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This paper addresses low-velocity impact behaviour of functionally graded clamped circular plates. An experimental work was carried out to investigate the impact behaviour of FG circular plates which is composed of ceramic (SiC) and metal (Al) phases varying through the plate thickness by using a drop-weight impact test system. The influence of the compositional gradient exponent and impactor velocity on the contact forces and absorbed energies was concentrated on the tests. The explicit finite element method, in which a volume fraction based elastic–plastic model (the TTO model) was implemented for the functionally graded materials, was used to simulate their drop-weight impact tests. Effective material properties at any point inside FGM plates were determined using Mori–Tanaka scheme. The experimental and numerical results indicated that the compositional gradient exponent and impactor velocity more effective on the elasto-plastic response of the FG circular plates to a low-velocity impact loading. The comparison at the theoretical and experimental results showed that the use of the TTO model in modelling the elasto-plastic behaviour of FG circular plates results in increasing deviations between the numerical and experimental contact forces for ceramic-rich compositions whereas it becomes more successful for metal-rich compositions. 相似文献
In order to investigate the dynamic compression behavior of Ultra-high performance cement based composites (UHPCC) used in defense works, UHPCC with 200 MPa compressive strength is prepared by replacing a large quantity of cement by industrial waste residues such as silica fume, fly ash and slag; and substituting ground fine quartz sand (≤600 um in diameter) with natural sand (2.5 mm in diameter). Split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) is performed on UHPCC with different fiber volume fraction to investigate the dynamic compression behavior. Results show that impact resistance of UHPCC is improved with an increase of fiber volume fraction. The dynamic compressive strength of UHPCC is also increased with an increase of strain rate. In addition, the finite element method (LS-DYNA) is employed to simulate the whole impact process of UHPCC. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the Johnson_Holmquist_Concrete material constitutive model can be used for the dynamic compression of concrete. The numerical values are in good agreement with experimental results. 相似文献
为研究混凝土圆柱体试件在冲击荷载作用下的动力效应,利用落锤冲击试验机,对混凝土圆柱体试件在应变率100~101/s范围内进行轴向冲击试验,并采用混凝土连续面盖帽模型(CSCM)对试验过程进行数值模拟。试验中测量不同冲击速度及冲击边界下的锤头冲击力、试件轴向应变时程曲线,获取了试件破坏形态及破坏过程的高速影像,比较分析了不同冲击速度及边界条件下,试件应力、应变峰值,应变率及动力增强系数(DIF)的变化规律。结果表明:随冲击速度的增加,试件的应力、应变峰值,应变率及动力增强系数都呈增加的趋势,冲击力作用时间则减小。混凝土平均强度与冲击速度呈抛物线关系,应变率则与冲击速度呈线性关系。模拟结果表明,CSCM混凝土本构模型在低速冲击范围内,有很好的计算精度,模拟破坏形态与试验结果吻合良好。 相似文献
This paper presents experimental and numerical research regarding blunt trauma resistance of ten fabrics made of high strength fibers. Fabrics of various architecture were examined, including plain woven fabrics, unidirectional laminates and multiaxial fabrics. The fabrics were compared with respect to the depth of the depression formed and the amount of energy transferred to the backing during projectile impact. Absolute values of mentioned parameters were compared, as well as their values after normalization with respect to thickness and areal density of the fabrics. A numerical method for estimating the amount of energy transferred to the backing was proposed.Normalized results, obtained experimentally and numerically, proved that most of the analyzed fabrics provide a similar level of protection, but the best blunt trauma resistance is given by multiaxial fabrics and the least by plain woven fabrics. This study has also shown that the depth of the depression in the backing material is an insufficient parameter in describing protective properties of fabric against blunt trauma. It is possible that impacts into ballistic packages composed of different fabrics with the same depth of depression may cause completely dissimilar injuries because of the amount of energy transferred to the backing material. 相似文献
Steel components absorb impact energy by plastic deformation whilst composite materials absorbing it by damage mechanisms such as fiber debonding, fiber fracture, and matrix cracking. Therefore, in order to properly substitute metal components with composite ones in industrial applications, the impact property of composite materials must be well known. In this study, the impact behavior of sheet molding compounds (SMC), which is widely used in automobile industry due to its relatively low cost and high productivity, was examined both experimentally and numerically. In order to investigate the impact behavior of SMC, an experimental study was carried out by setting up a drop weight impact test system. Using this system, the dissipated impact energies of SMC flat plates were measured to investigate the influence of the mass and shape of impactor, initial velocity, and specimen thickness on the impact behavior. For numerical predictions, a modified damage model for SMC was developed and adopted in the user defined material subroutine of the commercial simulation program LS-DYNA3D. For the sake of improving efficiency of impact simulations, the SMC material property was determined in consideration of the local differences of the fiber volume fractions. The dissipated impact energies under various conditions and the reliability of the developed impact simulation process were examined through comparisons of the predicted data with the experimental results. From this comparison, it was found that, in the scope of current study, the specimen thickness is the most important parameter that should be considered in the design of SMC components for the aspect of impact behavior. 相似文献
GRC is a cementitious composite material made up of a cement mortar matrix and chopped glass fibers. Due to its outstanding mechanical properties, GRC has been widely used to produce cladding panels and some civil engineering elements. Impact failure of cladding panels made of GRC may occur during production if some tool falls onto the panel, due to stone or other objects impacting at low velocities or caused by debris projected after a blast. Impact failure of a front panel of a building may have not only an important economic value but also human lives may be at risk if broken pieces of the panel fall from the building to the pavement. Therefore, knowing GRC impact strength is necessary to prevent economic costs and putting human lives at risk.One-stage light gas gun is an impact test machine capable of testing different materials subjected to impact loads. An experimental program was carried out, testing GRC samples of five different formulations, commonly used in building industry. Steel spheres were shot at different velocities on square GRC samples. The residual velocity of the projectiles was obtained both using a high speed camera with multiframe exposure and measuring the projectile’s penetration depth in molding clay blocks. Tests were performed on young and artificially aged GRC samples to compare GRC’s behavior when subjected to high strain rates. Numerical simulations using a hydrocode were made to analyze which parameters are most important during an impact event.GRC impact strength was obtained from test results. Also, GRC’s embrittlement, caused by GRC aging, has no influence on GRC impact behavior due to the small size of the projectile. Also, glass fibers used in GRC production only maintain GRC panels’ integrity but have no influence on GRC’s impact strength. Numerical models have reproduced accurately impact tests. 相似文献
The present paper deals with the lightweight design and the crashworthiness analysis of a composite impact attenuator for a Formula SAE racing car, in order to pass homologation requirements. The analysed impact attenuator is manufactured by lamination of prepreg sheets in carbon fibres and epoxy matrix, particularly used for sporting applications, and has a very similar geometry to a square frusta, so as to obtain a progressive and controlled deformation. During the design, attention was focused on the material distribution and gradual smoothing, but also on the lamination process, which can heavily affect the energy absorption capability. To reduce the development and testing costs of a new safety design, computational crash simulations for early evaluation of safety behaviour under vehicle impact test were carried out. The dynamic analysis was therefore conducted both numerically, using an explicit finite element code such as LS-DYNA, and experimentally, by means of an appropriately instrumented drop weight test machine, in order to validate the model in terms of deceleration values during crushing. To assess the quality of the simulation results, a comparative analysis was initially developed on simple CFRP composite tubes subjected to dynamic axial loading. The numerical analysis was conducted using both shell and solid elements, in order to reproduce not only the brittleness of the composite structure but also the effective delamination phenomenon. Both the analyses show a good capacity to reproduce the crushing process; this is confirmed by the fact that model estimated displacements and accelerations are in close agreement with observed values for these variables. This confirms the quality of the methodology and approach used for the design of a racing car impact attenuator. 相似文献
In this paper a study is presented on the experimental and numerical analysis of the failure process of mild steel sheets subjected to normal impact by hemispherical projectiles. The experiments have been performed using a direct impact technique based on Hopkinson tube as a force measurement device. The tests covered a wide range of impact velocities. Both lubricated and dry conditions between specimen and projectile have been applied. Different failure modes for each case were found. For lubricated conditions a petalling was observed, whereas for dry conditions a radial neck along with a hole enlargement reduces the formation of petalling. The perforation process has been simulated by the application of 3D analysis using ABAQUS/Explicit FE code. The material behavior of the circular specimen was approximated by three different constitutive relations. The main task was to study the influence of the material definition on the response of the sheet specimen with special attention to the failure mode. 相似文献
Thin 3D-woven SiC f/SiC samples were subjected to low velocity impact tests at room temperature. For this purpose, hemispherical impactors and circular supports of various diameters were used. The extent of damage was evaluated with the help of optical microscopy. Formation of micro-cracks initiating from the indented site is observed. The predominant internal damages (fiber bundle and matrix cracking) remain localized beneath the impactor. This is confirmed by thermography analysis and post-impact tensile tests. The diameter of the damaged zone can be related to the energy absorbed by the specimen during the impact event. 相似文献
To predict the behavior of composites in case of low velocity impact, various material models are available in the literature. Damage evolves exponentially or linearly with strain in these models. These models are using either characteristic length ‘L c’ or material exponent parameters, ’m’ to solve the problem of strain localization. A method to relate these parameter to each other is suggested here. The choice of material exponent, ‘m’ for a particular mesh size is also discussed. Low velocity impact simulations for E-glass/epoxy composite are performed using continuum damage mechanics based material model and compared with the experiments. The damage observed through the light projected area on the laminate, contact forces and displacement plots with respect to time were studied and compared with finite element analysis results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique is used for experimentation to obtain displacement on the surface of the plate. 相似文献
The dynamic behavior of composite laminates is very complex because there are many concurrent phenomena during composite laminate failure under impact load. Fiber breakage, delaminations, matrix cracking, plastic deformations due to contact and large displacements are some effects which should be considered when a structure made from composite material is impacted by a foreign object. Thus, an investigation of the low velocity impact on laminated composite thin disks of epoxy resin reinforced by carbon fiber is presented. The influence of stacking sequence and energy impact was investigated using load–time histories, displacement–time histories and energy–time histories as well as images from NDE. Indentation tests results were compared to dynamic results, verifying the inertia effects when thin composite laminate was impacted by foreign object with low velocity. Finite element analysis (FEA) was developed, using Hill’s model and material models implemented by UMAT (User Material Subroutine) into software ABAQUS™, in order to simulate the failure mechanisms under indentation tests. 相似文献
Low-velocity impact damage can drastically reduce the residual strength of a composite structure even when the damage is barely visible. The ability to computationally predict the extent of damage and compression-after-impact (CAI) strength of a composite structure can potentially lead to the exploration of a larger design space without incurring significant time and cost penalties. A high-fidelity three-dimensional composite damage model, to predict both low-velocity impact damage and CAI strength of composite laminates, has been developed and implemented as a user material subroutine in the commercial finite element package, ABAQUS/Explicit. The intralaminar damage model component accounts for physically-based tensile and compressive failure mechanisms, of the fibres and matrix, when subjected to a three-dimensional stress state. Cohesive behaviour was employed to model the interlaminar failure between plies with a bi-linear traction–separation law for capturing damage onset and subsequent damage evolution. The virtual tests, set up in ABAQUS/Explicit, were executed in three steps, one to capture the impact damage, the second to stabilize the specimen by imposing new boundary conditions required for compression testing, and the third to predict the CAI strength. The observed intralaminar damage features, delamination damage area as well as residual strength are discussed. It is shown that the predicted results for impact damage and CAI strength correlated well with experimental testing without the need of model calibration which is often required with other damage models. 相似文献
This paper presents finite element simulations of two standardized and sequential tests performed in polymer–matrix composite laminates reinforced by unidirectional fibers: the drop-weight impact test and the compression after impact test. These tests are performed on laboratory coupons, which are monolithic, flat, rectangular composite plates with conventional stacking sequences. The impact and the compression after impact tests are simulated using constitutive material models formulated in the context of continuum damage mechanics. The material models account for both ply failure mechanisms and delamination. Comparisons with experimental data are performed in order to assess the accuracy of the predictions. 相似文献
The paper presents the results of experimental tests with a numerical comparison of some typical composite element systems. Two different kinds of elements were tested: composite steel‐concrete and composite wood‐concrete elements. Deflections at midspan under monotonously increasing static load on simply supported beams were measured. The affects of different types of composite connections on the results were researched. In numerical tests the structure was modeled with two‐dimensional plane elements. The composite surface was modeled with two‐dimensional contact (interface) elements for the continuous connection simulation and modified beam elements for the discrete connection simulation. The applied material models include the most important nonlinear effects of concrete, steel and wood behavior, as well as the nonlinear behavior of the composite surface at the connection. The achieved results of the developed numerical model were compared with the results obtained through the experimental test. 相似文献
Knitted composites have higher failure deformation and energy absorption capacity under impact than other textile structural composites because of the yarn loop structures in knitted performs. Here we report the transverse impact behavior of a new kind of 3-D multi-structured knitted composite both in experimental and finite element simulation. The knitted composite is composed of two knitted fabrics: biaxial warp knitted fabric and interlock knitted fabric. The transverse impact behaviors of the 3-D knitted composite were tested with a modified split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus. The load–displacement curves and damage morphologies were obtained to analyze the energy absorptions and impact damage mechanisms of the composite under different impact velocities. A unit-cell model based on the microstructure of the 3-D knitted composite was established to determine the composite deformation and damage when the composite impacted by a hemisphere-ended steel rod. Incorporated with the unit-cell model, a elasto-plastic constitute equation of the 3-D knitted composite and the critical damage area (CDA) failure theory of composites have been implemented as a vectorized user defined material law (VUMAT) for ABAQUS/Explicit. The load–displacement curves, impact deformations and damages obtained from FEM are compared with those in experimental. The good agreements of the comparisons prove the validity of the unit-cell model and user-defined subroutine VUMAT. This manifests the applicability of the VUMAT to characterization and design of the 3-D multi-structured knitted composite structures under other impulsive loading conditions. 相似文献
The fracture behavior of composite bonded joints subjected to mode-I, mode-II and mixed-mode I + II loading conditions was characterized by mechanical testing and numerical simulation. The composite adherents were bonded using two different epoxy adhesives; namely, the EA 9695 film adhesive and the mixed EA 9395-EA 9396 paste adhesive. The fracture toughness of the joints was evaluated in terms of the critical energy release rate. Mode-I tests were conducted using the double-cantilever beam specimen, mode-II tests using the end-notch flexure specimen and mixed-mode tests (three mixity ratios) using a combination of the two aforementioned specimens. The fracture behavior of the bonded joints was also simulated using the cohesive zone modeling method aiming to evaluate the method and point out its strengths and weaknesses. The simulations were performed using the explicit FE code LS-DYNA. The experimental results show a considerable scatter which is common for fracture toughness tests. The joints attained with the film adhesive have much larger fracture toughness (by 30–60%) than the joints with the paste adhesive, which exhibited a rather brittle behavior. The simulation results revealed that the cohesive zone modeling method performs well for mode-I load-cases while for mode-II and mixed-mode load-cases, modifications of the input parameters and the traction-separation law are needed in order for the method to effectively simulate the fracture behavior of the joints. 相似文献
A new simulation technique is presented for the phenomenological modelling of stable fragmentation in fibre reinforced composite structures under dynamic compressive loading. An explicit crash code is used for implementation of a hybrid modelling technique, in which two distinct material models act simultaneously. The first model is implemented in a multi-layered shell element and uses a unidirectional composites fracture criterion to predict potential ply fracture mechanisms on a macroscopic scale. This model is, however, unable to represent the complex localised fracture mechanisms that occur on a meso (sub-ply) scale under compression fragmentation loading. Therefore, a second constitutive model is added to capture the energy absorbing process within the fragmentation zone, utilising an Energy Absorbing Contact (EAC) formulation between the composite structure and the impacting body. The essential benefits of the procedure are that it requires minimal input data that can be obtained from simple fragmentation tests, and that the procedure is computationally efficient enabling application to large scale industrial structures. The EAC theory is discussed, together with the required material model parameters. A series of dynamic axial and oblique impact tests and simulations of cylindrical continuous carbon fibre reinforced composite tubes have been performed to validate the approach. Furthermore, the application to more complex load cases including combinations of fragmentation and global structural fracture have also shown a good correlation with test results. 相似文献