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The electrophysiological effects of MPC-1304, a novel calcium antagonist, were examined using the conventional microelectrode and whole-cell patch-clamp techniques in guinea-pig hearts. MPC-1304, at 100 nM or higher concentrations, produced a dose-dependent reduction in the action potential duration of guinea-pig papillary muscles, without changes in resting membrane potentials and maximum rate of rise of action potentials. In guinea-pig ventricular myocytes, MPC-1304 (1-100 nM) dose-dependently depressed the initial inward currents induced by depolarizing pulses from a holding potential of -30 mV in the external Tyrode solution, as did nifedipine, whereas the late outward current was not changed by MPC-1304. In the presence of 100 nM of MPC-1304 or 100 nM of nifedipine, the first depolarizing pulse from a holding potential of -80 mV caused a depression of the isolated L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca)) by 29.5 % and 29.4 % of the control, respectively (tonic block), and successive pulses further suppressed I(Ca) in a use-dependent manner (use-dependent block). The degree of steady state use-dependent block of I(Ca) by 100 nM of MPC-1304 was 25.5 % at the stimulus frequency of 1 Hz and further increased to 34.0 % at 2 Hz (frequency-dependent block), which were significantly larger than those by 100 nM of nifedipine at both frequencies. The onset rate of use-dependent block by 100 nM MPC-1304 was significantly smaller than that by 100 nM nifedipine. MPC-1304 (100 nM) and nifedipine (100 nM) shifted the steady state inactivation curve of I(Ca) toward the negative potential by 3.3 mV and 9.1 mV in the mid-potential of the curve, respectively. The estimated dissociation constants of MPC-1304 were 137.7 and 49.9 nM for the resting and inactivated states of the L-type Ca2+ channel, respectively, and those of nifedipine were 113.9 and 18.1 nM, respectively. We conclude that MPC-1304 suppress the L-type Ca2+ channel with slow kinetics in a voltage- and frequency-dependent manner, which might be caused by its high affinity to the activated as well as to the inactivated state of the channel.  相似文献   

The interaction of large depolarization and dihydropyridine Ca2+ agonists, both of which are known to enhance L-type Ca2+ channel current, was examined using a conventional whole-cell clamp technique. In guinea pig detrusor cells, only L-type Ca2+ channels occur. A second open state (long open state: O2) of the Ca2+ channels develops during large depolarization (at +80 mV, without Ca2+ agonists). This was judged from lack of inactivation of the Ca2+ channel current during the large depolarizing steps (5 s) and slowly deactivating inward tail currents (= 10-15 ms) upon repolarization of the cell membrane to the holding potential (-60 mV). Application of Bay K 8644 (in 2.4 mM Ca(2+)-containing solutions) increased the amplitude of the Ca2+ currents evoked by simple depolarizations, and made it possible to observe inward tail currents (= 2.5-5 ms at -60 mV). The open state induced by large depolarization (O2*) in the Bay K 8644 also seemed hardly to inactivate. After preconditioning with large depolarizing steps, the decay time course of the inward tail currents upon repolarization to the holding potential (-60 mV) was significantly slowed, and could be fitted reasonably with two exponentials. The fast and slow time constants were 10 and 45 ms, respectively, after 2 s preconditioning depolarizations. Qualitatively the same results were obtained using Ba2+ as a charge carrier. Although the amplitudes of the inward currents observed in the test step and the subsequent repolarization to the holding potential were decreased in the same manner by additional application of nifedipine (in the presence of Bay K 8644), the very slow deactivation time course of the tail current was little changed. The additive enhancement by large depolarization and Ca2+ agonists of the inward tail current implies that two mechanisms separately induce long opening of the Ca2+ channels: i.e., that there are four open states.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of intestinal dysfunction induced by stress has not been established. We tried to clarify possible causal mechanisms of irritable bowel syndrome. METHODS: An experimental model of intestinal dysfunction was designed using loading restraint stress in rats. A cannula was inserted into the origin of the duodenum or colon, with the other end leading to the skin. To provide intestinal content, a semi-solid colored marker was used for monitoring intestinal transit. After 1 week the marker was injected into the intestine through the cannula under unanesthetized wakefulness. RESULTS: Under restraint stress, transit in the small intestine was suppressed, but actual suppression took place only in the upper half, where the contents normally moved fast. Transit time in the colon was reduced by restraint stress. This reduction was attributed to the disappearance of the stagnant region, which was present under normal conditions. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggested that restraint stress affects the function of the pacemaker site of the intestine.  相似文献   

This article presents a new method for analyzing the spreading of skin erythemas. These occur as a result of the cutaneous vascular axon reflex which can be evoked by a noxious stimulation of the skin. Series of true-color images of the observed skin patch were recorded using a video camera. The images were digitized and stored on computer disk. The delineation of the reddening was segmented for every image of the sequence by a newly developed image processing method. Each image taken after the noxious stimulation was compared with the baseline before the stimulation and each image point was classified as: "unchanged" or "changed skin color." To improve the classification the CIE L*a*b* color space was used. The boundaries of the erythema were extracted from the resulting binary images. Every image of a sequence was analyzed in the same way in order to follow the time course of the flare response. The erythema reaction could be determined in an objective way using this methods. The automatically detected flare sizes were independent of human observers and had a high spatial and temporal resolution. It was used for a crossover study to assess the power of new drugs which modify the blood flow of the skin induced by an intradermal histamine application.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological effects of clentiazem, a new 1,5-benzothiazepine type Ca(2+) antagonist, were examined in comparison with those of diltiazem in excised rabbit heart preparations. In Langendorff-perfused hearts electrically driven at basic cycle lengths of 400-500 ms, clentiazem (10(-8)-10(-6)M) and diltiazem (10(-8)-10(-6)M) caused a concentration-dependent prolongation of the atrio-His bundle conduction time (A-H interval) without affecting the His bundle-ventricular conduction time (H-V interval). The effects of clentiazem were equivalent to those of diltiazem. In isolated rabbit atrioventricular (A-V) node preparations electrically driven at 400- to 500-ms intervals, clentiazem and diltiazem at >10(-6)M concentrations produced concentration-dependent decreases in action potential amplitude (APA), maximum rate of depolarization (V max), and shortened action potential duration at 20 and 50% repolarization (APD(20) and APD(50)), whereas APD(90) was little affected. Application of 10(-6)M clentiazem prolonged effective refractory period (ERP) of the A-V node by approximately 7% of the control, an effect similar to that of diltiazem. In spontaneously beating sinoatrial (S-A) node preparations, clentiazem l0(-6)M or the higher concentration significantly decreased APA, V(max), and slope of slow diastolic depolarization, while reducing the maximum diastolic potential. The inhibitory effects of clentiazem showed strong suppression of APA and V(max) by 31.1 and 47.2% of the control, respectively, whereas both clentiazem (10(-7)-10(-5)M) and diltiazem (10(-7)-10(-5)M) had no effects on parameters of ventricular APs. These results suggest that dentiazem, like diltiazem, has a preferential inhibitory action on cardiac slow Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

Effects of diltiazem on electrical and mechanical activities of isolated guinea pig taenia coli were studied by means of the double sucrose-gap method. In the spontaneously active preparations, diltiazem (2.2 X 10(-6) M) suppressed both electrical activity and isometric contraction, while electrical and mechanical activities evoked by the depolarizing current pulse were not affected at the concentration of 2.2 X 10(-6) M. In the presence of 2.2 X 10(-5) M diltiazem, the evoked contractile force and the number of repetitive firings during depolarization were reduced, whereas the single spike was almost unchanged or somewhat inhibited. At 2.2 X 10(-4) M diltiazem, both electrical and mechanical activities were almost abolished. The contractile force and single spike suppressed by diltiazem were partly reversed by the addition of 5 mM CaCl2. There was little significant change in membrane potential and membrane resistance. Similar but somewhat weaker effects were observed when NaCl was replaced with sucrose. In some preparations, 2.2 X 10(-4) M diltiazem reduced the contractile force without significant influence on the electrical activity in Na+-free Locke solution. CoCl2 (3 mM) inhibited the evoked activities in both normal and Na+-free solutions. Possible mechanisms for the relaxing effects of diltiazem on isolated guinea pig taenia coli were discussed.  相似文献   

Continuous beds have been used as matrices for cation- and anion-exchange chromatography of proteins on columns with an i.d. in the range of 0.005-0.015 mm. On-tube uv detection is not feasible at low protein concentrations with these narrow-bore columns. Therefore, a more sensitive detection system has been developed based on blotting technique: as the protein zones leave the microcolumn chromatographically they become adsorbed onto a rotating polyvinylidene difluoride blotting membrane. The protein spots can then be visualized by means of Coomassie brilliant blue, immunomethods, and other standard techniques. By using an immunomethod 0.015 ng of human transferrin can easily be detected. The blotting membrane can be washed with water without loss of adsorbed protein. This is an attractive feature because the presence of salts, etc., diminishes the accuracy in the determination of molecular weights of proteins by mass spectrometry. The microcolumns are easy to prepare. A solution of appropriate monomers is sucked into a piece of fused silica tubing. The rod formed upon polymerization contains channels through which the eluent can pass. No supporting frit is required because the polymer rod is anchored by covalent bonds to the tubing wall.  相似文献   

In order to prevent and treat angioplasty-induced vasospasm, we investigated the effects of a new Ca2+ channel antagonist, fantofarone, a nondihydropyridine compound with a novel site of action on the L-type Ca2+ channel, in an animal model of angioplasty in rabbits with femoral atherosclerotic lesions. Vasospasm which occurred in saline-treated animals following angioplasty was markedly reduced by fantofarone (50 microg/kg, i.v.) at both the distal and proximal sites. Although it totally inhibited distal vasospasm, isosorbide dinitrate (0.3 mg/kg, i.v.) did not significantly affect proximal diameter decrease. Verapamil (0.2 mg/kg, i.v.) was much less potent than fantofarone in reducing angioplasty-induced vasospasm. Our results confirm the preventive effects of Ca2+ blockers on this phenomenon and extend this observation to a potent compound: fantofarone.  相似文献   

To identify the binding domain of a new Ca2+ antagonist semotiadil on L-type Ca2+ channels from skeletal muscle, photolabeling was carried out by using an azidophenyl derivative of [3H]semotiadil. Photoincorporation was observed in several polypeptides of membrane triad preparations; the only specific photoincorporation was in the alpha1 subunit of the Ca2+ channel. After solubilization and purification, the photolabeled alpha1 subunit was subjected to proteolytic and CNBr cleavage followed by antibody mapping. Specific labeling was associated solely with the region of transmembrane segment S6 in repeat IV. Quantitative immunoprecipitation was found in the tryptic and the Lys-C/Glu-C fragments of 6.6 and 6.1 kDa, respectively. Further CNBr cleavage of the Lys-C digests produced two smaller fragments of 3.4 and 1.8 kDa that were included in the tryptic and Lys-C/Glu-C fragments. The smallest labeled fragments were: Tyr1350-Met1366 and Leu1367-Met1381 containing IVS6, a possible pore-forming region. The data suggest that semotiadil binds to a region that is overlapped with but not identical to those for phenylalkylamines, dihydropyridines and benzothiazepines. The present study also provides evidence that region IV represents an important component of a binding pocket for Ca2+ antagonists.  相似文献   

1. The effects of 1,4-dihydropyridine calcium antagonists with different biological half-lives, amlodipine and nifedipine retard on 24 h blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and autonomic nerve activity in patients with essential hypertension were compared. 2. Twenty patients (six men and 14 women; mean (+/- SEM) age 63 +/- 2 years) with essential hypertension were enrolled in the present study. Their ambulatory BP and electrocardiograms were monitored for 24 h at intervals of 30 min with a portable recorder after a 4 week drug-free period, after a 4 week treatment period with amlodipine (2.5 or 5 mg once daily) and after a 4 week treatment period with nifedipine retard (10 or 20 mg twice daily). The order of the three periods was randomized. Autonomic nerve activity was evaluated by power spectral analysis of HR variability, using the high frequency (HF) component as an index of parasympathetic activity and the ratio of the low frequency (LF) to the HF component as an index of sympathovagal balance. 3. Amlodipine and nifedipine retard significantly lowered the 24 h BP to a similar extent (amlodipine: -12.7 +/- 2.6/-5.6 +/- 1.4 mmHg, P < 0.01/P < 0.01; nifedipine retard: -15.1 +/- 2.1/-6.9 +/- 1.5 mmHg, P < 0.01/P < 0.01). Amlodipine did not change the 24 h average HR, while nifedipine retard significantly increased it (+3.3 +/- 1.2 b.p.m., P < 0.05). Amlodipine also did not change the HF component or the ratio of the LF to the HF component. However, nifedipine retard significantly decreased the HF component (P < 0.01) and increased the ratio of the LF to the HF component (P < 0.05). 4. These results suggest that nifedipine retard caused a decrease in parasympathetic activity and an increase in sympathetic activity with reflex tachycardia in these patients with essential hypertension, while amlodipine did not produce such effects on the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

We have compared two classes of putative neuroprotectants, the voltage-dependent Na+ channel antagonist BW619C87 [4-amino-2-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-5-(2,3,5-trichlorophenyl) pyrimidine], and the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel antagonist nimodipine, in a rat model of transient focal cerebral ischaemia. BW619C87 (10-50 mg/kg) or nimodipine (10-100 microg/kg) were injected intravenously 5 min before induction of 2 h transient focal cerebral ischaemia via intraluminal thread occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. BW619C87 was a potent neuroprotectant over the range tested, maximally reducing the volume of hemispheric ischaemic damage by 51% at the 50 mg/kg dose. Nimodipine maximally reduced ischaemic damage by 33% at the 50 microg/kg dose, although the maximal level of neuroprotection afforded by BW619C89 and nimodipine was not significantly different. This is the first study to compare these two classes of drug directly in a model of middle cerebral artery occlusion with reperfusion, and it supports the effectiveness of both as neuroprotectants.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of Ca2+ entry via sarcolemmal (SL) Ca2+ channels to the Ca2+ transient and its relationship with sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content during steady-state contraction in guinea pig and rat ventricular myocytes. The action potential clamp technique was used to obtain physiologically relevant changes in membrane potential. A method is shown that allows calculation of Ca2+ entry through the SL Ca2+ channels by measuring Cd(2+)-sensitive current during the whole cardiac cycle. SR Ca2+ content was calculated from caffeine-induced transient inward current. In guinea pig cardiac myocytes stimulated at 0.5 Hz and 0.2 Hz, Ca2+ entry through SL Ca2+ channels during a cardiac cycle was approximately 30% and approximately 50%, respectively, of the SR Ca2+ content. In rat myocytes Ca2+ entry via SL Ca2+ channels at 0.5 Hz was approximately 3.5% of the SR Ca2+ content. In the presence of 500 nM thapsigargin Ca2+ entry via SL Ca2+ channels in guinea pig cardiac cells was 39% greater than in controls, suggesting a larger contribution of this mechanism to the Ca2+ transient when the SR is depleted of Ca2+. These results provide quantitative support to the understanding of the relationship between Ca2+ entry and the SR Ca2+ content and may help to explain differences in the Ca2+ handling observed in different species.  相似文献   

The treatment of neuropathic pain with opioid analgesics is a matter of controversy among clinicians and clinician scientists. Although neuropathic pain is usually believed to be only slightly responsive to opioids, several studies show that satisfactory analgesia can be obtained if adequate doses are administered. In the present study, we tested the effectiveness of buprenorphine in 21 patients soon after thoracic surgery (nociceptive postoperative pain) and 1 month after surgery in the same 21 patients who developed postthoracotomy neuropathic pain with a burning, electrical and shooting quality. According to a double-blind randomized study, the analgesic dose (AD) of buprenorphine needed to reduce the long-term neuropathic pain by 50% (AD50) was calculated and compared to the AD50 in the immediate postoperative period. We found that long-term neuropathic pain could be adequately reduced by buprenorphine. However, the AD50 in neuropathic pain was significantly higher relative to the AD50 in the short-term postoperative pain, indicating a lower responsiveness of neuropathic pain to opioids. We also found a strict relationship between the short-term and long-term AD50, characterized by a saturating effect. In fact, if the AD50 soon after surgery was low, the AD50 increase in the long-term neuropathic pain was threefold. By contrast, if the AD50 soon after surgery was high, the AD50 in neuropathic pain was only slightly increased. This suggests that, though neuropathic pain is indeed less sensitive to opioids, in some neuropathic patients a large amount of opioid resistance is already present in other painful conditions.  相似文献   

Using spectral techniques, the solution conformation of diltiazem was studied in acetonitrile with special reference to the effect of Ca2+ on the drug structure. Complete assignment of the proton resonances in the 1H-NMR spectrum of the drug was made using one-and two-dimensional spectral analyses. A two-dimensional 1H-NOESY spectrum (in the phase-sensitive mode) was obtained to identify the interproton connectivities in the drug molecule. A molecular modeling program involving Monte Carlo simulation and energy minimization was employed to arrive at the structure of the drug. The program was run with and without the input of the interproton distances derived from the NOESY cross peaks. Both the protocols led to a structure of the drug which was generally similar to that reported from X-ray diffraction data on crystalline diltiazem hydrochloride (Kojic-Prodic, et al. Helv. Chim. Acta 1984, 67, 916-926). However, significant differences between the two structures were seen in the orientations of the substituent groups attached to the benzothiazepine ring. Substantial changes in the circular dichroic (CD) and 1H-NMR spectra of diltiazem were observed on addition of Ca2+ up to a mole ratio of 0.5 Ca2+ per drug. Relatively large changes were seen in 1H resonances of the N-methyl protons and the methylene protons attached to the heterocyclic nitrogen. Analysis of the binding isotherms from CD data at 22 +/- 1 degrees C indicated a 2:1 drug:Ca2+ "sandwich" complex with an estimated dissociation constant of 140 microM. One-dimensional difference NOE and two-dimensional NOESY spectra revealed interproton connectivities between two drug molecules that were compatible with the sandwich complex formation. The interproton distances derived from the volume integrals of the NOESY cross peaks were used as geometrical constraints in modeling the Ca(2+)-bound conformation of diltiazem. The minimum-energy conformation corresponded to the sandwich complex where Ca2+ was coordinated to three oxygens in each of the two drug molecules. Combined with our earlier data on the ability of diltiazem to translocate Ca2+ across the lipid bilayer in synthetic liposomes (Ananthanarayanan, V.S.; Taylor, L.; Pirritano, S.Biochem. Cell Biol. 1992, 70, 608-612), the structural data presented here point to a role for Ca2+ in the interaction of diltiazem with its membrane-bound receptor.  相似文献   

A variety of L-type Ca2+ channel antagonists, including the dihydropyridine derivative nimodipine, have been shown to be effective in reducing ethanol intake and preference in animal models of alcoholism. The behavioral mechanism involved in the anti-alcohol effects of nimodipine are, however, not clear yet. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility that the effects of nimodipine on ethanol intake are based on stimulus substitution. Therefore, rats were trained to discriminate ethanol (12.5% w/v, 1000 mg/kg i.p.) from saline in a two-lever food-reinforced drug discrimination procedure (dose range of ethanol tested: 125-1000 mg/kg i.p., ED50 value: 488 mg/kg). In cross-generalization tests with nimodipine (0.15-15 mg/kg i.p.), stimulus substitution was not noted. In addition, a cross-familiarization conditioned taste aversion paradigm was utilized. In rats, 1000 mg/kg i.p. ethanol was used as the reference drug producing a conditioned taste aversion. Effects of preexposure to ethanol (500-1500 mg/kg i.p.) and nimodipine (7.5-30 mg/kg i.p.) on the magnitude of the ethanol-induced conditioned taste aversion were investigated as an index for stimulus similarity between preexposure and reference drug. Preexposure to both ethanol and nimodipine prevented the development of a conditioned taste aversion. Contrary to the drug discrimination results, these latter findings suggest that there may be similarities between the stimulus properties of nimodipine and ethanol. Moreover, the apparent discrepancy between the results obtained in drug discrimination and cross-familiarization conditioned taste aversion suggests that different stimulus properties of ethanol control behavior in both procedures. The finding that, under particular conditions, ethanol and nimodipine appear to share common stimulus properties needs to be further evaluated, as this may be related to the reported anti-alcohol effects of nimodipine and other Ca2+ channel antagonists.  相似文献   

Taicatoxin, isolated from the venom of the Australian taipan snake Oxyuranus scutellatus, has been previously regarded as a specific blocker of high threshold Ca2+ channels in heart. Here we show that taicatoxin (in contrast to a range of other Ca2+ channel blockers) interacts with apamin-sensitive, small conductance, Ca2+-activated potassium channels on both chromaffin cells and in the brain. Taicatoxin displays high affinity recognition of 125I-apamin acceptor-binding sites, present on rat synaptosomal membranes (Ki = 1.45 +/- 0.22 nM) and also specifically blocks affinity-labeling of a 33-kDa 125I-apamin-binding polypeptide on rat brain membranes. Taicatoxin (50 nM) completely blocks apamin-sensitive after-hyperpolarizing slow tail K+ currents generated in rat chromaffin cells (mean block 97 +/- 3%, n = 12) while only partially reducing total voltage-dependent Ca2+ currents (mean block 12 +/- 4%, n = 6). In view of these findings, the use of taicatoxin as a specific ligand for Ca2+ channels should now be reconsidered.  相似文献   

In comparison to the well characterized role of the principal subunit of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, the pore-forming, antagonist-binding alpha1 subunit, considerably less is understood about how beta subunits contribute to neuronal Ca2+ channel function. We studied the role of the Ca2+ channel beta3 subunit, the major Ca2+ channel beta subunit in neurons, by using a gene-targeting strategy. The beta3 deficient (beta3-/-) animals were indistinguishable from the wild type (wt) with no gross morphological or histological differences. However, in sympathetic beta3-/- neurons, the L- and N-type current was significantly reduced relative to wt. Voltage-dependent activation of P/Q-type Ca2+ channels was described by two Boltzmann components with different voltage dependence, analogous to the "reluctant" and "willing" states reported for N-type channels. The absence of the beta3 subunit was associated with a hyperpolarizing shift of the "reluctant" component of activation. Norepinephrine inhibited wt and beta3-/- neurons similarly but the voltage sensitive component was greater for N-type than P/Q-type Ca2+ channels. The reduction in the expression of N-type Ca2+ channels in the beta3-/- mice may be expected to impair Ca2+ entry and therefore synaptic transmission in these animals. This effect may be reversed, at least in part, by the increase in the proportion of P/Q channels activated at less depolarized voltage levels.  相似文献   

Perioperative cardiac events are the largest cause of morbidity and mortality for patients undergoing elective surgery. As a result, numerous recent studies have focused on attempts to identify patients at increased risk for perioperative events. These have delineated testing modalities capable of identifying high-risk patients, and clinical markers which further stratify patients facing elective surgery into high-, medium-, and low-risk subgroups. In this article, the authors review the evidence supporting the use of clinical markers of risk to evaluate patients before elective surgery. The role of preoperative clinical assessment in identifying patients most likely to benefit from further testing or intervention, (ie, those at significant risk for short- and long-term cardiac events) is stressed. Assessment and intervention for risk factors of long-term cardiac disease is also stressed, as the preoperative evaluation represents an opportunity for improvement in the short- and long-term cardiac risk profile. Finally, the algorithm for preoperative cardiovascular evaluation published jointly by the ACC/AHA joint taskforce on practice guidelines is reviewed. This algorithm is a synthesis of the current literature, into a cost effective and efficient approach to patient evaluation.  相似文献   

Calcium antagonists have been reported to decrease the incidence of sudden death in postinfarction management and vulnerability to fibrillation secondary to experimental coronary occlusion. In order to confirm such beneficial results regarding ischaemic ventricular fibrillation, the threshold intensity for fibrillation electrically induced with impulses of 100 ms and 180 beats.min-1 was measured during the course of ischaemias obtained by total occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery near its origin in open-chest pigs. The variations of electrical fibrillation threshold with ischaemia duration (30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360 s) were compared under control conditions and after i.v. diltiazem (0.50 mg.kg-1 plus 0.02 mg.kg-1.min-1 over 25 min). Electrical fibrillation threshold was not influenced by diltiazem before, but raised during ischaemia, particularly from the 60th s (1.7 to 4.0 mA), with delay in the triggering of fibrillation which occurs when the fibrillation threshold falls down to the pacing threshold (0.2 to 0.3 mA). In 6 pigs out of 8, fibrillation was even avoided in the longest of the ischaemic periods considered (360 s), for fibrillation threshold ceased falling before reaching the critical level. These experimental results obtained with diltiazem are consistent with the clinical effectiveness of calcium antagonists recently observed in the prevention of postinfarction sudden death, provided that myocardial contractility is not too much adversely affected. But, left ventricular dP/dtmax was not reduced by more than 6.8% in the present experiments.  相似文献   

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