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波粒二象性理论的若干问题   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
论述了光波和物质波的波粒二象性理论的发展,讨论了该理论的存留问题。认为光子的静质量和光子的内部结构仍是科学中的关键性疑点。指出,虽然波粒二象性成立的前提是波长足够小,但在现有理论中却提不出一条清晰的界线。讨论了光波和电磁波是物质还是物质属性的问题。提出了对de Broglie波超光速相速的疑问。分析表明,如何建立电磁脉冲的粒子形象的问题仍需解决。此外,探讨了当电磁脉冲以超光速传播时相对论是否受破坏。最后,讨论了消失波的粒子性和虚光子问题。  相似文献   

2004年6月,位于西非Oklo的美国Los Alamos实验室的核工业反应堆对实验数据做再分析后得出结论说,近20亿年内精细结构常数减小了4.5×10-8。常数不常,意味着光速有很小的变化。这是最新的与狭义相对论不符的实验报告。另一方面,光子如有质量,Maxwell方程组将被Proca方程组所取代,而磁矢位(势)A将成为可观测量。而过去和现在都有许多方法测量光子的质量。文章的主要目的是在Proca理论框架内研究电磁波波速,发现即使在自由空间(真空)条件下也会出现超光速传播;同时又对波导与Proca波的截止现象做了比较,给出了相应的结果。  相似文献   

超光速问题与电磁波异常传播   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
讨论了超光速研究的历史背景和在狭义相对论框架内进行工作的可能性;指出已有的实验(用单光子、激光脉冲和微波)在量子隧穿过程中呈现出的超光速行为,是在特定物理条件下才有的。认为经典电报员方程与Klein-Gordon方程的相似,使得前可用于粒子隧穿和超光速现象的研究。讨论了不久前发表的王力军博士的超光速实验,展望了超光速研究的未来。  相似文献   

宇宙前沿光子会因暗能量加速而超光速;宇宙空间运动的光子由于大质量星体和黑洞的加速而超光速,可以证明万有引力速度超光速;膨胀的宇宙,其半径大于某一值空间的星系等物质的速度超光速。因此,宇宙空间超光速的现象普遍存在。  相似文献   

超光速研究的量子力学基础   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
量子力学为超光速的研究带来了希望与可能。为检验EPR论文所做的实验显示,景象背后有某种东西比光进行得更快。量子隧道效应对超光速研究有重大意义,有关理论和实验研究都证明,人为地使一个光子或一个脉冲以超光速行进是绝对能做到的事;预期把等离子体用作位(势)垒时也会发现超光速现象;建议用实验研究物质波粒子(如电子)通过位(势)垒时将会发生的情况。  相似文献   

2002年夏季,黄志洵教授的著作《超光速研究新进展》出版。书中介绍关于超光速研究的重要理论和实验进展,并按三个部分叙述不同领域的有关研究,如超光速理论与实验、反常色散与负群速(王力军等人的光脉冲超光速传播实验)、波粒二象性理论的成就和问题、EPR思维、中微子质量研究进展等。这是一本内容新颖、丰富、生动的好书,对读者颇具吸引力。文章强调指出,学术上的自由讨论是科学发展的前提。  相似文献   

2002年夏季,黄志洵教授的作《超光速研究新进展》出版。书中介绍关于超光速研究的重要理论和实验进展,并按三个部分叙述不同领域的有关研究,如超光速理论与实验、反常色散与负群速(王力军等人的光脉冲超光速传播实验)、波粒二象性理论的成就和问题、EPR思维、中微子质量研究进展等。这是一本内容新颖、丰富、生动的好书,对读颇具吸引力。章强调指出,学术上的自由讨论是科学发展的前提。  相似文献   

本文所讨论的问题是超光速现象是否存在,这在作者所引的黄志洵著的两本书中已有了肯定的回答。本刊认为,就超光速实验而言,也属于计量的范畴,速度是基本单位长度米和时间秒的导出量,测量光速的实验已进行了300余年。但测量超光速的实验并非易事。狭义相对论的光速不变原理有两个含义:一是在任何情况下,往返光速相等;二是光速不可超越。2009年,《宇航学报》第一期发表了林金等人的一篇论文:"爱因斯坦光速不变假设的判决性实验检验",实验证明:卫星和地面站之间存在1米/秒量级的相对速度时,会造成西安临潼站与乌鲁木齐站之间"往"和"返"两个单程信号通过的时间差在1.5纳秒量级,观测结果的不确定度在0.01纳秒量级。由此证明爱因斯坦的狭义相对论中的光速不变原理在具有相对运动情况下不成立。由此可见,如果在速度更快的星体上进行实验,超光速测量就不难实现。  相似文献   

超光速研究的40年——回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自美国物理学家O.M.Bilanuik和E.C.Sudarshan(1962年)以及G.Feinberg(1967年)的开创性工作以来,在美国、欧洲和中国都对超光速展开了研究。根据A.Einstein于1905年发表的原始论文,超光速没有存在的可能,但其1907年的论文对“信号传播不能超光速”却不很肯定。文章把速度问题分解为若干类、项,并提出“广义信息速度”定义以利于对众多速度概念的讨论。在反思了40年来(1962—2003年)的超光速研究以后,得出结论认为“超过真空中光速c”是一种可实现的科学陈述。  相似文献   

中微子研究新进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
自从前苏联的V. Lubimov(1980年)和瑞士苏黎世大学的W. Kundig(1986年)发表了关于中微子质量的研究以来,进一步的工作已在日本等国展开;现在有一批实验室在进行中微子研究。文章论述了两个关键问题,即光子与中微子的相似性和令人感兴趣的超光速中微子理论。  相似文献   


The problem of using evanescent fields in nonlinear optics is discussed by employing results on quantization of evanescent waves. It is shown that the peculiar properties of the momentum of evanescent modes can be used to realize non-critical optical frequency mixing. In the first illustration, the case of surface second-harmonic generation is discussed. It is then shown that, in the case of difference-frequency generation, it is possible to generate a ‘completely evanescent mode’ which is ‘trapped’ by the surface, which becomes a two-dimensional waveguide.  相似文献   


Light propagation in singly and doubly periodic planar waveguides is investigated with respect to future applications in integrated optics. The waveguides used in our experiments reveal, in the vicinity of Bragg reflection, a strong difference between the directions of phase and group velocities, the beam steering. A clear graphical representation of the observable propagation effects is given in wave-vector diagrams, showing the directional dispersion of the elementary waves in periodic structures, the Floquet-Bloch waves. The dispersion phenomena were measured with high accuracy, using selective wave excitation. In conjunction with straight tapered transitions to smooth planar waveguides, the periodic structures show a great variety of strong frequency and direction-dependent effects such as lateral beam shifting and focusing with a frequency-variant focal length. Ray optics of Floquet-Bloch waves is used to describe these phenomena. Complex interference patterns observable in the vicinity of Bragg reflection in doubly periodic structures are explained by the superposition of Floquet-Bloch waves. Examples of applications of planar periodic structures as highly selective frequency filters, optical multiplexers as well as frequency-tunable beam narrowing, focusing and expanding devices are given together with measured data.  相似文献   

Diffraction of evanescent plane waves by a resistive half-plane is examined. The scattering integrals are constructed with the modified theory of physical optics. These integrals are evaluated uniformly by using an unusual method. The scattered fields of evanescent waves are obtained by giving the angle of incidence a complex value. The diffracted waves are plotted numerically for different parameters of the incident field.  相似文献   

高能激光与应用光学的几个问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高能激光的产生、传输和应用是现代激光技术和光学工程的一个重要发展方向。它不仅涉及到一系列物理问题,还有赖于多项要求极高的工程技术问题。文章提出了8个与高能激光有关的应用光学问题,包括高能激光器、高质量光学元器件、先进的自适应光学技术、非线性光学相共轭技术、变频技术及光束相干合成技术等。着重阐明对它们的要求和可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

A nondamped axisymmetric mode that propagates in an elastic cylindrical waveguide representing an extended cavity with a circular cross section in an infinite homogeneous medium is described. The wave dispersion in this system is analyzed and the similarity with and differences from other elastic media with one boundary are considered, including an infinite round rod and the surface of a half-space (Rayleigh wave). It is shown that, for axisymmetric waves in the cavity, a boundary frequency dependent on the curvature radius always exists, below which the waves are evanescent. A physical interpretation of results is given.  相似文献   

The reflection and transmission of full-vector X waves normally incident on planar half-spaces and slabs are studied. For this purpose, X waves are expanded in terms of weighted vector Bessel beams; this new decomposition and reconstruction method offers a more lucid and intuitive interpretation of the physical phenomena observed upon the reflection or transmission of X waves when compared to the conventional plane-wave decomposition technique. Using the Bessel beam expansion approach, we have characterized changes in the field shape and the intensity distribution of the transmitted and reflected full-vector X waves. We have also identified a novel longitudinal shift, which is observed when a full-vector X wave is transmitted through a dielectric slab under frustrated total reflection condition. The results of our studies presented here are valuable in understanding the behavior of full-vector X waves when they are utilized in practical applications in electromagnetics, optics, and photonics, such as trap and tweezer setups, optical lithography, and immaterial probing.  相似文献   

Experimental Mechanics at the Nanometric Level   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract:  This article describes research carried out in the field of optical super-resolution. The main goal of this study was to go beyond the Rayleigh limit in conventional optics and observe phenomena at the nano-range, because in certain circumstances methods such as X-ray and electron microscopy cannot be applied because of their influence on the observed specimens. In summary, the presence of a small polystyrene sphere on the optical field of a conventional optical microscope seems to have converted the microscope into a device capable of functioning beyond the classical limit of resolution. This means that the near-field generated by evanescent illumination can be sensed by a microscope. Detection of particles in the range of a few tens of nanometres was achieved.  相似文献   

We consider partial spatial coherence and partial polarization of purely evanescent optical fields generated in total internal reflection at an interface of two dielectric (lossless) media. Making use of the electromagnetic degree of coherence, we show that, in such fields, the coherence length can be notably shorter than the light's vacuum wavelength, especially at a high-index-contrast interface. Physical explanation for this behavior, analogous to the generation of incoherent light in a multimode laser, is provided. We also analyze the degree of polarization by using a recent three-dimensional formulation and show that the field may be partially polarized at a subwavelength distance from the surface even though it is fully polarized farther away. The degree of polarization can assume values unattainable by beamlike fields, indicating that electromagnetic evanescent waves generally are genuine three-dimensional fields. The results can find applications in near-field optics and nanophotonics.  相似文献   


The optical near field of a localized source has been studied by means of the angular spectrum representation of the electromagnetic Green's tensor. This Green's tensor can be expressed in terms of four auxiliary functions, which depend on the field point through the dimensionless radial distance q to the source, or origin of coordinates, and the polar angle ρ with the z axis. Each function separates into a part containing travelling (radiative) waves and a part which is a superposition of evanescent (decaying) waves. We have derived series expansions in q of the four functions, both for the travelling and for the evanescent parts. It is shown that the travelling waves are finite at the origin of coordinates, and that all singular behaviour of the radiation field is governed by the evanescent waves. It is illustrated numerically that the series expansions are applicable up to about five wavelengths from the origin. In order to extend the range to also cover larger values of q, we have derived series expansions of the auxiliary functions which converge rapidly near the x-y plane, and a full asymptotic expansion with the z coordinate as the large variable. Finally, from the properties of the Taylor coefficients we have derived simple new integral representations for the auxiliary functions.  相似文献   


The optical cross-section theorem is extended to cases in which the incident field contains evanescent waves. Physical interpretations are discussed. Some explicit examples are given and possible applications are proposed.  相似文献   

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