, and acquired multidrug resistance during the initial treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis cases using DOT or SAT. We estimated costs of tuberculosis treatment at an urban tuberculosis control program, a municipal hospital, and a hospital specializing in treating drug-resistant tuberculosis. OUTCOME MEASURES: The average cost per patient to cure drug-susceptible tuberculosis, including the cost of treating failures of initial treatment. RESULTS: The direct costs of initial therapy with DOT and SAT were similar ($1,206 vs $1,221 per patient, respectively), although DOT was more expensive when patient time costs were included. When the costs of relapse and failure were included in the model, DOT was less expensive than SAT, whether considering outpatient costs only ($1,405 vs $2,314 per patient treated), outpatient plus inpatient costs ($2,785 vs $10,529 per patient treated), or outpatient, inpatient, and patients' time costs ($3,999 vs $12,167 per patient treated). Threshold analysis demonstrated that DOT was less expensive than SAT through a wide range of cost estimates and clinical event rates. CONCLUSION: Despite its greater initial cost, DOT is a more cost-effective strategy than SAT because it achieves a higher cure rate after initial therapy, and thereby decreases treatment costs associated with failure of therapy and acquired drug resistance. This cost-effectiveness analysis supports the widespread implementation of DOT.  相似文献   

Female athletes are at increased risk for certain sports-related injuries, particularly those involving the knee. Factors that contribute to this increased risk are the differences in sports undertaken and in gender anatomy and structure. Gender differences include baseline level of conditioning, lower extremity alignment, physiological laxity, pelvis width, tibial rotation and foot alignment. Sports like gymnastics and cheerleading create a noncontact environment, but can result in significant knee injuries. In quick stopping and cutting sports, females have an increased incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury by noncontact mechanisms. Patellofemoral (PF) disorders are also very common in female athletes. Awareness of these facts helps the sports medicine professional make an accurate diagnosis and institute earlier treatment-focused rehabilitation with or without surgery. Further prospective and retrospective research is needed in areas of epidemiology, mechanisms, severity and types of knee injuries. The goal is to lessen the severity of certain knee injuries and to prevent others.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the association between muscle strength of the thigh, different body constitutional parameters, and bone mineral density (BMD) in adolescents. The subjects were 26 healthy adolescent boys, age 15.9 +/- 0.3 years, not training for more than 3 h per week. BMD was measured in total body, head, humerus, spine, femur, and tibia/fibula. Univariate correlations were measured between the explanatory parameters height, weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass, lean body mass, quadriceps strength, hamstrings strength, and each BMD site using Pearson's coefficient of correlation. The explanatory variables were also used in a multivariate analysis to explain each BMD site. There was a high degree of concordance when comparing the two methods of analysis. Using the multivariate analysis, quadriceps strength and lean body mass showed significant independent correlations to all BMD sites measured, the correlations being stronger for the adjacent femur and tibia/fibula than for the distant humerus and head. Hamstrings strength correlated significantly and independently with tibia/fibula BMD and spine BMD. Fat mass, BMI, and weight correlated significantly and independently to all BMD sites except femur. This study demonstrates a general relationship between BMD and different body constitutional parameters and muscle strength of the thigh.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether rigorous exercise training adversely affects ovarian hormone levels and bone health in cyclically menstruating trained runners. Ovarian hormones, bone mineral density (BMD), body composition, 3-d diet records, 3-d estimated energy expenditure, and menstrual histories were evaluated in 10 trained collegiate runners and 10 moderately active controls. The trained runners had lower total body calcium per kg of soft lean tissue measured by DEXA (P = 0.045). Half of the trained runners had experienced stress fractures compared with only one of the moderately active controls. The trained runners' lumbar (L2-L4) BMD (1.178 g.cm-2) was not significantly different from that of the active controls (1.283 g.cm-2) (P = 0.074) but, for all subjects combined, there wasa significant inverse relation between L2-L4 BMD and distance run per week (P = 0.036). Further, adding age, body weight, percent body fat, daily energy intake, and daily calcium intake to a stepwise multiple regression analysis did not significantly improve predictive precision. The trained runners consumed nearly twice the amount of calcium (1089 mg.d-1 vs 641 mg.d-1, respectively; P = 0.036), while intake of other nutrients did not differ significantly between groups. Urinary estrone conjugates (E1C) were lower in the trained runners during the early follicular phase (P = 0.028), while pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PdG) was not significantly different between groups during the luteal phase (P = 0.213). Thus, it appears that lower estrogen production, especially during the early follicular phase, and not progesterone, is associated with lower whole body calcium per kg of soft lean tissue and, probably, L2-L4 BMD. Results of this study also suggest that regular menstrual cycles do not imply normal ovarian hormone function in young women who are engaged in either recreational or competitive running.  相似文献   

Long term feeding of a sucrose rich diet to rats is accompanied by a decreased glucose assimilation rate, despite high plasma insulin levels. Hyperinsulinism is at least partially based on a relative obesity, with increased amounts of abdominal- and retroperitoneal fat tissue, but unchanged total body weight compared to starch fed controls. The secretory pattern of insulin release was studied following glucose, arginine, fructose and sulfonylurea administration in the isolated perfused pancreas of sucrose and isocaloric starch fed rats. In addition, isolated islets of Langerhans were used to demonstrate the effects of glucose on insulin secretion and the incorporation of H-3 leucine into the proinsulin and insulin fraction of islet proteins. Following 11 mM glucose, the dynamics of insulin release in the isolated perfused pancreas of sucrose fed rats is characterized by a markedly elevated, late plateau-like response, usually seen only at higher glucose concentrations. Hyperinsulinism, as compared to starch fed controls, can also be demonstrated following arginine and the sulfonylurea HB-419, whereas fructose has no effect in the presence of low glucose concentrations. During incubation of the pancreatic islets, the hyperinsulinism in sucrose-, compared to starch fed rats, is more pronounced at 11 mM glucose than at 5.5 mM glucose. The incorporation of H-3 leucine into the proinsulin-insulin fraction of islet proteins in sucrose compared to starch fed rats, however, is significantly greater with glucose 5.5 mM than at high glucose level. In sucrose fed rats, secretion and biosynthesis of insulin thus appear to be elevated but closely linked only at physiological glucose concentration.  相似文献   

Bone can be divided into two kinds of tissue, cortical and trabecular bone. The skeleton comprises approximately 80% cortical bone, mainly in peripheral bones, and 20% trabecular bone, mainly in the axial skeleton. Bone density increases with skeletal growth to a peak in late adolescence or early adulthood. Bone loss subsequently occurs with ageing in both sexes, and in females accelerated loss occurs at the menopause. The risk of osteoporotic fracture in later life is the result of peak bone mass achieved at skeletal maturity and subsequent age-related and postmenopausal bone loss. Peak bone mass is largely genetically determined but is also influenced by environmental factors such as dietary calcium and physical activity. Bone loss with ageing occurs at different rates and different times in different skeletal sites. Femoral neck bone loss probably occurs in a linear fashion throughout life from early adulthood but may be accelerated at the menopause. Spinal bone loss may commence before the menopause but is rapidly increased in the immediate postmenopausal years. Bone strength is directly related to bone density, but the loading force is also relevant to risk of fracture.  相似文献   

Between August 1988 and October 1992, 1,052 patients underwent 1,522 valve procedures in our institution. Their mean age was 32.69 years (range 1-90). The etiology was rheumatic in 724 (68.8%), congenital in 120 (11.4%), degenerative in 99 (9.4%), infective in 58 (5.5%) and ischemic in 17 (1.6%). The mean preoperative functional class (NYHA) was 2.95 and 780 (74.1%) were in sinus rhythm. Repair was possible in 885 (58.1%) valves. The rate of repair versus replacement was 94.5% for the tricuspid, 56.2% for the mitral and 43.6% for the aortic valve. The total hospital mortality was 4.18%. For isolated mitral surgery it was 2.94%, for isolated aortic 4.12% and for isolated tricuspid 15%. Double valve surgery carried a mortality of 3% and triple valve surgery 13%. Hospital mortality for isolated mitral and isolated aortic surgery was lower for repair than for replacement (1.5% vs. 5% and 0 vs. 6.8%). The follow-up was 94.65% complete. The total incidence of embolic events was 2.93% with an actuarial freedom at 48 months of 92.71 +/- 5.35% for repair, 88.22 +/- 6.26% for replacement and 90.31 +/- 5.65% for patients with repair and replacement. Late mortality was 4.5%. The actuarial survival excluding hospital deaths was 94.89 +/- 2.10% for repair, 86.84 +/- 2.84% for replacement and 91.33 +/- 2.73% for the mixed group. The reoperation rate was higher for repair (13%) than for replacement (0.1%). This rate was highest for the rheumatic mitral patients with an age below 20 years (25.2%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] have been shown to be an independent risk factor for atherosclerotic disease. Physical activity and physical fitness have been shown to improve lipoprotein metabolism and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Studies on the influence of physical activity and physical fitness on Lp(a) levels including a large number of endurance as well as power athletes have not been performed before. Therefore, we determined parameters of physical fitness (maximal oxygen consumption), physical activity, and lipoproteins in 105 endurance athletes, 57 power athletes, and 87 sedentary young men. As expected, we found that endurance athletes with a good physical fitness had significantly higher concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol than power athletes and sedentary controls. Regarding mean Lp(a) levels (rocket immunoelectrophoresis), however, there were no significant differences between endurance athletes, power athletes, and sedentary controls. Even when including only those with Lp(a) values > 10 mg.dl-1, no differences were observed between the groups. These findings indicate that intensive training over years and good aerobic fitness improve the ratio of low-density lipoprotein to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol but have no or only minor effects on Lp(a) concentrations.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: The study was designed as an ex post facto study using volunteers. OBJECTIVES: To compare sagittal back motion of male college athletes with that of nonathletes and to compare data from both groups with normative data. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Few studies have evaluated athletic demands on the spine. Much of the information on athletic demands comes from electromyographic studies, flexibility comparisons, and lift task studies. Although these studies provide a basis for back testing and evaluation, they do not present direct evidence of athletic low back performance. METHODS: Fifteen male college football athletes and 15 male college nonathletes volunteered for testing using the IsoStation B-200 BSCAN 2.0 protocol (Isotechnologies, Inc., Hillsborough, NC). Measures were recorded for range of motion, isometric flexion and extension, and moderate and high dynamic flexion and extension. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance. RESULTS: The results of Hotelling's multivariate test were significant. Univariate follow-up analysis showed that athletes had significantly better isometric flexion, isometric extension, moderate dynamic flexion, high dynamic flexion, and high dynamic extension. Athletic data were compared with the BSCAN population data at the 50th and 80th percentile. Athletes were significantly better (P < 0.007) for all variables at the 50th percentile and for all dynamic variables at the 80th percentile. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of the study, college football athletes had better sagittal back motion strength and speed as tested with the B-200 than nonathletes. Population data for the B-200 were representative for nonathletes but nonrepresentative for football players.  相似文献   

The influence of anxiety on sport performance was examined using the inverted-U hypothesis and Zone of Optimal Function (ZOF) theory. Sixty-seven collegiate track and field athletes completed versions of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to determine baseline state anxiety, recalled best anxiety, and precompetition anxiety. Precompetition state anxiety was determined 1 h before competition in four meets. Three variants of the inverted-U hypothesis were examined: 1) task-specific anxiety, 2) individualized median precompetition anxiety, and 3) mean precompetition anxiety. For ZOF, optimal anxiety was established from anxiety scores based on recalled best performance. Subjects were grouped as either inside or outside of optimal anxiety levels according to inverted-U or ZOF criteria. Mean group performance was determined by transforming individual results using intra- and interindividual standards. ANOVA revealed that subjects possessing optimal anxiety according to inverted-U criteria performed no better (P > 0.05) than cases outside optimal. Subjects with precompetition anxiety values within their individual ZOF performed significantly (P < 0.05) better than cases with anxiety outside ZOF for all contrasts. The largest (P < 0.05) performance decrements resulted when anxiety was within a 1 SD range above or below ZOF. These results indicate that ZOF theory was more efficacious than the variants of the inverted-U hypothesis examined.  相似文献   

We examined heavy training-induced changes in baroreflex sensitivity, plasma volume and resting heart rate and blood pressure variability in female endurance athletes. Nine athletes (experimental training group, ETG) increased intense training (70-90% VO2max) volume by 130% and low-intensity training (< 70% Vo2max) volume by 100% during 6-9 weeks, whereas the corresponding increases in six control athletes (CG) were 5% and 10% respectively. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) in the ETG and CG did not change, but in five ETG athletes VO2max decreased from 53.0 +/- 2.2 (mean +/- SEM) (CI 46.8-59.2) ml kg-1 min-1 to 50.2 +/- 2.3 (43.8-56.6) ml kg-1 min-1 (P < 0.01), indicating overtraining. Baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) measured using the phenylephrine technique and blood pressure variability (BPV) did not change, but the low-frequency power of the R-R interval variability increased in the ETG (P < 0.05). The relative change in plasma volume was 7% in the ETG and 3% in the CG. The changes in BRS did not correlate with the changes in plasma volume, heart rate variability and BPV. We conclude that heavy endurance training and overtraining did not change baroreflex sensitivity or BPV but significantly increased the low-frequency power of the R-R interval variability during supine rest in female athletes as a marker of increased cardiac sympathetic modulation.  相似文献   

Tablets have been prepared at known compaction force from three types of pellets in different proportions: (1) pellets containing 80% theophylline as a model drug coated with different thicknesses of a polymer film coat, (2) pellets containing glyceryl monostearate as a deformable material, and (3) pellets containing a disintegrant. The breaking load, friability, disintegration and drug release properties were evaluated, the latter as a mean dissolution time (MDT) and its variance (VDT). The mechanism of dissolution was assessed from the value of the relative dispersion (RD) of the mean dissolution time. The possible relationship between the properties of the pellets and those of the tablets was evaluated by canonical analysis followed by multiple regression analysis. It was found that only about 51% of the tablet properties could be predicted from the properties of the pellets. The quantitative relationship between pellet properties and tablet properties was found to vary in type and level of quality. Reduction of breaking load, friability and disintegration was less predictable than that of dissolution represented as the MDT. The values of RD for the different preparations clearly identified those preparations where the film coat still retained control of the dissolution process. Such formulations contained at least 40% of soft pellets and coated pellets with at least a weight gain of 8%.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of personal identity on the relationship between individual dissimilarity and subsequent outcomes. Data were collected from 271 student-athletes participating in a variety of National Collegiate Athletic Association sports. Results from structural equation modeling indicated that the relationship between actual racial dissimilarity and perceived racial dissimilarity was stronger for persons with a strong racial personal identity than for other athletes. Further analyses indicated that person-team fit mediated the relationship between perceived racial dissimilarity and satisfaction with the team. Results are discussed in terms of theoretical contributions and practical implications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Daily subcutaneous administration of bovine parathyroid hormone (PTH)(1-34) stimulates bone formation and increases bone mass in rat tibiae, femora and lumbar spine. However, the effects of PTH on the whole body bone mineral content and density determined by dual energy x-ray absortiometry (DEXA) have not been previously reported in rats. Eighteen-month-old intact female rats were subcutaneously injected daily with 0, 40, 80 or 160 micrograms/kg/day of bovine PTH (1-34) for either 15 or 60 days. Whole body DEXA was performed at 1 day before autopsy, and bone area, bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) of the total body were determined. Total femoral, tibial and lumbar spine BMD was also determined ex vivo. Cancellous bone histomorphometry was performed on sections of double-labeled proximal tibial metaphyses. Whole body bone mineral content and density were significantly increased by 60 days, but not by 15 days, of PTH treatment at all dose groups compared with vehicle controls. Lumbar vertebral and total femoral BMD was significantly increased at all doses of PTH by 15 days of administration and further increased by 60 days. All doses of PTH increased trabecular bone area in proximal tibial metaphyses by 15 days and further increased by 60 days. All doses of PTH increased trabecular bone area in proximal tibial metaphyses by 15 days and further increased by 60 days. In proximal tibial cancellous bone, dose-dependent increases in percent labeled perimeter, mineral apposition rate and bone formation rate-bone volume referent were found between 40 and 160 micrograms/kg of PTH treatment by 15 days, and no further increases were found by 60 days. Our results showed that in aged female rats, bovine PTH(1-34) increased bone formation and total body bone mass.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Perioperative ischaemic stroke is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality associated with carotid endarterectomy (CEA). The aim was to test the hypotheses that the detection of microembolic ultrasonic signals (MES) with transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) during and after the operation may be of value in identifying patients at increased perioperative stroke risk. DESIGN: Open prospective case series. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighty-one consecutive patients undergoing CEA with TCD monitoring. Preoperative, intraoperative and interval postoperative TCD monitoring of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) ipsilateral to the operated carotid artery. On-line pre- and intraoperative MES counting and blinded off-line analysis of postoperative MES counts. End-points were any focal neurological deficit and death at 30 days postoperatively. RESULTS: MES were detected in 94% of patients intraoperatively and 71% of cases during the first postoperative hour. MES counts ranged from 0 to 25 per operative phase (range of median counts 0-8) and from 0 to 212 per hour postoperatively (range of median counts 0-4). Eight cases (10%) developed postoperative MES counts greater than 50/h. Five of these eight cases evolved ischaemic neurological deficits in the territory of the insonated MCA, indicating a strong association between frequent postoperative microembolism and the development of early cerebral ischaemia (chi 2 = 34.2, p < 0.0001). Intraoperative MES were not associated with clinical outcome measures. CONCLUSIONS: MES counts of greater than 50/h in the early postoperative phase of carotid endarterectomy are predictive of the development of ipsilateral focal cerebral ischaemia.  相似文献   

Patients with craniocervical mandibular (TMD) disorders can present with tinnitus as a primary or secondary complaint. The embryology and functional anatomy of the middle ear, temporomandibular joint, muscles of mastication and associated tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics was found to be helpful in establishing etiologic concepts which relate tinnitus to these temporomandibular disorders. In addition to etiologic concepts, treatment modalities are described. The authors relate their experiences as well as those of others with different patient populations.  相似文献   

96 college students who were rated as high and low in terms of physiognomic perception were administered an empathy measure. Results supported the hypothesis that those individuals with higher physiognomic perception would show more empathy than those with a lower degree of physiognomic perception. Results were interpreted as adding evidence to the existence of physiognomic perception as a cognitive control principle.  相似文献   

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