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宋均轲  钱斌 《广州化工》2011,39(14):40-41,95
电絮凝是一种环境友好型技术。电絮凝方法占地面积小,不需要添加化学试剂,污泥量少,操作简单,可以有效去除水中的COD、重金属、色度、氟化物和有毒有害物质。本文介绍了电絮凝处理水的基本原理,综述了电絮凝在水处理中的应用及存在的不足,提供了解决方法。针对能耗较高的问题,可从改进电源、研制新电极和与其他技术连用等方面研究。  相似文献   

水处理电絮凝技术的应用与发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
余志  范跃华 《浙江化工》2006,37(3):25-28
电絮凝是近年来发展很快的一种技术,已广泛应用于废水及给水处理中。本文介绍其基本原理和在水处理中的应用情况,预测其未来的发展前景,对存在的问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

电絮凝作为一种环境友好型技术,具有占地面积小、去除污染物种类广、去除效率高、工艺操作简便等优势被广泛应用到各种难降解污染废水的处理中。从探讨电絮凝技术的基本原理、影响因素出发,分析了当下利用电絮凝进行废水处理的热点及重点研究。最后采用文献计量学方法分析了电絮凝技术的研究热点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

水处理絮凝反应动力学优化模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
叶峰  张林生 《净水技术》2002,21(4):20-23
根据絮凝动力学理论对絮凝反应器的设计进行了优化,提出了提高絮凝效率的技术方法。  相似文献   

周杰  宋小三  王三反 《化工进展》2020,39(z2):329-335
电絮凝是一种用于处理不同类型饮用水和废水有效的电化学方法,近年来由于其高效地处理大量难处理污染物的能力而受到了广泛的关注。它成功地处理了有机和无机污染物且同时却很少产生副产物。在过去的十年里大量的研究致力于利用电絮凝处理饮用水和废水,从受污染的地下水到受高度污染的炼油厂废水都是其处理范围。本文首先介绍了电絮凝的基本原理及优缺点并回顾了近年来有关电絮凝用于水处理的文献,重点关注当前在饮用水和废水中的具体应用方面取得的成功以及未来应用的潜力。随后分析了影响电絮凝效率的几个因素,最后指出最近的电絮凝大多集中在去除特定污染物的研究上,而没有关注开发模型或工业应用,并且如果能降低电絮凝的成本,此方法将会有一个巨大的突破。  相似文献   

介绍了电絮凝原理及集成技术在水处理领域中的应用研究进展,作为一种利用电解产生的金属离子及其多核羟基络合物和氢氧化物将溶液中污染物进行凝聚、吸附与氧化的水处理技术,电絮凝具有去除效率高、操作控制简便、污泥产出量少、处理成本低等优点。指出电絮凝与其他水处理工艺组合可进一步提高污染物去除效率并降低系统能耗,认为未来电絮凝集成技术研究主要集中于电絮凝集成工艺关键环节强化以及与集成工艺匹配的电絮凝设备结构优化,从而发挥组合工艺优势,提高系统处理能效。  相似文献   

电絮凝法在水处理过程中影响因素研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电絮凝过程是一种物理化学反应过程,能够有效去除水中的悬浮物、胶体、可溶物等各类形态污染物,具有去除率高、对环境影响小、污泥产率低、操作简单、化学药品投加量小等优势。介绍了电絮凝的主要作用机理,综述了电絮凝反应过程中影响处理效率的各类重要因素,如电源、电极材料、极板间距、p H、共存离子等,并提出目前电絮凝技术的局限性和未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文通过电絮凝法原位产Zn-Al LDHs吸附剂,原位吸附处理废水,考察了Zn-Al LDHs对以甲基橙(MO)为代表的有机难降解物质的吸附能力。实验结果表明,通过电絮凝法原位产生二价金属离子Zn2+,外部投加三价金属离子Al3+的体系能原位产生纯度较高的Zn-Al LDHs吸附絮体用于废水处理。研究发现,当Zn/Al摩尔比为1/0.5,电流密度为5 A/m2,溶液的初始pH为8,反应时间10 min时,Zn-Al LDHs对MO的去除率能够达到99.3%±0.3%。另外,通过XRD、SEM以及FT-IR等手段对该体系下产生的吸附絮体进行表征,证实了Zn-Al LDHs絮体对目标污染物有着较高的吸附能力。  相似文献   

张亚娟 《当代化工》2015,(2):253-255
从电絮凝技术及微滤技术的概念出发,设计了一组实验进行了研究,并为其在新时期水处理剂净化中的应用进行了积极探讨,以期为广大行业同仁带来有益的参考。  相似文献   

太阳能电絮凝技术(SPEC)是一种水处理新技术,其结合了太阳能光伏发电可再生、可持续的特点和电絮凝处理废水无需添加化学药剂、产泥量少、设备易操作、占地小的优势,为太阳能丰富的地区带来了更加高效、环保和节能的水处理方法。本文阐明了电絮凝的原理,并分析了阳极材料、电极连接方式、电流密度、初始pH、电导率和极板间距对废水中污染物去除效率的影响。随后,重点综述了国内外学者对SPEC技术处理染料废水、含磷废水、含油废水、偏远地区分散式废水和SPEC与其他技术耦合处理废水的研究进展。最后,点明了SPEC技术当前存在的不足及挑战,并对未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

The electrocoagulation of kaolinite and bentonite suspensions was studied in a pilot electrocoagulation system at the Western Research Center of CANMET to assess the operating cost and efficiency of the process. Factors affecting the operating cost such as, the formation of passivation layers on electrode plates, flow velocity and concentration of sodium chloride in the suspension were examined. The operating costs investigated in this paper were the power cost of the electrocoagulation cell and the material cost due to the consumption of the aluminum electrode. Comparison was based on the settling properties of the treated product: turbidity, settling rate, and cake height. Higher concentration of sodium chloride resulted in greater amount of aluminum dissolved chemically and electrochemically into the suspension and thus a better clarity of the supernatant of the treated product. Increased flow velocity could reduce significantly the operating cost while improving both clarity of the supernatant and the compactness of the sludge volume. The passivation layers developed quickly with time during the electrocoagulation process and more energy became wasted on the layers.  相似文献   


In this study, response surface methodology was applied for food wastewater by electrocoagulation (EC) and electro-Fenton (EF) processes. The optimum conditions for the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal were found to be 21.36 min, pH 10 and 86 mA/cm2 in EC, whereas 27.11 min, pH 2.38, 86 mA/cm2 and H2O2/COD:2 in EF process. COD removal efficiencies were determined to be 29.4% for EC and 59.1% for EF processes and higher than 99% total suspended solids removal efficiencies were achieved. It can be concluded that high COD removal was obtained (4998 mg/L COD removal by EC and 10,047 mg/L COD removal by EF).  相似文献   

电凝聚水处理技术的新进展   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
首先简介了电凝聚法处理废水的基本原理,其过程和机理与化学混凝法基本相同。并着重阐述了近年来电凝聚技术在废水处理和给水净化方面的应用现状。其主要用于处理印染废水。在处理油乳胶、去除悬浮物及有机物等方面也取得了良好的效果。电凝聚可同时除去水中的有机物、细菌、浊度、重金属及其他毒物,是一种有前途的净水方法。人们还从改进电源技术、采用新型电极和改进电解槽设计等方面着手,以降低其处理能耗,这些正成为电凝聚研究的热点。  相似文献   


In this study, a combined process of internal micro-electrolysis (IME)–electrocoagulation was developed at lab scale for treating a real copper smelting wastewater. By IME, 92.4% of Cu, 88.6% of Pb, and 72.2% of Zn were removed after 30 min at an initial solution pH of 3, a Fe/C dosage of 40 g/L, and a Fe/C mass ratio of 1:1. Removal of residual metals by electrocoagulation was affected by wastewater pH and current density. Electrocoagulation with iron/aluminum electrodes at a current density of 5 mA/cm2, electrocoagulation time of 30 min, and pH 8 resulted in 99.3% Cu, 99.5% Pb, and 98.6% Zn removal. The final effluent quality could satisfy the National Discharge Standard of China. This work demonstrates that the hybrid system has the potential to be applied for the advanced treatment of high-strength copper smelting wastewater.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present study describes an electrocoagulation process for treating laundry waste‐water using aluminum plates. The effect of various parameters such pH, voltage, hydraulic retention time (HRT), and number of aluminum plates between the anode and cathode on efficiency of treatment are investigated. RESULTS: Experimental results showed that by increasing HRT, treatment efficiency increases but beyond 45 min changes are negligible. Among the results for chemical oxygen demand (COD), phosphorus, detergent, colour and turbidity, the lowest decrease was found for phosphorus. The larger the HRT, the greater the electrical current needed to achieve constant voltage and temperature in the system. The pH of the influent is a very significant variable which affects the treatment of laundry waste‐water considerably, the optimal range being 6.0–8.0. In addition, it was found that the pH increases from 8.3 to more than 10 over the first hour of treatment after which the pH remains relatively constant. Finally, kinetic analysis indicates that the adsorption system obeys a second‐order kinetic model. CONCLUSION: The aluminum hydroxide generated in the cell decreases the concentration of pollutants in laundry waste‐water to a permissible level. It is concluded that, compared with other treatment processes, electrocoagulation is more effective in treating laundry waste‐water under appropriate conditions. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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