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BACKGROUND: The purpose was to study activation markers of the eosinophil granulocytes in seasonal allergic rhinitis, and the impact of topical steroid therapy thereupon. METHODS: Sixty-three rhinitis patients with monoallergy to grass were examined before and at peak pollen season. Blood eosinophil count, eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) in serum and nasal lavage fluid were measured. During the season, patients were randomized to treatment with intranasal fluticasone propionate 0.1 mg o.d. (n=26), 0.2 mg o.d. (n=25), or placebo (n=12). Six healthy persons served as controls. RESULTS: During the season, all parameters, except nasal lavage ECP, increased in the placebo group (P<0.001-P<0.05). Significant differences were seen between the steroid groups and the placebo group for all parameters (P<0.001-P<0.05). Higher eosinophil count (P<0.05), serum EPO (P<0.02), and nasal lavage EPO (P<0.05) were found in patients before season than in controls. The following winter, 44 patients returned for repeated measurement. Lower levels of nasal lavage EPO were observed for patients than levels at the beginning of the season (P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Intranasal fluticasone propionate reduced inflammation of the nasal mucosa, demonstrated locally by nasal lavage ECP and EPO, and systemically by blood eosinophils, serum ECP, and serum EPO. EPO seemed more sensitive than ECP as indicator of allergic inflammation. EPO demonstrated some perennial eosinophil activity in hay fever patients, increasing locally during spring.  相似文献   

Nine hundred three former college freshmen were followed 7 yr after entering college by means of a detailed allergy questionnaire. Original data collected from the students as freshmen, including a history of atopy and allergy skin test results, were evaluated in relation to the frequency of developing new allergies. During the 7-yr follow-up period, new cases of hay fever occurred in 12.6%, nonseasonal allergic rhinitis in 4.8%, and new asthma in 2.5%. The risks of developing asthma and allergic rhinitis are both significantly associated with a prior positive allergy skin test. The risk of developing asthma, not hay fever, is significantly associated with a prior history of atopy. The association of positive allergy skin tests with the development of new cases of allergy remains significant throughout the 7-yr follow-up period. However, individuals who had all negative skin tests developed significantly fewer new cases of clinical allergy during the first 3 yr of follow-up; in the next 4 yr of the 7-yr follow-up, increased numbers of individuals with negative scratch tests developed new cases of allergy. Thus, negative skin tests proved of less prognostic value during the last 4-yr period of this 7-yr study, although significant differences still are apparent between the positive and negative reactor groups.  相似文献   

The recent elucidation of the inflammatory responses underlying asthma and allergic rhinitis has stimulated the development of new anti-asthma treatments, including numerous antileukotriene agents. These agents, which represent a new direction in targeted therapy, either antagonize the leukotriene receptor (e.g. zafirlukast) or block the synthesis of leukotrienes (e.g. zileuton). They have been used in preclinical and clinical studies involving normal subjects and patients with asthma or allergic rhinitis. These studies have generally supported the putative role of leukotrienes in the mechanisms of asthma and allergic rhinitis. With respect to asthma, the leukotrienes also appear to function as potent mediators of bronchoconstriction. The above cited results indicate that antileukotriene agents offer incremental improvements in airway caliber and may also attenuate the inflammatory response. Because they are orally administered, they should have the additional benefit of increasing patient compliance relative to other currently available treatments. In their current form, however, they may not be expected to replace the mainstays of current therapy but to act rather, as adjuvant therapy. Patients with relatively mild asthma may be able to achieve efficacy with an antileukotriene agent plus as needed beta-adrenergic agonists; patients with more significant disease might use antileukotriene agents as a supplement to another anti-inflammatory agent, such as cromolyn, nedocromil, or corticosteroids. Studies of asthma patients have confirmed the ability of antileukotriene agents to attenuate asthma-associated bronchoconstriction. Antileukotriene agents appear to significantly attenuate aspirin-, allergen-, and exercise-induced asthma, as well as the signs and symptoms of nocturnal and chronic asthma; they may have efficacy in other inflammation-associated disorders such as allergic rhinitis as well.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the morbidity and mortality attributable to smoking. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A transversal study was performed in a reference population of residents of the province of Granada (Spain). The number of deaths in 1985, the number of patients admitted to public hospitals in 1987 and a sample of out patients in 1989 were gathered from the National Institute of Statistics and hospital registries, and a prospective collection from out patient clinics was also carried out. The diseases studied included: oropharyngeal, esophageal, pancreatic, laryngeal, lung, bladder and kidney carcinomas, ischemic cardiopathy, cerebrovascular stroke, peripheral arteriopathy and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). Statistical analysis was performed by populational etiologic fraction and the chi square test. RESULTS: Four point five percent of the total number of annual hospital admissions, 6.3% of the out patients, 15.9% of the mortality and 12.0% of the total number of potential years of life lost (TPYLL) were estimated to be attributable to smoking in individuals over the age of 15 years in the province of Granada. The most frequent causes of morbidity attributable to smoking were COPD and ischemic cardiopathy, and with regards to mortality, ischemic cardiopathy (28.5%), COPD (21.6%) and lung cancer (17.5%). Higher percentages were observed in males than in females and in the group from 46 to 65 years of age. CONCLUSIONS: Smoking is not only responsible for an important percentage of deaths, but also leads to premature death and a reduction in the quality of life which is translated into an excess of health care costs. Since the impact of smoking becomes particularly evident from 46 to 65 years of age, smoking prevention should be centered on the early years of life.  相似文献   

An overview of the most important older and newer results regarding the relationship between violent and criminal behavior on the one hand and schizophrenic illness on the other hand is presented. Four different methods are available to study this relationship: (i) study of the prevalence of mental illness in criminal/violent populations; (ii) study of criminality/violence rate in samples of psychiatric patients; (iii) study of criminality/violence in community samples comparing mental patients with non-patient community residents; and (iv) study of criminality/violence in birth cohorts prospectively. All these methods have been used; but samples composed of schizophrenic patients exclusively were only exceptionally studied. The results indicate that there is a modest but significant relationship between schizophrenia and violence and crime which persists even after controlling for demographic and socio-economic variables. The probability of schizophrenic patients to be criminal or violent depends on the acuity of their illness and is increased by their use of psychoactive substances. Generally, however, violent and criminal acts directly attributable to mental illness account only for a very small proportion of such acts in the society.  相似文献   

Determination of microgram quantities of protein in the Bradford Coomassie brilliant blue assay is accomplished by measurement of absorbance at 590 nm. However, as intrinsic nonlinearity compromises the sensitivity and accuracy of this method. It is shown that under standard assay conditions, the ratio of the absorbances, 590 nm over 450 nm, is strictly linear with protein concentration. This simple procedure increases the accuracy and improves the sensitivity of the assay about 10-fold, permitting quantitation down to 50 ng of bovine serum albumin. Furthermore, protein assay in presence of up to 35-fold weight excess of sodium dodecyl sulfate (detergent) over bovine serum albumin (protein) can be performed. A linear equation that perfectly fits the experimental data is provided on the basis of mass action and Beer's law.  相似文献   

Assessment of the hemodynamic and anatomic results following balloon angioplasty of discrete native coarctation of the aorta, with particular attention to "remodeling," has required repeat cardiac catheterization and angiography, which is invasive and has limited resolution. Eight patients with hypertension and discrete native coarctation with an otherwise normally developed aortic arch underwent angioplasty at 5.0 +/- 6.8 years of age. Angiographic cross-sectional areas of the aorta indexed to body surface area at the isthmus (I), coarctation site (C), and 1 cm distal to the coarctation site (Cd) pre- and postangioplasty were compared with MRI-indexed cross-sectional areas 18 +/- 10 months (MRI-1) and 35 +/- 11 months (MRI-2) postangioplasty. From preangioplasty to MRI-2, the isthmus was smaller (149 +/- 22 versus 127 +/- 27 mm2/m2; p < 0. 05). The coarctation site was larger postangioplasty (25 +/- 9 versus 116 +/- 40 mm2/m2; p < 0.001) with continued growth at latest follow-up (116 +/- 40 versus 164 +/- 36 mm2/m2; p < 0.01). The segment 1 cm distal to the coarctation site continued to decrease in area at latest follow-up (267 +/- 78 versus 163 +/- 38 mm2/m2; p < 0. 001). I versus C versus Cd at MRI-2 were similar, whereas postangioplasty and MRI-1 cross-sectional area measurements were significantly different. Following angioplasty of discrete native coarctation, the aorta becomes more uniform or undergoes "remodeling." Noninvasive MRI is an effective means of evaluating the anatomic result following balloon angioplasty, obviating the need for repeated invasive cardiac catheterizations.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of astemizole-pseudoephedrine solution compared to loratadine-pseudoephedrine syrup in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Fifty children (34 boys and 16 girls) ages between 2 and 7 years were enrolled and randomly assigned to each group. Patients were evaluated before treatment and on the third and seventh days of therapy. Children treated with astemizole-pseudoephedrine had better results with an average effectiveness of 84% compared to 64% for children treated with loratadine-pseudoephedrine. Differences were significant for eye symptoms by medical evaluation and for blocked nose, sneezing and itchy nose according to the patients diary. Both treatment groups started action within 30 minutes after drug intake. 4 hours later, 38% of the patients in the astemizole-pseudoephedrine group and 16% in the loratadine-pseudoephedrine groups had experienced improvement. One patient in the former and three in the latter showed adverse effects.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of betotastine besilate (betotastine) on the experimental allergic rhinitis. The oral administration of betotastine (1, 3 and 10 mg/kg) inhibited the increase in dye leakage during and after the nasal perfusion of antigen in actively sensitized rats. It also prevented the increase in intranasal pressure induced by topically applied histamine in non-sensitized guinea pigs. Cetirizine and terfenadine dose-dependently inhibited the increase in a similar manner. Ketotifen (0.01-0.3 mg/kg, p.o.) inhibited the increase more than 50% at 0.01 mg/kg. The ID50s of ketotifen, cetirizine, betotastine and terfenadine for this model were more than 0.01 mg/kg, 0.01 mg/kg, 0.03 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg, respectively. Furthermore, in actively sensitized guinea pigs, nasal airway resistance showed a biphasic increase after the topical antigen challenge to the nasal cavity; the first peak at 0.5 hr and a second peak at 4 hr. Both the responses of first and second peaks were significantly inhibited by orally administered betotastine besilate, and its inhibitory effect on the second peak was the strongest among drugs tested. Since betotastine showed significantly inhibitory effects in experimental allergic rhinitis models, it was suggested to show a good efficacy for the treatment of allergic rhinitis clinically.  相似文献   

Between January 1991 and January 1994, 40 patients with hairy-cell leukemia (HCL), 30 males and 10 females, with a median age of 54 years, were treated with a single course of 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CdA) at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg/day continuous infusion for 7 days. Thirteen patients were untreated and 27 had previously received alpha-interferon. Thirty out of 40 patients (75%) achieved complete remission (CR) and 10 (25%) partial remission (PR). The median follow-up duration for patients in CR has been 48 months (range 30-66). Five of the complete responders (17%) relapsed at 12, 24, 26, 30 and 36 months after treatment as documented by the increase of hairy cells (Hc) in the bone marrow and two of them, who were retreated with 2-CdA after showing an initial impairment of peripheral blood values, obtained a second CR. The remaining three relapsed patients were never retreated and still show normal peripheral counts after 30, 38 and 40 months. Twelve of the continuous complete responder patients are still in CR after more than 5 years. In contrast, 8 out of 10 partial responders progressed after 8-36 months and all of them were retreated with 2-CdA at a dose of 0.15 mg/kg/day for 5 days i.v. Four of them (50%) achieved a CR, three a better PR and one patient died 6 months after the second 2-CdA course because of infectious complications. Two additional patients, both in CR, died after 28 and 37 months because of a second neoplasm. Toxic side-effects consisted of febrile episodes recorded in 16 patients: in seven of them, fever lasted only 24-48 h after the end of treatment and was apparently not infection-related. In the remaining nine patients, showing in addition severe neutropenia (neutrophils less than 1.0 x 10(9)/l), fever was related to bacterial infection requiring systemic antibiotics in all of them and G-CSF in three cases. In conclusion, 2-CdA induces a very high proportion of complete and long-lasting remissions in patients with HCL. In a number of cases relapse at bone marrow level may not affect peripheral blood values for prolonged time. However, in those patients with initial pancytopenia a retreatment with 2-CdA is still effective in inducing a durable second CR.  相似文献   

A case of an endometrial polyp which developed in a 74-year-old woman treated with tamoxifen for 15 years after breast cancer surgery was the stimulus for this brief and concise review of the endometrial changes caused by anti-estrogen treatment in post-menopausal women with breast cancer. Tamoxifen therapy has been associated with the development of endometrial polyps, hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma possibly mediated through its agonistic estrogenic properties. Hysteroscopy follow-up should be performed in this group of patients and hysteroscopy should be done before the beginning of therapy and repeated once a year during the treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Initial attempts to evaluate the association between allergic rhinitis and non-specific bronchial responsiveness has produced conflicting results. In fact, some studies showed a strong correlation and other failed to find an association. However, little is known about the effect of natural specific allergen exposure on the bronchial reactivity of mono-sensitive patients with rhinitis in the southern Mediterranean area, in relation to skin reactivity to allergens, total serum IgE levels and blood eosinophils. OBJECTIVES: The significance of the association between allergic rhinitis, and abnormal airway responsiveness with regard to the pathogenesis of asthma is unclear. For this reason, we have studied non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity, in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis, with reference to the responsible allergen. The aim of the study was to correlate the responsiveness to bronchoprovocation with methacholine in subjects a with allergic rhinitis during and out of the pollen season with total serum IgE and blood eosinophils. METHODS: Fourty-nine non-smoking patients with clinical diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and mono-sensitive skin-prick tests to pollen allergens were enrolled in the study. Twenty patients suffered from seasonal rhinitis to Parietaria pollen, 15 patients to Gramineae pollen and 14 patients to Olea pollen. In all patients lung function measurements (assessed as response to methacholine), total serum IgE and blood eosinophil counts were measured during and out of the pollen season. RESULTS: During pollen season, 16 out of 49 rhinitis patients demonstrated values of bronchial responsiveness measured as response to inhaled methacholine in the asthmatic range whereas out of the pollen season only eight patients were in the asthmatic range. By analysing the results with reference to the responsible allergen, during the pollen season 15 out of 16 patients were Parietaria-sensitive and out of the pollen season seven out of eight patients. Finally, in Parietaria-sensitive rhinitis bronchial responsiveness significantly correlated, during and out of the pollen season, with total serum IgE and with blood eosinophil counts. CONCLUSIONS: Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that Parietaria is more important than Olea and Gramineae as a risk for developing non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness. On the whole, present observations provide further evidence that there is an interrelationship of allergen kind, total serum IgE, eosinophil and bronchial hyperresponsiveness suggesting that they may play a role in the development of bronchial asthma in rhinitis patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is not known how many children with epilepsy may not need treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), how many respond unsatisfactorily to subsequent treatment regimens, and how many achieve "acceptable control" despite lack of remission. METHODS: In a prospective multicenter hospital-based study, 494 children with a broad range of seizure types and types of epilepsy were followed up for at least 2 years. There was no standard treatment protocol. We describe the treatment strategies applied to these children by the neurologists in charge and outcome with respect to remission from seizures. RESULTS: Treatment was initially withheld in 29% of the children, and after 2 years 17% still had not received any AEDs. There were no serious complications caused by withholding treatment. Of the children treated with AEDs, 60% were still using the first AED after 2 years; 80% received monotherapy and 20%, polytherapy. Children with severe symptomatic epilepsies, such as the West or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, received polytherapy early on in the course of treatment. When 3 regimens had failed, the chance of achieving a remission of more than 1 year with subsequent regimens was 10%. Nevertheless, 15 of 50 children receiving AEDs in whom the "longest remission ever" was less than 6 months did achieve acceptable seizure control according to the neurologist in charge of treatment. Hence, of 494 children, only 35 (7%) developed an intractable form of epilepsy, defined as failure to bring seizures under acceptable control. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial percentage of children with new-onset epilepsy did not need treatment with AEDs. Chances of achieving a good outcome declined with subsequent treatment regimens. Not all children with recurrent seizures were suffering from intractable epilepsy; some had achieved acceptable control of seizures.  相似文献   

This study showed that nasal allergy patients have increased nasal airway resistance and tissue kallikrein activity in nasal lavage in accordance with the severity of symptoms. Nasal airway resistance and tissue kallikrein activity were significantly increased in the nasal lavage collected 15 min after antigen challenge, placement of a disk containing house dust antigen. The free kinin level in the nasal lavage collected 15 min after the antigen challenge was also markedly increased. Pretreatment of patients with d-chlor-pheniramine maleate (histamine H1 receptor antagonist) blunted this increase in nasal airway resistance and tissue kallikrein activity 15 min after the antigen challenge, suggesting that histamine may accelerate excretion of tissue kallikrein in nasal secretions. Camostat mesilate inhibited the in vitro tissue kallikrein activity in nasal lavage collected from allergy patients. Administration of camostat mesilate significantly inhibited nasal airway resistance and tissue kallikrein activity in nasal lavage after the antigen challenge, indicating that kinin generated in the nasal cavity increased nasal airway resistance. These results suggest that tissue kallikrein inhibitors may serve as anti-allergic drugs by suppressing the nasal symptoms of nasal allergy patients.  相似文献   

Although the mesquite plant (Prosopis velutina) is not as widely distributed as some other allergenic species, its pollen can induce serious pollinosis in areas where it is localized. We previously isolated and characterized a peptidase from mesquite pollen with trypsin-like specificity (peptidase Imes) (Matheson, N., Schmidt, J., and Travis, J. (1995) Am. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. 12, 441-448). Now we have characterized a second enzyme with specificity for hydrophobic residues (mesquite pollen peptidase IImes). This enzyme has a molecular mass near 92 kDa and activity that was not affected by reducing or chelating agents but was inhibited by specific synthetic serine proteinase inhibitors and the aminopeptidase inhibitor bestatin. However, it was not inhibited by human plasma proteinase inhibitors, nor did it inactivate any of those tested. The enzyme possessed amidolytic activity against p-nitroanilide substrates most effectively after alanine residues and also displayed aminopeptidase activity against non-p-nitroanilide peptides with a preference for phenylalanine. This specificity for hydrophobic amino acid residues was corroborated by inhibition studies with chloromethyl ketone and organophosphonate inhibitors. More interesting from a physiological point of view is that the bioactive peptides, angiotensins I and II and vasoactive intestinal peptide, were also hydrolyzed rapidly, indicating an ability of peptidase IImes to act also as an oligopeptidase. Because these bioactive peptides play a role in the inflammatory responses in allergic asthma, our data suggest that the purified mesquite pollen peptidase IImes may be involved in the degradation of neuro- and vasoactive peptides during pollen-initiated allergic reactions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe survival after a CD4+ T-cell count of less than 5 x 10(6)/l and to identify possible baseline factors associated with outcome. DESIGN: A prospective cohort study. SETTING: A large teaching hospital in North London. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: Patients treated at the Royal Free Hospital, London, who had at least one reported CD4+ T-cell count of less than 5 x 10(6)/l and were being followed up for clinical care prior to the date of this cell count. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Death. METHODS: Proportional hazards models, Kaplan-Meier analysis. RESULTS: One-hundred and sixty-nine patients were included in the study. The median survival after a very low CD4+ T-cell count was 0.95 years (95% confidence interval, 0.78-1.19), although 20% survived for over 2 years. Older age and a previous AIDS diagnosis were related to poorer outcome. A higher CD8+ T-cell count at baseline was also associated with a better prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: A CD4+ T-cell count of less than 5 x 10(6)/l did not necessarily mean imminent death, with a median survival after this count of just under 1 year. These results will enable clinicians to provide appropriate counselling for patients at this late stage and to plan terminal care.  相似文献   

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