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Drinking water systems are vulnerable and subject to a wide range of risks. To avoid sub-optimisation of risk-reduction options, risk analyses need to include the entire drinking water system, from source to tap. Such an integrated approach demands tools that are able to model interactions between different events. Fault tree analysis is a risk estimation tool with the ability to model interactions between events. Using fault tree analysis on an integrated level, a probabilistic risk analysis of a large drinking water system in Sweden was carried out. The primary aims of the study were: (1) to develop a method for integrated and probabilistic risk analysis of entire drinking water systems; and (2) to evaluate the applicability of Customer Minutes Lost (CML) as a measure of risk. The analysis included situations where no water is delivered to the consumer (quantity failure) and situations where water is delivered but does not comply with water quality standards (quality failure). Hard data as well as expert judgements were used to estimate probabilities of events and uncertainties in the estimates. The calculations were performed using Monte Carlo simulations. CML is shown to be a useful measure of risks associated with drinking water systems. The method presented provides information on risk levels, probabilities of failure, failure rates and downtimes of the system. This information is available for the entire system as well as its different sub-systems. Furthermore, the method enables comparison of the results with performance targets and acceptable levels of risk. The method thus facilitates integrated risk analysis and consequently helps decision-makers to minimise sub-optimisation of risk-reduction options.  相似文献   

While humans require water for life, one-sixth of our species lives without access to safe water. In Africa, the situation is particularly acute because of global warming, the progression of the Sahara desert, civil unrest and poor governance, population growth, migration and poverty. In rural areas, the lack of adequate safe water and sanitary infrastructures leaves millions with doubtful water quality, increasing the harshness of daily life. In this paper, a pilot study was conducted during the wet season on Bolama Island (Guinea-Bissau, West Africa), a UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve. Twenty-eight shallow wells, supplying water to most of the population, were sampled for microbiological, physical and chemical water quality characteristics. A ten-parameter water quality index (WQI) adapted to tropical conditions was applied to compare the different wells. About 79% of the wells showed moderate to heavy fecal contamination. From the surveyed parameters, it was found that chemical contamination was less important, although all samples were acidic, with the pH averaging 5.12+/-0.08. The WQI was 43+/-4% (0%-worst; 100%-best quality), showing that the water from the majority of wells was polluted but should be suitable for domestic use after appropriate treatment. At the onset of the wet season, diarrhea represented 11.5% of all medical cases, 92.5% of which were children aged <15. This paper suggests inexpensive steps to reduce the fecal contamination and control the pH in order to increase the potability of the well water and, concomitantly, to raise the living standards of the population in one of the poorest countries of the world.  相似文献   

In the United States, community water systems are not only numerous but also diverse. Nonetheless, operational scale and public versus private ownership have dominated the understanding of safe water access, leaving underexplored many other factors related to governance. Applying insights from the Institutional Analysis and Design literature, we create and analyze a dataset of California's water systems classified into 26 structural types associated with distinct governance institutions. We document differences in the number of Safe Drinking Water Act violations among these types and demonstrate their relevance for implementing solutions targeting non-compliance. Advancing equitable access necessitates greater attention to organizational structure and institutional diversity in drinking water provision.  相似文献   

Unreliability of water systems has become a major concern in many developing countries. A referendum-format contingent valuation (CV) survey was implemented to investigate household preferences, in monetary terms, for improved water services in the small town of San Lorenzo, Guatemala. A random sample of 500 households report that they currently adopt a variety of averting measures (e.g. in-home water storage and treatment) to cope with service interruptions and low water quality. Findings also indicate that households are willing to pay an increase of more than 200% in their water bill for reliable supplies of safe drinking water.  相似文献   

Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in the drinking water in Province of Izmir, Turkey, and associated health risks due to ingestion of these compounds were investigated using population weighted random samples. A total of 100 houses were visited in different districts of Izmir and drinking water samples were collected from consumers' drinking water source. Questionnaires were administered to one participant in each house to determine demographics and drinking water consumption rates. Oral exposure and risks were estimated for each participant and Izmir population by deterministic and probabilistic approaches, respectively. The four trihalomethane (THM) species (i.e., chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and bromoform), benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and naphthalene were the most frequently detected VOCs with concentrations ranging from below detection limit to 35 microg/l. The risk estimates were found to be less than the values reported in the literature with few exceptions. Noncarcinogenic risks attributable to ingestion of VOCs for Izmir population were negligible, whereas the mean carcinogenic risk estimates for bromodichloromethane and dibromochloromethane were above the de minimis level of one in a million (10(-6)). For all VOCs, the concentrations measured in metropolitan area were greater than those in other districts. All THM species were detected in higher concentrations in tap water, whereas nontap water contained more benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and naphthalene. Therefore, the concentrations of the latter four compounds and associated risks increased with increasing income and education level since bottled water was used in larger proportions within these subgroups. The results of this study showed that oral exposure to drinking water contaminants and associated risks may be higher than the acceptable levels even if the concentrations fall below the standards.  相似文献   

Hurley T  Sadiq R  Mazumder A 《Water research》2012,46(11):3544-3552
Protecting drinking source water quality is a critical step in ensuring a safe supply of drinking water. Increasingly, drinking source water protection programs rely on the active participation of various stakeholders with differing degrees of water science knowledge. A drinking source water quality index presents a potential communication and analysis tool to facilitate cooperation between diverse interest groups as well as represent composite water quality. We tested the effectiveness of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CCME WQI) in capturing expert assessments of drinking water quality. In cooperation with a panel of drinking water quality experts we identified a core set of parameters to reflect common source water concerns. Drinking source water target values were drafted for use in the index corresponding to two basic treatment levels. Index scores calculated using the core parameter set and associated source water target values were strongly correlated with expert assessments of water quality. We recommend a modified index calculation procedure to accommodate parameters measured at different frequencies within any particular study period. The resulting drinking source water CCME WQI provides a valuable means of monitoring, communicating, and understanding surface source water quality.  相似文献   

A bibliometric analysis based on Science Citation Index (SCI) published by Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) was carried out to identify the global research related to lead in drinking water field from 1991 to 2007 and to improve the understanding of research trends in the same period. The results from this analysis indicate that there have been an increasing number of annual publications mainly during two periods: from 1992 to 1997 and from 2004 to 2007. United States produced 37% of all pertinent articles followed by India with 8.0% and Canada with 4.8%. Science of the Total Environment published the most articles followed by Journal American Water Works Association and Toxicology. Summary of the most frequently used keywords are also provided. “Cadmium” was the most popular author keyword in the 17 years. Furthermore based on bibliometric results four research aspects were summarized in this paper and the historical research review was also presented.  相似文献   

Hongyan Zhai 《Water research》2009,43(8):2093-6554
With the presence of bromide in source waters, numerous brominated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) are formed during chlorination. Many of them are polar/highly polar DBPs and thus hard to be detected by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Electrospray ionization triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) is reported to be an effective method in finding polar brominated DBPs by setting precursor ion scans of m/z 79 and 81. But as a soft ionization technique, ESI could form adducts of common DBPs, which may complicate ESI-MS/MS spectra and hinder the efforts in finding new brominated DBPs. In this paper, a new method was developed for differentiating adducts of common DBPs from higher molecular weight DBPs. This method was based on the ESI-MS/MS precursor ion scans of the fragments that correspond to the molecular ions of common DBPs. Adducts of common DBPs were selectively detected in the ESI-MS/MS spectra of a simulated drinking water sample. Moreover, the structures of several new brominated DBPs in the sample were tentatively proposed.  相似文献   

Drinking water was treated with ozone, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, monochloramine, ferrate(VI), and permanganate to investigate the kinetics of membrane damage of native drinking water bacterial cells. Membrane damage was measured by flow cytometry using a combination of SYBR Green I and propidium iodide (SGI+PI) staining as indicator for cells with permeabilized membranes and SGI alone to measure total cell concentration. SGI+PI staining revealed that the cells were permeabilized upon relatively low oxidant exposures of all tested oxidants without a detectable lag phase. However, only ozonation resulted in a decrease of the total cell concentrations for the investigated reaction times. Rate constants for the membrane damage reaction varied over seven orders of magnitude in the following order: ozone > chlorine > chlorine dioxide ≈ ferrate > permanganate > chloramine. The rate constants were compared to literature data and were in general smaller than previously measured rate constants. This confirmed that membrane integrity is a conservative and therefore safe parameter for disinfection control. Interestingly, the cell membranes of high nucleic acid (HNA) content bacteria were damaged much faster than those of low nucleic acid (LNA) content bacteria during treatment with chlorine dioxide and permanganate. However, only small differences were observed during treatment with chlorine and chloramine, and no difference was observed for ferrate treatment. Based on the different reactivity of these oxidants it was suggested that HNA and LNA bacterial cell membranes have a different chemical constitution.  相似文献   

Providing microbiologically safe drinking water is a major public health issue. However, chemical disinfection can produce unintended health hazards involving disinfection by-products (DBPs). In an attempt to clarify the potential public health concerns associated with emerging disinfection by-products (EDBPs), this study was intended to help to identify those suspected of posing potential related health effects. In view of the ever-growing list of EDBPs in drinking water and the lack of consensus about them, we have developed an innovative prioritization method that would allow us to address this issue. We first set up an exhaustive database including all the current published data relating to EDBPs in drinking water (toxicity, occurrence, epidemiology and international or local guidelines/regulations).We then developed a ranking method intended to prioritize the EDBPs. This method, which was based on a calculation matrix with different coefficients, was applied to the data regarding their potential contribution to the health risk assessment process. This procedure allowed us to identify and rank three different groups of EDBPs: Group I, consisting of the most critical EDBPs with regard to their potential health effects, has moderate occurrence but the highest toxicity. Group II has moderate to elevated occurrence and is associated with relevant toxicity, and Group III has very low occurrence and unknown or little toxicity. The EDBPs identified as posing the greatest potential risk using this method were as follows: NDMA and other nitrosamines, MX and other halofuranones, chlorate, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol, hydrazine, and two unregulated halomethanes, dichloromethane and tetrachloromethane. Our approach allowed us to define the EDBPs that it is most important to monitor in order to assess population exposure and related public health issues, and thus to improve drinking water treatment and distribution. It is also important to extend our knowledge about exposure to mixtures of emerging DBPs and possible related health effects.  相似文献   

The paper describes a computer program for analysis and simulation of large-scale water distribution networks. The simulation facility enables the evaluation of system hydraulic and cost operation over extended time periods. An efficient user interface has been provided which allows interactive operation with graphical displays. The program computations use well established network solution techniques together with a range of specially developed models. With these features, the program has now been accepted as a powerful tool with a number of practical applications throughout the water industry.  相似文献   

Mitch WA  Gerecke AC  Sedlak DL 《Water research》2003,37(15):3733-3741
N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a potent carcinogen formed during chloramination of water and wastewater treatment plant effluents. A procedure is described for quantifying the concentration of the organic precursors of NDMA that could be formed during chlorination of wastewaters and natural waters. The method involves applying a high dose of monochloramine to a pH-buffered sample followed by a 10-day contact period, during which the monochloramine decays at a rate unrelated to the composition of the sample. Analyses of samples of municipal wastewater effluents and surface waters indicate that the method provides a robust and reproducible measurement of NDMA precursors over a wide range of conditions. A sensitive GC/CI/MS/MS analytical procedure for dimethylamine also is described and used to demonstrate that NDMA formation during chlorination of wastewater and natural waters cannot be explained by dimethylamine concentrations alone.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(6):508-517

The process of multi-criteria decision analysis is commonly utilized in planning processes for technical infrastructure. This includes water infrastructure, which is currently impacted by global changes in environmental conditions. Consequentially, technical and conceptual options have been developed with the focus on sustainability by closing water and material cycles. The inclusion of stakeholder perspectives in the planning process would be supported by purposeful MCDA implementation. This paper examines initial stages of the MCDA with a focus on the multi-stakeholder-group-driven collaborative development of a set of objectives (SOO). Additional emphasis is given to participatory methods for each stage of the two, presented case studies examined in this paper. An attempt has been made to describe perceptions and outcomes of the case studies. The developed SOOs are presented and discussed with special regard to the development process and the evaluation outcomes.  相似文献   

A declaration of conformity according to European regulation No. 10/2011 is required to ensure the safety of plastic materials in contact with foodstuffs. This regulation established a positive list of substances that are authorized for use in plastic materials. Some compounds are subject to restrictions and/or specifications according to their toxicological data. Despite this, the analysis of PET reveals some non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) produced by authorized initial reactants and additives.Genotoxic and estrogenic activities in PET-bottled water have been reported. Chemical mixtures in bottled water have been suggested as the source of these toxicological effects. Furthermore, sample preparation techniques, such as solid-phase extraction (SPE), to extract estrogen-like compounds in bottled water are controversial. It has been suggested that inappropriate extraction methods and sample treatment may result in false-negative or positive responses when testing water extracts in bioassays. There is therefore a need to combine chemical analysis with bioassays to carry out hazard assessments.Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and antimony are clearly related to migration from PET into water. However, several studies have shown other theoretically unexpected substances in bottled water. The origin of these compounds has not been clearly established (PET container, cap-sealing resins, background contamination, water processing steps, NIAS, recycled PET, etc.).Here, we surveyed toxicological studies on PET-bottled water and chemical compounds that may be present therein. Our literature review shows that contradictory results for PET-bottled water have been reported, and differences can be explained by the wide variety of analytical methods, bioassays and exposure conditions employed.  相似文献   

Exploratory data analysis such as hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied to water quality dataset of the Kaduna River, obtained during 3 years (2008–2010), monthly monitoring of eight key different sampling sites for 19 parameters to extract correlations and similarities between variables and to classify river sampling sites in groups of similar quality. Hierarchical cluster analysis grouped eight sampling sites into three statistically significant clusters of similar water composition. Six varifactors were obtained after varimax rotation of initial principal components using principal component analysis. These techniques gave an insight into the sources of pollution. Anthropogenic influence (municipal, industrial wastewater and agricultural run‐off) was the major source of river water pollution.  相似文献   

李连众 《暖通空调》2006,36(10):102-110
建立了独立别墅供暖系统的非线性动态模型并分析了其动态特性,介绍了模型降阶方法及PI控制器参数的设计和整定。针对可能的供暖系统控制策略进行了动态仿真和能耗分析。仿真结果表明,单纯采用室外气候补偿控制模式并不能获得理想的控制效果;采用分室控制模式能满足室内舒适性要求并有一定的节能效果,节能率约为25%。  相似文献   

空调大温差研究(4):空调冷水大温差系统经济分析   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
殷平 《暖通空调》2001,31(1):68-72
对空调冷水大温差系统的经济性进行了分析。结果表明:当冷水机组冷水初温等于或大于7℃时,10℃温差与5℃温差时冷水机组的能耗基本相同,而发器压降明显减小;冷水系统采用10℃温差较℃温差冷水量减少一半,水泵能减少,水系统一次投资减少;即使空调机组一次投资略有增加,空调水系统的一次投资可减少5%左右。空调水系统运行 费用减少30%左右。建议在应用空调大温差技术的同时使用大温差专用空调机组。  相似文献   

Tungsten carbide and cobalt are the main components of hard metal alloy while other metals such as chromium, niobium, tantalum, titanium and vanadium are sometimes added in smaller amounts. Exposure to hard metal dusts can induce a lung fibrosis with cobalt playing a major role. In order to provide information on the role that each metal may have in causing this disease, determination of the total content and the distribution of inhaled metals in lung tissue of hard metal workers is of paramount importance. However, samples such as transbronchial biopsy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), often used in the medical diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, only allow for a small amount of material. This calls for sensitive and accurate analytical procedures for microdetermination and distribution of metals in pulmonary tissue and cellular material, such as macrophages. This work proposes a combination of sophisticated analytical techniques such as neutron activation analysis (NAA), currently applied to the determination of the total concentration of more than 30 elements in biological specimens, and PIXE analysis, particularly microPIXE, which has a great potential for microdistribution analysis in small biological samples. Principles and perspectives for the combined use of these techniques for the analysis of human tissue are outlined and discussed. NAA: determination of hard metals in lung tissue are carried out by neutron irradiation (2 × 1014 neutrons cm−2 s−1) in the HFR reactor of Petten. After neutron activation, radiochemical separations of 60Co, 187W, 182Ta, 51Cr followed by computer-based high resolution gamma ray spectrometry allow the measurement of these elements in pulmonary tissues with sensitivities ranging from 10−4 μg (Cr) to 10−6 μg (W). PIXE: this technique is multielemental and of relatively high sensitivity (μg/g) even in small total sample masses of from 10 to 100 μg, thus allowing the analysis of parts of needle biopsies. Whereas PIXE has been successfully applied to many medical problems, its usefulness is limited in the total samples analysis for cobalt-related hard metal disease, due to the low levels of cobalt in tissue combined with severe element interferences from the generally more abundant metal, iron. Nevertheless, microPIXE, a special variety of the method scanning over the sample with a focussed ion beam of about 2 × 2 μm2, could complement the NAA findings in total samples in the sense of achieving a microdistribution analysis of hard metals (including cobalt) in suitable thin tissue sections.The availability of specialized facilities at the JRC such as the powerful HFR reactor (Petten), the NAA laboratories (Ispra) and the microPIXE facility (Geel) could represent a European ‘reference pole’ for the study of metals in tissues of hard metal diseased subjects.  相似文献   

A. Rackes  M. S. Waring 《Indoor air》2016,26(4):642-659
We used existing data to develop distributions of time‐averaged air exchange rates (AER), whole‐building ‘effective’ emission rates of volatile organic compounds (VOC), and other variables for use in Monte Carlo analyses of U.S. offices. With these, we explored whether long‐term VOC emission rates were related to the AER over the sector, as has been observed in the short term for some VOCs in single buildings. We fit and compared two statistical models to the data. In the independent emissions model (IEM), emissions were unaffected by other variables, while in the dependent emissions model (DEM), emissions responded to the AER via coupling through a conceptual boundary layer between the air and a lumped emission source. For 20 of 46 VOCs, the DEM was preferable to the IEM and emission rates, though variable, were higher in buildings with higher AERs. Most oxygenated VOCs and some alkanes were well fit by the DEM, while nearly all aromatics and halocarbons were independent. Trends by vapor pressure suggested multiple mechanisms could be involved. The factors of temperature, relative humidity, and building age were almost never associated with effective emission rates. Our findings suggest that effective emissions in real commercial buildings will be difficult to predict from deterministic experiments or models.  相似文献   

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