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Two models describing the theoretical relationship among the constructs of perceived group success–failure, individual and collective levels of job-specific efficacy and outcome expectancy, satisfaction, and organizational commitment were developed. Model 1 proposed that the causal relationship between group success–failure and subsequent attitudinal variables (satisfaction and organizational commitment) is completely mediated by efficacy and outcome expectancy variables. Model 2 proposed a direct causal link from perceived group success–failure to the attitudinal variables and omitted questionable causal paths from personal efficacy and collective outcome expectancy to the attitudinal variables. The competing models were subjected to structural equation path model analysis. The 2nd model produced an adequate fit between theory and data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although incivility has been identified as an important issue in workplaces, little research has focused on reducing incivility and improving employee outcomes. Health care workers (N = 1,173, Time 1; N = 907, Time 2) working in 41 units completed a survey of social relationships, burnout, turnover intention, attitudes, and management trust before and after a 6-month intervention, CREW (Civility, Respect, and Engagement at Work). Most measures significantly improved for the 8 intervention units, and these improvements were significantly greater than changes in the 33 contrast units. Specifically, significant interactions indicating greater improvements in the intervention groups than in the contrast groups were found for coworker civility, supervisor incivility, respect, cynicism, job satisfaction, management trust, and absences. Improvements in civility mediated improvements in attitudes. The results suggest that this employee-based civility intervention can improve collegiality and enhance health care provider outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study extended research on transference in social perception (e.g., S. M. Andersen, I. Reznik, & L. M. Manzella, 1996) into the realm of social behavior by examining behavioral confirmation (e.g., M. Snyder, 1992) in transference. Each perceiver participated in a brief conversation with a naive target participant, who either did or did not appear to resemble the perceiver's own positively or negatively regarded significant other. Trained judges rated positive affect expressed in targets' behavior. As predicted, targets expressed more positive affect in their behavior when they allegedly resembled the perceiver's own positively versus negatively toned significant other, an effect not found in the control condition. This evidence demonstrates behavioral confirmation in transference, suggesting a means by which present relationships may resemble past ones. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The gap between the growth of ethnic minority groups nationally and the numbers of such groups within psychology is described. Three topics relevant to professional psychology are considered: mental health services, the educational pipeline, and the governance structure within the American Psychological Association. The authors outline past and current data and recommend actions for the future. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the sources of information that people would perceive as diagnostic of self. In Study 1, 40 undergraduates completed a questionnaire in which they rated private thoughts and feelings, other peoples' as well as their own, as far more informative and prototypic of self than overt actions. In Study 2, 48 undergraduate speakers participated in a structured interview during which they revealed either a sample of their past thoughts and feelings, a sample of their past behavior, or a mixture of these 2 types of information to 71 undergraduate observers who watched and listened from behind a 1-way mirror. The interviews offering cognitive/affective revelations were perceived, both by the speakers themselves and by observers, to be more informative than interviews offering behavioral revelations. Analyses from both studies, however, suggest that the tendency to weight cognitive/affective information more heavily than behavioral information may be stronger and more consistent for self-perception than social perception. Study 2, in particular, indicates that speakers made more extreme dispositional inferences based on cognitive/affective interviews, whereas observers did not. Ratings of interpersonal liking closely paralleled ratings of perceived informativeness for the questionnaire responses in Study 1 but not for the responses to explicit revelations of thoughts and feeling vs behavior in Study 2. Sex differences were also observed on several measures. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the moderating role of just world beliefs on stress and coping processes. Ss high and low in belief in a just world were asked to perform a potentially stressful laboratory task, which was repeated once. Cognitive appraisals and subjective, autonomic, and behavioral responses were recorded for each of the 2 tasks. The results supported a stress-moderating effect for just world beliefs. lndividuals high in just world beliefs had more benign cognitive appraisals of the stress tasks, rated the tasks as less stressful post hoc, had autonomic reactions consistent with challenge (vs threat), and outperformed Ss low in just world beliefs. Discussion centers on factors that moderate the experiences of challenge and threat in potentially stressful situations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Past behavior guides future responses through 2 processes. Well-practiced behaviors in constant contexts recur because the processing that initiates and controls their performance becomes automatic. Frequency of past behavior then reflects habit strength and has a direct effect on future performance. Alternately, when behaviors are not well learned or when they are performed in unstable or difficult contexts, conscious decision making is likely to be necessary to initiate and carry out the behavior. Under these conditions, past behavior (along with attitudes and subjective norms) may contribute to intentions, and behavior is guided by intentions. These relations between past behavior and future behavior are substantiated in a meta-analytic synthesis of prior research on behavior prediction and in a primary research investigation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Combined the health belief model with the theory of subjective expected utility to derive hypotheses about the relations among health beliefs and preventive decisions. The central implication of this combination of theories is the importance of conceptualizing, measuring, and communicating about health threats in ways that are clearly conditional on action. Study 1, with 33 undergraduates, examined judgments about a hypothetical preventive action to test many of the theoretically derived hypotheses. Study 2 used survey data from 618 adults in a correlational study of dental flossing behavior that tested the hypotheses as they apply to overt behavior rather than to judgment. Results of both studies support (1) the theoretical implication that the concepts of susceptibility and severity should be made conditional on action and (2) most of the hypotheses derived from the integrated model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments tested whether the relation between automatic prejudice and discriminatory behavior is moderated by 2 conscious processes: conscious egalitarian beliefs and behavioral control. The authors predicted that, when both conscious processes are deactivated, automatic prejudice would elicit discriminatory behavior. When either of the 2 processes is activated, behavioral bias would be eliminated. The authors assessed participants' automatic attitudes toward gay men, conscious beliefs about gender, behavioral control, and interactions with gay confederates. In Experiment 1, men's beliefs about gender were heterogeneous, whereas women's beliefs were mostly egalitarian; men's responses supported the predictions, but women's responses did not. In Experiment 2, the authors recruited a sample with greater diversity in gender-related beliefs. Results showed that, for both sexes, automatic prejudice produced biased behavior in the absence of conscious egalitarian beliefs and behavioral control. The presence of either conscious process eliminated behavioral bias. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Prior theoretical formulations have suggested that client exposure to levels of personal risk and responsibility most conducive to optimal group development can be regulated with group structure. The current study of 64 undergraduates employed a randomized, between-Ss design with a 2 by 4 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effects of (a) 2 levels of risk-taking disposition and (b) 4 types of pregroup preparation on early group development. ANOVA revealed a consistent Behavioral Structure by Risk-Taking Disposition interaction effect on all 6 dependent measures. The primary source of this interaction was the differential response of high and low risk takers to behavioral structure. High risk takers exposed to the behavioral structure condition were more involved in self-disclosure and interpersonal feedback, reported higher levels of group cohesion, and reported greater perceived depth of communications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Owing to its particular properties asbestos has been widely used for the production of insulating material, for fire proofing, and for strengthening to other materials such as cements and plastics, and thus the story of this mineral was one of progressive commercial success until the middle of this century. However, serious health hazards were realized early: around the turn of the century a progressive form of diffuse fibrosis (asbestosis) in asbestos workers was observed and in 1950 an excess risk of lung cancer, while in 1960 the causal relationship between asbestos and mesothelioma were confirmed. In view of the known potential risks of asbestos and its widespread use in the building industry, more recently asbestos has caused considerable public concern and anxiety. Based on numerous experimental and epidemiological observations, present knowledge of the pathogenic effects of asbestos is sufficient for a number of broad conclusions to be drawn. (1) The amphibole types of asbestos are too dangerous for use as industrial material, and should be banned. (2) Chrysotile can probably be used safely if there is strict control of the workers' dust exposure. (3) It is very unlikely that the general public is at any measurable risk from asbestos in buildings. Exceptions are people working regularly on maintenance tasks involving removing or cutting of asbestos in buildings; such people are properly classified as asbestos workers and should be protected accordingly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five studies examined the cognitive association between thoughts of cancer and thoughts of death and their implication for screening intentions. Study 1 found that explicit contemplation of cancer did not increase death-thought accessibility. In support of the hypothesis that this reflects suppression of death-related thoughts, Study 2 found that individuals who thought about cancer exhibited elevated death-thought accessibility under high cognitive load, and Study 3 demonstrated that subliminal primes of the word cancer led to increased death-thought accessibility. Study 4 revealed lower levels of death-thought accessibility when perceived vulnerability to cancer was high, once again suggesting suppression of death-related thoughts in response to conscious threats associated with cancer. Study 5 extended the analysis by finding that after cancer salience, high cognitive load, which presumably disrupts suppression of the association between cancer and death, decreased cancer-related self-exam intentions. Theoretical and practical implications for understanding terror management, priming and suppression, and responses to cancer are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated age, cognitive abilities, health beliefs, and other factors in women's judgments about effective treatments for menopause. Women (N?=?102) ranging in age from 20 to 79 read a vignette about a woman facing a decision about Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) and then made judgments about what should be done. Participants also completed a battery of questions pertaining to ERT and cognitive abilities. Path-analytic techniques were used to determine the role of specific cognitive abilities and the representation of menopause and its treatment in making judgments about ERT treatments. Cognitive abilities had direct effects on treatment decisions. Education affected the number of perceived options for treatment. Age and education indirectly affected treatment decisions, operating through cognitive abilities. Factors related to the mental representation of menopause had no direct effects and few indirect effects on treatment decisions. Potential mechanisms that can help older adults compensate for declines in cognitive abilities in medical decisions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although a genetic susceptibility for schizophrenia has been long established and even noted by Kraepelin in 1907, the mechanisms for its inheritance remains unknown. No candidates have proven to be correct and while many weakly positive chromosomal linkages have been reported, none have yet been consistently replicated. The following review examines the present status of these findings. The conclusion is that the field must move on to finding a consistently replicable mutation segregating with schizophrenia in families, before any of the present linkage results can be resolved.  相似文献   

A psychosocial model of sun protection and sunbathing as distinct behaviors was developed on 202 young Caucasian women and replicated in an independent sample (n?=?207). Proximal outcomes were intention to sun protect and intention to sunbathe; distal outcomes included sun protection and sunbathing behavior measured 5 months later. Objective risk for skin cancer plus 4 classes of psychosocial variables (sun-protective health beliefs, self-efficacy for sun protection, attitudes toward sunbathing, and norms for sunbathing and sun protection) served as predictors. Sun-protective norms and self-efficacy for sun protection predicted only intention to sun protect; sunbathing norms predicted only intention to sunbathe. Susceptibility and advantages of tanning predicted both intention constructs, which, in turn, predicted behavior. These findings distinguish sun protection from sunbathing and provide a basis for intervention design. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Refutes common beliefs that deter efforts to measure and improve psychotherapy's effectiveness and to reduce its costs, asserting that (1) therapy outcomes and costs may in some cases be inversely related, (2) therapists should examine cost-effectiveness, (3) psychotherapeutic effectiveness can be quantified, and (4) laboratory research is not the only way to improve therapy. The authors propose a revitalized scientist–practitioner model, expanded research methodologies, and implementation of alternative incentive or service delivery mechanisms as steps toward obtaining better therapeutic outcomes from available dollars. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

195 African-American adolescents completed measures of knowledge related to AIDS, attitudes toward condoms, health locus of control, vulnerability to HIV infection, peer sexual norms, personal sexual behavior for the past 6 mo, and contraceptive preferences. Hotelling's T–2 tests revealed that girls were more knowledgeable about AIDS, reported fewer sexual partners, held more positive attitudes toward precautionary sexual behavior, and perceived themselves to have greater control than boys. Five variables accounted for 44% of the variance in condom use: condom use from the 1st intercourse occasion, earlier grade in school, lower belief in an external locus of control, and higher scores on the Effect on Sexual Experience and Self-Control subscales of the Condom Attitude Scale. Implications for the content, format, and timing of HIV prevention with African-American adolescents are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Speculates about likely future directions for psychotherapy and the role that cognitive therapy (CGT) might play in these developments. Five predictions about psychotherapy are discussed, along with their implications for CGT. These include (1) questions of specificity vs nonspecificity; (2) greater emphasis on research and accountability; (3) cross-fertilization of different systems of psychotherapy; (4) diversification of delivery systems; and (5) pursuit of closer connections with basic psychological science. CGT appears to have attained its greatest documented achievement in treatment of unipolar depression. A better idea of its efficacy for treatment of panic disorders, eating disorders, marital distress, and personality disorders should be possible after 5–20 yrs of research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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