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Leupin OX  Hug SJ 《Water research》2005,39(9):1729-1740
Removing arsenic from contaminated groundwater in Bangladesh is challenging due to high concentrations of As(III), phosphate and silicate. Application of zero-valent iron as a promising removal method was investigated in detail with synthetic groundwater containing 500 microg/L As(III), 2-3mg/L P, 20mg/L Si, 8.2mM HCO3-, 2.5mM Ca2+, 1.6mM Mg2+ and pH 7.0. In a series of experiments, 1L was repeatedly passed through a mixture of 1.5 g iron filings and 3-4 g quartz sand in a vertical glass column (10mm diameter), allowing the water to re-aerate between each filtration. At a flow rate of 1L/h, up to 8 mg/L dissolved Fe(II) was released. During the subsequent oxidation of Fe(II) by dissolved oxygen, As(III) was partially oxidized and As(V) sorbed on the forming hydrous ferric oxides (HFO). HFO was retained in the next filtration step and was removed by shaking of the sand-iron mixture with water. Rapid phosphate removal provided optimal conditions for the sorption of As(V). Four filtrations lead to almost complete As(III) oxidation and removal of As(tot) to below 50 microg/L. In a prototype treatment with a succession of four filters, each containing 1.5 g iron and 60 g sand, 36 L could be treated to below 50 microg/L in one continuous filtration, without an added oxidant.  相似文献   

A biosorbent was prepared by coating ceramic alumina with the natural biopolymer, chitosan, using a dip-coating process. Removal of arsenic (III) (As(III)) and arsenic (V) (As(V)) was studied through adsorption on the biosorbent at pH 4.0 under equilibrium and dynamic conditions. The equilibrium adsorption data were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich, and Redlich-Peterson adsorption models, and the model parameters were evaluated. All three models represented the experimental data well. The monolayer adsorption capacity of the sorbent, as obtained from the Langmuir isotherm, is 56.50 and 96.46 mg/g of chitosan for As(III) and As(V), respectively. The difference in adsorption capacity for As(III) and As(V) was explained on the basis of speciation of arsenic at pH 4.0. Column adsorption results indicated that no arsenic was found in the effluent solution up to about 40 and 120 bed volumes of As(III) and As(V), respectively. Sodium hydroxide solution (0.1M) was found to be capable of regenerating the column bed.  相似文献   

The interactions of co-present Cr(VI) and As(V), and the influences of humic acid and bicarbonate in the process of Cr(VI) and As(V) removal by Fe0 were investigated in a batch setting using simulated groundwater with 5 mM NaCl, 1 mM Na2SO4, and 0.8 mM CaCl2 as background electrolytes at an initial pH value of 7. Cr(VI) and As(V) were observed to be subject to different impacts induced by co-existing As(V) or Cr(VI), humic acid and bicarbonate, originating from their distinct removal mechanisms by Fe0. Cr(VI) removal is a reduction-dominated process, whereas As(V) removal principally involves adsorption onto iron corrosion products. Experimental results showed that Cr(VI) removal was not affected by the presence of As(V) and humic acid. However, As(V) removal appeared to be inhibited by co-present Cr(VI). When the Cr(VI) concentration was 2, 5, and 10 mg/L, in the absence of humic acid and bicarbonate, As(V) removal rate constants were decreased by 27.9%, 49.0%, and 61.2%, respectively, which probably resulted from competition between Cr(VI) and As(V) for adsorption sites of the iron corrosion products. Furthermore, the presence of humic acid significantly varied As(V) removal kinetics by delaying the formation and aggregation of iron hydroxides due to the formation of soluble Fe-humate complexes and stably dispersed fine iron hydroxides colloids. In the presence of bicarbonate, both Cr(VI) and As(V) removal was increased and the inhibitory effect of Cr(VI) on As(V) removal was suppressed, resulting from the buffering effects and the promoted iron corrosion induced by bicarbonate, and the formation of CaCO3 in solution, which enhanced As(V) adsorption.  相似文献   

Mak MS  Lo IM  Liu T 《Water research》2011,45(19):6575-6584
A column study was conducted using a combination of zero-valent iron (Fe0) and iron oxide-coated sand (IOCS) for removing Cr(VI) and As(V) from groundwater. The removal efficiency and mechanism of Cr(VI) and As(V), the effects of humic acid (HA), and the various configurations of Fe0 and IOCS were investigated. The results showed that the use of an Fe0 and IOCS mixture in a completely mixed configuration can achieve the highest removal of both Cr(VI) and As(V), whilst the effects of HA were marginal in using these reactive materials. The solid phase analysis revealed the occurrence of the synergistic effect in these reactive materials as Fe2+ can be adsorbed onto the IOCS and transform the iron oxides to magnetite, providing more reactive surface area for Cr(VI) reduction and reducing the passivation on the Fe0. As(V) can then be removed by adsorption onto these iron corrosion products. HA can be adsorbed onto the IOCS so that the impacts of the deposition of HA aggregates on the Fe0 surface can be reduced, thus enhancing the Fe0 corrosion.  相似文献   

The influences of various geochemical constituents, such as humic acid, HCO3, and Ca2+, on Cr(VI) removal by zero-valent iron (Fe0) were investigated in a batch setting. The collective impacts of humic acid, HCO3, and Ca2+ on the Cr(VI) reduction process by Fe0 appeared to significantly differ from their individual impacts. Humic acid introduced a marginal influence on Fe0 reactivity toward Cr(VI) reduction, whereas HCO3 greatly enhanced Cr(VI) removal by maintaining the solution pH near neutral. The Cr(VI) reduction rate constants (kobs) were increased by 37.8% and 78.3%, respectively, with 2 mM and 6 mM HCO3 in solutions where humic acid and Ca2+ were absent. Singly present Ca2+ did not show a significant impact to Cr(VI) reduction. However, probably due to the formation of passivating CaCO3, further addition of Ca2+ to HCO3 containing solutions resulted in a decrease of kobs compared to solutions containing HCO3 alone. Ca2+ enhanced humic acid adsorption led to a minor decrease of Cr(VI) reduction rates. In Ca2+-free solutions, humic acid increased the amount of total dissolved iron to 25 mg/l due to the formation of soluble Fe-humate complexes and stably dispersed fine Fe (oxy)hydroxide colloids, which appeared to suppress iron precipitation. In contrast, the coexistence of humic acid and Ca2+ significantly promoted the aggregation of Fe (oxy)hydroxides, with which humic acid co-aggregated and co-precipitated. These aggregates would progressively be deposited on Fe0 surfaces and impose long-term impacts on the permeability of PRBs.  相似文献   

Lo IM  Lam CS  Lai KC 《Water research》2006,40(3):595-605
Zero-valent iron (Fe0) was used to remove hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), in groundwater via a coupled reduction-oxidation reaction. Nine columns were set up under various groundwater geochemistry to investigate the effects of hardness and carbonate on Cr(VI) removal. The Cr(VI) removal capacity of Fe0 was found to be about 4 mgCr/g Fe0 in the control column (i.e., column 1). A slight decrease in the Cr(VI) removal capacity was found in the presence of calcium hardness. However, there was a 17% drop in the Cr(VI) removal capacity when magnesium hardness was present at low to moderately hard level. Results also revealed that carbonate changed the morphology of the Fe0 by formation of pale green precipitates on the iron filings. Furthermore, there was a 33% decrease in the Cr(VI) removal capacity of Fe0 when both carbonate and hardness ions were present. In general, the presence of hardness ions and carbonate in groundwater have great impact on the Fe0 by formation of passivated precipitates, such as CaCO3, on the Fe0 surface resulting in a diminished lifespan of the Fe0 by blocking electron transfer.  相似文献   

采用生物滤柱对地下水进行试验研究,用膜过滤法对其出水进行了分子量分析,考察了生物除铁滤柱对不同分子量区间天然有机物的去除效果。结果表明:有机物分子量大小对出水水质有较大的影响,有机物分子量越大,铁去除率越低,DOC和UV254去除率也越低。生物滤柱对原水中分子量1 kDa的有机物的去除率为82.4%,而对分子量30 kDa的有机物的去除率只有28.5%。  相似文献   

This study is an efficient arsenic(V) removal from contaminated waters used as drinking water in adsorption process by zirconium(IV) loaded ligand exchange fibrous adsorbent. The bifunctional fibers contained both phosphonate and sulfonate groups. The bifunctional fiber was synthesised by graft polymerization of chloromethylstyrene onto polyethylene coated polypropylene fiber by means of electron irradiation graft polymerization technique and then desired phosphonate and sulfonate groups were introduced by Arbusov reaction followed by phosphorylation and sulfonation. Arsenic(V) adsorption was clarified in column methods with continuous flow operation in order to assess the arsenic(V) removal capacity in various conditions. The adsorption efficiency was evaluated in several parameters such as competing ions (chloride and sulfate), feed solution acidity, feed flow rate, feed concentration and kinetic performances at high feed flow rate of trace concentration arsenic(V). Arsenic(V) adsorption was not greatly changed when feed solutions pH at 3.0-7.0 and high breakthrough capacity was observed in strong acidic area below pH 2.2. Increasing the flow rate brings a decrease both breakthrough capacity and total adsorption. Trace level of arsenic(V) (0.015 mM) in presence of competing ions was also removed at high flow rate (750 h−1) with high removal efficiency. Therefore, the adsorbent is highly selective to arsenic(V) even in the presence of high concentration competing ions. The adsorbent is reversible and reusable in many cycles without any deterioration in its original performances. Therefore, Zr(IV) loaded ligand exchange adsorbent is to be an effective means to treat arsenic(V) contaminated water efficiently and able to safeguard the human health.  相似文献   

Niu CH  Volesky B  Cleiman D 《Water research》2007,41(11):2473-2478
Highly toxic arsenate occurs naturally in some well water as well as in industrial wastewaters. Removal of arsenate (As(V)) by biosorption with acid-washed crab shells (AWCS) is very sensitive to solution pH. It greatly increased when the solution pH was lowered from 3.44+/-0.07 to 2.51+/-0.02, but it was reduced at pH below 1.99+/-0.01. Change of solution pH not only affected the charged functional groups on AWCS but also the speciation of arsenate in solution. Increasing ionic strength of solution negatively affected the arsenic uptake. At ionic strength 0.1M, arsenic uptake was seriously depressed. Arsenic biosorption with AWCS was mainly through arsenate binding on the amide groups in the AWCS. AWCS has a dense structure and low extent of swelling in aqueous solutions. This might prevent effective arsenate access to the functional groups in AWCS.  相似文献   

A study on the removal of arsenic from real life groundwater using iron–chitosan composites is presented. Removal of arsenic(III) and arsenic(V) was studied through adsorption at pH 7.0 under equilibrium and dynamic conditions. The equilibrium data were fitted to Langmuir adsorption models and the various model parameters were evaluated. The monolayer adsorption capacity from the Langmuir model for iron chitosan flakes (ICF) (22.47 ± 0.56 mg/g for As(V) and 16.15 ± 0.32 mg/g for As(III)) was found to be considerably higher than that obtained for iron chitosan granules (ICB) (2.24 ± 0.04 mg/g for As(V); 2.32 ± 0.05 mg/g for As(III)). Anions including sulfate, phosphate and silicate at the levels present in groundwater did not cause serious interference in the adsorption behavior of arsenate/arsenite. The column regeneration studies were carried out for two sorption–desorption cycles for both As(III) and As(V) using ICF and ICB as sorbents. One hundred and forty-seven bed volumes of As(III) and 112 bed volumes of As(V) spiked groundwater were treated in column experiments using ICB, reducing arsenic concentration from 500 to <10 μg/l. The eluent used for the regeneration of the spent sorbent was 0.1 M NaOH. The adsorbent was also successfully applied for the removal of total inorganic arsenic down to <10 μg/l from real life arsenic contaminated groundwater samples.  相似文献   

Dong H  Guan X  Lo IM 《Water research》2012,46(13):4071-4080
Nano zero-valent iron (NZVI) offers a promising approach for arsenic remediation, but the spent NZVI with elevated arsenic content could arouse safety concerns. This study investigated the fate of As(V)-treated NZVI (As-NZVI), by examining the desorption potential of As under varying conditions. The desorption kinetics of As from As-NZVI as induced by phosphate was well described by a biphasic rate model. The effects of As(V)/NZVI mass ratio, pH, and aging time on arsenic desorption from As-NZVI by phosphate were investigated. Less arsenic desorption was observed at lower pH or higher As(V)/NZVI mass ratio, where stronger complexes (bidentate) formed between As(V) and NZVI corrosion products as indicated by FTIR analysis. Compared with the fresh As-NZVI, the amount of phosphate-extractable As significantly decreased in As-NZVI aged for 30 or 60 days. The results of the sequential extraction experiments demonstrated that a larger fraction of As was sorbed in the crystalline phases after aging, making it less susceptible to phosphate displacement. However, at pH 9, a slightly higher proportion of phosphate-extractable As was observed in the 60-day sample than in the 30-day sample. XPS results revealed the transformation of As(V) to more easily desorbed As(III) during aging and a higher As(III)/As(V) ratio in the 60-day sample at pH 9, which might have resulted in the higher desorption.  相似文献   

Rangsivek R  Jekel MR 《Water research》2005,39(17):4153-4163
Infiltration of stormwater runoff contaminated with metals is often questionable in several cases due to its long-term potential to cause deterioration of groundwater quality. To ensure the quality of filtrate, a pre-treatment of contaminated runoff is required. This study investigates the processes of copper and zinc ion removal from stormwater runoff using zero-valent iron (ZVI, Fe0). Kinetic and equilibrium tests were performed with laboratory-prepared and in situ stormwater runoff samples collected from roof, street and highway catchments. Based on the results, a substantial portion of Cu2+ is reduced and transformed to insoluble forms of Cu0 and Cu2O. Unlike copper, the adsorption and co-precipitation associated with freshly precipitated iron oxides play important roles for the removal of Zn2+. Investigations under various water quality conditions demonstrated a relatively minor impact on Cu2+ uptake rates. However, the different conditions apparently altered the removal stoichiometry and phases of the copper deposits. The removal rates of Zn2+ increase with higher dissolved oxygen (DO), ionic strength (IS), temperature (T) and pH. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in runoff samples forms complexes with metals and Fe2+, thereby kinetically decreasing the metal uptake rates. Furthermore, depending on its composition, a larger molecular weight organic fraction was found to preferentially compete for the adsorption sites. The study demonstrates that ZVI is a promising medium for achieving comparable capacity to a commercial adsorbent like granular ferric hydroxide (GFH). Long-term performance of ZVI, however, may be limited and governed by the formation of non-conductive layers of iron and cuprous oxides.  相似文献   

Exposure to arsenic through drinking water poses a threat to human health. Electrocoagulation is a water treatment technology that involves electrolytic oxidation of anode materials and in-situ generation of coagulant. The electrochemical generation of coagulant is an alternative to using chemical coagulants, and the process can also oxidize As(III) to As(V). Batch electrocoagulation experiments were performed in the laboratory using iron electrodes. The experiments quantified the effects of pH, initial arsenic concentration and oxidation state, and concentrations of dissolved phosphate, silica and sulfate on the rate and extent of arsenic removal. The iron generated during electrocoagulation precipitated as lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), except when dissolved silica was present, and arsenic was removed by adsorption to the lepidocrocite. Arsenic removal was slower at higher pH. When solutions initially contained As(III), a portion of the As(III) was oxidized to As(V) during electrocoagulation. As(V) removal was faster than As(III) removal. The presence of 1 and 4 mg/L phosphate inhibited arsenic removal, while the presence of 5 and 20 mg/L silica or 10 and 50 mg/L sulfate had no significant effect on arsenic removal. For most conditions examined in this study, over 99.9% arsenic removal efficiency was achieved. Electrocoagulation was also highly effective at removing arsenic from drinking water in field trials conducted in a village in Eastern India. By using operation times long enough to produce sufficient iron oxide for removal of both phosphate and arsenate, the performance of the systems in field trials was not inhibited by high phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

In this study, the Fe(0)/CO(2) process was investigated for removing nitrate from aqueous solution under different operating conditions such as CO(2) bubbling rate (0-400 mL/min), Fe(0) dosage (1-6g/L), initial nitrate concentration (6-23 mgN/L), batch mode, and fresh Fe(0) supplementing (0-1g/L). Results show that the bubbling of CO(2) flow rate at 200 mL/min was sufficient for supplying H(+) into solution to create an acidic environment favorable to nitrate reduction reaction. It was found that sigmoidal model equation describes the S-curve behaviors of nitrate reduction, ferrous accumulation and ammonium formation satisfactorily, and the parameter t(1/2) of the proposed model equation serves as a powerful tool for the comparison of nitrate reduction rate. Sustainability test demonstrates that Fe(0) powder began to deteriorate after three batches operation. Concerning the operating modes, the batch mode with the treated solution emptied and freshly refilled outperforms the one, which was operated by retaining the treated solution and spiking concentrated nitrate into it for the next batch treatment. To guarantee satisfactory nitrate removal using the former mode, supplement of appropriate amount of Fe(0) needs to be optimized.  相似文献   

In the wake of the idea that surface derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) plays an important role in the mobilization of arsenic (As) from sediments to groundwater and may provide a vital tool in understanding the mechanism of As contamination (mobilization/fixation) in Bengal delta; a study has been carried out. Agricultural fields that mainly cultivate rice (paddy fields) leave significantly large quantities of organic matter/organic carbon on the surface of Bengal delta which during monsoon starts decomposing and produces DOC. The DOC thus produced percolates down with rain water and mobilizes As from the sediments. Investigations on sediment samples collected from a paddy field clearly indicate that As coming on to the surface along with the irrigation water accumulates itself in the top few meters of sediment profile. The column experiments carried out on a 9 m deep sediment profile demonstrates that DOC has a strong potential to mobilize As from the paddy fields and the water recharging the aquifer through such agricultural fields contain As well above the WHO limit thus contaminating the shallow groundwater. Experiment also demonstrates that decay of organic matter induces reducing condition in the sediments. Progressively increasing reducing conditions not only prevent the adsorption of As on mineral surfaces but also cause mobilization of previously sorbed arsenic. There seems to be a cyclic pattern where As from deeper levels comes to the surface with irrigational water, accumulates itself in the sediments, and ultimately moves down to the shallow groundwater. The extensive and continual exploitation of intermediate/deep groundwater accelerates this cyclic process and helps in the movement of shallow contaminated groundwater to the deeper levels.  相似文献   

Effects of pre-ozonation on the removal of THM precursors by coagulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pre-ozonation in combination with enhanced coagulation was used to remove NOM from lake water as to control the formation of disinfection by-products, DBPs. The effect of the hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity nature of NOM on the performance of the combined pre-ozonation and coagulation process was studied. The hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity property of NOM was characterized in terms of mass distribution of the phydrophilic and the hydrophobilic fractions of NOM. The optimal condition for the combined pre-ozonation-coagulation was established: pH = ca. 9.0 and ozone dose = 0.45 mg-O3/mg-DOC. Under the optimal condition, it was able to achieve ∼ 60% of THMFP removal. In terms of THMPF, results also indicated that the distribution between the hydrophilic and the hydrophobic fractions of NOM was 57.3 and 98.7 µg-THMFP/mg-DOC, respectively. Ozonation alters the structures and characteristics of NOM thereby affecting the coagulation effectiveness. Pre-ozonation was effective in removing the hydrophobic NOM, with a decrease of THMFP by ∼ 20% versus ∼ 10% for the hydrophilic fraction. The dosage of coagulant also governed DOC removal. The removal of hydrophobic and hydrophilic NOM were in the range of 27-41 and 2.5-22.7%, respectively at alum dosage of 0.41-1.65 (in Al/DOC) and 0.41-1.65 (in Al/DOC) and ozone dose of 0.58-2.93, mg/mg respectively. The adsorption characteristics of the hydrophilic and the hydrophobic fractions of NOM on aluminum hydroxide (from coagulant alum) were studied. Results indicated that the modified Langmuir isotherm of competitive adsorption was able to describe the adsorption of NOM onto hydrous aluminum hydroxide formed during alum coagulation of the lake waters.  相似文献   

Shi LN  Zhang X  Chen ZL 《Water research》2011,45(2):886-892
Bentonite-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron (B-nZVI) was synthesized using liquid-phase reduction. The orthogonal method was used to evaluate the factors impacting Cr(VI) removal and this showed that the initial concentration of Cr(VI), pH, temperature, and B-nZVI loading were all importance factors. Characterization with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) validated the hypothesis that the presence of bentonite led to a decrease in aggregation of iron nanoparticles and a corresponding increase in the specific surface area (SSA) of the iron particles. B-nZVI with a 50% bentonite mass fraction had a SSA of 39.94 m2/g, while the SSA of nZVI and bentonite was 54.04 and 6.03 m2/g, respectively. X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed the existence of Fe0 before the reaction and the presence of Fe(II), Fe(III) and Cr(III) after the reaction. Batch experiments revealed that the removal of Cr (VI) using B-nZVI was consistent with pseudo first-order reaction kinetics. Finally, B-nZVI was used to remediate electroplating wastewater with removal efficiencies for Cr, Pb and Cu > 90%. Reuse of B-nZVI after washing with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution was possible but the capacity of B-nZVI for Cr(VI) removal decreased by approximately 70%.  相似文献   

Since 1997, over 135 well-head arsenic removal units have been installed in remote villages in the Indian state of West Bengal bordering Bangladesh. Every component of the arsenic removal treatment system including activated alumina sorbent is procured indigenously. Each unit serves approximately 200-300 households and contains about 100 L of activated alumina. No chemical addition, pH adjustment or electricity is required for operating these units. The arsenic concentration in the influent varies from around 100 μg/L to greater than 500 μg/L. In the treated water, arsenic concentration is consistently below 50 μg/L. The units are capable of removing both arsenites and arsenates from the contaminated groundwater for several months, often exceeding 10,000 bed volumes. In the top portion of the column, the dissolved iron present in ground water is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen into hydrated Fe(III) oxides or HFO particles which in turn selectively bind both As(III) and As(V). Upon exhaustion, these units are regenerated by caustic soda solution followed by acid wash. The arsenic-laden spent regenerant is converted into a small volume sludge (less than 500 g) and contained over a coarse sand filter in the same premise requiring no disposal. Many units have been operating for several years without any significant operational difficulty. The treated water is used for drinking and cooking. Most importantly, the villagers are responsible for the day to day operation and the upkeep of the units.  相似文献   

The impact of humic acid fouling on the membrane transport of two pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) – namely carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole – in forward osmosis (FO) was investigated. Deposition of humic acid onto the membrane surface was promoted by the complexation with calcium ions in the feed solution and the increase in ionic strength at the membrane surface due to the reverse transport of NaCl draw solute. The increase in the humic acid deposition on the membrane surface led to a substantial decrease in the membrane salt (NaCl) permeability coefficient but did not result in a significant decrease in the membrane pure water permeability coefficient. As the deposition of humic acid increased, the permeation of carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole decreased, which correlated well with the decrease in the membrane salt (NaCl) permeability coefficient. It is hypothesized that the hydrated humic acid fouling layer hindered solute diffusion through the membrane pore and enhanced solute rejection by steric hindrance, but not the permeation of water molecules. The membrane water and salt (NaCl) permeability coefficients were fully restored by physical cleaning of the membrane, suggesting that humic acid did not penetrate into the membrane pores.  相似文献   

Zeng H  Arashiro M  Giammar DE 《Water research》2008,42(18):4629-4636
Arsenate removal from water using an iron oxide-based sorbent was investigated to determine the optimal operating conditions and the influence of water composition on treatment efficiency. The novel sorbent with a high surface area was studied in flow-through column experiments conducted at different flow rates to quantify the effect of empty bed contact time (EBCT) on treatment performance. Arsenic removal efficiency declined with decreasing EBCT. Arsenic breakthrough curves at different EBCT values were successfully simulated with a pore and surface diffusion model (PSDM). Surface diffusion was the dominant intraparticle mass transfer process. The effect of water composition on arsenic removal efficiency was evaluated by conducting experiments with ultrapure water, ultrapure water with either phosphate or silica, and a synthetic groundwater that contained both phosphate and silica. Silica was more inhibitory than phosphate, and the silica in synthetic groundwater controlled the arsenic removal efficiency.  相似文献   

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