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BACKGROUND: Renal scintigraphy with radiolabeled pentetic acid (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid [DTPA]) or, more recently, mertiatide (mercaptoacetyltriglycine [MAG3]), with or without captopril challenge, is widely recommended as a diagnostic test for renal artery stenosis. OBJECTIVES: To address (1) whether the diagnostic accuracy has been improved by the use of captopril and the introduction of mertiatide and (2) whether a renal scan that shows abnormalities is a useful criterion to select patients for renal arteriography. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A standard diagnostic protocol, using both scintigraphy and arteriography, was followed in 505 consecutive high-risk hypertensive patients who were evaluated for renovascular hypertension at the University Hospital Dijkzigt, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from 1978 to 1992. RESULTS: Renal artery stenosis (> or = 50%) was present in 263 patients. When the single-kidney fractional uptake was used as a diagnostic criterion, a specificity of 0.90 was obtained at a cutoff value of 35% for the worst kidney in scintigraphy using pentetic acid without captopril challenge (n = 225) and at a cutoff value of 37% after captopril challenge (n = 280). This was associated with sensitivity levels of 0.65 and 0.68, respectively. The difference between the uptake of pentetic acid with and without captopril challenge in the 85 patients who were studied under both circumstances was no more accurate as a predictor of renal artery stenosis. In the 93 patients who were studied with mertiatide as well as with pentetic acid, both after captopril challenge, the diagnostic accuracy was no better with mertiatide than with pentetic acid; mertiatide failed to offer any advantage not only when the single-kidney fractional uptake was used as a criterion, but also with the use of other scintigraphic parameters (eg, time to peak, time to pyelum, overall shape of renographic curve, and kidney size). CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic accuracy of renal scintigraphy has not been improved by the introduction of mertiatide or by the use of captopril. The usefulness of scintigraphy as a diagnostic test for the presence of renal artery stenosis remains questionable. The physician will always confront either a substantial number of arteriograms that do not show abnormalities when renal scintigraphy is omitted as a screening step or a substantial number of missed diagnoses when a renal scan that shows abnormalities is used as a prerequisite for arteriography.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: The aim of the study was to investigate the evolution of endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) over a period of 25 years at its birthplace in Erlangen, Germany. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 3498 consecutive ESTs between 1973 and the end of 1997 were reviewed with respect to indications, technology, success, complications, therapy of complications and mortality. In order to demonstrate changes in the course of time, the results have been compiled separately for four time periods (A-D). RESULTS: During the 25 years' practice of EST in Erlangen the frequency of ETSs has increased constantly and significant changes have been observed concerning the spectrum of indications: Bile duct stones (total 55.1%) decreased continuously from 91.1% (period A) to 35.7% (period D). In contrast, the proportion of ESTs applied for malignant obstruction (total 22.1%) rose successively from 1.1% (period A) to more than 25% (periods B-D). Chronic pancreatitis as an indication for EST was established in period B (1.0%) and accounted for 20.2% of all procedures in period D (total 8.0%). Several new indications (summarized as "others") increased from 1.8% in period A to 11.9% in period D (total 6.7%) whereas biliary pancreatitis and scarred papillary stenosis remained constantly below 5%. Whereas the "Erlangen sphincterotome" was the only sphincterotome used in period A, it was almost completely replaced by guide-wire sphincterotomes in period D. With the introduction of the needle knife the precut technique became popular and was used with increasing frequencies: period B 31.9%, period C 34.1%, period D 41.9%. The success rate in total was 95.2%. For each time period the highest success rate of EST was obtained for bile duct stones (96-98%), whereas EST appeared to be more difficult in case of malignant obstruction (93.3%) or chronic pancreatitis (90.2%), but for both indications growing experience resulted in an increase in the success rates (85.7% to 94.9% and 90.9% to 94.0%, respectively). Complications occurred in 7.9% of cases. The complication rate declined significantly from 10.5% in period A over 7.6% in period B to 6.3% in period C. Prospective data acquisition in period D revealed a significant increase in the detection of mild forms of acute pancreatitis, resulting in a slight increase of the complication rate (8.4%). Needle-knife papillotomy did not significantly increase the complication rate. Whereas in period A 41% of all complications were managed by surgery, this value dropped over 28% (period B) and 7.5% (period C) to ultimately 1.6% in period D. The method-related mortality was nearly constant over the whole period of time (0.6%). CONCLUSIONS: Despite a continuous shift of indications and a changing mixture of learning endoscopists and EST experts over 25 years, the practice of EST at its birthplace in Erlangen has shown a constantly high success rate, a decreasing complication rate and an acceptable but mainly unchanged mortality rate. Currently, nearly all complications can be successfully managed nonoperatively.  相似文献   

Evaluates minority influence literature since the original formulation of the theory by S. Moscovici (1969). Empirical or design problems include the exclusive use of the minimal group paradigm, inconsistent operationalizations of key concepts, the omission of process-oriented methodologies, and inadequate treatment of mediating variables and group effects. Theoretical problems arise from the overall scarcity of theoretical integrations. The psychological processes underlying the zeitgeist phenomenon continue to elude investigators. Potential applications of the theory to actual minority groups have been neglected. The relation between minority influence and conformity needs to be further explored; it is suggested that people tend to yield to the majority in public while accepting the position of the minority in private. (97 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Live-donor kidney transplants accounted for only 27% of all kidney transplants performed in the United States in 1995. Prolonged hospitalization, pain, extended convalescence, and related socioeconomic concerns associated with traditional open-donor nephrectomy surgery may discourage potential donors, contributing to a low percentage of live kidney donors. To remove such disincentives, the laparoscopic live-donor nephrectomy procedure was introduced. In this study, the post-discharge course of 10 laparoscopic nephrectomy donors was compared with that of 27 open nephrectomy donors over the same time period. Laparoscopic nephrectomy donors experienced significantly shorter hospitalizations, less pain, felt able to return to work and normal routines sooner, and needed significantly less assistance during the recuperation period than did open nephrectomy donors. The laparoscopic nephrectomy procedure may decrease many of the concerns of potential donors, thus making live kidney donation more attractive and increasing the kidney supply.  相似文献   

The photosensitizing properties of p-nitroacetophenone (PNAP), a well-known radiosensitizer, have been studied in near UV region. The mechanism of PNAP photosensitization has been investigated by testing the efficiency of singlet oxygen production using photooxidation of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (TEMP) and photodegradation of guanosine. In both the cases, the enhancement effect of deuterated solvents has been observed. Results of these experiments suggest the significant role of type II mechanisms in PNAP photosensitization.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess whether the measurement of cardiac output by computer-assisted analysis of the finger blood pressure waveform can substitute for the thermodilution method in critically ill patients. DESIGN: Prospective data collection. SETTING: Emergency department in a 2000-bed inner city hospital PATIENTS: Forty-six critically ill patients requiring invasive monitoring for clinical management were prospectively studied. INTERVENTIONS: Under local anesthesia a 7-Fr pulmonary artery catheter was inserted via the central subclavian or jugular vein. Cardiac output was determined by the use of a cardiac output computer and injections of 10 mL ice-cold glucose 5%. Noninvasive cardiac output was calculated from the finger blood pressure waveform by the use of the test software program. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Three hundred twenty-three pairs of invasive and noninvasive hemodynamic measurements were collected in intervals of 30 mins from 46 patients (mean age 61.9 +/- 12.4 yrs; 35 male, 11 female). The average cardiac index during the study period was 2.83 L/min/m2 (range 0.97 to 5.56). The overall discrepancy between both measurements was 0.14 L/min/m2 (95% confidence interval: 0.10-.018, p < .001). Seventy-five (23.2%) measurements had an absolute discrepancy > +/- 0.50 L/min/m2. Noninvasive and invasive comparisons of mean differential cardiac output were out of phase for 9.7% of all readings. CONCLUSION: Computer-assisted analysis of finger blood pressure waveform to assess cardiac output is not a substitute for the thermodilution method due to a high percentage (23.2%) of inaccurate readings; however, it may be a useful tool for the detection of relative hemodynamic trends in critically ill patients.  相似文献   

Reviews studies investigating effects on persuasion of variables in 5 areas: (a) nature of the recommendations, (b) personality characteristics of the recipients, (c) source credibility, (d) learning of the message content, and (e) the interest value of fear. Few variables have been found which consistently interact with fear. 1 conceptual consideration and 4 methodological considerations are suggested as possible sources of the inconsistency in the findings. A postulated curvilinear relationship between fear level and persuasion may reconcile some of the conflicting findings on high- vs. low-threat appeals. (3 p. ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Abnormal performance on the antisaccade task suggests that patients with schizophrenia have difficulty with the inhibition of reflexive attentional shifts. The aim of the study was to investigate whether deficits in the inhibition of reflexive attentional shifts were specific to the oculomotor modality or whether they could also occur when attentional shifts were made without eye movements (e.g. covert attentional shifts). METHODS: Fifteen medicated patients with chronic schizophrenia and 15 matched controls performed the antisaccade task and the covert orientating task (COVAT) where the probability of targets appearing at the same location of a peripheral cue was varied so that voluntary and reflexive orientating systems had the same goal (80% probability of target and cued condition) or opposite goals (20% probability of target at cued location). A condition where only reflexive orientating was initiated was also included (50% probability of target at cued location). For each of these conditions the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) varied between 150 and 350 ms. RESULTS: Patients with schizophrenia showed normal latency and accuracy for visually guided saccades but increased error rates and latency on the antisaccade task. For the COVAT, patients with schizophrenia were unable to use voluntary orientating strategies to inhibit reflexive shifts of covert attention. On conditions where only reflexive orientating was required or when the goals of the reflexive and voluntary orientating systems were the same, patients with schizophrenia showed normal performance. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest the reflexive orientating mode is normal in patients with chronic schizophrenia. However, these patients have a reduced ability to utilize the voluntary orientating mode to control or inhibit reflexive orientating. This impairment of voluntary control is evident for both overt and covert attentional shifts.  相似文献   

Substance P and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunohistochemistry was applied to the medulla of neonatal infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). A quantitative analysis of cells demonstrating immunoreactivity to GFAP and substance P in 15 neonatal SIDS cases revealed increased GFAP immunoreactivity in the reticular formation, the dorsal vagal nucleus, and the solitary nucleus and an increase in substance P immunoreactivity in the spinal trigeminal nucleus and the solitary nucleus as compared with that in age-matched controls. GFAP immunopositivity suggests astrogliosis which implies a pathologic insult to neurons in the area of astrogliosis. The failure of neurons in these sites to show enhanced substance P immunopositivity may indirectly indicate altered neurons. Further study of prenatal events may be of importance in clarifying the pathogenesis of neonatal SIDS.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that emotional well-being improves from early adulthood to old age. This study used experience-sampling to examine the developmental course of emotional experience in a representative sample of adults spanning early to very late adulthood. Participants (N = 184, Wave 1; N = 191, Wave 2; N = 178, Wave 3) reported their emotional states at five randomly selected times each day for a one week period. Using a measurement burst design, the one-week sampling procedure was repeated five and then ten years later. Cross-sectional and growth curve analyses indicate that aging is associated with more positive overall emotional well-being, with greater emotional stability and with more complexity (as evidenced by greater co-occurrence of positive and negative emotions). These findings remained robust after accounting for other variables that may be related to emotional experience (personality, verbal fluency, physical health, and demographic variables). Finally, emotional experience predicted mortality; controlling for age, sex, and ethnicity, individuals who experienced relatively more positive than negative emotions in everyday life were more likely to have survived over a 13 year period. Findings are discussed in the theoretical context of socioemotional selectivity theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated Doppler-derived systolic pulmonary artery pressure in 476 hypertensive patients. Clinical interpretation of systolic pulmonary arterial pressure should take into account age, body size, and systolic blood pressure values.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aortic root replacement is a complex surgical procedure which has undergone major technical modifications with time. In order to assess the early and long-term outcome after aortic root replacement with this procedure, our entire experience of a two decade period was reviewed. METHODS: Between January 1979 and March 1997, 156 aortic root replacement operations were performed. One hundred and twenty five patients (80%) were male and 31 female; their mean age was 50 +/- 16 years. Diagnosis was annuloaortic ectasia in 79 patients, aortic dissection in 51 (acute 22, chronic 29), isolated aortic valve pathology in 24 and aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva in 5. Thirty nine patients had aortic root replacement using the standard "Bentall" technique, 73 using the "modified Bentall" technique, 15 using the Cabrol technique. Biologic substitutes of the aortic root were used in 29 patients (19 autografts, 4 homografts, 6 xenografts). Mean follow-up time was 41 +/- 40 months (range 1 month-18 years). RESULTS: There were 12 (7.6%) hospital deaths. Hospital mortality in elective cases was 5% (7/134) and 22% (5/22) in emergent (p = 0.01). A trend toward reduced early mortality was demonstrated in recent years. Mortality was 5% for the "modified Bentall" group, 3% for the "Biologic root" group, 10% for the "Bentall" group and 20% for the "Cabrol" group. Hospital mortality was significant higher in "Cabrol" group than in "modified Bentall" group (p = 0.04). The overall long-term survival rate was 78 +/- 4% at 5 years, 71 +/- 6% at 10 years and 51 +/- 13% at 15 years. No significant difference in survival rate nor freedom from complications was observed among patient groups. Need for reoperation and valve-related adverse events become prevalent after 10 years of follow-up. CONCLUSION: The decrease in early mortality and the satisfying late results demonstrate that aortic root replacement is a low risk surgical procedure and an effective and durable treatment. The availability of biologic substitutes for the aortic root has allowed the extension of this operation to all patient age group, with results comparable to these obtained with composite grafts.  相似文献   

A total of 25 patients 17 to 78 years old (mean age 61 years) underwent bladder replacement with a modified ileocolonic bladder: 20 underwent construction of the neobladder following cystoprostatectomy for invasive bladder tumor, 4 after cystectomy for severe interstitial cystitis and 1 for undiversion. There were 21 men and 4 women. Followup ranged from 3 to 66 months. There were no perioperative deaths. The early complication (perioperative 3 months) and late complication rates were 18% and 16%, respectively. Complications included ureterocolonic anastomotic strictures in 4 ureters (3 were treated via endoscopic retrograde balloon dilation and 1 with endourological antegrade dilation), urethral strictures in 2 patients, treated by urethral dilation, pancreatitis 2 weeks postoperatively in 1 and mild hypercholoremia without concomitant acidosis in 2. One patient presented 3 years postoperatively with a left mid ureteral stone that was managed by ureteroscopic extraction. Three patients died of recurrent carcinoma (none with urethral recurrence). The daytime continence rate was 100% and the nighttime continence rate was 92%. The ureters in this modified ileocolonic bladder were placed in an anatomically correct position to resemble a trigone near the mouth of the neobladder with the left ureter uncrossed. This placement provided easy visualization and instrumentation of the upper urinary tract. No patient had vesicoureteral reflux.  相似文献   

The Windkessel model is a linear model which does not take into account the structural and functional variations of the arteries related to the pulsatility of the blood pressure (BP) and its variations between systole and diastole. OBJECTIVE: To analyse the performance of a BP modelisation where the parameters of AC are adjusted in a dynamic fashion according to a curvilinear relationship of the arterial properties (compliance) in relationship to the BP between systole and diastole. DESIGN AND METHODS: 9 control subjects (age 25 +/- 3). The non invasive measures of the radial BP waveform (Millar tonometry) was compared to that constructed by an electric simulator reproducing the model in a sysmetrical network subdivised into 121 segments where we introduced for each subject: at cardiac level, the aortic stroke volume (Doppler echocardiography), and at the radial level, the dynamic values of compliance and diameter according to an arc-tangent model (measured by arterial echography NiUS02). RESULTS: The BP obtained by the adjusted model, where the AC parameter follows the curvilinear, relationship dV/dP measured experimentally, was not significantly different from the experimental, while in the constant model (AC at mean BP level) the systolic BP was different. CONCLUSION: This work shows in an experimental way the limits inherent in simplification in the Windkessel modelisation of the vascular system with constant parameters. It shows in a conduction artery the influence of the functional properties of the arterial wall on the level of systolic and diastolic BP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A number of state initiatives are using databases originally developed for nursing home reimbursements to assess the quality of care. Since 1991 the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA; Washington, DC) has been using a long term care administrative database to calculate facility-specific rates of pressure ulcer development. This information is disseminated to all 140 long term care facilities as part of a quality assessment and improvement program. DATA ON PRESSURE ULCER DEVELOPMENT: Assessments are performed on all long term care residents on April 1 and October 1, as well as at the time of admission or transfer to a long term care unit. Approximately 18,000 long term care residents are evaluated in each six-month period; the VA rate of pressure ulcer development is approximately 3.5%. Reports of the rates of pressure ulcer development are then disseminated to all facilities, generally within two months of the assessment date. IMPLICATIONS FOR OTHER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT EFFORTS: The VA's more than five years' experience in using administrative data to assess outcomes for long term care highlights several important issues that should be considered when using outcome measures based on administrative data. These include the importance of carefully selecting the outcome measure, the need to consider the structure of the database, the role of case-mix adjustment, strategies for reporting rates to small facilities, and methods for information dissemination. CONCLUSION: Attention to these issues will help ensure that results from administrative databases lead to improvements in the quality of care.  相似文献   

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