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Modernsocietyisinundatedwithinformation ,networksandsystems .Manycomplexsystemshaveappearedinvariousfieldssuchasengineeringtechnolo gy ,socialeconomyandecologicalenvironment ,etc .,(asshowninFig .1 ) [1 ] .Fig .1 Complexgiantsystem  Howdowemanagesuchacomplexsystem ?Howdoweanalyze ,predict,programanddesignthecom plexityofsuchasystemsoastoimprovethesystemoperationstateandefficiency ?Peoplearefacingthesemajorproblems .  Asacomplexsystemmayconcernfieldsincludingengineeringtechnology ,social…  相似文献   

With the globalization of economy and science & technology, high & new technology enterprises have become the point of Chinese economic growth and the important basis for constructing innovative country. By analyzing the characteristics of high & new technology superior enterprises and the influential factors, the evaluation index and method based on Grey Relation Analysis are designed. Some high & new technology enterprises in Heilongjiang province are evaluated and application tactics of evaluation system are proposed. This study provides scientific method and basis for government to obtain development state about high & new technology enterprises and design planning and policies of high & new technology industry.  相似文献   

Using soil data of the Second National Field Survey, the soil fertility of wetland ecosystem of Dongting Lake was evaluated by using the technology of GIS and method of fuzzy evaluation. Integrated with the wetland actuality of Dongting Lake and particularity of paddy, seven factors (including soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, available phosphorus, available potassium, and pH value), closely related with soil fertility, were chosen to establish the index system of synthetical evaluation. Based on the effect degree of each selected index on soil fertility, a judgment matrix was built, and the weight coefficient was determined by the method of correlation coefficient. Finally, under the support of the spatial analysis module of GIS (Geographic Information System), the spatial distribution properties of soil fertility in wetland ecosystem of Dongting Lake were studied. The results show that the soil fertility of Dongting Lake wetland ecosystem is not very good, and the area of type III and type IV achieves 69.8%. As a result, many countermeasures should be taken to improve the soil fertility. As for the spatial properties, the soil fertility level of central and west Dongting Lake is much higher than that of north and south part. The soil fertility of paddy field surpasses that of red soil, and the contents of soil organic matter and total nitrogen in paddy field are large.  相似文献   

A multi-mode adaptive controller was proposed. The controller features in the combination of Bang-bang and Fuzzy PID controls with state predictor. When large error exists, the controller operates in Bang-bang mode, otherwise it works as a fuzzy PID controller. For only few parameters to be adjusted, the real time controlled system achieveed good stability and fast response. Furthermore, the introduction of state observer was also discussed to extend the capability of the proposed controller to the plant with time-delay factors. The classical PID controller and the multi-mode controller were applied to the same second-order system successively. By comparison of the simulation results, the effectiveness of the controller were shown. At last, on electric-wire production line, this approach was practiced to control electric-wire diameter with an additive random disturbance signal. The test result further proved the effectiveness of the multi-mode controller.  相似文献   

Recently ,withtherapiddevelopmentofthecompu tationtechnique ,thefiniteelementmethodisappliedmoreandmoretothenumericalsimulationofthemetalformingprocess .Therelationshipbetweenflowstressanddeformationconditionssuchasstrain ,strainratesandtemperatures,whichembodiestheresponseofamaterialtothedeformationparameters ,isveryimportantforthenumericalsimulationbyfiniteelementmethod .Butduringthehotdeformationprocess ,therearemanyfactorsthatinfluencetheflowstressofthemetal .Theeffectsofthesefactorsonthef…  相似文献   

An integrated evaluation system under randomness and fuzziness was developed in this work to systematically assess the risk of groundwater contamination in a little town, Central China. In this system, randomness of the parameters and the fuzziness of the risk were considered simultaneously, and the exceeding standard probability of contamination and human health risk due to the contamination were integrated. The contamination risk was defined as a combination of "vulnerability" and "hazard". To calculate the value of "vulnerability", pollutant concentration was simulated by MODFLOW with random input variables and a new modified health risk assessment (MRA) model was established to analyze the level of "hazard". The limit concentration based on environmental-guideline and health risk due to manganese were systematically examined to obtain the general risk levels through a fuzzy rule base. The "vulnerability" and "hazard" were divided into five categories of "high", "medium-high", "medium", "low-medium" and "low", respectively. Then, "vulnerability" and "hazard" were firstly combined by integrated evaluation. Compared with the other two scenarios under deterministic methods, the risk obtained in the proposed system is higher. This research illustrated that ignoring of uncertainties in evaluation process might underestimate the risk level.  相似文献   

To develop a better approach for spatial evaluation of drinking water quality, an intelligent evaluation method integrating a geographical information system (GIS) and an ant colony clustering algorithm (ACCA) was used. Drinking water samples from 29 wells in Zhenping County, China. were collected and analyzed. 35 parameters on water quality were selected, such as chloride concentration, sulphate concentration, total hardness, nitrate concentration, fluoride concentration, turbidity, pH, chromium concentration, COD, bacterium amount, total coliforms and color. The best spatial interpolation methods for the 35 parameters were found and selected from all types of interpolation methods in GIS environment according to the minimum cross-validation errors. The ACCA was improved through three strategies, namely mixed distance function, average similitude degree and probability conversion functions. Then, the ACCA was carried out to obtain different water quality grades in the GIS environment. In the end, the result from the ACCA was compared with those from the competitive Hopfield neural network (CHNN) to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the ACCA according to three evaluation indexes, which are stochastic sampling method, pixel amount and convergence speed. It is shown that the spatial water quality grades obtained from the ACCA were more effective, accurate and intelligent than those obtained from the CHNN.  相似文献   

分布交互仿真系统VV&A和可信度评估   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
分布交互仿真是面向复杂大系统研制、开发与人员培训的一门先进的仿真技术,其仿真可信度问题是分布交互仿真成功应用的关键之一。  相似文献   

输电系统可靠性评估是电力系统可靠性评估的重要组成部分。传统输电系统可靠性评估忽略可靠性数据的不确定性,用可靠性数据的平均值进行评估。为了考虑可靠性数据的不确定性对可靠性评估的影响,运用可信性理论处理可靠性数据的不确定性。运用提出的方法对IEEE-RBTS和IEEE-RTS79可靠性测试系统进行评估可以发现,运用传统方法评估的结果与运用新方法评估的结果之间存在明显的差异,说明可靠性数据的不确定性对可靠性评估的明显影响,是不可忽略的因素。提出的方法也为处理可靠性数据的不确定性提供了一种有效的手段,具有一定的价值。  相似文献   

仿真系统VV&A的研究与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论了仿真系统的校核、验证和确认(Verification,ValidationandAccreditation,简称VV&A),在回顾研究历史及现状的基础上,阐述了VV&A中主要研究的问题,包括概念、过程、方法、VV&A与M&S和T&E的关系.探讨了我国VV&A目前存在的问题以及今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

为了实时监测大型企业多厂房多产线加工机床的工作状态以及快速作出智能响应,提高生产效率,结合 Internet网络技术、GPRS远距离传输技术、ZigBee近距离组网技术和工业控制CAN总线技术的特点,设计了一种基于层级组网通信的多工业机床远程监控系统。实验测试表明,本系统组网结构灵活多变,实时性好,可稳定地实现数据从底层 CAN 节点到服务器端的远程双向传输,实现远程监控功能。  相似文献   

Proposes a reinforcement learning scheme based on a special Hierarchical Fuzzy Neural-Networks (HFNN) for solving complicated learning tasks in a continuous multi-variables environment. The output of the previous layer in the HFNN is no longer used as if-part of the next layer, but used only in then-part. Thus it can deal with the difficulty when the output of the previous layer is meaningless or its meaning is uncertain. The proposed HFNN has a minimal number of fuzzy rules and can successfully solve the problem of rules combination explosion and decrease the quantity of computation and memory requirement. In the learning process, two HFNN with the same structure perform fuzzy action composition and evaluation function approximation simultaneously where the parameters of neural-networks are tuned and updated on line by using gradient descent algorithm. The reinforcement learning method is proved to be correct and feasible by simulation of a double inverted pendulum system.  相似文献   

为解决图像分类任务中词袋(Bag-of-Words)模型分类算法单一局部描述子信息缺失、特征量化误差较大、图像特征表现力不足等问题,提出一种基于多描述子分层特征学习的图像分类方法.结合尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)与形状核描述子(KDES-S)进行局部特征提取,并构建分层特征学习结构来减少编码过程中的量化误差,最后将图像特征分层归一化后进行线性组合并利用线性支持向量机(SVM)进行训练和分类.在Caltech-101、Caltech-256、Scene-15数据库上进行实验,结果表明:相比其他图像分类方法,本文方法在分类准确率上具有显著提升.  相似文献   

大规模分布仿真中的测试评估辅助系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决分布仿真系统测试评估工作效率低下的问题,介绍了一个分布仿真测试评估辅助系统(DTEAS)的组成、体系结构、主要功能模块及实现中的若干关键技术,详细论述了数据记录与重演、系统测试与评估、演练监测与分析,报表生成与发布等各个功能模块,作为大规模分布仿真系统开发、调试过程的计算机测试评估辅助工具,DTEAS支持大规模分布仿真试验的全过程数据记录、实体检查、过程重演、数据可视化、数据统计、评估报告的自动生成,DTEAS已经成功应用于综合仿真环境项目的全系统集成测试工作中,显著地提高了测试评估工作的效率和客观性,准确性,缩短了系统集成调试的周期。  相似文献   

一种MANET加权自荐选簇分层IDS模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解决移动Ad Hoc网络中平面入侵检测系统的网络消耗大、扩展性差等问题,给出了一种分层加权自荐选簇入侵检测系统的实现方案.在该方案中,节点根据性能参数加权值主动竞选簇头,使得网络形成分簇结构,簇成员采集入侵检测系统(IDS)数据,簇头行使IDS判决功能,IDS簇头和成员协作完成入侵检测功能.并详细分析了簇头选择算法和竞选流程.最后利用仿真模拟了加权自荐选簇算法中簇头自荐和竞选过程,仿真结果表明该方案是可行的.  相似文献   

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