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Type I collagen synthesized by cultured skin fibroblasts was analyzed biochemically and molecularly to characterize the defect in a patient affected by lethal Osteogenesis Imperfecta. The SDS-Urea-PAGE of procollagen and collagen revealed a broad alpha1(I) band, a normal alpha2(I) and another alpha2(I) band migrating equidistant between alpha1 and alpha2. When synthesized in the presence of alphaalpha'-dipyridyl, an inhibitor of prolyl and lysyl hydroxylation, procollagen and collagen of media and cell layers contained both normal and slower alpha2(I), but only normal alpha1(I). The persistence of the two forms of alpha2(I) chains suggested a mutation in a COL1A2 gene. CNBr cleavage of collagen yielded overmodified alpha1(I) CB3 and CB7 peptides and delayed migration of the alpha2(I) CB3-5 peptide. A delayed CB3-5 was also found after alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl treatment. These data localized the mutation between aa 353 and 551 in alpha2(I) (CB3-5). Sequencing the subcloned alleles in this region revealed a G-->A transition at nt 1671 in one allele, changing Gly 421 to Asp in an alpha2(I) chain. The mutation was demonstrated to occur on the paternally derived allele, using a common C-->A polymorphism at alpha2(I) nt 1585 and by the presence of a rare variant, Arg618-->Gln (Phillips et al., 1990), in the paternal genomic DNA and the proband's mutant allele. Procollagen processing was normal. The Tm of the slow alpha2(I) collagen was 2 degrees C lower than the control, indicating decreased triple helix stability. Mutant collagen was incorporated in the extracellular matrix deposited by cultured fibroblasts. The dramatic delay in alpha2(I) electrophoretic mobility must be induced by the Gly-->Asp substitution, since the Arg-->Gln variant causes only mild electrophoretic delay. Substantial delay in gel mobility even in the absence of overmodification suggested the presence of a kink in the mutated alpha2(I) chains. Rotary shadowing electron microscopy of secreted fibroblast procollagen confirmed the presence of a kink in the region of the helix containing the glycine substitution. The kinking of the collagen helix occurs in the absence of dimer formation. Kinking may interfere with normal helix folding, as well as with the interactions of collagen fibrils with the collagenous and non-collagenous extracellular matrix proteins.  相似文献   

Although virtually all mutations that result in osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) affect the genes that encode the chains of type I procollagen, the effects of mutations in the COL1A2 gene have received less attention than those in the COL1A1 gene. We have characterized mutations in 4 families that give rise to different OI phenotypes. In three families substitutions of glycine residues by cysteine in the triple helical domain (a single example at position 259 and 2 families in which substitution of glycine at 646 by cysteine) have been identified, and in the fourth a G for A transition at position +4 in intron 33 led to use of an alternative splice site and inclusion of 6 amino acids (val-gly-arg-ile-leu-phe) between residues 585 and 586 of the normal triple helix. The relation between position of substitution of glycine by cysteine in the COL1A2 gene does not follow the pattern developed in the COL1A1 gene. To determine how COL1A2 mutations produce OI phenotypes, we have produced a full-length mouse cDNA into which we plan to place mutations and examine their effects in stably transfected osteogenic cells and in transgenic animals.  相似文献   

A classical model for studying the effects of extracellular matrix is to culture cells inside a three-dimensional collagen gel. When surrounded by fibrillar collagen, many cell types decrease the production of type I collagen, and the expression of interstitial collagenase (matrix metalloproteinase-1; MMP-1) is simultaneously induced. To study the role of the collagen-binding integrins alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1 in this process, we used three different osteogenic cell lines with distinct patterns of putative collagen receptors: HOS cells, which express only alpha 1 beta 1 integrin, MG-63 cells, which express only alpha 2 beta 1 integrin, and KHOS-240 cells, which express both. Inside collagen gels, alpha 1 (I) collagen mRNA levels were decreased in HOS and KHOS-240 cells but not in MG-63 cells. In contrast, MMP-1 expression was induced in KHOS-240 and MG-63 cells but not in HOS cells. Transfection of MG-63 cells with alpha 2 integrin cDNA in an antisense orientation reduced the expression level of alpha 2 integrin. These cell clones showed induction and reduction of mRNA levels for MMP-1, respectively. HOS cells normally lacking alpha 2 beta 1 integrin were forced to express it, and this prevented the down-regulation in the levels of alpha 1 (I) collagen mRNA when cells were grown inside collagen gels. The data indicate that the level of MMP-1 expression is regulated by the collagen receptor alpha 2 beta 1 integrin. The down-regulation of collagen alpha 1 (I) is mediated by another receptor. Integrin alpha 2 beta 1 may compete with it and thus be a positive regulator of collagen synthesis.  相似文献   

Early studies indicated that chain elongation pauses were prominent during the in vivo synthesis of type I procollagen chains, and it was postulated [Kirk et al., (1987): J Biol Chem 262:5540-5545.] that these might have a role in the coordination of procollagen I molecular assembly. To examine this postulate, polysomes isolated from [(14)C]-Pro-labeled 3T6 cells were subjected to SDS-PAGE. The resulting gels were Western blotted and screened with a monoclonal antibody (SP1 .D8) directed against the N-terminal region of the pro alpha 1 (I) chain. The blots were fluorographed, which also permitted analysis of the pro alpha 2 (I) chain. There was a prominent pro alpha1 synthesis pause near the completion of full-length chain elongation, not matched by a pro alpha 2 pause. The amount of labeled polysome-associated near-full length pro alpha 1 (I) chains increased in parallel with labeling time. After 24 h in culture -[(14)C-Pro], collagen synthesis ceased but unlabeled polysome-associated pro alpha1 chains were readily detected by SP1 .D8. Change to fresh culture medium +[(14)C-Pro] reinitiated synthesis and permitted tracing of the newly synthesized labeled pro a chains through the polysome and intracellular compartments. The secreted procollagen molecules had a 2:1 pro alpha 1 (1):pro alpha 2 (I) chain ratio but the polysome-bound peptides did not. Pulse-chase experiments showed that near-full length pro alpha 1 (I) chains remained bound to polysomes as long as 4 h after reinitiation of translation but there was no evidence for pro alpha 2 (I) chain accumulation. The hydroxylation inhibitor alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl, and triple-helix inhibitors cis-hydroxyproline and 3,4 dehydroproline had minimal effects on the buildup of polysome-associated pro al chains. The glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin also failed to change the final pro alpha 1 chain pausing, but it did cause the appearance of several discrete lower molecular weight pro alpha 1-related polypeptides that could not be accounted for simply as the result of lack of N-linked glycosylation in the C-propeptide regions. Disulfide bond experiments showed that some of the paused nascent polysome-associated pro alpha 1 (I) chains were disulfide bonded. Thus, while synthesis of pro alpha 1 (I) and pro alpha 2 (I) chains proceeds in parallel within the same ER compartments, their elongation rates are not coordinated. Interactions leading to heterotrimer formation are a late event which may affect the rate of release of the completed pro alpha 1 (I) chain from the polysome. The release of completed nascent pro alpha 1 (I) chains from their polysomal complexes is regulated by a mechanism not operating in the synthesis of pro alpha 2 (I) chains. The pro alpha 1 (I) chain release process is not connected directly with hydroxylation, glycosylation or triple-helix formation.  相似文献   

The identification of mutations in the SRY-related SOX9 gene in patients with campomelic dysplasia, a severe skeletal malformation syndrome, and the abundant expression of Sox9 in mouse chondroprogenitor cells and fully differentiated chondrocytes during embryonic development have suggested the hypothesis that SOX9 might play a role in chondrogenesis. Our previous experiments with the gene (Col2a1) for collagen II, an early and abundant marker of chondrocyte differentiation, identified a minimal DNA element in intron 1 which directs chondrocyte-specific expression in transgenic mice. This element is also a strong chondrocyte-specific enhancer in transient transfection experiments. We show here that Col2a1 expression is closely correlated with high levels of SOX9 RNA and protein in chondrocytes. Our experiments indicate that the minimal Col2a1 enhancer is a direct target for Sox9. Indeed, SOX9 binds to a sequence of the minimal Col2a1 enhancer that is essential for activity in chondrocytes, and SOX9 acts as a potent activator of this enhancer in cotransfection experiments in nonchondrocytic cells. Mutations in the enhancer that prevent binding of SOX9 abolish enhancer activity in chondrocytes and suppress enhancer activation by SOX9 in nonchondrocytic cells. Other SOX family members are ineffective. Expression of a truncated SOX9 protein lacking the transactivation domain but retaining DNA-binding activity interferes with enhancer activation by full-length SOX9 in fibroblasts and inhibits enhancer activity in chondrocytes. Our results strongly suggest a model whereby SOX9 is involved in the control of the cell-specific activation of COL2A1 in chondrocytes, an essential component of the differentiation program of these cells. We speculate that in campomelic dysplasia a decrease in SOX9 activity would inhibit production of collagen II, and eventually other cartilage matrix proteins, leading to major skeletal anomalies.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of PTH on the activity of alpha 1(I) collagen promoter fusion genes in cultured calvariae from transgenic mice. The parent construct, ColCAT 3.6, contains 3520 basepairs of 5' rat alpha 1(I) collagen DNA, 115 basepairs of untranslated alpha 1(I) collagen-coding DNA, and the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene, while the 5'-deletion ColCAT 2.3 contains 2296 kilobases of rat alpha 1(I) collagen promoter sequence. Transgenic mouse lines harboring these collagen promoter fusion genes were developed using the oocyte microinjection technique, and for each construct, three different lines of mice were tested. Calvariae from 6- to 8-day-old transgenic mice were cultured for 48 h with or without bovine PTH-(1-34). ColCAT 3.6 and ColCAT 2.3 were expressed at comparable levels in calvariae and were inhibited by PTH. There were parallel decreases in the incorporation of [3H]proline into collagen and levels of the endogenous alpha 1(I) collagen mRNA and transgene mRNA. Forskolin at 10 microM mimicked the inhibitory effect of PTH on promoter activity in ColCAT 3.6 and ColCAT 2.3 calvariae. A RNase protection assay showed that the transgene was initiated correctly from the transgene promoter. These data show that PTH and cAMP can repress collagen promoter activity in calvariae from transgenic mice, suggesting that the alpha 1(I) collagen promoter may contain cis elements down-stream of -2.3 kilobases that mediate PTH and cAMP repression of collagen gene expression in bone. Cultured bone explants from transgenic mice can be used as a model to study hormonal regulation of alpha 1(I) collagen promoter constructs.  相似文献   

Collagen V plays a major regulatory role in the formation of heterotypic fibers of the dermis and cartilaginous tissues as well as in the assembly of extracellular matrix. The pN/pN mouse, which is defective in collagen V alpha 2 gene, exhibits skeletal abnormalities, skin fragility, and alterations in the collagen fiber organization, whereas the TSK/+ mouse, which is defective in fibrillin-1, the major component of microfibrils present in the extracellular matrix, develops cutaneous hyperplasia and autoimmunity. We have studied the role of collagen V in the formation of heterotypic collagen fibers in F1 mice, which are obtained by breeding pN/pN with TSK/+ mice. Our results show that F1 progeny neither develop cutaneous hyperplasia nor produce anti-topoisomerase I autoantibodies, unlike TSK/+ mice. The diameter of the collagen fibrils in the skin is also comparable to that found in control mice. Thus, the phenotypic changes observed in the TSK mouse could be reversed by genetic complementation with a collagen V-defective mouse.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the nucleoprotein, PB1, PB2, and PA proteins of the influenza virus strain B/Panamá/45/90 have been cloned under control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter of plasmid pGEM-3. Transfection of the recombinant plasmids obtained into mammalian cells, which had been infected with a vaccinia virus encoding the T7 RNA polymerase, resulted in expression of the expected influenza B virus polypeptides. Moreover, it is shown that coexpression of the four recombinant core proteins in COS-1 cells reconstituted a functional polymerase capable of expressing a synthetic influenza B virus-like CAT RNA. By using the influenza B virus recombinant plasmids and a set of pGEM-derived plasmids encoding the homologous core proteins of the influenza A virus A/Victoria/3/75 (I. Mena et al. (1994). J. Gen. Virol. 75, 2109-2114), the capabilities of homo- and heterotypic mixtures of the four core proteins to express synthetic type A and B CAT RNAs were analyzed. Both the influenza A and B virus polymerases were active in expressing, albeit with reduced efficiencies, the heterotypic model CAT RNAs. However, none of all possible heterotypic mixtures of the core proteins reconstituted a functional polymerase. In order to fully characterize the recombinant plasmids obtained, the nucleotide sequences of the cloned genes were determined and compared to sequences of other type B virus isolates. The results obtained from these latter analyses are discussed in terms of the conservation and evolution of the influenza B virus core genes.  相似文献   

The first case of the unstable Hb Genova as a result of sporadic mutation is described. It is found in a 3-year-old Canadian boy of East Indian extraction with chronic Heinz body haemolytic anaemia.  相似文献   

A group of 22 unrelated patients with sporadic or non-X-linked Alport syndrome were screened for mutations in the non-collagenous domain of the type IV collagen alpha 3 (COL4A3) chain gene. The five 3'-exons of this gene, located on chromosome 2qter, were tested by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis and direct sequencing. One patient was heterozygous and another homozygous (Mochizuki et al., Nature Genetics, in press) for a deletion of five nucleotides. A third patient appeared to be a compound heterozygote for two different nonsense mutations. In two patients and the father of a deceased patient we found a heterozygous substitution of an evolutionary conserved leucine by proline. However, segregation data of the mutation and a COL4A3/COL4A4 CA-repeat marker in their families argued against a causative role of the missense mutation. Even drastic changes of strongly conserved amino acids, as in the Leu36Pro case, may not be significant. Autosomal recessive inheritance due to pathogenic COL4A3 mutations accounts for at least 13% of Alport syndrome cases in this sample. It is concluded that COL4A3 is a major gene in the genetically and clinically heterogeneous Alport syndrome.  相似文献   

Protein-chemical and molecular studies were conducted on all osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type III/IV patients referred to our hospital during the last 15 y. Of a total of 16 OI type III/IV patients studied, 15 patients were heterozygous for a mutation in one of the two genes coding for collagen I, COL1A1 or COL1A2. Cultured fibroblasts from these 15 patients produced both normal and abnormal collagen I molecules, pointing to a dominant-negative effect of the mutation. Nine mutations had not been described previously. Parental mosaicism was demonstrated in three families. In the 16th child the causative mutation was not found. In conclusion, OI type III/IV in most patients of Western European ancestry is caused by dominant mutations in the genes for collagen I, and recurrence of OI is caused in most cases by parental gonadal mosaicism.  相似文献   

It is currently debated whether AP1 or Sp1 is the factor that mediates transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta) stimulation of the human alpha2(I) collagen (COL1A2) gene by binding to an upstream promoter element (TbRE). The present study was designed to resolve this controversy by correlating expression of COL1A2, AP1, and Sp1 in the same cell line and under different experimental conditions. The results strongly indicate that Sp1 is required for the immediate early response of COL1A2 to TGF-beta and AP1 is not. The Sp1 inhibitor mithramycin blocked stimulation of alpha2(I) collagen mRNA accumulation by TGF-beta, whereas the AP1 inhibitor curcumin had no effect. Furthermore, antibodies against Jun-B and c-Jun failed to identify immunologically related proteins in the TbRE-bound complex, irrespective of whether they were purified from untreated or TGF-beta-treated cells. AP1 did bind to the TbRE probe in vitro, but only in the absence of the upstream Sp1 recognition sequence. Based on this finding and DNA transfection results, we conclude that the AP1 sequence of the TbRE represents a cryptic site used under experimental conditions that either eliminate the more favorable Sp1 binding site or force the balance toward the less probable. Finally, a combination of cell transfections and DNA-binding assays excluded that COL1A2 transactivation involves the retinoblastoma gene product (pRb), an activator of Sp1, the pRb-related protein p107, an inhibitor of Sp1, or the Sp1-related repressor, Sp3.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen, containing molecules of the three distinct polypeptides alpha 1(IX), alpha 2(IX), and alpha 3(IX), is an interesting hybrid extracellular matrix component in cartilage and eye tissues, with the properties of both a proteoglycan and a collagen. The alpha 1 (IX) chain has two forms, as a result of the tissue-specific utilization of two alternative promoters; the alpha 2(IX) chain carries a covalently attached glycosaminoglycan side chain. We have introduced a gene construct controlled by a tissue-specific promoter/enhancer and expressing a truncated alpha 1(IX) chain into mice. Examination of the offspring of two different founders revealed pathological changes similar to osteoarthritis in the articular cartilage of knee joints. In addition, mice homozygous for the transgene developed mild chondrodysplasia (i.e., mild dwarfism, anterior tonguing in the vertebral bodies, and ophthalmopathy). The relative ratio of transgene product to the endogenous alpha 1(IX) chain was approximately one in homozygotes and less than one in heterozygotes. Therefore, the phenotypic severity correlated well with the level of transgene expression. These findings suggest that mutations in type IX collagen genes may cause certain forms of osteoarthritis and chondrodysplasia in humans.  相似文献   

Synaptic efficacy at the rat Ia-motoneuron synapse has been reported to increase in vivo, within 3 d of sectioning a single muscle nerve (). We provide an indirect test of the hypothesis that this increase is caused by altered probability of transmitter release of axotomized afferents. Experiments consisted of in vivo recording of maximal composite group I EPSPs evoked in intact rat medial gastrocnemius (MG) motoneurons by stimulation of the lateral gastrocnemius-soleus nerve (LG-S). We compared the maximal LG-S EPSP amplitude and the response to high-frequency stimulation (modulation) recorded in untreated rats, with the same measures recorded in rats that had the LG-S nerve axotomized 3 d before data collection. In confirmation of previous work, the mean amplitude of LG-S EPSPs evoked by stimulation of axotomized afferents was significantly larger than that measured in untreated rats (3.9 +/- 0. 34 and 2.3 +/- 0.19 mV, respectively). The increase in EPSP amplitude was accompanied by significantly greater negative modulation (depression) of EPSP amplitude during high-frequency stimulation (-39 +/- 4% and -53 +/- 4%, untreated and treated, respectively). Modulation would not be expected to change if the increase in EPSP amplitude was attributable solely to a greater number of afferent connections (). Therefore, the present results are consistent with the hypothesis that the initial axotomy-induced increase in synaptic efficacy occurs because of an increase in the probability of transmitter release. Furthermore, these results suggest that the probability of transmitter release at this synapse is regulated by either afferent activity and/or trophic communication with the target muscle.  相似文献   

Type VIII collagen is a short chain collagen. Two chains have been described, alpha1(VIII) and alpha2(VIII), but the chain composition of type VIII collagen is far from resolved. To address this question, we have expressed full-length alpha1(VIII) and alpha2(VIII) chains in an in vitro translation system supplemented with semipermeabilized cells. Both chains gave a translation product of approximately 80 kDa that could be shown to produce a chymotrypsin/trypsin-resistant product of approximately 60 kDa, indicating that both chains could form homotrimers. Hydroxylation of proline residues was a prerequisite for stable trimer formation. The melting temperature for the alpha1(VIII) homotrimer was 45 degreesC, whereas that for alpha2(VIII) was 42 degreesC. The ability of both chains of type VIII collagen to form stable triple helices suggests that there may be different forms of this collagen and that cells may modulate the chain composition in response to different biological conditions.  相似文献   

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