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概率逻辑程序   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 引言最近几十年来,不确定性的管理在知识描述和推理中扮演着越来越重要的角色。为了处理不确定知识,人们提出了各种不同的形式化和方法论,其中大部分是直接或间接地基于概率论的。  相似文献   

Logic Programming with Focusing Proofs in Linear Logic   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

本文首先讨论了引入集合的意义,然后建立了一种基于集合基贩归约演算,并且对集合项的存储和含集合符号的逻辑数据语言的计算进行了一些探讨。本文所介绍的方法通过规则编译时对存储衣序集的改写,使得对集合匹配通过一般函数的匹配算法就可以完成,提高了计算的效率。  相似文献   

Computing argumentation in logic programming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

基于逻辑编程规则及Spi演算提出了一种验证密码协议安全性的新方法,利用该方法可以对密码协议的安全性质以程序化的方式进行验证。通过对EKE协议进行的分析,不但证明了协议已知的漏洞,而且发现了针对EKE协议的一个新的攻击——并行会话攻击。很好地验证了该新方法对密码协议的分析能力。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of updating non-monotonic knowledgebases represented by epistemic logic programs where disjunctiveinformation and notions of knowledge and belief can be explicitlyexpressed. We propose a formulation for epistemic logic programupdate based on a principle called minimal change and maximalcoherence. The central feature of our approach is that duringan update or a sequence of updates, contradictory informationis removed on a basis of minimal change under the semanticsof epistemic logic programs and then coherent information ismaximally retained in the update result. Through various updatescenarios, we show that our approach provides both semanticand syntactic characterizations for an update problem. We alsoinvestigate essential semantic properties of epistemic logicprogram update.  相似文献   

论述了逻辑程序设计中剪枝算子的作用及传统剪枝算子的过程性语义和说明性语义不一致问题;介绍了新型逻辑程序语言〔淑划中的COTRTT11t剪枝算子;通过引入一组定义描述其过程语义,并进一步阐述了剪枝算子和延迟计算规则之间的关系,讨论了Godel语言的剪枝策略及控制机制,从而为逻辑程序语言的实现提供了依据。  相似文献   

This article proposes a formal analysis of a fundamental aspect of legal reasoning: dealing with normative conflicts. Firstly, examples are illustrated concerning the dynamics of legal systems, the application of rules and exceptions, and the semantic indeterminacy of legal sources. Then two approaches to cope with conflicting information are presented: the preferred theories of Brewka, and the belief change functions of Alchourrón, Gärdenfors, and Makinson. The relations between those approaches are closely examined, and some aspects of a model of reasoning with normative conflicts are outlined. Since this model takes into account an ordering of the involved regulations, criteria to order legal norms are finally specified.  相似文献   

归纳逻辑程序设计综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
归纳逻辑程序设计是由机器学习与逻辑程序设计交叉所形成的一个研究领域,是机器学习的前沿研究课题。该文首先从归纳逻辑程序设计的问题背景、类型划分和搜索程序子句三个方面介绍了归纳逻辑程序设计系统的概貌;然后结合实验室的相关研究工作,回顾了归纳逻辑程序设计研究的发展;之后介绍了归纳逻辑程序设计领域中需要深入研究的若干问题,并提出了新的解决思路;最后是总结,以引起读者对归纳逻辑程序设计领域研究的进一步关注。  相似文献   

We present a general approach for representing and reasoning with sets of defaults in default logic, focusing on reasoning about preferences among sets of defaults. First, we consider how to control the application of a set of defaults so that either all apply (if possible) or none do (if not). From this, an approach to dealing with preferences among sets of default rules is developed. We begin with an ordered default theory , consisting of a standard default theory, but with possible preferences on sets of rules. This theory is transformed into a second, standard default theory wherein the preferences are respected. The approach differs from other work, in that we obtain standard default theories and do not rely on prioritized versions of default logic. In practical terms this means we can immediately use existing default logic theorem provers for an implementation. Also, we directly generate just those extensions containing the most preferred applied rules; in contrast, most previous approaches generate all extensions, then select the most preferred. In a major application of the approach, we show how semimonotonic default theories can be encoded so that reasoning can be carried out at the object level. With this, we can reason about default extensions from within the framework of a standard default logic. Hence one can encode notions such as skeptical and credulous conclusions, and can reason about such conclusions within a single extension.  相似文献   

Gelfond and Lifschitz were the first to point out the need for a symmetric negation in logic programming and they also proposed a specific semantics for such negation for logic programs with the stable semantics, which they called 'classical'. Subsequently, several researchers proposed different, often incompatible, forms of symmetric negation for various semantics of logic programs and deductive databases. To the best of our knowledge, however, no systematic study of symmetric negation in non-monotonic reasoning was ever attempted in the past. In this paper we conduct such a systematic study of symmetric negation. We introduce and discuss two natural, yet different, definitions of symmetric negation: one is called strong negation and the other is called explicit negation. For logic programs with the stable semantics, both symmetric negations coincide with Gelfond–Lifschitz' 'classical negation'. We study properties of strong and explicit negation and their mutual relationship as well as their relationship to default negation 'not', and classical negation '¬'. We show how one can use symmetric negation to provide natural solutions to various knowledge representation problems, such as theory and interpretation update, and belief revision. Rather than to limit our discussion to some narrow class of nonmonotonic theories, such as the class of logic programs with some specific semantics, we conduct our study so that it is applicable to a broad class of non-monotonic formalisms. In order to achieve the desired level of generality, we define the notion of symmetric negation in the knowledge representation framework of AutoEpistemic logic of Beliefs, introduced by Przymusinski.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的约束归纳逻辑程序设计方法。该方法能够与自顶向下的归纳逻辑程序设计系统结合,通过在自顶向下归纳方法的一步特殊化操作中引入Fisher判别分析等方法,使得系统能够导出不受变量个数限制的多种形式的线性约束,在不需要用户诱导,不依赖约束求解器的情况下,学习出覆盖正例而排斥负例的含约束的Horn子句程序。  相似文献   

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