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为了在含有连续条件属性的决策表中挖掘和应用决策规则,通过采用互信息熵作为模糊聚类的截距值选定准则,对信息系统对象集进行模糊聚类划分,并根据粗糙集的有关概念,确定基于截距的近似集和边界,从中挖掘出不确定性决策规则,进一步建立决策知识库。最后以该知识库为识别模型,结合模糊隶属度的计算和不确定性推理进行地层识别,取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

王娟  张继贤  李海涛  张睿 《遥感信息》2007,(4):61-65,I0006
提出了一种基于决策树规则的变化检测及图件更新一体化方法。在拥有新期遥感数据和基期土地利用现状图的基础上,结合DEM和坡度图等辅助资料,充分挖掘数据的光谱信息、地形特征、地物纹理、几何形状等地学知识,构建各类别知识库,采用知识发现和决策规则,实现各地类的分层提取。各地类提取影像与原土地利用图运算,检测变化信息并确定变化类型,从而完成土地利用现状图的更新。文章最后通过试验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper we question the separation between technologies that support information and handle the ordered flow of work and technologies that support knowledge management. On the basis of observational studies and initiatives of participatory prototype design that we performed in the hospital domain and other cooperative work settings, the paper proposes a unified view of these high-level functionalities through the notion of Affording Mechanism. In order to clarify the implications for design, the paper discusses the relationships between knowledge and representations; the role of artifacts that are used in activities where knowledge is allegedly “produced, shared and consumed”; and finally the notion of affordance and its dynamics. In very general terms, an AM consists of an artifact and of dynamic relationships between the context of use and the artifact’s affordances, expressed in terms of simple if-then constructs. The affordances conveyed through and by the artifact are modulated in order to evoke a “positive” reaction in the actors who use these augmented artifacts and to support knowledgeable behaviors apt to the situation. Moreover, the paper illustrates a prototypical technology through examples derived from the studies mentioned above, and discusses the kind of support this application provides in the light of an unusual interpretation of what it might mean to “manage” knowledge through computer-based technology.  相似文献   

军事需求分析有其自身活动的规律和原则,文章对军事需求分析的主要规律和原则进行了分析和总结,为从事军事需求分析的技术人员提供指导。  相似文献   

基于综合规则与遗传算法的可重入生产系统调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕文彦  党延忠 《计算机工程》2005,31(13):186-188
可重入生产系统调度问题属于NP难题,该文将遗传算法方法与调度规则结合起来用于解决可重入生产系统的调度问题。首先针对系统的可重入性建立了一类综合规则,然后在设备分组与分时段的基础上,提出了基于一类综合规则组合的可重入生产系统调度策略,并采用遗传算法与过程仿真相结合的办法对综合规则组合进行优化,仿真比较验证了该调度策略的有效性。  相似文献   

刘发升  杨惠 《微计算机信息》2006,22(36):225-227
由于关联规则定义于项集的幂集上,生成的规则通常都是巨量的,数据挖掘后处理以及挖掘结果的可视化有效呈现对关联规则的有效应用都至关重要。针对这一问题,本文提出了一种新颖的基于鱼眼视图技术与数据凝聚聚类的关联规则集合可视化系统方法。实现的原型系统FBARS表征了这种方法的效果和有效性。  相似文献   

Information about the evolution of a software architecture can be found in the source basis of a project and in the release history data such as modification and problem reports. Existing approaches deal with these two data sources separately and do not exploit the integration of their analyses. In this paper, we present an architecture analysis approach that provides an integration of both kinds of evolution data. The analysis applies fact extraction and generates specific directed attributed graphs; nodes represent source code entities and edges represent relationships such as accesses, includes, inherits, invokes, and coupling between certain architectural elements. The integration of data is then performed on a meta-model level to enable the generation of architectural views using binary relational algebra. These integrated architectural views show intended and unintended couplings between architectural elements, hence pointing software engineers to locations in the system that may be critical for on-going and future maintenance activities. We demonstrate our analysis approach using a large open source software system.  相似文献   

在讨论相关技术的基础上,提出一种多模型集成的入侵检测系统,然后运用不同的模型和方法,构建系统的正常行为,并将其使用基于规则的方法集成,实验证明系统的检测率得到提高的同时,大大降低了误警率.  相似文献   

本文根据关联规则和分类规则的概念与表示形式,指出在关联规则挖掘过程中如果指定挖掘与一个确定的项相关联,那么就是分类规则挖掘了,论述了分类规则是特殊情况下的关联规则,并指出在这种特殊情况下,关联规则所具有的特征;然后根据这一论述,提出了一种在关联规则挖掘算法中利用限制条件概率分布来发现分类规则的算法。  相似文献   

Problem solving by autonomous, interacting computersystems has attracted much attention in the ArtificialIntelligence community. These autonomous computersystems, called agents, provide a promisingperspective for the legal knowledge-based systemscommunity, as legal problem solving often involvesdistributed problem solving capabilities that gobeyond the capabilities of individual knowledge-basedsystems.We focus on the coordination of agents andcommunication between agents by proposing a model ofcommunication between various agents using modellingtechniques such as communication primitives and statetransition diagrams. Our representation concerns theDutch Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht (AWB; GeneralAct on Administrative Law). A proposal for an agentarchitecture describes how these communication aspectscan be incorporated into an architecture.  相似文献   

当前数据库并行处理已经引起了很大的关注,而利用主动触发规则导出数据库数据(如视图)的研究也很多见,但在物化视图增量保持领域这方面的研究还不多见,尤其是利用并行处理能力来解决物化视图增量保持的多触发问题的研究。文章提出了并行环境下物化视图增量保持的主动多触发规则处理机制。  相似文献   

基于子规则的关联规则生成算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关联规则是数据挖掘中重要的课题之一。传统的由频繁项目集产生关联规则的方法由于要考虑频繁项目集的每一个非空子集,当频繁项目集的长度较长时代价较大。文中提出用K项子频繁项目集导出关联规则以后得到的有用信息以指导K 1项父频繁项目集产生强关联规则,由于利用了前面已有的有用信息,当频繁模式长度很长时,或者可信度较高时,效率尤其显著。  相似文献   

We introduce a generic notion of categorical propositional logic and provide a construction of a preorder-enriched institution out of such a logic, following the Curry-Howard-Tait paradigm. The logics are speci ed as theories of a meta-logic within the logical framework LF such that institution comorphisms are obtained from theory morphisms of the meta-logic. We prove several logic-independent results including soundness and completeness theorems and instantiate our framework with a number of examples: classical, intuitionistic,linear and modal propositional logic.  相似文献   

The following article is a condensation of a COSINE task force report on an undergraduate course in operating systems principles. The report appeared in its entirety in June, 1971, and is receiving wide circulation in academic circles. Undoubtedly the report will have an impact on the IEEE Computer Society by helping shape part of the education of its future members. The present membership will also benefit through refresher courses, seminars, and a general expansion of knowledge in the discipline of operating systems.  相似文献   

统计与规则相结合的古文对联应对模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

一、前言调度器(Soheduler)是分布式数据库中事务并发控制的一部分,它接收事务管理器(TM)发来的操作,实现操作序列的可串行化。根据串行化理论的计算经历论LlJ,经历H是可串行化的当且仅当H的串行图SG(H)是无环的。  相似文献   

An Algorithmic View on OVSF Code Assignment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) codes are used in UMTS to share the radio spectrum among several connections of possibly different bandwidth requirements. The combinatorial core of the OVSF code assignment problem is to assign some nodes of a complete binary tree of height h (the code tree) to n simultaneous connections, such that no two assigned nodes (codes) are on the same root-to-leaf path. A connection that uses a 2-d fraction of the total bandwidth requires some code at depth d in the tree, but this code assignment is allowed to change over time. Requests for connections that would exceed the total available bandwidth are rejected. We consider the one-step code assignment problem: Given an assignment, move the minimum number of codes to serve a new request. Minn and Siu propose the so-called DCA algorithm to solve the problem optimally. In contrast, we show that DCA does not always return an optimal solution, and that the problem is NP-hard. We give an exact nO(h)-time algorithm, and a polynomial-time greedy algorithm that achieves approximation ratio Θ(h). A more practically relevant version is the online code assignment problem, where future requests are not known in advance. Our objective is to minimize the overall number of code reassignments. We present a Θ(h)-competitive online algorithm, and show that no deterministic online algorithm can achieve a competitive ratio better than 1.5. We show that the greedy strategy (minimizing the number of reassignments in every step) is not better than Ω(h) competitive. We give a 2-resource augmented online algorithm that achieves an amortized constant number of (re-)assignments. Finally, we show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable.  相似文献   

星型模型是数据仓库中最常用的数据组织方式,对星型模型进行数据挖掘具有实际的意义.在单维Apriori算法和前人工作的基础上,介绍了对带有时态约束的星型模型进行多维关联规则挖掘的方法,并举例说明.  相似文献   

基于规则的个性化课表生成算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁宏武  薛模根  姚翎  王晓芳 《计算机工程》2006,32(4):194-196,224
提出并实现了一种基于规则的个性化课表生成算法。该算法构建了排课过程的启发式规则和规则应用策略,以个性化需求为特征的数据结构为初始状态,通过启发、优化和回溯等过程,求解满足要求的状态解并生成相应课表。应用表明该算法设计合理,运算速度快。  相似文献   

机器翻译(MachineTranslation,简称MT)是21世纪科技领域的一个难题之一,而要实现机器翻译,对自然语言进行形式化是核心。机器翻译的突破依赖于语言学研究的突破。该文介绍一种汉语句子形式化的方法。涉及的内容包括Montague语法,范畴语法,内涵逻辑,汉语语法等。该文主要在理论上进行了探讨,并用例子进行详细说明该汉语句子形式化方法在英汉机器翻译中的应用。结果表明,该方法具有一定的有效性。  相似文献   

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