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In this paper, we present a parallel programming and execution model based on alogicalordering of control flows. We show that it is possible to provide a unifying framework consisting of a synchronous programming model, thereby facilitating the mastery of programs, and an asynchronous execution model yielding efficient executions. Our approach is based on a SPMD and task parallel programming language, called –Chan. Communications take place through channels and rely on explicit send/receive instructions. In contrast to classical message passing models, synchronizations and communications are dissociated. We show that it is possible to perform a data-driven automatic translation of sequential and arbitrary DOACROSS loops into –Chan, by using nonmatching send/receive instructions. Our parallelization technique allows us to handle irregular control and leads to optimizations of communications in irregular computations.  相似文献   

Parallelizing compilers have traditionally focussed mainly on parallelizing loops. This paper presents a new framework for automatically parallelizing recursive procedures that typically appear in divide-and-conquer algorithms. We present compile-time analysis, using powerful, symbolic array section analysis, to detect the independence of multiple recursive calls in a procedure. This allows exploitation of a scalable form of nested parallelism, where each parallel task can further spawn off parallel work in subsequent recursive calls. We describe a runtime system which efficiently supports this kind of nested parallelism without unnecessarily blocking tasks. We have implemented this framework in a parallelizing compiler, which is able to automatically parallelize programs like quicksort and mergesort, written in C. For cases where even the advanced compile-time analysis we describe is not able to prove the independence of procedure calls, we propose novel techniques for speculative runtime parallelization, which are more efficient and powerful in this context than analogous techniques proposed previously for speculatively parallelizing loops. Our experimental results on an IBM G30 SMP machine show good speedups obtained by following our approach.  相似文献   

Design space exploration of a software speculative parallelization scheme   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With speculative parallelization, code sections that cannot be fully analyzed by the compiler are optimistically executed in parallel. Hardware schemes are fast but expensive and require modifications to the processors and/or memory system. Software schemes require no changes to the hardware of existing shared-memory systems, but can suffer from significant overheads involved with the speculative execution. In fact, the performance of software schemes is highly dependent on application characteristics, the design and implementation of the scheme, and the system configuration and size. This paper explores the design space of a recently proposed software speculative parallelization scheme. In the process, we gain insight into the most beneficial features of software schemes for speculative parallelization, as well as the most influential application characteristics. For instance, experimental results show that, contrary to intuition, checking for data dependence violations on every speculative store, as opposed to at commit time, leads to little performance degradation in the worst case and to significantly better performance with large configurations. Also, scheduling policies based on windows can perform very close to fully dynamic policies with a fraction of the memory overhead. Finally, experimental results show consistent speedups in the execution of loops that cannot be parallelized at compile time, both with and without RAW data dependences, for 4 to 32 processors.  相似文献   

This paper presents the Mitosis framework, which is a combined hardware-software approach to speculative multithreading, even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. Speculative multithreading increases single-threaded application performance by exploiting thread-level parallelism speculatively - that is, executing code in parallel even when the compiler or runtime system cannot guarantee the parallelism exists. The proposed approach is based on predicting/computing thread input values via software, through a piece of code that is added at the beginning of each thread (the pre-computation slice). A pre-computation slice is expected to compute the correct thread input values most of the time, but not necessarily always. This allows aggressive optimization techniques to be applied to the slice to make it very short. This paper focuses on the microarchitecture that supports this execution model. The primary novelty of the microarchitecture is the hardware support for the execution and validation of pre-computation slices. Additionally, this paper presents new architectures for the register file and the cache memory in order to support multiple versions of each variable and allow for efficient roll-back in case of misspeculation. We show that the proposed microarchitecture, together with the compiler support, achieves an average speedup of 2.2 for applications that conventional non-speculative approaches are not able to parallelize at all.  相似文献   

刘晓娴  赵荣彩  赵捷  徐金龙 《软件学报》2014,25(6):1154-1168
发掘DOACROSS 循环中蕴含的并行性,选择合适的策略将其并行执行,对提升程序的并行性能非常重要.流水并行方式是规则DOACROSS 循环并行的重要方式.自动生成性能良好的流水并行代码是一项困难的工作,并行编译器对程序自动并行时常常对DOACROSS 循环作保守处理,损失了DOACROSS 循环包含的并行性,限制了程序的并行性能.针对上述问题,设计了一种选择计算划分循环层和循环分块层的启发式算法,给出了一个基于流水并行代价模型的循环分块大小计算公式,并使用计数信号量进行并行线程之间的同步,实现了基于OpenMP 的规则DOACROSS 循环流水并行代码的自动生成.通过对有限差分松弛法(finite difference relaxation,简称FDR)的波前(wavefront)循环和时域有限差分法(finite difference time domain,简称FDTD)中典型循环以及程序Poisson,LU 和Jacobi 的测试,算法自动生成的流水并行代码能够在多核处理器上获得明显的性能提升,使用的流水分块大小计算公式能够较为精确地计算出循环流水并行时的最佳分块大小.自动生成的流水并行代码与基于手工选择的最优分块大小的流水并行代码相比,加速比达到手工选择加速比的89%.  相似文献   

传统的并行编译技术能够在编译期间进行相关性分析,有效地并行化循环程序,但是对于程序运行时潜在的并行性却无能为力.因此,并行编译技术必须使用实时依赖分析技术,尽可能挖掘循环级并行性.本文提出仿射依赖关系,消除了循环迭代依赖;基于投机并行思想,提出了SPAD方法.实例分析表明,SPAD是有效的.与LRPD和SPNT方法相比较,SPAD做了重要的改进,因此是更通用的投机并行化方案.  相似文献   

随着多核处理器的出现和迅速发展,将以前经典的串行程序并行化,更好地利用多核体系结构提高其性能,成为了当前多核处理器应用研究值得关注的一个问题。以并行化光线跟踪程序PBRT为例,深入研究了串行程序并行化中的并行模型的设计与实现、正确性验证,以及并行化后的性能优化等问题。优化后的并行PBRT取得了4个线程时近3.5倍的加速比,证明了所给出的并行化及性能优化有良好的效果。  相似文献   

现有并行识别方法用于众核处理器时存在一定不足,当选择的循环并行维迭代数较少时可能导致严重地负载不均衡。针对这一问题,提出了一种面向众核处理器的多维并行识别方法,在现有并行识别方法无法做到较好的负载均衡时,选择嵌套循环的多个维进行并行,将多个并行维的迭代空间合并后再做任务划分,减少负载不均衡对程序并行效率的影响。此方法已在课题组开发的自动并行化系统中进行了实现,实际应用过程中能够提升一些应用程序在众核处理器上并行执行的效率。  相似文献   

Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) have emerged during last decades as a very attractive solution in using the ever-increasing on-chip transistor count. However, classical parallelization techniques failed to fully exploit parallelization from existing sequential applications due to false data dependencies. This paper focuses on the Thread-level Speculation (TLS) technique, an alternative way to exploit the transistor budget in a CMP. With TLS, even possibly data dependent threads can run in parallel as long as the semantics of the sequential execution is preserved. A special hardware support monitors the actual data dependencies between threads at run time and, if they are violated, misspeculation effects are undone usually through replay. This kind of system is known as speculative CMP. However, the TLS mechanism requires complex protocols that integrate cache coherence and speculation to maintain program order among multiple versions of data. Current TLS protocol evaluations are usually inadequate because they are not done low-level enough. A realistic evaluation of speculative CMPs requires either to be performed on a real hardware or very detailed cycle-accurate simulator models.In this paper we are particularly focused on a low-level evaluation of the write-invalidate TLS protocol Speculation Integrated with Snoopy Coherence (SISC) protocol proposed in [1]. This evaluation relies on cycle-level simulation environment with detailed cycle-level cache memories, cache controller and system bus. On top of this, a speculative four core architecture is simulated and three new modules (Scheduler, Squash Arbiter and Supplier Arbiter) are provided to support low-level implementation of the SISC protocol. The overall cost of the SISC protocol is evaluated by means of CACTI tool for the three different domains: the access latency cost, the area cost, and the power cost. The evaluation goal was to keep the cache access time to remain below cycle latency as well as the area and power overheads below an acceptable budget overhead. The SISC protocol has been compared against regular MESI-based architecture in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. We kept the cache access time below the cycle latency, and we managed to keep both data cache area and static power overheads respectively below 32% and 35%.  相似文献   

The widespread use of multicore processors is not a consequence of significant advances in parallel programming. In contrast, multicore processors arise due to the complexity of building power-efficient, high-clock-rate, single-core chips. Automatic parallelization of sequential applications is the ideal solution for making parallel programming as easy as writing programs for sequential computers. However, automatic parallelization remains a grand challenge due to its need for complex program analysis and the existence of unknowns during compilation. This paper proposes a new method for converting a sequential application into a parallel counterpart that can be executed on current multicore processors. It hinges on an intermediate representation based on the concept of domain-independent kernel (e.g., assignment, reduction, recurrence). Such kernel-centric view hides the complexity of the implementation details, enabling the construction of the parallel version even when the source code of the sequential application contains different syntactic variations of the computations (e.g., pointers, arrays, complex control flows). Experiments that evaluate the effectiveness and performance of our approach with respect to state-of-the-art compilers are also presented. The benchmark suite consists of synthetic codes that represent common domain-independent kernels, dense/sparse linear algebra and image processing routines, and full-scale applications from SPEC CPU2000.  相似文献   

杜延宁  赵银亮  韩博  李远成 《软件学报》2013,24(10):2432-2459
在对程序进行并行化时,为了保证结果的正确性,并行编译器只能采取一种保守的策略,也就是,如果它不能确定两段代码在并行执行时是否会发生冲突,它就不允许这两段代码并行执行.虽然这种做法保证了正确性,但同时也限制了对并行性的开发.在这种背景下,许多推测多线程方法被提了出来,这些方法通过允许可能冲突的代码段并行执行来把握更多的并行机会,同时,通过从冲突中恢复来保证结果的正确性.然而,传统推测多线程方法所使用的“沿控制流将串行程序划分为多个线程”的做法并不适合不同数据结构上的操作在控制流中相互交错的情况,因为如果沿控制流将程序线性地划分为多个线程,则同一个数据结构上的操作将被分到不同的线程中,从而非常容易发生冲突.为了有效地对这些程序进行并行化,提出了一种基于数据结构的线程划分方法与执行模型.在这种方法中,程序中的对象被划分成多个组,同一组中对象上的操作被分派到同一个线程中去执行,从而降低了在同一个数据结构上发生冲突的可能性.  相似文献   

多核处理器中,各个处理器核之间可以并发地进行外部存储访问,提供不同于单处理器的存储级并行(memory level parallelism)能力.不规则应用中的循环,传统的并行方法难以识别其并行性,不能充分利用多核处理器存储级并行能力和并行计算能力.对基于软件开发多核处理器存储级并行进行了讨论,提出一种前瞻并行多线程算法LLSM(loop level speculative mssultithreading).LLSM对不规则应用中的循环进行并行化,在多核处理器上的测试数据表明:该算法能够有效地挖掘多核处理器的存储级并行能力和计算能力,同时指出多核环境下存储级并行计算公式需要考虑线程同步开销.  相似文献   

Speculative multithreading (SpMT) is a thread-level automatic parallelization technique, which partitions sequential programs into multithreads to be executed in parallel. This paper presents different thread partitioning strategies for nonloops and loops. For nonloops, we propose a cost estimation based on combined run-time effects of various speculation factors to predict the resulting performance of candidate threads to guide the thread partitioning. For loops, we parallelize all the profitable loops that can potentially offer additional performance benefits by multilevel spawning in loop bodies, loop iterations, and inner loops. Then we select a proper thread boundary located in the front of loop branch instruction to reduce invalid spawning threads that waste core resources. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can obtain a significant increase in speedup and Olden benchmarks reach a performance improvement of 6.62 % on average.  相似文献   

In our study, we investigate a packet-level protocol parallelization approach, which works by parallel multithreading the protocol execution such that packets within and among connections are processed in parallel using distinct processors/threads. The major advantage of this approach is its high scalability—with proper scheduling, more protocol connections, and hence more requests, can be supported by using more threads. In this paper, we present results of our detailed simulations using the NS-2 platform for reliably transferring video stream data in a client-server system. Different types of parameters are used to measure the performance. The parameters include available network bandwidth, different number of TCP connections, and different video sources. Our results show that a parallel approach can indeed significantly enhance the playback quality.  相似文献   

New compact, low-power implementation technologies for processors and imaging arrays can enable a new generation of portable video products. However, software compatibility with large bodies of existing applications written in C prevents more efficient, higher performance data parallel architectures from being used in these embedded products. If this software could be automatically retargeted explicitly for data parallel execution, product designers could incorporate these architectures into embedded products. The key challenge is exposing the parallelism that is inherent in these applications but that is obscured by artifacts imposed by sequential programming languages. This paper presents a recognition-based approach for automatically extracting a data parallel program model from sequential image processing code and retargeting it to data parallel execution mechanisms. The explicitly parallel model presented, called multidimensional data flow (MDDF), captures a model of how operations on data regions (e.g., rows, columns, and tiled blocks) are composed and interact. To extract an MDDF model, a partial recognition technique is used that focuses on identifying array access patterns in loops, transforming only those program elements that hinder parallelization, while leaving the core algorithmic computations intact. The paper presents results of retargeting a set of production programs to a representative data parallel processor array to demonstrate the capacity to extract parallelism using this technique. The retargeted applications yield a potential execution throughput limited only by the number of processing elements, exceeding thousands of instructions per cycle in massively parallel implementations.  相似文献   

刘雷  李晶  陈莉  冯晓兵 《计算机工程》2014,(3):99-102,112
投机并行化是解决遗留串行代码并行化的重要技术,但以往投机并行化运行时系统面临着诸多的性能问题,如任务分配不均衡、通信频繁、冲突代价高,以及进程启动,结柬频繁而导致开销过高等。为此,提出一种基于进程实现的投机并行化运行时系统。采用隐式单程序多数据的并行任务划分和执行模式。通过实现重甩进程的投机任务调度策略和委托正确性检查技术,降低投机进程启动/结束和通信的开销,提高投机进程的利用率,同时利用守护进程与投机进程协同执行的方式,确保在投机进程出现异常情况时程序也能正确执行。实验结果表明,该基于进程实现的投机运行时系统比同类型系统的性能提高231%。  相似文献   

多核处理器已广泛应用于高性能计算领域,如何有效地将传统串行程序转换为并行代码并减少程序中嵌套循环所占用时间仍是该领域的挑战性问题。本文首先基于多面体模型对嵌套循环进行依赖特征分析并实现瓦片分割,据此自动生成粗粒度并行代码。针对多核阵列处理器的结构特点,采用遗传算法生成通信优化的瓦片任务序列,在此基础上建立了有效的任务调度模型。最后将上述方法应用于LU分解,结果表明该方法与传统调度算法相比,在增加数据局部性、实现负载平衡方面具有更好效果。  相似文献   

Efficient performance tuning of parallel programs is often hard. Optimization is often done when the program is written as a last effort to increase the performance. With sequential programs each (executed) code segment will affect the completion time. In the case of a parallel program executed on a multiprocessor this is not always true, due to dependencies between the different threads. Thus, certain code segments of the execution may not affect the completion time of the program. Optimization of such code segments will not increase the performance. In this paper we present an approach to optimize performance by finding the extended critical path of the multithreaded program. The extended critical path analysis is a generalization of the critical path analysis in the sense that it also deals with more threads than processors. We have implemented the extended critical path analysis in a performance optimization tool. The tool allows the user to determine the extended critical path of a multithreaded application written for the Solaris operating system for any number of processors based on execution on a single processor workstation.  相似文献   

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