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A new approach of self-compensated dispersion tuning is developed to generate wavelength-tunable pulses from a fiber laser. A linearly chirped fiber grating is used in conjunction with a pair of optical circulators and modulators in the cavity. The wavelength has been electrically tuned while maintaining a constant operating frequency of 1 GHz. The laser exhibits a linear tuning relation with respect to the delay time between the electrical control signals. Three chirped gratings providing dispersions of 1446, 50, and 10 ps/nm are used respectively in the experiment and the results are compared. The highest tuning range is about 1 nm and is limited by the chirped bandwidth of the gratings  相似文献   

任丽  孙博  马丽  冯晓强  白晋涛 《红外与激光工程》2022,51(8):20210708-1-20210708-8
对线性啁啾光纤光栅(LCFBG)进行局部点加热时,在不同加热温度、加热宽度和加热位置情况下的输出光谱特性进行了研究。通过数值模拟发现,改变栅区局部加热点的温度和宽度,对透射禁带中窄带透射峰的透射率有较为明显的影响,其透射峰的中心波长也将会发生一定的漂移;透射峰的中心波长与栅区局部加热点的位置存在线性对应关系,且透射峰波长变化范围可覆盖整个透射禁带;LCFBG啁啾系数的大小,决定了改变加热位置导致的透射峰波长的调谐速率。基于理论研究结果,以热敏打印头的加热阵列为加热源,对LCFBG栅区进行局部点加热时的输出光谱特性进行了实验研究,得到了重复性和稳定性都较好、可多波长调谐的窄带透射峰。在实验误差范围内,实验结果与数值模拟得到的结论较为一致。  相似文献   

纯切趾线性啁啾长周期光纤光栅的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步拓宽长周期光纤光栅在光通信领域中的应用,在长周期光纤光栅中引入纯切趾包络和线性啁啾,构成光谱特性更为丰富的纯切趾线性啁啾长周期光纤光栅。采用耦合模理论,对纯切趾线性啁啾长周期光纤光栅中的模式耦合特性进行了研究,给出了纯切趾线性啁啾长周期光纤光栅的耦合系数和耦合模方程。在此基础上,详细研究了啁啾和切趾对长周期光纤光栅光谱特性的影响,讨论了纯切趾长周期光纤光栅用作色散补偿器的结构特性和色散补偿机制。最后,设计出一种采用两个相同光栅对称级联的基于纯切趾线性啁啾长周期光纤光栅的色散补偿器,该器件的3dB带宽为0.16nm,3dB带宽内的色散值约为-1954psnm,时延曲线偏离线性的波动幅度小于±2.5ps。  相似文献   

A simple design of a stable, smoothly wavelength-tunable picosecond pulse generator has been demonstrated using a dispersion-tuned, harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser with a directly modulated semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). The SOA functions as both a polarization-insensitive mode locker and a supermode noise suppressor. Near-linearly chirped pulses are generated and compressed to less than 4 ps when the intracavity dispersion is anomalous while 11-ps, near-transform-limited pulses are generated without compression when the dispersion is normal. Smooth wavelength tuning is achieved over more than 11 nm by only tuning the modulation frequency and pulse characteristics are stable over the entire tuning span. A simple numerical model successively simulates the operation principle of the system. The tuning range is determined by both the gain profile and the total intracavity dispersion. The dispersion and the SOA ensure the long-term stability of the system.  相似文献   

Design guidelines of actively mode-locked fiber ring lasers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This letter presents guidelines of how to design actively mode-locked fiber ring lasers to generate nearly transform-limited soliton pulses. The minimum fiber cavity length and/or dispersion, with which nearly transform-limited soliton pulses can be generated, need to satisfy an additional condition besides two previously known conditions of stability  相似文献   

啁啾光栅解调的准分布式光纤Bragg光栅传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)的应用范围.提出一种线性啁啾光栅(CFBG)解调的准分布式FBG传感系统.利用波导理论分析了CFBG特性;利用传输矩阵法推导了CFBG反射谱模型及波长与相位延迟的关系,并给出了相位延迟曲线.实验表明:所设计的系统应变测量范围为0~2000 με,温度测最范围为0~80℃;相位变化与被...  相似文献   

Fiber Bragg gratings written in polarization-maintaining fiber are proposed for wavelength selection in actively mode-locked Er-doped fiber lasers. Combined with single-polarization optical circulator, they form unidirectional transmission filters that can be incorporated in polarization-maintaining laser cavities. We have fabricated such a grating in hydrogen-loaded PANDA fiber and we have incorporated it in a polarization-maintaining actively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser designed to generate soliton-like pulses. Dependencies of pulse duration and spectral width on average intracavity power were measured. The power range over which soliton-like pulses were generated without pedestals was found to be ultimately limited by the grating's bandwidth  相似文献   

线性啁啾光纤布喇格光栅反射谱的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了研究线性啁啾光纤布喇格光栅的特性,并进一步把它用于光纤激光器上,介绍了线性啁啾光纤布喇格光栅的耦合模理论,采用4阶Runge-Kutta法和传输矩阵法结合控制变量法,对线性啁啾光纤布喇格光栅反射率与啁啾系数、半峰全宽与光栅长度、反射率与直流纤芯折射率改变量之间的关系进行了数值模拟。结果表明,线性啁啾光纤布喇格光纤可以展宽带宽。基于这个结论,提出了利用线性啁啾光纤布喇格光栅作为光纤激光器腔镜,使输出谱线展宽,从而可作为宽带光源使用的方案。  相似文献   

啁啾光纤布拉格光栅电流传感器   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了测量通电螺线管中的电流,设计了一种基于 光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)啁啾效应的电流传感器。磁场 中的圆盘形软铁受到通电螺旋管线圈磁场力的作用,引起矩形悬臂梁变形,从而导致粘贴在 悬臂梁侧边的 FBG的反射光谱带宽发生变化,其大小与电流强度成平方关系。利用光谱分析仪(OSA) ,通过检测FBG反射谱带宽的变化量,可以得到被测电流强度的大小。当OSA的分辨率为0.02nm时, 测量范围达到了27.1~1000mA。实验结果表明 ,FBG反射光谱带宽的变化量对温度变化不敏感, 当温度从-15℃变化到45℃时,3dB带宽的 最大变化约为5pm。实验结果和理论分析一致,表明本文该方案切实可行。  相似文献   

双环内级联采样光栅的多波长锁模光纤激光器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
龙小波  杨建良 《激光技术》2010,34(2):224-224
为了实现多波长激光输出,提出了一种改进的多波长主动锁模光纤环形激光器,采用集成级联采样光纤光栅进入激光腔形成稳定的多种波长激光的方法,进行了理论分析和实验验证。结果表明,双环形腔结构对于所有波长激光,其腔长度是一致的,从而可以用相同的锁模信号实现所有波长的同步锁模。实验中光纤环形激光器成功实现了以1.6nm为间隔的波长多达14个;它的输出功率大于0dBm,边模抑制比约30dB,最高模式锁模频率为1.05GHz,输出脉冲序列的脉宽是216ps。这一结果对光纤传输系统设计是有帮助的。  相似文献   

《Optical Fiber Technology》2007,13(3):267-270
A modified multiwavelength actively mode-locked fiber ring laser is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In this kind of laser, stable multiwavelengths lasing is achieved by integrating cascaded sampled fiber Bragg gratings (SFBGs) into the laser cavity. To implement actively mode-locking technique, a double-ring cavity configuration is used to assure that the cavity lengths for all wavelengths lasing are identical. Thus, simultaneous mode locking of all wavelengths has been successfully achieved by using same mode-locking signal.  相似文献   

报告了用简单的应力方法使均匀光栅成为线性啁啾光纤光栅的技术,并推导出了相应理论。在常规单模光纤G.652、10Gb/s系统中实现超过100km的色散补偿。  相似文献   

基于啁啾光纤布拉格光栅的流速传感器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
设计了一种基于啁啾光纤布拉格光栅(CFBG)的新型 流速传感器,包括CFBG压强传 感机构和文丘里管。压强传感机构中,密闭铝箔管横截面两边的压力差导致矩形悬臂梁变 形,从而引起粘贴在悬臂梁侧边的CFBG的反射光谱带宽发生变化。通过 检测其带宽,得到被测流体的速度。实验表明,CFBG反射光谱带宽对温度不敏 感,流速传感器的动态测量范围为8~100mm/s,设计方案是切实可行 的。  相似文献   

We demonstrate that linearly tapered fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) display nonlinear group delay under strain or stress. The nonlinear group delay of the tapered FBG is analyzed theoretically. Experimental results show a good agreement with the analysis. We are the first to find that linearly tapered FBGs can be used in dispersion slope compensation.  相似文献   

A novel single-longitudinal-mode (SLM) fiber ring laser that incorporates an equivalent phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating acting as an ultra-narrow bandpass filter in the laser cavity is proposed. The equivalent phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating has an ultra-narrow transmission bandwidth which ensures an SLM lasing. Stable SLM operation without mode hopping is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Wavelength switching of four wavelengths spanning 5.1 nm was realized by gain switching and self-seeding of a commercial Fabry-Perot (F-P) laser diode with a single in-fiber linearly chirped Bragg grating as the external cavity. A driving frequency up to 2 GHz was used and single mode operation with a side mode suppression ratio of 10 dB overall and 25 dB at best was achieved.  相似文献   

提出了利用啁啾光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)和马赫增德尔调制器产生三角形光脉冲的优化方案.方案采用FBG模拟单模光纤的色散特性,结合光载波抑制调制产生了三角形光脉冲, 并通过仿真分析,选择FBG的长度、调制深度、适当的折射率切趾函数对三角形光脉冲的线性特征进行了优化.仿真结果表明,在同一啁啾系数下,产生的三角形光脉冲的失真程度随啁啾光纤光栅的调制深度增大而增大,光栅长度、折射率切趾函数对三角形光脉冲的影响也比较明显.与现有系统相比,由于将FBG引入系统,省去长距离的光纤,优化方案系统结构更为简单,三角形光脉冲线性特征更好.  相似文献   

A novel optical fiber filter based on a strongly chirped sampled Bragg grating is proposed for wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) system applications. It features in multiple equalized passbands with flat-top steep-edge nearly linear phase response and high transmittance. Refractive index modulation amplitude with Gaussian spatial profile is used within the samples, which contributes to the marked improvement of the filter performance. Furthermore, there are also multiple flat and equalized stopbands to be used as multichannel optical add/drop filters in a WDM system.  相似文献   

We propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel configuration of a multiwavelength tunable fiber ring laser with equally increased or decreased wavelength spacing. Wavelength tuning is achieved by tuning the strain gradient of a sampled chirp fiber Bragg grating (SCFBG), which is integrated in the laser cavity. To achieve equally increased or decreased wavelength spacing, the SCFBG is surface-mounted at a slant onto one lateral side of a plate so that each wavelength-selective element of the SCFBG will experience an equal strain increment when an external force is applied to the plate. We experimentally obtain seven lasing wavelengths with equally increased or decreased wavelength spacing.  相似文献   

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