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Case-Based Reasoning is a methodology for problem solving based on past experiences. This methodology tries to solve a new problem by retrieving and adapting previously known solutions of similar problems. However, retrieved solutions, in general, require adaptations in order to be applied to new contexts. One of the major challenges in Case-Based Reasoning is the development of an efficient methodology for case adaptation. The most widely used form of adaptation employs hand coded adaptation rules, which demands a significant knowledge acquisition and engineering effort. An alternative to overcome the difficulties associated with the acquisition of knowledge for case adaptation has been the use of hybrid approaches and automatic learning algorithms for the acquisition of the knowledge used for the adaptation. We investigate the use of hybrid approaches for case adaptation employing Machine Learning algorithms. The approaches investigated how to automatically learn adaptation knowledge from a case base and apply it to adapt retrieved solutions. In order to verify the potential of the proposed approaches, they are experimentally compared with individual Machine Learning techniques. The results obtained indicate the potential of these approaches as an efficient approach for acquiring case adaptation knowledge. They show that the combination of Instance-Based Learning and Inductive Learning paradigms and the use of a data set of adaptation patterns yield adaptations of the retrieved solutions with high predictive accuracy.  相似文献   

Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a type of problem solving technique which uses previous cases to solve new, unseen and different problems. Although a larger number of cases in the memory can improve the coverage of the problem space, the retrieval efficiency will be downgraded if the size of the case-base grows to an unacceptable level. In CBR systems, the tradeoff between the number of cases stored in the case-base and the retrieval efficiency is a critical issue. This paper addresses the problem of case-base maintenance by developing a new technique, the association-based case reduction technique (ACRT), to reduce the size of the case-base in order to enhance the efficiency while maintaining or even improving the accuracy of the CBR. The experiments on 12 UCI datasets and an actual case from Taiwan’s hospital have shown superior generalization accuracy for CBR with ACRT (CBR-ACRT) as well as a greater solving efficiency.  相似文献   

基于事例推理中差异驱动的事例修改策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张光前  邓贵仕 《计算机应用》2005,25(7):1658-1660
总结CBR已有的事例修改的理论和方法,以知识的观点重新看待事例修改问题,从而找到了事例修改的难点,并在此基础上提出了在CBR体系结构上加入知识库,用来存储事例修改的规则;采用差异驱动的事例修改策略获得事例修改规则并进行事例修改。不仅充分利用了已有的CBR流程和事例,并对采用特征和特征值表示的事例具有普遍的意义。  相似文献   

We describe a decision-theoretic methodology for case-based reasoning in diagnosis and troubleshooting applications. The system utilizes a special-structure Bayesian network to represent diagnostic cases, with nodes representing issues, causes, and symptoms. Dirichlet distributions are assessed at knowledge acquisition time to indicate the strength of relationships between variables. During a diagnosis session, a relevant subnetwork is extracted from a Bayesian-network database that describes a very large number of diagnostic interactions and cases. The constructed network is used to make recommendations regarding possible repairs and additional observations, based on an estimate of expected repair costs. As cases are resolved, observations of issues, causes, symptoms, and the success of repairs are recorded. New variables are added to the database, and the probabilities associated with variables already in the database are updated. In this way, the inferential behavior of system adjusts to the characteristics of the target population of users. We show how these elements work together in a cycle of troubleshooting tasks, and describe some results from a pilot system implementation and deployment  相似文献   

Continuous case-based reasoning   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Case-based reasoning systems have traditionally been used to perform high-level reasoning in problem domains that can be adequately described using discrete, symbolic representations. However, many real-world problem domains, such as autonomous robotic navigation, are better characterized using continuous representations. Such problem domains also require continuous performance, such as on-line sensorimotor interaction with the environment, and continuous adaptation and learning during the performance task. This article introduces a new method for continuous case-based reasoning, and discusses its application to the dynamic selection, modification, and acquisition of robot behaviors in an autonomous navigation system, SINS (self-improving navigation system). The computer program and the underlying method are systematically evaluated through statistical analysis of results from several empirical studies. The article concludes with a general discussion of case-based reasoning issues addressed by this research.  相似文献   

Alain   《Annual Reviews in Control》2006,30(2):223-232
CBR is an original AI paradigm based on the adaptation of solutions of past problems in order to solve new similar problems. Hence, a case is a problem with its solution and cases are stored in a case library. The reasoning process follows a cycle that facilitates “learning” from new solved cases. This approach can be also viewed as a lazy learning method when applied for task classification. CBR is applied for various tasks as design, planning, diagnosis, information retrieval, etc. The paper is the occasion to go a step further in reusing past unstructured experience, by considering traces of computer use as experience knowledge containers for situation based problem solving.  相似文献   

Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) can be seen as a problem-solving paradigm that advocates the use of previous experiences to limit search spaces and to reduce opportunities for error repetition. In this paradigm, the case at hand is compared against former experiences to select from a set of possible courses of action the best one. A comparison method is required to ensure that the most resembling experience is, in fact, chosen to drive the problem-solving process. This paper discusses an object-oriented framework that provides a scale-guided measure of similarity between objects, and shows how this framework can be applied for case-based reasoning, drawing examples from device diagnosis.  相似文献   

Case based reasoning (CBR) is an artificial intelligence technique that emphasises the role of past experience during future problem solving. New problems are solved by retrieving and adapting the solutions to similar problems, solutions that have been stored and indexed for future reuse as cases in a case-base. The power of CBR is severely curtailed if problem solving is limited to the retrieval and adaptation of a single case, so most CBR systems dealing with complex problem solving tasks have to use multiple cases. The paper describes and evaluates the technique of hierarchical case based reasoning, which allows complex problems to be solved by reusing multiple cases at various levels of abstraction. The technique is described in the context of Deja Vu, a CBR system aimed at automating plant-control software design  相似文献   

An introduction to case-based reasoning   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Case-based reasoning means using old experiences to understand and solve new problems. In case-based reasoning, a reasoner remembers a previous situation similar to the current one and uses that to solve the new problem. Case-based reasoning can mean adapting old solutions to meet new demands; using old cases to explain new situations; using old cases to critique new solutions; or reasoning from precedents to interpret a new situation (much like lawyers do) or create an equitable solution to a new problem (much like labor mediators do). This paper discusses the processes involved in case-based reasoning and the tasks for which case-based reasoning is useful.This article is excerpted from Case-Based Reasoning by Janet Kolodner, to be published by Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. in 1992.This work was partially funded by darpa under Contract No. F49620-88-C-0058 monitored by AFOSR, by NSF under Grant No. IST-8608362, and by ARI under Contract No. MDA-903-86-C-173.  相似文献   

严爱军  魏志远 《计算机应用》2021,41(4):1071-1077
由于特征权重分配以及案例库维护对案例推理(CBR)分类器的性能有重要影响,提出了用蚁狮(ALO)算法来分配权重且用高斯混合模型的期望最大化算法(GMMEM)进行案例库维护的案例推理算法模型——AGECBR(Ant Lion and Expectation Maximization of Gaussian Mixture...  相似文献   

One of the major assumptions in case-based reasoning is that similar experiences can guide future reasoning, problem solving and learning. This assumption shows the importance of the method used for choosing the most suitable case, especially when dealing with the class of problems in which risk, is relevant concept to the case retrieval process. This paper argues that traditional similarity assessment methods are not sufficient to obtain the best case; an additional step with new information must be performed necessary, after applying similarity measures in the retrieval stage. When a case is recovered from the case base, one must take into account not only the specific value of the attribute but also whether the case solution is suitable for solving the problem, depending on the risk produced in the final decision. We introduce this risk, as new information through a new concept called risk information that is entirely different from the weight of the attributes. Our article presents this concept locally and measures it for each attribute independently.  相似文献   

在智能决策系统(IDSS)获取知识的推理体系中,案例推理和规则推理有着各自的优点,而混合两者的集成推理可以克服两者的缺点,提高系统的效率和综合推理能力。但是集成推理系统缺乏通用性,延长了开发周期,且不利于规则库和案例库的重用。一种可扩充的集成推理框架为了解决上面的问题而被提出,该框架利用智能决策支持语言Knonit的组件性,对不同的集成方式可方便地扩充相应的集成推理方案,从而快速地搭建IDSS应用;同时规则和案例是作为Knonit广义知识元存在,可以在集成推理框架中复用,另一方面,Knonit的动态特性和可扩充性也对案例库和知识库动态的调整和扩充提供了支持。  相似文献   

基于CASE推理的排样算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
优化排料的目的是根据给定待排样品对板材进行最优切割使得板材的利用率尽可能的高。提出了一种基于case推理的优化排样算法,基本思想是对每块板材的布局都进行case推理,选取CASE中的最佳布局,若没有相应的Case,则调用启发式算法搜索。算法不但避免了组合爆炸,加快了排料速度,而且具有满意的材料利用率。目前算法已集成了作者研制的《布局之星》切割系统,实际应用表明算法是成功的。  相似文献   

A case-based reasoning approach to planning for disassembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With recycling regulations, resource conservation needs and an increased awareness of the state of the environment by both the consumer and the producer, many companies are establishing disassembly plants and developing product designs that specifically facilitate disassembly. Once disassembled, the items can be reused, recycled or discarded. One can identify two distinct aspects of the disassembly problem: design for disassembly (DFD) and planning for disassembly (PFD). The goal of DFD is to design products that are easy to disassemble. On the other hand, the objective of PFD is to identify efficient sequences to disassemble products. This paper focuses on the PFD aspect of disassembly. Because there could be many ways to disassemble a given product, PFD knowledge is accumulated by experience. Such knowledge is valuable, and should be captured, saved and reused to solve similar problems that arise in the future. In this paper, we propose case-based reasoning (CBR) as an approach to solve PFD problems. CBR is based on the fundamental principle that problem solving can benefit from solutions to past problems that have been attempted. The technique and issues related to the application of CBR to PFD are presented.  相似文献   

The paper gives ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) for Legal Case-based Reasoning (LCBR) systems, giving explicit, formal, and general specifications of a conceptualisation LCBR. Ontologies for different systems allows comparison and contrast between them. OWL ontologies are standardised, machine-readable formats that support automated processing with Semantic Web applications. Intermediate concepts, concepts between base-level concepts and higher level concepts, are central in LCBR. The main issues and their relevance to ontological reasoning and to LCBR are discussed. Two LCBR systems (AS-CATO, which is based on CATO, and IBP) are analysed in terms of basic and intermediate concepts. Central components of the OWL ontologies for these systems are presented, pointing out differences and similarities. The main novelty of the paper is the ontological analysis and representation in OWL of LCBR systems. The paper also emphasises the important issues concerning the representation and reasoning of intermediate concepts.
Adam WynerEmail:

This paper presents four synergistic systems that exemplify the approaches and benefits of case-based reasoning in medical domains. It then explores how these systems couple Artificial Intelligence (AI) research with medical research and practice, integrate multiple AI and computing methodologies, leverage small numbers of available cases, reason with time series data, and integrate numeric data with contextual and subjective information. The following systems are presented: (1) CARE-PARTNER, which supports the long-term follow-up care of stem-cell transplantation patients; (2) the 4 Diabetes Support System, which aids in managing patients with type 1 diabetes on insulin pump therapy; (3) Retrieval of HEmodialysis in NEphrological Disorders, which supports hemodialysis treatment of patients with end stage renal disease; and (4) the Mälardalen Stress System, which aids in the diagnosis and treatment of stress-related disorders.  相似文献   

This paper shows that case-based reasoning (CBR), an artificial intelligence technique, is a quite efficient tool in monitoring financial market against its possible collapse. For this purpose, daily financial condition indicator (DFCI) monitoring financial market is built on CBR and its performance is compared to DFCI on neural network. This study is empirically done for the Korean financial market.  相似文献   

Inspection planning is discussed in a framework where a rich choice of instruments is available and robots can also participate in the inspection process. The problem of constrained plan optimization is exposed, and a solution is suggested that is based on task grouping. After outlining the overall planning process, we give details of the optimization stage where case-based reasoning is applied. Finally, it will be shown how the implemented knowledge-based system can operate as a knowledge server.  相似文献   

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