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GABA transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) accumulation in growing cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was shown to occur by means of an active transport system that is inhibited by proton ionophores, azide, fluoride and arsenate ions. Transport occurred maximally at pH 5.0 and exhibited apparent Km values of 12 microM and 0.1 mM. Accumulated GABA did not efflux upon treatment with proton ionophores and exchanged with extracellular material only very slowly. However, release was complete upon treatment with nystatin. These observations raise the possibility that a major portion of intracellular GABA is sequestered in the vacuole. The response of GABA uptake to growth on various nitrogen sources suggested that uptake may be subject to several types of regulation.  相似文献   

The glucose transport capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 8066 was studied in aerobic glucose-limited chemostat cultures. Two different transport systems were encountered with affinity constants of 1 and 20 mM, respectively. The capacity of these carriers (Vmax) was dependent on the dilution rate and the residual glucose concentration in the culture. From the residual glucose concentration in the fermenter and the kinetic constants of glucose transport, their in situ contribution to glucose consumption was determined. The sum of these calculated in situ transport rates correlated well with the observed rate of glucose consumption of the culture. The growth kinetics of S. cerevisiae CBS 8066 in glucose-limited cultures were rather peculiar. At low dilution rates, at which glucose was completely respired, the glucose concentration in the fermenter was constant at 110 microM, independent of the glucose concentration in the reservoir. At higher dilution rates, characterized by the occurrence of both respiration and alcoholic fermentation, the residual substrate concentration followed Monod kinetics. In this case, however, the overall affinity constant was dependent on the reservoir glucose concentration.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母的发酵优化与动力学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
伍勇  肖泽仪  黄卫星  石尔  许荣强 《酿酒》2004,31(5):19-21
研究了酿酒酵母在游离生长条件下细胞生长、乙醇生成和葡萄糖消耗动力学.通过耐高温酿酒活性干酵母在35℃的复合培养基中不通风生长的三水平正交实验,用Gauss-Newton非线性最小二乘法拟合了发酵动力学参数.当发酵液中的葡萄糖浓度远大于饱和生长系数Ks时,酵母细胞的生长代谢规律受葡萄糖的影响很小.乙醇总是减缓酿酒酵母的生长代谢速率,当乙醇浓度达到完全抑制值KP时细胞就停止生长.酵母细胞的自由生长存在极限浓度Kx,而在细胞浓度为Kx/2处获得最大细胞增长率.当发酵液中乙醇浓度低于KP[1-β/(αμmax)]时,在细胞浓度为Kx[1-β/(αμmax)]/2处获得最大乙醇发产率.而高于此乙醇浓度时,乙醇产率随细胞浓度单调增加.在发酵动力学方程的基础上,可根据发酵目标对发酵条件进行优化.  相似文献   

A recessive mutation leading to complete loss of thiamine uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was mapped on the left arm of chromosome VII, approximately 56cM centromere-distal to trp5. As the analysed locus is relatively distant from its centromere and from the markers used, its attachment to chromosome VII was confirmed by chromosome loss methods.  相似文献   

All eukaryotic cells contain a wide variety of proteins embedded in the plasma and internal membranes, which ensure transmembrane solute transport. It is now established that a large proportion of these transport proteins can be grouped into families apparently conserved throughout organisms. This article presents the data of an in silicio analysis aimed at establishing a preliminary classification of membrane transport proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This analysis was conducted at a time when about 65% of all yeast genes were available in public databases. In addition to ~60 transport proteins whose function was at least partially known, ~100 deduced protein sequences of unknown function display significant sequence similarity to membrane transport proteins characterized in yeast and/or other organisms. While some protein families have been well characterized by classical genetic experimental approaches, others have largely if not totally escaped characterization. The proteins revealed by this in silicio analysis also include a putative K+ channel, proteins similar to aquaporins of plant and animal origin, proteins similar to Na+-solute symporters, a protein very similar to electroneural cation-chloride co-transporters, and a putative Na+-H+ antiporter. A new research area is anticipated: the functional analysis of many transport proteins whose existence was revealed by genome sequencing.  相似文献   

The cysteine transport system of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains had different cysteine uptake activities, they revealed monophasic uptake kinetics and had the same KT (83.3 microM). The optimal pH of cysteine uptake was between 4.5 and 5.0, but the activity was quickly lost if cells were kept in buffer. When the activity was measured in the growth medium, it increased in the presence of EDTA and greatly decreased in the presence of mercuric chloride. Thioglycol as well as metabolic inhibitors such as dinitrophenol and azide were inhibitory. Homocysteine and methionine were competitive and non-competitive inhibitors, respectively. Cysteamine and cysteic acid were not inhibitory. From these observations, we conclude that the system mediating uptake of cysteine is specific (we thus name it the cysteine transport system) and that the cysteine transport system recognizes not only the SH-group but also amino- and carboxyl-groups. In wild-type strains the cysteine transport system was derepressed only when the cells were incubated without any sulfur source. On the other hand, in cysteine-dependent mutants, cysteine uptake activity increased with increase of exogenous supply of cysteine, glutathione or methionine. From this result, we suspect that the cellular cysteine level is the limiting factor for biosynthesis of the cysteine transport system in cysteine-dependent strains.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母生产谷胱甘肽分批发酵动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以麦芽汁为发酵培养基,对7.5L 自动发酵罐中酿酒酵母Y518 分批发酵生产谷胱甘肽的实验数据进行分析,建立谷胱甘肽分批发酵动力学模型。通过对符合菌体生长的Logistic 方程、产物生成的Luedeking-Piret 方程和基质消耗的物料衡算方程进行最优参数估计和非线性拟合,分别得到了相应的动力学模型和最佳模型参数值。对动力学模型的拟合曲线进行分析,发现模型的计算值与实验值能较好地拟合,表明本实验建立的分批发酵动力学模型能较好地反映谷胱甘肽分批发酵过程。  相似文献   

Transport properties of the osmotically fragile strain VY1160 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were compared with those of the parent S288c strain. Mediated diffusion of 6-deoxy-D-glucose was practically unaffected; membrane-potential-dependent transport of D-glucosamine was very much depressed in the fragile strain. The H+-driven transport of L-lysine and L-proline, as well as that of the hitherto uninvestigated D-glucose-6-phosphate, were also very depressed. 2-Deoxy-D-glucose transport displayed slightly different kinetic parameters. Primary H+ extrusion by the plasma membrane H-ATPase was not diminished although the ATP-splitting activity was depressed by about 50%. The overall proton-motive force (pmf) of the fragile mutant at pH 5.5 was only 20 mV while in the parent strain it was 108 mV. In parallel with this, spontaneous acidification of the external medium (a CO2-associated event) was only about 2% of that in the parent strain. The defect in this, together with the inability to stimulate transport protein synthesis by glucose, may account for the generally poorer transport performance of the fragile mutant.  相似文献   

The relationship between the pathways of glucose and galactose utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been studied. Galactose (which is transported and phosphorylated by inducible systems) is a strong inhibitor of the utilization of glucose, fructose and mannose (which have the same constitutive transport and phosphorylation systems). Conversely, all these three hexoses inhibit the utilization of galactose, though with poor efficiency. These cross-inhibitions only occur in yeast adapted to galactose or in galactose-constitutive mutants. The efficiency of galactose as inhibitor is even greater than the efficiencies of each of the other three hexoses to inhibit the utilization of each other. Phosphorylation is not involved in the inhibition and the transport of sugars is the affected step. The cross-inhibitions between galactose and either glucose, fructose or mannose do not implicate utilization of one hexose at the expense of the other, as it occurs in the mutual interactions between the latter three sugars. It seems that, by growing the yeast in galactose, a protein component is synthesized, or alternatively modified, that once bound to either galactose or any one of the other three hexoses (glucose, fructose or mannose), cross-interacts respectively with the constitutive or the inducible transport systems, impairing their function.  相似文献   

A non‐linear kinetic model to predict the consumption of different sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) as a substrate, during an apple wine yeast fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CCTCC M201022 is proposed. This model was used to predict sugar utilization by this yeast beginning at various initial sugar concentrations. After observation of the experimental data, a model based on the logistic equation of yeast growth, growth‐associated production of ethanol with a lag time, and consumption of sugars for biomass formation and maintenance, was developed. After experimental model fitting, kinetic parameters in the model were estimated. The experimental verification of the model was performed using flask‐scale fermentations, and the model obtained predicted the fermentation performance effectively, using different sugars as the substrate set at various initial sugar concentrations. Based on estimated kinetic parameters and the characteristics of sugar utilization, the yeast examined appeared to be glucophilic. The effects of different sugars with various initial concentrations on the fermentation performance by this yeast were investigated, and some applications of kinetic parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

High pressure inactivation kinetics (D and z values) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ascospores were determined in fruit juices and a model juice buffer at pH 3.5 to 5.0. Approximately 0.5 to 1.0 × 106 ascospores/mL were pressurized at 300 to 500 MPa in juice or buffer. D-values ranged from 8 sec to 10.8 min at 500 and 300 MPa, respectively. The range for z-values was 115 to 121 MPa. No differences (P≥0.05) in D (at constant pressure) or z-values among buffers or juices at any pH were determined, indicating little influence of pH in this range and absence of protective or detrimental effects of juice constituents.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was performed on a set of six aspartate residues of Fet3, the multicopper ferroxidase involved in high-affinity iron transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in order to comprehend the molecular determinants of the protein function. Asp312, Asp315, Asp319 and Asp320 were predicted by homology modelling to be located in a negatively charged surface-exposed loop of the protein. Other two aspartate residues (Asp278 and Asp279) are placed close to the type 1 copper- and iron-binding sites, possibly linking these sites to the negatively charged region. In vivo results showed that mutation of Asp319 and Asp320 to yield D319N and D320N derivatives strongly impairs the ability of the yeast to grow under iron-limiting conditions. In particular, substitution of Asp320 with asparagine essentially abolished the Fet3-dependent iron transport activity. All other mutants (D278Q, D279N, D312N and D315I) behaved essentially as the wild-type protein. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the soluble forms of D319N and D320N showed significant changes of the copper sites' geometry in D319N but not in D320N. At variance with the membrane-bound forms, soluble D319N and D320N derivatives were highly susceptible to proteolytic degradation, suggesting that replacement of Asp319 or Asp320 locally modifies the structure of Fet3, making the protein sensitive to proteolysis when it is not protected by the membrane environment. In turn, this might be evidence of a shielding role of the permease Ftr1, which could interact with Fet3 at the level of the aspartate-rich negatively charged region.  相似文献   

葡萄汁有孢汉逊酵母和酿酒酵母的混合酒精发酵动力学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王星晨  胡凯  陶永胜 《食品科学》2016,37(3):103-108
利用课题组前期优选的具有高β-葡萄糖苷酶活性的葡萄汁有孢汉逊酵母(Hanseniaspora uvarum)研究其与酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)菌株混合发酵的动力学,为其葡萄酒增香酿造的应用提供理论和技术支持。实验选用陕西杨凌的爱格丽葡萄为原料,设计优选菌株提前酿酒酵母48 h接种和同时接种两个发酵处理,接种量1.0×106 CFU/mL,同时用YPD液体培养基进行两个处理的模拟发酵实验,实验以纯酿酒酵母发酵为对照。发酵过程中监测不同酵母菌数量、酒精体积分数、还原糖等指标,建立动力学模型。结果表明,提前接种处理中优选菌株生存数量最多,生存时间最长,在其对数生长期酒精生成和还原糖消耗速率最慢,但整体酒精发酵正常,酒精生成量不受影响,说明发酵过程中不良副产物生成量有限。因此,优选菌株提前酿酒酵母接种的混合发酵具有葡萄酒增香酿造的应用可能。  相似文献   

该研究以酿酒酵母(Sacchromyces cerevisiae)IMX581为出发菌株,利用Crispr-Cas9基因编辑的方法敲除其蔗糖消耗途径中的蔗糖转化酶基因Suc2和麦芽糖酶基因MAL32、MAL12、MAL22,构建工程菌株IMX581△Suc2和IMX581△Suc2△MAL32△MAL12△MAL22,并对其生长特性及蔗糖消耗情况进行分析。结果表明,当初始OD600 nm值为0.1时,菌株IMX581△Suc2在以蔗糖为唯一碳源的培养基上仍然可以生长,但培养56 h时,生物量是出发菌株IMX581的52%,而菌株IMX581△Suc2△MAL32△MAL12△MAL22几乎不生长。当初始OD600 nm值为0.1、5.0及10.0时,菌株IMX581△Suc2和IMX581△Suc2△MAL32△MAL12△MAL22培养72 h后,蔗糖的消耗率较出发菌株IMX581均显著下降,分别为28.5%、35.5%、38.5%和7.0%、18.4%、22.5%。因此,成功构建了显著降低蔗糖消耗的菌株IMX581△Suc2△MAL32△MAL12△MAL22,为研究酿酒酵母对蔗糖的利用及调控提供了参考。  相似文献   

A triple yeast mutant was constructed which lacks BST1, the gene for sphingosine lyase, besides the phosphatidylserine decarboxylases PSD1 and PSD2. In this yeast mutant, which can only be grown in the presence of exogenous ethanolamine, phosphatidylethanolamine can be depleted to very low levels. Under those conditions, respiration as well as glucose and 3-O-methylglucose uptake proceed unaffected. Plasma membrane ATPase is as active in these cells as that of control cells grown in the presence of ethanolamine. Drastically decreased, however, are H+/amino acid symporters. The activities of arginine (Can1p), proline (Put4p) and general amino acid permease (Gap1p) are decreased more than 20-fold. Amino acid transport in yeast is dependent on coupling to the proton motive force. It can be envisaged that phosphatidylethanolamine might play a role in this process or in the early steps of the secretion pathway common for all amino acid permeases or, eventually, it could affect the transport proteins directly at the plasma membrane Transformation of the triple mutant with a CEN plasmid harbouring BST1 wild-type gene totally reversed its phenotype to that observed in the double mutant.  相似文献   

Permeable spheroplasts were prepared from two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by incubating with zymolyase without a permeabilizing agent. The loss of the plasma membrane barrier was confirmed by the nucleotide release, the activity of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase with external substrates and by the effects on respiration of mitochondrial substrates and ADP. Mitochondrial integrity was maintained, as shown by respiration with lactate, pyruvate, glucose and ethanol, and its acceleration by ADP showed a coupled respiration. Potassium uptake into the vacuole was measured with a selective electrode and found to be taken up effectively by spheroplasts only in the presence of Mg-ATP; it was reverted by CCCP and PCP and inhibited by bafilomycin A1, but not by sodium vanadate or sodium azide. Potassium ions did not alter DeltaPsi of the vacuole, followed with oxonol V, but caused vacuolar alkalinization, as followed with pyranine. The increase of vacuolar pH was non-selective and observed at 50-200 mM of several monovalent cations. Isolated vacuoles with pyranine inside showed similar changes of the internal pH in the presence of KCl. Results indicate that some strains do not require a permeabilizing agent to directly access the vacuole in spheroplasts prepared with zymolyase. The hypothesis about the existence of a K+/H+ antiporter in the vacuolar membrane of S. cerevisiae is discussed.  相似文献   

In yeasts, pyruvate is located at a major junction of assimilatory and dissimilatory reactions as well as at the branch-point between respiratory dissimilation of sugars and alcoholic fermentation. This review deals with the enzymology, physiological function and regulation of three key reactions occurring at the pyruvate branch-point in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: (i) the direct oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, catalysed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, (ii) decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetaldehyde, catalysed by pyruvate decarboxylase, and (iii) the anaplerotic carboxylation of pyruvate to oxaloacetate, catalysed by pyruvate carboxylase. Special attention is devoted to physiological studies on S. cerevisiae strains in which structural genes encoding these key enzymes have been inactivated by gene disruption.  相似文献   

Some strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (including strains used in fermentation processes) produce short chain (mainly 8 carbon) oxylipins and not potent inflammatory long chain (20 carbon) oxylipins such as prostaglandins. When acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) was added to cultures of Sacch. cerevisiae UOFS Y‐2330, flocculation was significantly inhibited as well as the production of 3‐hydroxy 8:0 thereby linking flocculation and this oxylipin. Furthermore, no traces of 3‐hydroxy 8:0 could be detected at the start of flocculation in this yeast. This research is based on (i) reports that yeasts in general can produce bioactive prostaglandins, (ii) findings suggesting a link between aspirin‐sensitive prostaglandins and biofilm formation by Candida albicans, (iii) the discovery that the addition of low concentrations of aspirin abolish yeast biofilm formation and sexual cell aggregation and (iv) the recent discovery of a novel potent aspirin‐sensitive pro‐inflammatory 3‐hydroxy prostaglandin E2 synthesized by Candida albicans in conjunction with mammalian cells probably during candidiasis.  相似文献   

We have compared the toxicity, mutagenicity and transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of three DNA‐intercalating fluorescent dyes widely used to stain DNA in gels. Safety data about ethidium bromide (EtBr) are contradictory, and two compounds of undisclosed structure (Redsafe and Gelred) have been proposed as safe alternatives. Our results indicate that all three compounds inhibit yeast growth, with Gelred being the most inhibitory and also the only one causing cell death. EtBr and Gelred, but not Redsafe, induce massive formation of petite (non‐respiratory) mutants, but only EtBr induces massive loss of mitochondrial DNA. All three compounds increase reversion of a chromosomal point mutation (lys2‐801amber), with Gelred being the most mutagenic and Redsafe the least. These dyes are all cationic and are probably taken by cells through non‐selective cation channels. We could measure the glucose‐energized transport of EtBr and Gelred inside the cells, while uptake of Redsafe was below our detection limit. We conclude that although all three compounds are toxic and mutagenic in the yeast system, Redsafe is the safest for yeast, probably because of very limited uptake by these cells. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Proliferation of microbodies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The development of microbodies in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied in response to different conditions of growth. Various strains of S. cerevisiae were investigated, using cells from the exponential growth phase on glucose as an inoculum in all transfer experiments. Electron microscopy, including serial sectioning, revealed that these cells generally contained one to four small microbodies which were localized in the vicinity of the cell wall and characterized by the presence of catalase. Transfer of these glucose-grown cells into media supplemented with various compounds known to induce microbody proliferation in other yeasts--i.e. uric acid, alkylated amines, amino acids, C2-compounds such as ethanol or acetate, in the presence or absence of compounds that induce oxygen radical formation--did not result in a significant change in the number of microbody profiles observed. Marked microbody proliferation was, however, observed after a shift of cells into media containing oleic acid and was associated with the induction of activities of beta-oxidation enzymes. In addition, catalase and isocitrate lyase were present in enhanced levels. Kinetic experiments suggested that these microbodies developed from those originally present in the inoculum cells. In thin sections up to 14 microbody profiles were occasionally observed, often present in small clusters. Their ultimate volume fraction amounted to 8-10% of the cytoplasmic volume.  相似文献   

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