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河内博物馆突出的建筑体量坐落于一片人工景观公园之内。整片公园围绕国家会议中心而建,符合设计总概念对景观的极致追求。这一全新的景观工程不仅包括博物馆,还拥有完备的室外展览场地、  相似文献   

河内是越南的首都,位于越南民族发源地红河平原的中部,红河与墩河的汇流处,是越南最大的城市之一,辖区相当于越南的一个大省。河内是一座历史悠久的城市。公元10世纪以前,先后名为"龙编"、"紫城"、"宋平"、"罗城"、"大罗城"、"升龙"等。越南具有悠久的历史,公元前4世纪已生活在红河流域的中下游,并逐步形成了部落联盟。  相似文献   

越南煤炭进出口股份公司大厦是一座占地面积约为10000平方米的办公楼建筑。其地处河内老城区的中心地带——庄氏街33号。由于这座建筑紧邻各大商业中心及历史名胜,因此其每个楼层都必须采用灵活的设计,以划分为不同的办公区域。为了映衬地块周围的不同环境,整个建筑外墙采用了不同的立面设计。直接与街道相邻的主外  相似文献   

这座楼高150米的双子塔坐落于使馆区内,拥有37层建筑以及三个地下室。五层楼高的裙楼作为主要的功能区,不仅规划了一个巨大的商业中心,而且还包含了各种配套设施,例如健身中心、游泳池、儿童游乐场、景观花园等等。每座主塔均为30层  相似文献   

整个建筑的构造打造出了一个极具代表性的建筑立面,面向河内最主要的湖泊之一—西湖而建,可纵览最佳的西湖景致。建筑物的造型设计完全以太阳的运动为基础,这与绿色的战略理念不谋而合。建筑的位置布局以最大限度地优化建筑与太阳之间的和谐关系为宗旨。建筑物的南面再现了越南北部独有的地貌及其倾斜的梯田景观。作为  相似文献   

<正>会议中心、酒店和博物馆镶嵌在一片以越南文化和传统作为特色主题和象征的开阔的景观园林内。会议中心作为主导建筑坐落于南北轴线上,几乎占据了以大湖、小池和假山为特色的整个景观公园的中心地带。与园林景观的有机形状形成鲜明对比的是:道路和步道系统规划为一个严  相似文献   

The trace metal contents and iron isotope composition of size-resolved aerosols were determined in a parking structure in Tempe, AZ, USA. Particulate matter (PM) < 2.5 µm in diameter (the fine fraction) and PM > 2.5 µm were collected. Several air toxics (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, and antimony) were enriched above the crustal average, implicating automobiles as an important source. Extremely high levels of fine copper (up to 1000 ng m− 3) were also observed in the parking garage, likely from brake wear. The iron isotope composition of the aerosols were found to be + 0.15 ± 0.03‰ and + 0.18 ± 0.03‰ for the PM < 2.5 µm and PM > 2.5 µm fractions, respectively. The similarity of isotope composition indicates a common source for each size fraction. To better understand the source of iron in the parking garage, the elemental composition in four brake pads (two semi-metallic and two ceramic), two tire tread samples, and two waste oil samples were determined. Striking differences in the metallic and ceramic brake pads were observed. The ceramic brake pads contained 10-20% copper by mass, while the metallic brake pads contained about 70% iron, with very little copper. Both waste oil samples contained significant amounts of calcium, phosphorous, and zinc, consistent with the composition of some engine oil additives. Differences in iron isotope composition were observed between the source materials; most notably between the tire tread (average = + 0.02‰) and the ceramic brake linings (average = + 0.65‰). Differences in isotopic composition were also observed between the metallic (average = + 0.18‰) and ceramic brake pads, implying that iron isotope composition may be used to resolve these sources. The iron isotope composition of the metallic brake pads was found to be identical to the aerosols, implying that brake dust is the dominant source of iron in a parking garage.  相似文献   

为顺应河内城市规模的不断扩展,一个重要的城市规划项目被提出来了。作为城市的一大标志,这一规划设计的主要特点之一就是要在整个区域的中央修建一条空中商业带。其在建筑空间的内部以及每座大厦的楼顶都规划了绿化空间,从而形成了一道花园般的独特风景线。每座大厦之间的公共露台通过街道进行连接,旨在促进  相似文献   

这一项目是实践可持续发展理念的绝佳机会:该科技园区有别于其他的科技标竿项目。首先,这个园区的整体占地面积为1600公顷。这是一个地区综合建筑群项目,具有优越的地理位置和得天独厚的滨水环境,看  相似文献   

FPT电讯公司的新总部场址为一个三角形的地块,正对河内极具特色的交汇中心。水晶造型的建筑不仅满足了项目场址的不同要求,而且构成了建筑身份的标志性设计。因地制宜的多面体结构设计使这一项目与邻近建筑之间形成了一种妙趣横生的关系,  相似文献   

由慕尼黑国际博览亚洲有限公司主办ConBuild Mining Vietnam 2012(第6届越南国际工程、建筑与采矿业-机械、设备、材料、车辆、技术与服务展览会)与同期举办的Electricity & Lightig Vietnam 2012(第2届国际电力与照明展览会)于2012年12月47日在河内的广武展览会  相似文献   

Alcohol, substance and drug use among urban slum adolescents is not only a risky behavior in the era of HIV/AIDS but also a potential security threat to a growing city. Based on the Nairobi Urban Slum Survey, adolescent males are more than 20 times more likely to engage in drugs, and 5 times more likely to consume alcohol than girls. In addition, being out-of-school increases the risk of alcohol and drug abuse. There is a gender dimension to this; societal expectation, division of labor, and nature of upbringing is different for males and females. While the government policy of free primary education is likely to reduce the alcohol and drug incidence, gender targeted interventions, providing alternatives for both boys and girls, would be equally essential.  相似文献   

通过外业调查和现场勘探,分析了肯尼亚内马铁路一期工程的地形地貌,列出了该工程沿线分布的砂石料场,并对其质量和储量进行了评价,为后续开采利用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Many areas in the world face clean water scarcity problems and phosphorus reserves are likely to be depleted in the near future. Still, a large amount of clean water is used to transport excreta through sewer systems. Most of the wastewater generated worldwide is discharged untreated into aquatic systems and leads to water pollution and loss of valuable nutrients. In Hanoi, Vietnam's capital city, high population and economic growth as well as industrialisation have led to a decrease in groundwater level and to serious river and lake pollution. A probabilistic model, simulating the impact of measures on groundwater abstraction and nutrient recovery, was used to determine the impact of policy changes in Hanoi. The results obtained reveal that harmonising environmental sanitation and agricultural systems with one another will considerably increase nutrient recovery for food production, lower expenditure for artificial fertilisers and reduce the nutrient load into the environment. The model can be applied in urban areas of developing countries to assist in the design of environmental sanitation concepts.  相似文献   

The occurrence and the fate of trihalomethanes (THMs) in the water supply system of Hanoi City, Vietnam was investigated from 1998 to 2001. The chlorination efficiency, THM speciation, and, THM formation potential (THMFP) was determined in the water works and in tap water. With regard to THM formation, three types of groundwater resources were identified: (I) high bromide, (II) low bromide, and (III) high bromide combined with high ammonia and high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Under typical treatment conditions (total chlorine residual 0.5-0.8 mg/L), the total THM formation was always below WHO, EU, and USEPA drinking water standards and decreased in the order type I > type II > type III, although the THMFP was > 400 micrograms/L for type III water. The speciation showed > 80% of bromo-THMs in type I water due to the noticeable high bromide level (< or = 140 micrograms/L). In type II water, the bromo-THMs still accounted for some 40% although the bromide concentration is significantly lower (< or = 30 micrograms/L). In contrast, only traces of bromo-THMs were formed (approximately 5%) in type III water, despite bromide levels were high (< or = 240 micrograms/L). This observation could be explained by competition kinetics of chlorine reacting with ammonia and bromide. Based on chlorine exposure (CT) estimations, it was concluded that the current chlorination practice for type I and II waters is sufficient for > or = 2-log inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts. However, in type III water the applied chlorine is masked as chloramine with a much lower disinfection efficiency. In addition to high levels of ammonia, type III groundwater is also contaminated by arsenic that is not satisfactory removed during treatment. N-nitrosodimethylamine, a potential carcinogen suspected to be formed during chloramination processes, was below the detection limit of 0.02 microgram/L in type III water.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2023,63(1):101251
Groundwater in southern Hanoi, Vietnam has been recently detected to possess high concentration of ammonium ion (NH4+). Otherwise, one of the abundant sources of NH4+ comes from municipal solid waste landfills. Bentonite-clay mixtures (BCMs) widely utilized as landfill bottom barriers in various countries, but limited in Vietnam should perform well to isolate NH4+ from groundwater. This study is to evaluate combined effects of temperature and initial ammonium concentration on adsorption, diffusion, and permeability through mixtures of indigenous clay with 0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15 % bentonite. The results indicated more effective NH4+ adsorption capacity for low initial concentration than high initial concentration in all temperatures (20, 35, and 50 °C). The temperature dependency showed an increase in adsorption coefficient from 20 °C to 35 °C and a decrease in the range of 35 °C and 50 °C. Whereas diffusion coefficient and hydraulic conductivity for all cases keep increasing gradually in both temperature ranges. The reasonable mass of bentonite content of 15 % should be added into local clay for landfill bottom liners in such conditions of elevated temperature at 50 °C and interaction of ammonium solution 1000 mg/L. The micro-structures via SEM images of these materials provided the proofs of both improvement of hydraulic barrier properties for indigenous clay owing to bentonite presence and NH4+ effects on their micro-structures.  相似文献   

Chronic shortages of low-income housing and basic services have bedeviled Third World cities for decades. Effective models for meeting these needs continue to be scarce. This paper argues that tri-sector partnerships involving the state (or public), voluntary, and private sectors, are a promising way of addressing the issues. While difficult to initiate and maintain, such partnerships have unique and mutually reinforcing strengths that could enable participants to increase effectiveness in meeting poor people’s urban housing and service needs. The paper uses a case study of an ongoing slum upgrading and service provision project in the Mathare 4A area of Nairobi, Kenya, to demonstrate the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of tri-sector partnerships. Primary data from 1996–1997 field study in Nairobi City and more recent secondary data are used.  相似文献   

Excavated bones (rib) obtained from 50 sites in Japan were measured by ICP atomic emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry for concentration of 19 elements, including Al, B, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, Ti, V and Zn. One hundred and forty-one specimens were classified into five groups according to Japanese prehistoric and historic eras (Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun, Kamakura and Muromachi, and Edo). The elements, with concentrations which showed no significant change with era were Al, B and Cr. Average concentrations of Ca were in the range 2-2.5 X 10(-1) g g-1 and those of P ranged from 1.1 to 1.3 X 10(-1) g g-1, indicating a well-preserved bone mineral matrix. The Ca/P ratio (mol/mol) was lowest in the Edo group--1.48 as compared with 1.54-1.66 in the other groups. Among the elements which showed changes with era were Pb, Fe, Co and Mn, all of which showed remarkably elevated concentrations in the Edo group. In addition to this unique elemental composition of Edo bones, samples from the Kofun era showed a completely different composition from those of other periods, i.e. they had the highest concentrations of Cd, Zn and Mg, and the lowest concentrations of Cu, K, Ni and Sr. The cause of the elevated Pb concentration in Edo bones is discussed in relation to human activities which may have led to environmental Pb pollution.  相似文献   

Studies on PM 10, total particulate matter (TSP), elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations were carried out in the Polish coastal zone of the Baltic Sea, in urbanized Gdynia. The interaction between the land, the air and the sea was clearly observed. The highest concentrations of PM 10, TSP and both carbon fractions were noted in the air masses moving from southern and western Poland and Europe. The EC was generally of primary origin and its contribution to TSP and PM 10 mass was on average 2.3% and 3.7% respectively. Under low wind speed conditions local sources (traffic and industry) influenced increases in elemental carbon and PM 10 concentrations in Gdynia. Elemental carbon demonstrated a pronounced weekly cycle, yielding minimum values at the weekend and maximum values on Thursdays. The role of harbors and ship yards in creating high EC concentrations was clearly observed. Concentration of organic carbon was ten times higher than that of elemental carbon, and the average OC contribution to PM 10 mass was very high (31.6%). An inverse situation was observed when air masses were transported from over the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. These clean air masses were characterized by the lowest concentrations of all analysed compounds.Obtained results for organic and elemental carbon fluxes showed that atmospheric aerosols can be treated, along with water run-off, as a carbon source for the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea. The enrichment of surface water was more effective in the case of organic carbon (0.27 ± 0.19 mmol m2 d1). Elemental carbon fluxes were one order of magnitude smaller, on average 0.03 ± 0.04 mmol m2 d1. We suggest that in some situations atmospheric carbon input can explain up to 18% of total carbon fluxes into the Baltic coastal waters.  相似文献   

We present the first results of a source apportionment for the urban aerosol in Erfurt, Germany, for the period 1995-1998. The analysis is based on data of particle number concentrations (0.01-2.5 microm; mean 1.8 x 10(4) cm(-3), continuous), the concentration of the ambient gases SO(2), NO, NO(2) and CO (continuous), particle mass less than 2.5 microm (PM(2.5)) and less than 10 microm (PM(10)) (Harvard Impactor sampling, mean PM(2.5) 26.3 micro/m(3), mean PM(10) 38.2 microg/m(3)) and the size fractionated concentrations of 19 elements (impactor sampling 0.05-1.62 microm, PIXE analysis). We determined: (a) the correlations between (i) the 1- and 24-h average concentrations of the gaseous pollutants and the particle number as well as the particle mass concentration and (ii) between the 24-h elemental concentrations; (b) Crustal Enrichment Factors for the PIXE elements using Si as reference element; and (c) the diurnal pattern of the measured pollutants on weekdays and on weekends. The highly correlated PIXE elements Si, Al, Ti and Ca having low enrichment factors were identified as soil elements. The strong correlation of particle number concentrations with NO, which is considered to be typically emitted by traffic, and the striking similarity of their diurnal variation suggest that a sizable fraction of the particle number concentration is associated with emission from vehicles. Besides NO and particle number concentrations other pollutants such as NO(2), CO as well as the elements Zn and Cu were strongly correlated and appear to reflect motor vehicle traffic. Sulfur could be a tracer for coal combustion, however, it was not correlated with any of the quoted elements. Highly correlated elements V and Ni have similar enrichment factors and are considered as tracers for oil combustion.  相似文献   

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