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The "Giessen-Test" is a psychological test in form of a questionnaire, basing on self-assessment. It was applied in 63 patients with bronchial asthma in order to get their "self-images" and their "ideal-self-images". Except of higher values for depression the "self-images" of the asthmatics resembled very closely those of normals. The ideals ("ideal-self-image") of the patients were uncharacteristic and reflected general trends. In contrast to these findings eleven physicians had a negative conception of asthmatic patients ("foreign image"). Physicians assessed the asthmatics to be disliked ("negative social resonant"), obstinate ("dominant") and depressive. Patients with exogen-allergic asthma, intrinsic asthma and asthma of unknown origin differ from each other only within a few marks. These differences, however, are not sufficient, to allow to coordinate a specific personality-structure with one of the different kinds of asthma.  相似文献   

Reliability of cytological classification of tumours from material obtained from sputum or bronchial secretion was tested on 116 histologically confirmed cases of bronchial carcinoma. Squamous-cell carcinoma and small-cell undifferentiated carcinoma were most often correctly classified, results being less good with large-cell undifferentiated carcinoma, adenocarcinoma taking an intermediary position.  相似文献   

The inoperable bronchial carcinoma tends to early formation of metastases. If the tumor responds well to different cytostatic drugs, chemotherapy is absolutely necessary. In this case, combined therapy has better results than monotherapy. We use chemotherapy prior to radiotherapy in order to prevent hematogenic extension of the disease and to ameliorate the receptiveness of the primary tumor. In order to avoid local recurrence it is necessary to submit the primary tumor and the mediastinum to radiotherapy. A focal dose of 3000 rd within three weeks is considered to be sufficient. This dose generally does not cause severe myelosuppression, so that the chemotherapy can be continued. A report is given on the provisional results of different chemotherapeutic combinations. Further studies, however, are absolutely necessary in order to be in a position to give recommendations of common validity.  相似文献   

Various dates on amoxicillin (resorption, distribution, elimination, tissue passage, urinary excretion) are presented. The bacterial spectrum is more fully discussed. Amoxicillin is compared with ampicillin. Dosage and therapeutical results are presented. Within repeated bronchoscopic examinations necessary on account of bronchopulmonary affections determination of germs were done in 88 children. At the same time examination of ampicillin levels in bronchial secretions were performed after amoxicillin therapy with different high doses (3 x 125 mg to 3 x 750 mg) for 7 days. It could be shown that good antibiotic levels could be found in secretion specimens above all obtained 2 to 4 hours after the last amoxicillin administration. They could be found too, if there did not exist any purulent secretion or stronger inflammation. There are relations between the amount of dosage, the level in secretion as well as the influence on germs.  相似文献   

29 patients with acute myocardial infarction were subdivided into 3 groups using the information gained by continuous measurement of the pulmonary artery end-diastolic pressure (PAEDP) during a stay of 3 to 5 days in the coronary care unit of this hospital. Group I comprised patients with a PAEDP of below 12 mm Hg (without treatment), group II those with a PAEDP of between 12 and 20 mm Hg and group III those patients with a PAEDP of above 20 mm Hg. 3 to 6 months after rehabilitation and ambulant "coronary training' a follow-up control PAEDP measurement was performed at rest and during ergometric stress with the bicycle exercise test. 2 out of the 15 patients in group I had a pathological PAEDP at rest, whilst exercise of 50 watts raised the PAEDP to pathological values in 40% of this group of patients. Group II: 58% of the patients with an initially-raised PAEDP showed a normal value at follow-up examination 3 months subsequently. Exercise of 50 watts raised the PAEDP to pathological values in 66% of the patients in this group. Group III. The pathologically high PAEDP recordings at rest made it impossible to subject these patients to stress with the bicycle ergometer. The prognostic value of the classification of patients with myocardial infarction into pressure groups and the importance of PAEDP follow-up measurements on patients after myocardial infarction at rest and after ergometric stress are discussed.  相似文献   

The dumping syndrome is due to a vigorous reflex distension of the jejunum, caused by the stomach violently evacuating its contents. The aim of treatment is to overcome the drastic evacuation by restoring the rhythmic peristalsis of the stomach (eukinetics). This can be achieved by a special diet. Every meal should begin with well chewed solids (pulp) and avoid all fluids. With a well organised medical staff a complete success can be achieved. Surgical measures in Dumping can be avoided.  相似文献   

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