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In this paper, a layered surface is modeled like a solid that has effective mechanical properties (E
eff() and H
eff()) as a function of indentation depth () and the rough surface is modeled as a population of spherically shaped asperities with different radii and heights (not necessarily Gaussian distributed). The contact behavior and the resistant to motion experienced by each asperity is analyzed locally and summarized as the total friction force based on the adhesion and ploughing mechanisms. The present model extends the capability of Halling's model to predict friction of layered surfaces. With this model, one is able to predict the friction of soft layer on a hard substrate and hard layer on a soft substrate in contact with a rough counter surface. 相似文献
与阿基米德螺旋平面齿轮啮合的弧齿线圆柱齿轮齿形研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对文献[1]所提出的一种新型弧齿线圆柱齿轮传动,在对该种齿轮副建立数学模型的基础上,对弧齿线圆柱齿轮的齿形进行了分析和计算,为进一步研究其传动性能打下了基础。 相似文献
主要对水泥厂球磨机主传动系统中的标准直齿圆柱齿轮磨损后进行变位修复进行论述。提出了修复方案,确定了变位系数,并对齿轮的根切、齿顶变尖、重合度、齿根弯曲疲劳强度和齿面接触疲劳强度、相对滑动率、过渡曲线有无干涉现象做出了详细的检验。对水泥和矿山机械中大齿轮的变位修复具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
M. M. Matlin A. I. Mozgunova E. N. Kazankina V. A. Kazankin 《Journal of Friction and Wear》2018,39(3):195-199
A unified analytical dependence for determining the full convergence at the contact between the sphere and flat surface of has been obtained and experimentally confirmed. It is valid both under the conditions of purely elastic deformation and elastoplastic deformation. 相似文献
Muratov K. R. Ablyaz T. R. Gashev E. A. Rykunov A. N. 《Russian Engineering Research》2019,39(10):869-871
Russian Engineering Research - Software for recording machining tracks in abrasive lapping is described. The software permits prediction of the shape and magnitude of the tool’s surface wear... 相似文献
基于磨粒表面信息的磨损表面特征评估 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
建立了基于磨粒表面信息的磨损表面评估方法。首先选择合理的磨粒和磨损表面特征参数,通过识别磨粒类型,获得磨损过程中具有典型性和代表性的磨粒类型,然后选取这些具有代表性的磨粒类型,得到磨粒的表面特征向量,进而来研究磨损表面和磨粒表面的映射关系,实现基于磨粒表面信息的磨损表面特征评估。实例表明,根据磨粒表面特征评估磨损表面特征是可行的。 相似文献
滚动轴承微动磨损的影响因素 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在油脂润滑条件下 ,对深沟球轴承在不同的摆动角度和不同的负荷下的微动磨损进行了研究 ,其结果 ,轴的摆动角度对磨损有极大的影响 ,虽然摆动角度小于 1°时磨损速度较低 ,但当摆动角度超过 1°后磨损急剧增大。这种倾向表现出犹如在重载荷时那么显著。这一现象可以用差动滑动和切向力滑动而求出的τδ的大小及其分布形态加以说明 相似文献
在热模拟试验机上利用双道次压缩方法研究了E36高强度球扁钢在不同温度下两次变形弛豫的静态再结晶行为。结果表明:E36钢在900℃以上变形时,再结晶过程较快,在30~50 s内均已完成完全再结晶;在900℃时,再结晶过程明显减慢,弛豫1 000 s再结晶体积分数还不到50%,再结晶孕育期增至40 s左右;850℃时再结晶已非常困难,弛豫4 000 s后由于奥氏体静态再结晶数量多,最终组织拉长的贝氏体晶粒较驰豫1 000 s的少,大部分是由再结晶后等轴奥氏体晶粒转变而来的细小、均匀的贝氏体晶粒,沿晶界有较多针状铁素体晶粒。 相似文献
一种新型钢球表面检测方法的分析与系统实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
钢球作为常用的球轴承滚动体,其表面质量直接影响轴承的性能及寿命。目前已研制出的钢球表面缺陷检测装置展开机构结构复杂,不适用于大批量检测。基于一种双图像传感器的球面全展开方法,分析了在球列状态下球面完全展开所需要满足的参数条件。搭建系统进行实验,实验结果表明,该系统利用双传感器同时分别对每粒钢球进行5次采像就能够对钢球表面进行精确有效的高速检测与分选,漏检率低,检测速度可达到14 400粒/h,具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
A new form of rolling contact damage was discovered in the fatigue tests of series 6206 deep groove ball bearings under pure radial load with grease lubrication. The appearance of the damage reveals a few cracks at right angles to the rolling direction of the ball, along with the formation of a dent about 20 μ m deep in the raceway surface. This is found to occur only on the stationary outer ring raceway and the ball surface and is distributed widely within the load zone. Furthermore, under the raceway surface several cracks propagating into the substrate at an angle of about 60-80 degrees relative to the raceway surface are observed not only under the damage site but also in other nearby locations. Only the cracks at the damage position open up to the surface. The grease used for the test contained a lithium complex thickener with mineral oil as the base oil with a kinematic viscosity of 141 mm2/s at 40°C. On the test bearings two pure radial load levels of 9.14 and 12.13 kN were applied. In order to prevent the occurrence of seizure at each load, the speed of the inner ring of the test bearing was maintained at 1800-2500 min? 1 and 600-800 min? 1, respectively, to keep the outer ring circumference temperature below 65°C. It is suggested that the damage is caused by metal-to-metal contacts due to lubricant starvation under grease lubrication and to a decrease in oil film thickness due to local increases in temperature. 相似文献
An apparatus has been constructed for studying exoelectron emission from steel bearing balls which have been run in a Barwell four-ball surface fatigue wear tester. The test ball is periodically removed from the tester, cleaned to remove its oil film, transferred to a vacuum chamber, and illuminated by ultraviolet light. The emitted exoelectrons originating at new surface area generated on the ball during fatigue testing are detected by an electron multiplier. By rotating the ball and measuring the exoelectron emission as a function of position, the source or sources of the emission can be localized. The resolution of the research apparatus is presently limited to 0.27 mm, the width of the scanning spot. Exoelectron emission decay results indicate a relatively slow drop in emission with time. Preliminary results indicate that the fatigue failure occurs at one of several sites which have given enhanced electron emission. 相似文献
A combined molecular dynamics and finite element model and simulation of contact and adhesion between a rough sphere and a flat surface has been developed. This model uses the results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, obtained using an embedded atom potential, of a nanoscale Ru-Ru asperity contact. A continuum finite element model of an elastic–plastic microscale Ru-Ru contact bump is then created. In this model, the surface roughness is represented by a system of nanoscale asperities, each of which is represented by a nonlinear hysteretic force vs. distance relationship. The nonlinear hysteretic character of these relations is determined from curve-fits of the MD results. Load vs. interference and contact area vs. interference are determined using this two-scale model for loading and unloading. Comparisons with a single-scale continuum model show that the effect of the nanoscale asperities is to reduce both the adhesion and the real area of contact. The choice of Ru as the material for this work is due to its relevance in microswitches. 相似文献
Positron microscopy was used for studies of defects induced by ball indentation or sliding on the surface of well-annealed copper samples. A focused positron beam of 24.5-keV energy was used to scan the deformed region of the indenter impression, and measurements of the annihilation line parameter were performed. In the case of ball indentation, the measured defect distribution correlates well with the von Mises stress distribution of the Hertz contact and the von Mises yield criterion. For the wear track produced by pin on disc dry sliding, an asymmetric defect distribution near the wear track is observed. It indicates the presence of a tangential force that additionally deforms the sample. 相似文献
针对机械磨损过程的功能检测模型 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
在以可靠性为中心的维修分析中,通常对由机械磨损引起的故障模式采用功能检测策略加以预防,而制定此类问题的功能检测策略时需确定下列参数:1.潜在故障状态(用磨损量表示),检测时如果发现产品磨损量达到或超过该状态,应当予以更换;2.检测的间隔发首次检测间隔期与重复间隔期。借助于维修延迟时间的概念并假设磨损过程服从Wiener过程,建立基于风险,可用度与费用的功能检测模型,用于确定上述检测参数。 相似文献
The present study intends to cast some light upon the performance of ceramic parts ground with diamond and to determine the extent of improvement possible by an adapted finishing process. From the analysis of material removal in grinding, a model was derived which predicts the state of stress in the machined surface and thus the likely behavior of parts in service. 相似文献
白雪清 《机械工程与自动化》2009,(4):111-112,114
在盘销式摩擦磨损试验机上考察了氟金云母玻璃陶瓷与高速钢的摩擦磨损性能,在不同载荷条件下,测试了摩擦因数和玻璃陶瓷的磨损率,用金相显微镜观察和分析磨损表面形貌,并探讨了玻璃陶瓷材料的磨损机理.结果表明:在低载荷条件下,摩擦因数较低;随着载荷的增加,摩擦因数逐渐增加且趋于稳定,氟金云母玻璃陶瓷与高速钢的平均摩擦因数为0.088;玻璃陶瓷和高速钢的磨损率存在波动;玻璃陶瓷和高速钢的对磨过程以磨料磨损为主. 相似文献