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Traffic grooming in optical networks is the process of multiplexing and demultiplexing low-speed traffic streams onto high-speed wavelengths. The research in the domain of traffic grooming mainly focuses on minimizing number of SONET add/drop multiplexers (SADMs) in SONET/WDM rings and it has been shown that they can potentially be reduced by careful assignment of low-speed traffic streams onto high-speed wavelengths. However, the cost of the network not only depends on the number of SADMs, but also the number of wavelengths and the grooming ratio. It is often the case that all of them cannot be minimized simultaneously. In this article, the problem of minimization of cost of a SONET/WDM unidirectional ring has been modeled as a multiobjective optimization problem which simultaneously minimizes the number of SADMs, the number of wavelengths, and the grooming ratio. A popular multiobjective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) has been used as the underlying optimization tool. The resultant set of near-Pareto-optimal solutions contains a number of nondominated solutions, which the user can judge relatively and pick up the most promising one according to the problem requirements. Performance of the proposed algorithm has been demonstrated on different network topologies.
Mrinal Kanti NaskarEmail:

In high-speed SONET rings with point-to-point WDM links, the cost of SONET add-drop multiplexers (S-ADMs) can be dominantly high. However, by grooming traffic (i.e., multiplexing lower-rate streams) appropriately and using wavelength ADMs (WADMs), the number of S-ADMs can be dramatically reduced. In this paper, we propose optimal or near-optimal algorithms for traffic grooming and wavelength assignment to reduce both the number of wavelengths and the number of S-ADMs. The algorithms proposed are generic in that they can be applied to both unidirectional and bidirectional rings having an arbitrary number of nodes under both uniform and nonuniform (i.e., arbitrary) traffic with an arbitrary grooming factor. Some lower bounds on the number of wavelengths and S-ADMs required for a given traffic pattern are derived, and used to determine the optimality of the proposed algorithms. Our study shows that using the proposed algorithms, these lower bounds can he closely approached in most cases or even achieved in some cases. In addition, even when using a minimum number of wavelengths, the savings in S-ADMs due to traffic grooming (and the use of WADMs) are significant, especially for large networks  相似文献   

Grooming of arbitrary traffic in SONET/WDM BLSRs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
SONET add-drop multiplexers (ADMs) are the dominant cost factor in the SONET/WDM rings. They can potentially be reduced by optical bypass via optical add-drop multiplexers (OADMs) and traffic grooming. In this paper we study the grooming of arbitrary traffic in WDM bidirectional line-switched rings (BLSRs) so as to minimize the ADM cost. Two versions of the minimum ADM cost problem are addressed. In the first version, each traffic stream has a predetermined routing. In the second version, the routing of each traffic stream is not given in advance; however, each traffic stream is fully duplex with symmetric demands, which must be routed along the same path but in opposite directions. In both versions, we further consider two variants depending on whether a traffic stream is allowed to be split at intermediate nodes. All the four combinations are NP-hard even for any fixed line-speed. General lower bounds on the minimum ADM cost are provided. Our traffic grooming follows a two-phased approach. The problem targeted at in each phase is NP-hard itself, except the second phase when the line speed is two. Various approximation algorithms are proposed in both phases, and their approximation ratios are analyzed.  相似文献   

In high-speed wavelength-division-multiplexed synchronous optical network (SONET) ring networks, the terminal equipment costs associated with electronic multiplexing can be predominantly high. Placing a wavelength add-drop multiplexer (WADM) at each network node allows certain wavelengths to optically bypass the node without being electronically terminated. This approach can effectively reduce the total equipment cost if connections and channels are appropriately assigned in traffic grooming. In this paper, we present a series of wavelength optimization and wavelength assignment algorithms with the objective to optimize the number of required SONET add-drop multiplexers and yet minimizes the number of wavelengths in both unidirectional and bidirectional rings under an arbitrary grooming factor. In our analysis, we have considered both uniform and general nonuniform all-to-all network traffic. As a simple model for realistic traffic patterns, a special case of nonuniform traffic, distance-dependent traffic, is analyzed in detail. Significant ADM savings are observed for different traffic scenarios using our proposed algorithms  相似文献   

We provide network designs for optical add-drop wavelength-division-multiplexed (OADM) rings that minimize overall network cost, rather than just the number of wavelengths needed. The network cost includes the cost of the transceivers required at the nodes as well as the number of wavelengths. The transceiver cost includes the cost of terminating equipment as well as higher-layer electronic processing equipment, which in practice can dominate over the cost of the number of wavelengths in the network. The networks support dynamic (i.e., time-varying) traffic streams that are at lower rates (e.g., OC-3, 155 Mb/s) than the lightpath capacities (e.g., OC-48, 2.5 Gb/s). A simple OADM ring is the point-to-point ring, where traffic is transported on WDM links optically, but switched through nodes electronically. Although the network is efficient in using link bandwidth, it has high electronic and opto-electronic processing costs. Two OADM ring networks are given that have similar performance but are less expensive. Two other OADM ring networks are considered that are nonblocking, where one has a wide-sense nonblocking property and the other has a rearrangeably nonblocking property. All the networks are compared using the cost criteria of number of wavelengths and number of transceivers  相似文献   

The emergence of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technology provides the capability for increasing the bandwidth of synchronous optical network (SONET) rings by grooming low-speed traffic streams onto different high-speed wavelength channels. Since the cost of SONET add-drop multiplexers (SADM) at each node dominates the total cost of these networks, how to assign the wavelength, groom the traffic, and bypass the traffic through the intermediate nodes has received a lot of attention from researchers recently. Moreover, the traffic pattern of the optical network changes from time to time. How to develop dynamic reconfiguration algorithms for traffic grooming is an important issue. In this paper, two cases (best fit and full fit) for handling reconfigurable SONET over WDM networks are proposed. For each approach, an integer linear programming model and heuristic algorithms (TS-1 and TS-2, based on the tabu search method) are given. The results demonstrate that the TS-1 algorithm can yield better solutions but has a greater running time than the greedy algorithm for the best fit case. For the full fit case, the tabu search heuristic yields competitive results compared with an earlier simulated annealing based method and it is more stable for the dynamic case.  相似文献   

On optimal traffic grooming in WDM rings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We consider the problem of designing a virtual topology to minimize electronic routing, that is, grooming traffic, in wavelength routed optical rings. The full virtual topology design problem is NP-hard even in the restricted case where the physical topology is a ring, and various heuristics have been proposed in the literature for obtaining good solutions, usually for different classes of problem instances. We present a new framework which can be used to evaluate the performance of heuristics and which requires significantly less computation than evaluating the optimal solution. This framework is based on a general formulation of the virtual topology problem, and it consists of a sequence of bounds, both upper and lower, in which each successive bound is at least as strong as the previous one. The successive bounds take larger amounts of computation to evaluate, and the number of bounds to be evaluated for a given problem instance is only limited by the computational power available. The bounds are based on decomposing the ring into sets of nodes arranged in a path and adopting the locally optimal topology within each set. While we only consider the objective of minimizing electronic routing in this paper, our approach to obtaining the sequence of bounds can be applied to many virtual topology problems on rings. The upper bounds we obtain also provide a useful series of heuristic solutions  相似文献   

The article addresses a simulation-based optimization approach for allocation of ADMs in WDM optical networks with stochastic dynamic traffic. Since ADMs are expensive, it is desirable that if each node in WDM optical networks can use a minimum number of ADMs to achieve a near-ideal performance. In this article, first, the utilization statistics of ADMs are gathered by simulation. Then, ADMs are allocated based on the utilization statistics. In this respect, a simple sorting mechanism is used. The distinguished feature of the proposed approach is that it shows the way to allocate ADMs at the nodes of WDM optical networks with stochastic dynamic traffic. The experimental results ensure that the proposed approach can solve the problem of allocating ADMs in practical WDM optical networks considering stochastic dynamic traffic.
Mrinal Kanti NaskarEmail:

In this study, we consider the routing and wavelength assignment problem on SONET over WDM ring networks. Our problem is the minimum ADM (add-drop multiplexer) cost problem of minimizing the number of ADM equipment instead of the minimum wavelength problem. To deal with the complexity of the problem, we create a new mathematical formulation and suggest an efficient solution method based on the branch-and-price method. We exploit the structure of the ring network to develop an efficient algorithm and show the efficiency using computer simulations.  相似文献   

Much work has focused on traffic grooming in SONET/WDM ring networks. Previous work has considered many aspects of traffic grooming, including minimizing the number of ADMs, minimizing the number of wavelengths, considering different traffic models, using different network architectures, incorporating switching capability and so on. In this work, we study traffic grooming in unidirectional ring networks with no switching capability under both uniform traffic and non-uniform traffic models to reduce electronic multiplexing costs. Based on the clustering notion, we derive a general and tighter lower bound for the number of ADMs required in traffic grooming under the uniform all-to-all traffic model. This bound reduces to special cases obtained in previous work. We also derive general, tighter, and closed form lower bounds for the number of ADMs required under two non-uniform traffic models: the distance-dependent traffic model and the non-uniform symmetric traffic model. Cost-effective multi-phase algorithms that exploit traffic characteristics are then designed and studied to efficiently groom traffic streams under different traffic models. Our numerical and simulation results show that the proposed multi-phase algorithms outperform existing traffic grooming algorithms by using a fewer number of ADMs. Our algorithms in several cases also achieve the lower bounds derived.  相似文献   

Xu  Y. Yao  X. 《Electronics letters》2004,40(13):824-825
A new and tight lower bound on the number of ADMs with arbitrary nonuniform traffic demands in a SONET/WDM ring network is derived. Simulations show that this lower bound is much tighter than the previous one and for some cases it reaches the infimum.  相似文献   

In recent years, minimization of add-drop multiplexers (ADMs) in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks has gained lots of attention in both the research and commercial areas. This motivates the research presented in this paper. A heuristic algorithm is formulated for static traffic grooming in WDM uni-directional ring networks with an eye to minimize the number of required ADMs. The distinguished feature of the proposed heuristic is that it pairs up the calls of a given static traffic to approach the solution. The proposed heuristic is compared with the previous approach with same network configuration and traffic matrix to establish its effectiveness.  相似文献   

One drawback to deploying wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) synchronous optical network (SONET) rings is the potentially large amount of equipment necessary for their deployment. Wavelength add-drop multiplexers potentially reduce the amount of required SONET terminal equipment by allowing individual wavelengths to optically bypass a node rather than being electronically terminated. We have quantified the maximum terminal-equipment savings attainable using wavelength add-drop for rings carrying uniform traffic and rings carrying distance-dependent traffic. The analysis makes use of both an enumerative methodology, and a “super-node” approximation technique that is applicable to arbitrary ring size and internode demand. In both the uniform and distance-dependent traffic scenarios, maximum terminal-equipment savings are shown to rapidly increase, over the region of interest, with both network size and internode demand. The value of wavelength add-drop is accordingly expected to grow rapidly in rings interconnecting numerous high-capacity nodes  相似文献   

Evolution of optical transport technologies: from SONET/SDH to WDM   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It took roughly 10 years for the transport network industry to migrate from PDH to SONET. As this technology swap comes to an end, WDM technology is dawning, promising to revolutionize the network industry, with the possibility of transport bit rates above 10 Gb/s as well as transparency to signal encodings. However, a new wave of equipment upgrade is unlikely to happen as current SONET equipment is just beginning to pay off for its large investment. Thus, in years to come, SONET technology, the current standard for optical fiber access, will have to make room for WDM technology in a gradual way. On its part, WDM equipment must be developed to be backward compatible with SONET technology. This article discusses the requirements and issues involved in making WDM technology interoperable with SONET legacy equipment, as well as the evolution path toward a transparent optical transport network  相似文献   

In Tunable-Transmitter Fixed-Receiver (TT-FR)-based Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) ring topologies, each node is provided with a dedicated wavelength (home channel) for reception, which must be shared by the upstream nodes willing to communicate with it. Thus, to avoid channel collisions, it is necessary to define a Medium Access Control (MAC) mechanism that arbitrates access to a given destination wavelength. This work proposes and analyses a simple MAC mechanism that avoids channel collisions by recirculating traffic on the upstream ring segment where congestion was detected. Essentially, whenever a given node has got any traffic to transmit, it must first block access to in-transit traffic, which is reflected back to the upstream node over a second optical fibre. Such blocked traffic is given a second chance to pass through the congested node after a round segment delay, thus making use of the ring topology as buffering units. This work analyses the performance operation of such a MAC protocol under two policies applied to recirculated traffic: (1) recirculation bypass and (2) recirculation store-and-forward.  相似文献   

Reconfigurable channel drop in a wavelength-division multiplexed system is demonstrated using a packaged semiconductor amplifier/filter. The filter is electrically tunable over 9.0 nm with a 0.9-nm width and is used with an optical circulator to demultiplex three 5.0-Gb/s WDM channels spaced by 2.25 nm. A receiver sensitivity improvement and low optical crosstalk is observed over a dynamic range of nearly 10 dB.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have proposed an efficient wavelength rerouting algorithm for dynamic provisioning of lightpath. In wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks rerouting of lightpath can be used to improve throughput and to reduce blocking probability. We have proposed a shortest path wavelength rerouting (SPWRR) algorithm for dynamic traffic in WDM optical networks. The results have shown that SPWRR algorithm can improve blocking performance of the network. In this paper, low complexity algorithm has been developed which is used for the calculation of blocking probability of network. The proposed algorithm has also been applied on the realistic network such as NSFnet for calculation and optimization of blocking probability of the network.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a scheme for implementing multiparty videoconferencing service on SONET/ATM rings. We focus on the architectural design and bandwidth demand analysis. Different multicasting methods on SONET/ATM rings are discussed and compared. A new multicast virtual path (VP) called "Multidrop VP" which is particularly suitable for SONET/ATM rings is proposed. An add-drop multiplexer (ADM) structure for rings capable of multidropping is also presented. Several VP assignment schemes are proposed and their bandwidth utilizations are compared.  相似文献   

This paper presents new research results of the DARPA-funded ONRAMP consortium on the next generation Internet to study efficient WDM-based network architectures and protocols for supporting broadband services in regional access networks. In particular, we present new efficient scheduling algorithms for bandwidth sharing in WDM distribution networks. The current ONRAMP distribution network architecture has a tree topology with each leaf node (e.g., a router or workstation) sharing access to the root node of the tree, which corresponds to an access node in the feeder network. Our model allows a leaf node to use one or more fixed-tuned or tunable transceivers; moreover, different leaf nodes can support different subsets of wavelengths depending on their expected traffic volumes. An important goal of ONRAMP is to support bandwidth-on-demand services with QoS guarantee over WDM. As a first step toward this goal, we have developed several fast scheduling algorithms for flexible bandwidth reservations in a WDM distribution network. The scheduling algorithms can provably guarantee any bandwidth reservations pattern that does not overbook network resources, i.e., bandwidth reservation (throughput) up to 100% network capacity can be supported.  相似文献   

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