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近年来,国内艺术品市场的发展速度惊人,而站在市场最前沿的企业家们也敏感地察觉到了这一点,纷纷将触角伸向了艺术品收藏投资领域。这些企业家大都专门收藏某一类艺术品,并且对这类艺术品有比较深入的理论研究。  相似文献   

在投资领域中,古玩字画已成为当前有艺术雅兴投资者的一种时尚。大凡初入此道者,都愿先从收画作为投资点,认为书画在国内外艺术市场炙手可热,行情旺、风险小、增值快、效益大,其收藏价值经久不衰,是投资回报率最为理想的收藏品,然而,随着投资者不断增多,字画价格愈来愈高,  相似文献   

王皓 《包装世界》2010,(7):108-108
目前现当代陶瓷艺术品的收藏存在一种误区,认为名家的陶艺作品就是名作,就值得收藏。但是,陶瓷艺术品和书画艺术品不一样,它是一种火的艺术,名家的陶艺作品并非就是名作。  相似文献   

从古至今,由于人们对象征循声救苦、普度众生的观音菩萨的信仰,民间出现了各种材质的观音像。其中一个重要题材就是金铜佛像,时至今日,各色金铜观音造像成了藏家们关注的焦点。从近年的拍场上看,金铜观音造像价格上涨平稳,显示出良好的投资潜力。在收藏佛像的同时,藏家不仅要关注其物质价值,更要怀着敬畏,净心收藏,才不失佛像的真正意义。  相似文献   

正近年来越来越多的人加入收藏大军,人们在提防艺术品收藏交易被骗的同时,更要注意对自己个人信息进行保护,否则很可能落入陷阱之中。河南省新乡市公安局花园分局成功打掉一个以售卖保健品为幌子套取公民个人信息、再以收藏品投资为由头实施精准诈骗的犯罪团伙,抓获犯罪嫌疑人17名。  相似文献   

中国书画鉴定内容简介博物馆、美术馆等是主要的征集、收藏和保护艺术品的机构。现存艺术品,包括书画作品,尤其是古代书画作品,由于历史原因,绝大部分都保存在这些机构里,而部分仍流传在社会上的古代书画作品、大量的近现代作品,以及当代作品,已成为新兴艺术品市场的主要来源。艺术品除具有供欣赏之用的审美价值外,还具保值、升值作用。而艺术品收藏家,在体现自身文化素养的同时,也体现了其身份和地位。  相似文献   

张庆东 《中国包装》2001,22(2):94-98
烟标不仅是香烟的包装品,而且也是一种千姿百态,色彩斑斓的艺术品,它以独有的艺术魅力吸引着越来越多的人们去收藏它,进而成为一种社会性文化活动,并被世界收藏界公认继邮标,火花之后的第三大收藏品。  相似文献   

0 概述 随着人们生活水平的提高和审美观念的更新,油画作为一种艺术品,既是一种特殊的商品又有收藏价值.由于制作油画使用的材料成本不高,但原创的人工成本很高,使油画的价值很难用常规的计价方法衡量,市面上近几年创作的一幅原创油画根据画家的知名度和收藏者的喜好,价格从几百元到近百万元之间.这种价格巨大的不确定性和模糊性,促使油画市场上出现了许多仿画、行画和假画.由此,如何鉴别油画的真伪和判定其收藏价值,成为困惑油画购买或收藏者的难题,也是国家有关管理部门实施有效市场管理的难题.  相似文献   

邮票是邮政部门发行的的有价证券,是有收藏价值的文化艺术品,有些邮品由于价值较高,于是就有一些不法邮商伪造邮票谋取暴利。每一位爱好集邮的青少年朋友,应当不断学习和提高鉴别真假邮票的能力,这样才不至上当受骗。鉴别真假邮票要从印刷、齿孔、背胶、纸质等方面认真分辨。在鉴别时,最好要有一本(中华人民共和国邮票目录》,  相似文献   

中国影像市场在传统摄影和现代观念中寻找平衡,概念的交叉使得这个影像作品收藏变得暗潮汹涌却更加引人入胜…… 古老的相机在角落中诉说着不同的历史,比起红木家具、钱币字画,这些充满着记忆的古董相机的命运又将何去何从……  相似文献   

核径迹防伪技术因其需尖端的技术和昂贵的设备,具有一般防伪技术无法比拟的特点,是防伪技术的一大突破。就核径迹这一新型的防伪技术展开系统论述,主要包括背景、特点及识别应用,同时也简要介绍固体核径迹形成原理,以便更深入的了解核径迹。  相似文献   

The globalization of drug trade leads to the expansion of pharmaceutical counterfeiting. The immense threat of low quality drugs to millions of patients is considered to be an under-addressed global health challenge. Analytical authentication technologies are the most effective methods to identify active pharmaceutical ingredients and impurities. However, most of these analytical testing techniques are expensive and need skilled personnel. To combat counterfeiting of drugs, the package of an increasing number of drugs is being protected through advanced package labeling technologies. Though, package labeling is only effective if the drugs are not repackaged. Therefore “in-drug labeling,” instead of “drug package labeling,” may become powerful tools to protect drugs. This review aims to overview how advanced micro- and nanomaterials might become interesting markers for the labeling of tablets and capsules. Clearly, how well such identifiers can be integrated into “solid drugs” without compromising drug safety and efficacy remains a challenge. Also, incorporation of tags has so far only been reported for the protection of solid drug dosage forms. No doubts that in-drug labeling technologies for “liquid drugs,” like injectables which contain expensive peptides, monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, dermal fillers, could help to protect them from counterfeiting as well.  相似文献   

•  We pursue the previously-noted association between brands and counterfeiting one step further to examine the relationship between brand positioning and anti-counterfeiting, based on a study of 130 well-known foreign brands in China.
•  We test hypotheses about managerial perceptions as to the effects of different brand positioning strategies on the effectiveness of their actions to counter counterfeiting, in other words, whether branding positioning can help to stop counterfeiting, limit damage to firms and maintain brand reputation.
•  Our findings confirm that brand positioning affects anti-counterfeiting effectiveness. Specifically, product reliability and customer services are compatible with efforts to stop counterfeit production, but innovative technologies and product features and functions appear to exacerbate the problem.

杨晨  杨天明 《包装工程》2019,40(14):258-263
目的 以合理挖掘与保护文化精髓为基础进行地方性旅游文创项目的开发研究,以文化提升地方旅游的内涵质量,使文化创意和设计服务与相关产业融合发展,促进地方经济文化事业的发展。方法 在分析研究辽海地域文化价值释义、文化遗产的特质和传承过程分析、文创项目开发之践行的基础上,阐述文创艺术品的图案式样、色彩识别、造型体现、文化承传等要素。结果 依据文化创意艺术品的文化基因、情感体验、实用性与艺术性等特质,注重设计内涵的提炼与完善,设计出了具有特色性应用的文创艺术品样例。结论 应高度重视城市地域旅游文化资源品牌建设,积极有效地保持传承与再生本土文化的研究态度,与时俱进,结合现代艺术设计手法对文化进行创新,这是时代发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

Counterfeiting undoubtedly produces great harm to companies and the society. This article presents a study on the application of social network analysis (SNA) to combating this problem. The supply chain can be viewed as a network of parties involved in delivering value to consumers. Normally, SNA is used to analyse relationships between people. In this study, it is utilised to analyse supply chains for the identification of parties that are likely to be involved in counterfeiting activities. After identifying the suspects in a supply chain, the company can deter and detect counterfeiting by tightening surveillance on these parties. The feasibility of using SNA as an anti-counterfeiting tool is investigated in a case study, the findings of which indicate that SNA can effectively help companies to prevent sources of counterfeit products from infiltrating into the supply chain. Problematic parties can be identified by characterising the following features: high degree of centrality, high closeness of centrality and high betweenness of centrality.  相似文献   

Materials exhibiting persistent luminescence (PersL) have great prospect in optoelectronic and biomedical applications such as optical information storage, bio‐imaging, and so on. Unfortunately, PersL materials with multimode emission properties have been rarely reported, although they are expected to be very desirable in multilevel anti‐counterfeiting and encryption applications. Herein, Cr3+‐doped zinc aluminum germanium (ZAG:Cr) nanoparticles exhibiting triple‐mode emissions are designed and demonstrated. Upon exposure to steady 254 nm UV light, the ZAG:Cr nanoparticles yield steady bluish‐white emission. After turning off the UV light, the emission disappears quickly and the mode switches to transient near‐infrared (NIR) PersL emission at predominantly 690 nm. The transient NIR PersL emission which arises from Cr3+ is induced by non‐equivalent substitution of Ge4+. After persisting for 50 min, it can be retriggered by 980 nm photons due to the continuous trap depth distribution of ZAG:Cr between 0.65 and 1.07 eV. Inspired by the triple‐mode emissions from ZAG:Cr, multifunctional luminescent inks composed of ZAG:Cr nanoparticles are prepared, and high‐security labeling and encoding encryption properties are demonstrated. The results indicate that ZAG:Cr nanoparticles have great potential in anti‐counterfeiting and encryption applications, and the strategy and concept described here provide insights into the design of advanced anti‐counterfeiting materials.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the Polaroid series Geographical Analogies (2006–2010) by French artist Cyprien Gaillard, one of many recent artworks dealing with the failure of modern architectural utopias. His representations of derelict, decaying locations evoke the tradition of picturesque ruin imagery and the article asks in what way artworks like Gaillard’s update formerly relevant aesthetic categories such as the picturesque. By presenting the Polaroids in vitrines, Gaillard challenges common ideas of what kind of architecture is worthy of portrayal, protection and even monumentalising.Geographical Analogies not only reacquaints us with the picturesque, it also raises questions of moral consequence regarding the appreciation for decay.  相似文献   

Until recently, applications of spectral imaging in heritage science mostly focused on qualitative examination of artworks. This is partly due to the complexity of artworks and partly due to the lack of appropriate standard materials. With the recent advance of NIR imaging spectrometers, the interval 1000-2500 nm became available for exploration, enabling us to extract quantitative chemical information from artworks. In this contribution, the development of 2D NIR quantitative chemical maps of heritage objects is discussed along with presentation of the first quantitative image. Further case studies include semiquantitative mapping of plasticiser distribution in a plastic object and identification of historic plastic materials. In the NIR imaging studies discussed, sets of 256 spatially registered images were collected at different wavelengths in the NIR region of 1000-2500 nm. The data was analyzed as a spectral cube, both as a stack of wavelength-resolved images and as a series of spectra, one per each sample pixel, using multivariate analysis. This approach is only possible using well-characterized reference sample collections, as quantitative imaging applications need to be developed, thus enabling spatial maps of damaged and degraded areas to be visualized to a level of chemical detail previously not possible. Such quantitative chemical mapping of vulnerable areas of heritage objects is invaluable, as it enables damage to historic objects to be quantitatively visualized.  相似文献   

中国邮政局邮票印刷局是集邮票设计、印制、储运于一体的专业生产的企业,每年为全国信函邮票的使用和集邮爱好者的收藏提供数亿枚的普通邮票及纪特邮票。同时也生产邮资明信片、邮资封等邮资票品,并为我国税务部门印制“印花”税票。我国印制的邮票在政府间邮票印制会上先后四次获奖。  相似文献   

国际全息制造商协会是一个由70多家世界领先的全息制造企业组成的非营利性组织。这些公司相互协作,积极致力于为他们的顾客保持最专业及最高等级的安全与质量标准。国际全息制造商协会于1993年,旨在代表及促进全球全息制造商及全息制造业的利益,协会为其下会员提供多元化的服务及权益。[编者按]  相似文献   

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