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Experiments are conducted here to investigate subcooled flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics of FC-72 on a heated micro-pin-finned silicon chip flush-mounted on the bottom of a horizontal rectangular channel. In the experiments the mass flux is varied from 287 to 431 kg/m2 s, coolant inlet subcooling from 2.3 to 4.3 °C, and imposed heat flux from 1 to 10 W/cm2. Besides, the silicon chips contain three different geometries of micro-structures, namely, the smooth, pin-finned 200 and pin-finned 100 surfaces. The pin-finned 200 and 100 surfaces, respectively, contain micro-pin-fins of size 200 μm × 200 μm × 70 μm (width × length × height) and 100 μm × 100 μm × 70 μm. The measured data show that the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer coefficient is reduced at increasing inlet liquid subcooling but is little affected by the coolant mass flux. Besides, adding the micro-pin-fin structures to the chip surface can effectively raise the single-phase convection and flow boiling heat transfer coefficients. Moreover, the mean bubble departure diameter and active nucleation site density are reduced for rises in the FC-72 mass flux and inlet liquid subcooling. Increasing coolant mass flux or reducing inlet liquid subcooling results in a higher mean bubble departure frequency. Furthermore, larger bubble departure diameter, higher bubble departure frequency, and higher active nucleation site density are observed as the imposed heat flux is increased. Finally, empirical correlations for the present data for the heat transfer and bubble characteristics in the FC-72 subcooled flow boiling are proposed.  相似文献   

For the purpose of cooling electronic components with high heat flux efficiently, some experiments were conducted to study the flow boiling heat transfer performance of FC-72 on silicon chips. Micro-pin-fins were fabricated on the chip surface using a dry etching technique to enhance boiling heat transfer. Three different fluid velocities (0.5, 1 and 2 m/s) and three different liquid subcoolings (15, 25 and 35 K) were performed, respectively. A smooth chip (chip S) and four micro-pin-finned chips with the same fin thickness of 30 μm and different fin heights of 60 μm (chip PF30–60) and 120 μm (chip PF30–120), respectively, were tested. All the micro-pin-finned surfaces show a considerable heat transfer enhancement compared to the smooth one, and the critical heat flux increases in the order of chip S, PF30–60 and PF30–120. For a lower ratio of fin height to fin pitch and/or higher fluid velocity, the fluid velocity has a positive effect on the nucleate boiling curves for the micro-pin-finned surfaces. At the velocities lower than 1 m/s, the micro-pin-finned surfaces show a sharp increase in heat flux with increasing wall superheat, and the wall temperature at the critical heat flux (CHF) is less than the upper limit, 85 °C, for the reliable operation of LSI chips. The CHF values for all surfaces increase with fluid velocity and subcooling. The maximum CHF can reach nearly 150 W/cm2 for chip PF30–120 at the fluid velocity of 2 m/s and the liquid subcooling of 35 K.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer performance of FC-72 over silicon chips. For boiling heat transfer enhancement, two kinds of micro-pin-fins having fin thickness of 50 μm and fin heights of 60 and 120 μm, respectively, were fabricated on the silicon chip surface with the dry etching technique. The fin pitch was twice the fin thickness. The experiments were conducted at the fluid velocities of 0.5, 1 and 2 m/s and the liquid subcoolings of 15, 25 and 35 K. The micro-pin-finned surfaces showed a sharp increase in heat flux with increasing wall superheat and a large heat transfer enhancement compared to a smooth surface. The nucleate flow boiling curves for the two micro-pin-finned surfaces collapsed to one line showing insensitivity to fluid velocity and subcooling, while the critical heat flux values increased with fluid velocity and subcooling. The micro-pin-finned surface with a larger fin height of 120 μm provided a better flow boiling heat transfer performance and a maximum critical heat flux of 145 W/cm2. The wall temperature at the critical heat flux for the micro-pin-finned surfaces was less than 85 °C for the reliable operation of LSI chips.  相似文献   

Experiments are conducted here to investigate how the channel size affects the saturated flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics of refrigerant R-134a in a horizontal narrow annular duct. The gap of the duct is fixed at 1.0 and 2.0 mm in this study. The measured heat transfer data indicate that the saturated flow boiling heat transfer coefficient increases with a decrease in the gap of the duct. Besides, raising the imposed heat flux can cause a significant increase in the boiling heat transfer coefficients. However, the effects of the refrigerant mass flux and saturated temperature on the boiling heat transfer coefficient are milder. The results from the flow visualization show that the mean diameter of the bubbles departing from the heating surface decreases slightly at increasing R-134a mass flux. Moreover, the bubble departure frequency increases at reducing duct size mainly due to the rising shear stress of the liquid flow, and at a high imposed heat flux many bubbles generated from the cavities in the heating surface tend to merge together to form big bubbles. Correlation for the present saturated flow boiling heat transfer data of R-134a in the narrow annular duct is proposed. Additionally, data for some quantitative bubble characteristics such as the mean bubble departure diameter and frequency and the active nucleation site density are also correlated.  相似文献   

Experiments are conducted here to investigate how the channel size affects the R-407C saturated flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics in a horizontal narrow annular duct. The gap of the duct is fixed at 1.0 and 2.0 mm in this study. The measured data indicate that the saturated flow boiling heat transfer coefficient increases with a decrease in the duct gap. Besides, raising the imposed heat flux can cause a significant increase in the boiling heat transfer coefficients. However, the effects of the refrigerant mass flux and saturated temperature on the boiling heat transfer coefficient are milder. The results from the flow visualization show that the mean diameter of the bubbles departing from the heating surface decreases noticeably at increasing R-407C mass flux. Moreover, the bubble departure frequency increases at reducing duct size and at a high imposed heat flux many bubbles generated from the cavities in the heating surface tend to merge together to form big bubbles. Meanwhile comparison of the present heat transfer data for R-407C with R-134a in the same duct and with some existing correlations is conducted. Furthermore, correlation for the present R-407C saturated flow boiling heat transfer data is proposed. Additionally, the present data for some quantitative bubble characteristics such as the mean bubble departure diameter and frequency and the active nucleation site density are also correlated.  相似文献   

Experiments are conducted here to investigate how the channel size affects the R-410A saturated flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics in a horizontal narrow annular duct. The gap of the duct is fixed at 1.0 and 2.0 mm in this study. The measured data indicate that the saturated flow boiling heat transfer coefficient increases with increasing refrigerant mass flux and saturated temperature and with a decrease in the gap size. Besides, raising the imposed heat flux can cause a significant increase in the boiling heat transfer coefficient. The results from the flow visualization show that the mean diameter of the bubbles departing from the heating surface decreases slightly with increasing refrigerant mass flux and saturated temperature. Moreover, the bubble departure frequency increases at reducing duct size and increasing mass flux. And at a high imposed heat flux many bubbles generated from the cavities in the heating surface tend to merge together to form big bubbles. Meanwhile, comparisons of the present heat transfer data for R-410A with R-407C and R-134a in the same duct and with some existing correlations are conducted. Furthermore, an empirical correlation for the present R-410A saturated flow boiling heat transfer data is proposed.  相似文献   

An experimental study was performed to investigate the nucleate boiling and critical heat flux (CHF) of water and FC-72 dielectric liquid on hydrophilic titanium oxide (TiO2) nanoparticle modified surface. A 1 cm2 copper heater with 1 μm thick TiO2 coating was utilized in saturated pool boiling tests with water and highly-wetting FC-72, and its performance was compared to that of a smooth surface. Results showed that TiO2 coated surface increased CHF by 50.4% and 38.2% for water and FC-72, respectively, and therefore indicated that boiling performance enhancement depends on the level of wettability improvement. A silicon oxide (SiO2) coated surface, exhibiting similar surface topology, was tested to isolate the roughness related enhancement from the overall enhancement. Data confirmed that hydrophilicity of TiO2 coated surface provides an additional mechanism for boiling enhancement.  相似文献   

Flow boiling in arrays of parallel microchannels is investigated using a silicon test piece with imbedded discrete heat sources and integrated local temperature sensors. The microchannels considered range in width from 102 μm to 997 μm, with the channel depth being nominally 400 μm in each case. Each test piece has a footprint of 1.27 cm by 1.27 cm with parallel microchannels diced into one surface. Twenty five microsensors integrated into the microchannel heat sinks allow for accurate local temperature measurements over the entire test piece. The experiments are conducted with deionized water which enters the channels in a purely liquid state. Results are presented in terms of temperatures and pressure drop as a function of imposed heat flux. The experimental results allow a critical assessment of the applicability of existing models and correlations in predicting the heat transfer rates and pressure drops in microchannel arrays, and lead to the development of models for predicting the two-phase pressure drop and saturated boiling heat transfer coefficient.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to study the effects of the height and thickness of square micro-pin-fin on boiling heat transfer from silicon chips immersed in a pool of degassed or gas-dissolved FC-72. Six kinds of micro-pin-fins with the dimensions of 30 × 60, 30 × 120, 30 × 200, 50 × 60, 50 × 200 and 50 × 270 μm2 (thickness, t × height, h) were fabricated on the surface of a square silicon chip with the dimensions of 10 × 10 × 0.5 mm3 by using the dry etching technique. The fin pitch was twice the fin thickness. The experiments were conducted at the liquid subcooling, ΔTsub, of 0, 3, 25 and 45 K under the atmospheric condition. The results were compared with previous results for a smooth chip and three chips with enhanced heat transfer surfaces. The micro-pin-finned chips showed a considerable heat transfer enhancement in the nucleate boiling region and increase in the critical heat flux, qCHF, as compared to the smooth chip. The wall temperature at the CHF point was always less than the maximum allowable temperature for LSI chips (=85 °C). For a fixed value of t, qCHF increased monotonically with increasing h. The increase was more significant for larger t. The qCHF increased almost linearly with increasing ΔTsub. The maximum value of allowable heat flux (=84.5 W/cm2), 4.2 times as large as that for the smooth chip, was obtained by the chip with h=270 μm and t=50 μm at ΔTsub=45 K.  相似文献   

Due to the important role of microscale heat transfer, an analysis of the heat transfer coefficient for a 1 mm inner diameter tube, with FC-72 as working fluid, has been performed. The study is aimed to identify the best correlation or model to predict the available experimental database. A comparison of several models and correlations, available in the literature for micro- and macroscale, has been performed, focusing the present preliminary analysis to the saturated boiling conditions. Experimental data have been provided by ENEA through the facility BO.E.MI.A. (BOiling Experiments in MIcrochannel Apparatus), in the pressure range from 3 to 5 bar, with a mass flux from 800 to 1200 kg/m2s and thermal fluxes from 1.6 to 181 KW/m2. The best results, in this preliminary analysis of the saturated boiling points, were obtained for microscale correlations of Li and Wu, with more than 91% of data within ± 30% error and a mean absolute percent error (MAPE) of 13.4%. Among the macroscale correlations only the Chen correlation provides good results, but with a lower agreement with the experimental data. Theoretical models are very promising but need further works to find the appropriate parameters valid for the specific fluid. A more detailed analysis including subcooling conditions will be performed in a future work.  相似文献   

Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of refrigerant R-134a in a vertical plate heat exchanger (PHE) are investigated experimentally in this study. Besides, the associated bubble characteristics are also inspected by visualizing the boiling flow in the vertical PHE. In the experiment two vertical counterflow channels are formed in the exchanger by three plates of commercial geometry with a corrugated sinusoidal shape of a chevron angle of 60°. Upflow boiling of subcooled refrigerant R-134a in one channel receives heat from the downflow of hot water in the other channel. The effects of the boiling heat flux, refrigerant mass flux, system pressure and inlet subcooling of R-134a on the subcooled boiling heat transfer are explored in detail. The results are presented in terms of the boiling curves and heat transfer coefficients. The measured data showed that the slopes of the boiling curves change significantly during the onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) especially at low mass flux and high saturation temperature. Besides, the boiling hysteresis is significant at a low refrigerant mass flux. The subcooled boiling heat transfer coefficient is affected noticeably by the mass flux of the refrigerant. However, increases in the inlet subcooling and saturation temperature only show slight improvement on the boiling heat transfer coefficient.The photos from the flow visualization reveal that at higher imposed heat flux the plate surface is covered with more bubbles and the bubble generation frequency is substantially higher, and the bubbles tend to coalesce to form big bubbles. But these big bubbles are prone to breaking up into small bubbles as they move over the corrugated plate, producing strong agitating flow motion and hence enhancing the boiling heat transfer. We also note that the bubbles nucleated from the plate are suppressed to a larger degree for higher inlet subcooling and mass flux. Finally, empirical correlations are proposed to correlate the present data for the heat transfer coefficient and the bubble departure diameter in terms of boiling, Froude, Reynolds and Jakob numbers.  相似文献   

Experiments are conducted here to investigate how the channel size affects the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics of refrigerant R-134a in a horizontal narrow annular duct. The gap of the duct is fixed at 1.0 and 2.0 mm in this study. From the measured boiling curves, the temperature undershoot at ONB is found to be relatively significant for the subcooled flow boiling of R-134a in the duct. The R-134a subcooled flow boiling heat transfer coefficient increases with a reduction in the gap size, but decreases with an increase in the inlet liquid subcooling. Besides, raising the imposed heat flux can cause a substantial increase in the subcooled boiling heat transfer coefficient. However, the effects of the refrigerant mass flux and saturated temperature on the boiling heat transfer coefficient are small in the narrow duct. Visualization of the subcooled flow boiling processes reveals that the bubbles are suppressed to become smaller and less dense by raising the refrigerant mass flux and inlet subcooling. Moreover, raising the imposed heat flux significantly increases the bubble population, coalescence and departure frequency. The increase in the bubble departure frequency by reducing the duct size is due to the rising wall shear stress of the liquid flow, and at a high imposed heat flux many bubbles generated from the cavities on the heating surface tend to merge together to form big bubbles. Correlation for the present subcooled flow boiling heat transfer data of R-134a in the narrow annular duct is proposed. Additionally, the present data for some quantitative bubble characteristics such as the mean bubble departure diameter and frequency and the active nucleation site density are also correlated.  相似文献   

The flow patterns and pool boiling heat transfer performance of copper rectangular fin array surfaces immersed in saturated FC-72 were experimentally investigated. The effects of the geometry parameters (fin spacing and fin length) on boiling performance were also examined. The test surfaces were manufactured on a copper block with a base area of 10 mm × 10 mm with three fin spacing (0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 2.0 mm) and four fin lengths (0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 4.0 mm). All experiments were performed in the saturated state at 1 atmospheric condition. A plain surface was used as the reference standard and compared with the finned surfaces. The photographic images showed different boiling flow patterns among the test surfaces at various heat fluxes. The test results indicated that closer and higher fins yielded a greater flow resistance that against the bubble/vapor lift-off in the adjacent fins. Moreover, as the heat flux approached to critical heat flux (CHF), numerous vapor mushrooms periodically appeared and extruded from the perimeter of the fin array, causing dry-out in the center of the fin array. Closer and higher fins provide more heat transfer. The results also showed that overall heat transfer coefficient decayed rapidly as the fin spacing decreased or the fin length increased. The maximum value of CHF on the base area was 9.8 × 105 W m−2 for the test surface with a 0.5 mm fin spacing and a 4.0 mm fin length, which has a value five times greater than that of the plain surface.  相似文献   

This paper is the first of a two-part study concerning the dynamics of heat transfer during nucleation process of saturated FC-72 liquid. Experimental results discussed in this paper provide new physical insight on the nature of heat transfer events at the nucleation site during the nucleate boiling process. The thermal field underneath a bubble during the boiling of FC-72 was measured with a spatial resolution of 22--40 μm. The time period of activation, area of influence, and magnitude of three different mechanisms of heat transfer active at the nucleation site were determined. These mechanisms consisted of: (1) microlayer evaporation following the rapid bubble expansion, (2) transient conduction due to rewetting of the surface during bubble departure, and (3) microconvection in the region external to the bubble/surface contact area. The area of influence of the transient conduction mechanism was found to be limited to the bubble/surface contact area, with most of the heat transfer occurring prior to the bubble detachment from the surface. The microconvection heat transfer mechanism was localized primarily outside the contact area and was found to be steady in nature. All three mechanisms of heat transfer were found to make significant contributions to the total surface heat transfer. The second part of this study provides the theoretical analysis of the results.  相似文献   

An experiment is conducted here to investigate how the channel size affects the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer and the associated bubble characteristics of refrigerant R-407C in a horizontal narrow annular duct with the gap of the duct fixed at 1.0 and 2.0 mm. The measured boiling curves indicate that the temperature overshoot at ONB is relatively significant for the subcooled flow boiling of R-407C in the duct. Besides, the subcooled flow boiling heat transfer coefficient increases with a reduction in the duct gap, but decreases with an increase in the inlet liquid subcooling. Moreover, raising the heat flux imposed on the duct can cause a significant increase in the boiling heat transfer coefficients. However, the effects of the refrigerant mass flux and saturated temperature on the boiling heat transfer coefficient are slighter. Visualization of the subcooled flow boiling processes in the duct reveals that the bubbles are suppressed to become smaller and less dense by raising the refrigerant mass flux and inlet subcooling. Raising the imposed heat flux, however, produces positive effects on the bubble population, coalescence and departure frequency. Meanwhile, the present heat transfer data for R-407C are compared with the R-134a data measured in the same duct and with some existing correlations. We also propose empirical correlations for the present data for the R-407C subcooled flow boiling heat transfer and some quantitative bubble characteristics such as the mean bubble departure diameter and frequency and the active nucleation site density.  相似文献   

Global heat transfer characteristics of submerged jet impingement boiling of a highly wetting dielectric fluid (FC-72) on a heated copper surface are presented. The effect of variation of the jet exit Reynolds number (Re) on boiling incipience, fully developed nucleate boiling, and critical heat flux (CHF) are documented. The jet exit Re is varied by variations of the jet exit velocity and the jet nozzle diameter for a fixed surface diameter. High-speed visualization is used to supplement trends observed in the heat transfer data. Scenarios of low and high incipience wall superheat are identified, corresponding to partially or fully developed nucleate boiling condition upon initiation of boiling. For the high incipience wall superheat scenario, the time of spread of boiling activity over the heated surface during temperature overshoot is found to be inversely proportional to the wall superheat temperature at boiling incipience. The incipient boiling wall superheat temperature is found to be uncorrelated with jet Re and jet diameter. A cumulative probability distribution function is used to characterize the onset of boiling with wall superheat temperature. At a fixed Re, CHF increases with increasing jet velocity and with decreasing jet diameter, indicating that the jet kinetic energy is a key parameter in CHF enhancement. The CHF data are compared with available jet impingement CHF correlations from literature on free surface and confined jets. The free surface jet CHF correlation by Monde and Katto (1978) [1] is seen to best capture the experimental data trends for Re greater than 4000.  相似文献   

To investigate the size effect on the characteristics of boiling heat transfer, boiling behavior of FC-72 in heated vertical miniature circular tubes immersed in a liquid pool was experimentally studied. Two AISI 304 stainless steel tubes with inner diameters of 1.10 mm and 1.55 mm correspondingly, were heated by swirled Ni-Cr wire heaters and sealed in Lucite blocks by silicon adhesive. Both the top and the bottom ends of the circular test sections were open to the liquid pool. The boiling curves and heat transfer coefficients were obtained experimentally. The boiling behaviors at the outlets of the miniature tubes were also visualized with a digital video camera. Experimental results show that the tube geometry has a significant effect on the boiling characteristics. Vapor blocking at the outlet of the smaller circular tube with a diameter of 1.10 mm caused severe boiling hysteresis phenomena. The CHF decreased with reducing in tube size.  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of a two-part study concerning the dynamics of heat transfer during the nucleation process of FC-72 liquid. The experimental findings on the nature of different heat transfer mechanisms involved in the nucleation process were discussed in part I. In this paper, the experimental results are compared with the existing boiling models. The boiling models based on dominance of a single mechanism of heat transfer did not match the experimental results. However, the Rohsenow model was found to closely predict the heat transfer through the microconvection mechanism that is primarily active outside the bubble/surface contact area. An existing transient conduction model was modified to predict the surface heat transfer during the rewetting process (i.e. transient conduction mechanism). This model takes into account the gradual rewetting of the surface during the transient conduction process rather than a simple sudden surface coverage assumption commonly used in the boiling literature. The initial superheat energy of the microlayer (i.e. microlayer sensible energy) was accurately calculated and found to significantly contribute in microlayer evaporation. This even exceeded the direct wall heat transfer to microlayer at high surface superheat temperatures. A composite model was introduced that closely matches our experimental results. It incorporates models for three mechanisms of heat transfer including microlayer evaporation, transient conduction, microconvection, as well as their influence area and activation time. The significance of this development is that, for the first time, all submodels of the composite correlation were independently verified using experimental results.  相似文献   

An experiment is conducted here to investigate the effects of the imposed time periodic refrigerant flow rate oscillation in the form of nearly a triangular wave on refrigeriant R-134a flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics in a horizontal narrow annular duct with the duct gap fixed at 2.0 mm. The results indicate that when the imposed heat flux is close to that for the onset of stable flow boiling, intermittent flow boiling appears in which nucleate boiling on the heated surface does not exist in an entire periodic cycle. At somewhat higher heat flux persistent boiling prevails. Besides, the refrigerant flow rate oscillation only slightly affects the time-average boiling curves and heat transfer coefficients. Moreover, the heated wall temperature, bubble departure diameter and frequency, and active nucleation site density are found to oscillate periodically in time as well and at the same frequency as the imposed mass flux oscillation. Furthermore, in the persistent boiling the resulting heated wall temperature oscillation is stronger for a longer period and a larger amplitude of the mass flux oscillation. And for a larger amplitude of the mass flux oscillation, stronger temporal oscillations in the bubble characteristics are noted. The effects of the mass flux oscillation on the size of the departing bubble and active nucleation site density dominate over the bubble departure frequency, causing the heated wall temperature to decrease and heat transfer coefficient to increase at reducing mass flux in the flow boiling, opposing to that in the single-phase flow. But they are only mildly affected by the period of the mass flux oscillation. However, a short time lag in the wall temperature oscillation is also noted. Finally, a flow regime map is provided to delineate the boundaries separating different boiling regimes for the R-134a flow boiling in the annular duct.  相似文献   

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