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"Analysis of the data indicated that individuals with high self-acceptance scores tend also to accept others, to feel accepted by others, but actually to be neither more nor less accepted by others than those with low self-acceptance scores. Individuals with high acceptance-of-others scores tend in turn to feel accepted by others, and tend toward being accepted by them." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"There were two main phases of this study: (a) prestress administration of tests of acceptance of self and others, and (b) the stress phase during which tests of acceptance of self and others were readministered… . It was predicted that following introduction of stress, Ss would: (a) express liking for more pictures of people, (b) rate others more favorably, and (c) make significant changes in their self-ratings… . All three hypotheses were supported by the data… ." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three studies tested the activation and consequences of contingencies of self-worth associated with specific significant others, that is, relationship-specific contingencies of self-worth. The results showed that activating the mental representation of a significant other with whom one strongly desires closeness led participants to stake their self-esteem in domains in which the significant other wanted them to excel. This was shown in terms of self-reported contingencies of self-worth (Study 1), in terms of self-worth after receiving feedback on a successful or unsatisfactory performance in a relationship-specific contingency domain (Study 2), and in terms of feelings of reduced self-worth after thinking about a failure in a relationship-specific contingency domain (Study 3). Across studies, a variety of contingency domains were examined. Furthermore, Study 3 showed that failing in an activated relationship-specific contingency domain had negative implications for current feelings of closeness and acceptance in the significant-other relationship. Overall, the findings suggest that people’s contingencies of self-worth depend on the social situation and that performance in relationship-specific contingency domains can influence people’s perceptions of their relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This 1-year longitudinal study examined early adolescents' (N=278, age 11-13 years) perceptions of their mother's behavior (affection, knowledge of child's activities, and psychological control) and of how they react to their mother (trust in mother, defiance, and debilitation) as predictors of self-esteem among peers. Perceived maternal affection predicted self-esteem for girls; perceived psychological control forecast lower self-esteem for boys. Perceptions of self as untrusting, defiant, or debilitated led to lower self-esteem. Furthermore, perceived maternal behavior interacted with perceived self-reactions to predict self-esteem: Perceived debilitation led to reduced self-esteem only under high perceived maternal psychological control; perceived defiance predicted lower self-esteem only under low perceived maternal knowledge. The prediction of self-esteem is clearly enhanced when perceived self-reactions are included along with perceived maternal behavior as predictors. Combinations of perceived maternal behavior and perceived self-reactions--relational schemas--warrant increased attention as possible influences on the developing self. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors propose an interpersonal social-cognitive theory of the self and personality, the relational self, in which knowledge about the self is linked with knowledge about significant others, and each linkage embodies a self-other relationship. Mental representations of significant others are activated and used in interpersonal encounters in the social-cognitive phenomenon of transference (S. M. Andersen & N. S. Glassman, 1996), and this evokes the relational self. Variability in relational selves depends on interpersonal contextual cues, whereas stability derives from the chronic accessibility of significant-other representations. Relational selves function in if-then terms (W. Mischel & Y. Shoda, 1995), in which ifs are situations triggering transference, and thens are relational selves. An individual's repertoire of relational selves is a source of interpersonal patterns involving affect, motivation, self-evaluation, and self-regulation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Important asymmetries between self-perception and social perception arise from the simple fact that other people's actions, judgments, and priorities sometimes differ from one's own. This leads people not only to make more dispositional inferences about others than about themselves (E. E. Jones & R. E. Nisbett, 1972) but also to see others as more susceptible to a host of cognitive and motivational biases. Although this blind spot regarding one's own biases may serve familiar self-enhancement motives, it is also a product of the phenomenological stance of naive realism. It is exacerbated, furthermore, by people's tendency to attach greater credence to their own introspections about potential influences on judgment and behavior than they attach to similar introspections by others. The authors review evidence, new and old, of this asymmetry and its underlying causes and discuss its relation to other psychological phenomena and to interpersonal and intergroup conflict. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies explored which different dimensions of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) were associated with negative affect, attention to emotions, clarity of emotions, and emotional intensity/instability. Study 1 included 247 college students, and questionnaires were used to measure SPD. Study 2 included 225 community residents, oversampling for individuals with elevated levels of SPD, and semistructured diagnostic interviews were used to measure SPD. In both studies (a) higher levels of negative affect were associated with higher levels of both cognitive-perceptual and interpersonal symptoms, (b) cognitive-perceptual disturbances were associated with greater attention to emotion, whereas interpersonal disturbances were associated with less attention to emotion, and (c) lower levels of emotional clarity were associated with higher levels of suspiciousness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors offer a new, integrative conceptualization of the relational self based on a synthesis of recent approaches to the self and significant others. This conceptualization provides a sharper and fuller definition of the relational self than does any existing approach alone and a common framework to interpret findings from separate literatures. The authors then present 5 propositions and evidence to support the thesis that relational selves exert a pervasive influence on interpersonal life. Specifically, relational selves (a) shape a wide range of psychological processes and outcomes, (b) exert their influence automatically, (c) serve basic orientation and meaning functions, (d) provide continuity and context-specific variability in personality, and (e) carry implications for psychological well-being. Discussion focuses on remaining issues and implications for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used E. T. Higgins's (see record 1987-34444-001) self-discrepancy model to examine the relation of the self to empathy. In Study 1, Ss read about a target displaying either dejection or agitation because of a self-discrepancy. Ss who possessed the self-discrepancy associated with the target's distress showed greater empathic concern, made more situational attributions, and rated the target's reaction as more appropriate. In Study 2, Ss matched the target on affective and cognitive components of the self. Similarity between observer and target on emotional vulnerability was associated with both affective and cognitive empathic effects. Although similarity on attribute accessibility was associated with cognitive empathic effects, it was associated with affective effects only when the attribute produced a self-discrepancy for an observer. Then only feelings of personal distress showed differences. Results establish a link between the self and empathy and show that a number of effects grouped under empathy respond differently to different similarities between observers and targets. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Influences of social support and self-esteem on adjustment in early adolescence were investigated in a 2-year longitudinal study (N=350). Multi-informant data (youth and parent) were used to assess both overall levels and balance in peer- versus adult-oriented sources for social support and self-esteem. Findings obtained using latent growth-curve modeling were consistent with self-esteem mediating effects of social support on both emotional and behavioral adjustment. Lack of balance in social support and self-esteem in the direction of stronger support and esteem from peer-oriented sources predicted greater levels and rates of growth in behavioral problems. Results indicate a need for process-oriented models of social support and self-esteem and sensitivity to patterning of sources for each resource relative to adaptive demands of early adolescence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The degree of specificity at which emotional information is activated might determine evoked emotional intensity. However, the nature of this effect remains unclear. Four studies tested (a) whether people hold the na?ve theory that activating specific details of emotional information arouses acute feelings; (b) whether an emotionally distressed population (social phobics) also holds that theory; and (c) whether voluntarily focusing on specific aspects of a distressing situation reduces its emotional impact. Results indicate that control as well as emotionally distressed people hold a na?ve theory that specifying emotion increases its intensity. However, Studies 3 and 4 showed that voluntarily elaborating specific aspects of a distressing situation reduces distress. Results are discussed in terms of voluntary versus automatic processing of emotional information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The nature of cognitive disturbance and psychological distress was evaluated in 19 acutely hyperthyroid women and in 19 demographically comparable women with normal thyroid function. A structured psychiatric interview, the MMPI, and a battery of brief repeatable tests of motor speed, attention, selective attention, and short-term verbal memory were employed prior to treatment with radioactive iodine, 3 wks after treatment, and 12 mo after treatment when normal thyroid function was established. Normal Ss were similarly evaluated, without the iodine treatment. Multiple regression analysis revealed not only cognitive deficits consistent with CNS toxicity, but also a classic neurotic picture strongly associated with severity of pretreatment thyroid toxicity (TT). The relation between TT and cognitive deficits was not apparent 3 wks later, but the relation between TT and a neurotic picture persisted. Final evaluation showed no relation between cognitive or personality function and earlier hyperthyroidism. Results suggest that the effects of TT are reflected in symptoms of neurotic emotional disturbance that may be transient rather than indicative of personality traits. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between facial expression and gaze processing was investigated with the Garner selective attention paradigm. In Experiment 1, participants performed expression judgments without interference from gaze, but expression interfered with gaze judgments. Experiment 2 replicated these results across different emotions. In both experiments, expression judgments occurred faster than gaze judgments, suggesting that expression was processed before gaze could interfere. In Experiments 3 and 4, the difficulty of the emotion discrimination was increased in two different ways. In both cases, gaze interfered with emotion judgments and vice versa. Furthermore, increasing the difficulty of the emotion discrimination resulted in gaze and expression interactions. Results indicate that expression and gaze interactions are modulated by discriminability. Whereas expression generally interferes with gaze judgments, gaze direction modulates expression processing only when facial emotion is difficult to discriminate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examines source memory for actions (e.g., placing items in a suitcase). For both young and older adult participants, source memory for actions performed by the self was better than memory for actions performed by either a known (close) or unknown other. In addition, neither young nor older adults were more likely to confuse self with close others than with unknown others. Results suggest an advantage in source memory for actions performed by the self compared to others, possibly associated with sensorimotor cues that are relatively preserved in aging. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What is the relation between self-evaluation and being liked by others? Does being liked by others lead to more positive self-evaluations (as in sociometer theory), or do positive self-evaluations lead to being liked more (self-broadcasting)? Furthermore, what might affect the extent to which self-evaluations are influenced by likability (and vice versa)? The purpose of the present study was twofold. First, it used a naturalistic design to test the direction of the effect between social self-evaluations and others' judgments of likability in real relationships. Second, it examined how individual differences in attachment avoidance and anxiety relate to self-evaluations and likability and whether attachment differences moderate the relation between the two. Social self-evaluations, actual interpersonal liking, and attachment were assessed in participants taking part in a longitudinal group study. The findings supported the sociometer theory: Being liked by others led to more positive self-evaluations. Both anxious and avoidant attachment predicted lower self-evaluations, and anxious attachment predicted stronger reactions to others' liking (i.e., potentiated the sociometer). These findings have several implications for research on selfevaluation, adult attachment theory, and the importance of integrating interpersonal processes and individual differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Five studies are presented that explore how representations of significant others may automatically affect goal pursuit. Specifically, evidence is presented that suggests goals may be primed by one's representation of a significant other and that this priming may be moderated by one's closeness to this other individual. It is also shown to be affected by the number of different goals associated with this person. The greater the number of goals associated with a significant other, the less likely this individual will invoke any 1 goal very strongly. Such goal priming is shown to have implications for the extent to which goals are pursued (as seen through task persistence and performance) as well as the extent to which they are inhibited or ignored (especially when an individual is associated with a goal unrelated to a current pursuit). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although the influence of gender roles in education has been noted by counseling psychologists, the debate over sex equity in higher education remains controversial. Research on this topic has yielded inconclusive results. In this study of 635 upper level undergraduates with varying academic majors, results indicated that greater sex bias and discrimination were reported by women, whereas greater indifference and lack of recognition were perceived by men. Students' experiences with sexual harassment and perceptions of the degree to which women were represented in the curriculum did not differ by sex. Self-esteem for both sexes and level of feminist identity development for women were associated with perceptions of the educational environment. Suggestions for prevention, intervention, and further research are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: We examined the role of social relationships and negative emotional traits in the development of central adiposity and arterial stiffness in healthy adolescents. Design: A prospective, longitudinal study examined 213 Black and White adolescents (50% Black, 51% female); 160 returned for a second assessment approximately 3 years later. Main Outcome Measures: Psychosocial variables at both assessments were measured with the Measurement of Attachment Qualities (Carver, 1997), Social Relationships Index (study entry only; Uchino, Holt-Lunstad, Uno, & Flinders, 2001), Spielberger Trait Anger and Anxiety (Spielberger et al., 1979), and the Cook–Medley Hostility Scale (Cook & Medley, 1954). Central adiposity was assessed by waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) at both assessments and arterial stiffness by pulse wave velocity (PWV) at the second assessment only. Results: Linear regression models controlled for demographic variables and body mass index showed that adolescents with less Supportive Relationships (β = ?.121, p = .05) and higher Trait Anger (β = .117, p = .05) had increased WHR over time, adjusted for initial WHR. Those with higher Attachment Anxiety (β = .211, p = .01) and Total Hostility (β = .234, p  相似文献   

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