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BACKGROUND: The precise mechanisms involved in islet xenograft rejection remain unknown. The purpose of the present study was to determine cellular mechanisms responsible for islet xenograft rejection in the liver to facilitate finding a procedure for prevention of immune rejection. METHODS: Hepatic mononuclear cells (MNC) as well as splenocytes, peripheral blood MNC, and thymocytes from streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice (BALB/c) rejecting the intrahepatic rat (Lewis) islet xenografts were isolated and examined by two-color FACS analysis. RESULTS: The characteristic finding of the hepatic MNC from the mice rejecting islet xenografts compared with mice receiving isografts was a significant increase in the yield as well as in the percentage of the cells expressing CD3+ interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) alpha- beta+, CD3+ CD8alpha+ beta+, and T cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta+ lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1+. The expression of CD3 and TCR alphabeta of these T cells was found to be of intermediate intensity (TCR(int) cells). The expansion of these TCR(int) cells occurred predominantly in the liver. There was no significant difference in the cells expressing CD3+ IL-2R alpha+, CD3+ CD4+, CD3+ TCRgammadelta+, CD3- IL-2Rbeta+ (natural killer cells), and B220+ (B cells). In vivo administration of anti-IL-2Rbeta monoclonal antibody directed to the expanded cells produced a prevention of rejection. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that islet xenograft rejection in the liver from rat to mouse is an event for which the TCR(int) cells are responsible.  相似文献   

A method is described whereby about 100 litres of plasma containing 10-50 IU/ml tetanus antitixin was obtained, from which were prepared 5000 X 250 IU doses of human antitetanus immunoglobulin. Of 40 blood donors who received a booster injection of tetanus vaccine BP, 33 were plasmapheresed each week over a 10-12 week period starting three weeks after the injection. Twenty-two of these donors provided 90% of the total plasma, the antitoxin content of which averaged 23.6 IU/ml over the 10-12 week period.  相似文献   

The paradox of pancytopenia despite cellular bone marrows (BM) was investigated in 120 patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Detailed cell cycle kinetics were examined following in vivo infusions of iodo--and/or bromodeoxyuridine (IUdR/BrdU), while the incidence of apoptosis was measured by in situ end labeling (ISEL) of fragmented DNA. Results showed that MDS are highly proliferative disorders with an equally high incidence of apoptotic intramedullary cell death accounting for the paradox of cellularity/cytopenia. By double-labeling BM biopsy sections for ISEL/BrdU we found the peculiar situation of "signal antonymy" where S-phase cells were frequently apoptotic, a phenomenon so far only seen in MDS biopsies. The cause-effect relationship of this excessive proliferation/apoptosis is discussed at length.  相似文献   

Structural changes in the intramuscular connective tissue during development of bovine semitendinosus muscle were investigated using the cell-maceration method for scanning electron microscopy, by which cellular elements were eliminated and collagen fibrils and fibres were exposed. The endomysium was discontinuous and showed various shapes and sizes in the muscle of 7-month fetuses. The perimysium consisted of collagen fibres in loose contact with each other. In the muscle of neonatal calves, the endomysium consisted of cylindrical sheaths and displayed a honeycomb structure, and the perimysium was composed of several layers of collagen fibres. Collagen fibrils in the endomysium bound ever more closely with each other, and collagen fibres in the perimysium increased in thickness, and the wavy pattern of collagen fibres became more regular with growth of cattle. We have examined the mechanical strength of the intramuscular connective tissue by our new method, 'intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) model'. The IMCT model is composed of collagen fibrils and fibres which maintains the organization in the endomysium and perimysium in situ. The shear-force value of the model increased rapidly from the 7th fetal month to the neonatal stage, and increased linearly with postnatal ageing thereafter. Changes in the arrangement of collagen fibrils and fibres seem to closely related to an increase in the mechanical strength of the intramuscular connective tissue during development of bovine skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To quantitate the amplitude changes and temporal dynamics of regional functional MR imaging signals during voluntary hyperventilation using blood oxygen level-dependent contrast echo-planar imaging. METHODS: Seven male subjects were studied during voluntary hyperventilation (PetCO2 = 20 mm Hg) regulated by capnometry. Measurements were made on multisection echo-planar MR images obtained with parameters of 1000/66 (repetition time/echo time), flip angle of 30 degrees, and voxel size of 3 x 3 x 5 mm3. Sensitivity of the functional MR imaging signal to changes in PetCO2, time delays in relation to PetCO2 changes, and time constants of functional MR imaging signal changes were assessed on a region-by-region basis. RESULTS: Within 20 seconds of starting hyperventilation, rapid and substantial decreases in the functional MR imaging signal (by as much as 10%) were measured in areas of gray matter, which were significantly greater than the modest changes observed in white matter. Regional-specific effects in areas of the frontal, occipital, and parietooccipital cortex were stronger than in subcortical regions or in the cerebellum. Signal decreases measured with functional MR imaging were significantly delayed with respect to the reduction in PetCO2. Apparent differences between regional time constants did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Regional and gray-white matter differences in functional MR imaging signal changes during controlled hyperventilation may reflect differences in metabolic activity, vascular regulation, and/or capillary density. When measuring brain activation with functional MR imaging, arterial PCO2 differences due to unregulated respiration may confound interpretation of activation-related functional MR imaging signal changes.  相似文献   

Complete exchange blood substitution (down to hematocrit level of 1--3%) by 7--8% solution of hemoglobin (Hb) completely free of stromas and procoagulant activity of human hemoglobin was performed in cats. The Hb solution is capable of carrying oxygen and maintaining the life of the animal with a complete blood loss for some time. The Hb solution is readily saturated with oxygen in the lungs and releases oxygen in the tissues, although to a significantly lesser degree than Hb in the red cell; besides, the Hb solution maintains the basic value of hemodynamics for some time.  相似文献   

Subgingival bacteria exist within a biofilm consisting of cells and extracellular matrix which may afford organisms protection from both antibiotics and components of the host immune system. MIC values for planktonic Porphyromonas gingivalis treated with metronidazole were compared with those obtained for the same strain in biofilms associated with hydroxyapatite (HA) surfaces. The treated biofilms were examined for growth and studied by scanning electron microscopy. A broth assay resulted in an MIC of 0.125 microgram/ml for metronidazole against P. gingivalis, P. gingivalis biofilms exhibited growth after treatment with 20 micrograms/ml metronidazole, which was 160 times the MIC for planktonic organisms. The results of this study indicate that biofilm-associated P. gingivalis may be resistant to metronidazole at concentrations which are usually attained by systemic administration.  相似文献   

Techniques which are currently used to measure skeletal muscle blood flow (SMBF) in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) are neither convenient nor accurate. They have led to discrepant results in patients with congestive heart failure and are, in part, responsible for the ongoing debate regarding the factors which limit the rise in body oxygen consumption during exercise in these patients. However, direct measurement of SMBF may not be needed during exercise in patients with severe CHF. Their skeletal muscles maximally extract oxygen. Consequently, increase in oxygen consumption by the skeletal muscles is only mediated by a concomitant increase in SMBF. In patients with severe CHF, peak body oxygen consumption attained during maximal exercise closely depends on the rise in SMBF, and thus provides an indirect measurement of SMBF.  相似文献   

The correlation of acto-myosin ATPase rate with tension redevelopment kinetics (k(tr)) was determined during Ca(+2)-activated contractions of demembranated rabbit psoas muscle fibers; the ATPase rate was either increased or decreased relative to control by substitution of ATP (5.0 mM) with 2-deoxy-ATP (dATP) (5.0 mM) or by lowering [ATP] to 0.5 mM, respectively. The activation dependence of k(tr) and unloaded shortening velocity (Vu) was measured with each substrate. With 5.0 mM ATP, Vu depended linearly on tension (P), whereas k(tr) exhibited a nonlinear dependence on P, being relatively independent of P at submaximum levels and rising steeply at P > 0.6-0.7 of maximum tension (Po). With dATP, Vu was 25% greater than control at Po and was elevated at all P > 0.15Po, whereas Po was unchanged. Furthermore, the Ca(+2) sensitivity of both k(tr) and P increased, such that the dependence of k(tr) on P was not significantly different from control, despite an elevation of Vu and maximal k(tr). In contrast, lowering [ATP] caused a slight (8%) elevation of Po, no change in the Ca(+2) sensitivity of P, and a decrease in Vu at all P. Moreover, k(tr) was decreased relative to control at P > 0.75Po, but was elevated at P < 0.75Po. These data demonstrate that the cross-bridge cycling rate dominates k(tr) at maximum but not submaximum levels of Ca(2+) activation.  相似文献   

The plateau of tetanic tension in a lengthening contraction of muscle at any given length is always greater than that in an isometric contraction at the same given length. To account for this excess of tension, it is suggested that the contractile machinery is "locked" in a strained condition that might make the muscle capable of bearing a greater tension in a lengthening contraction than it can develop in an isometric contraction. It is proposed that this strained condition also occurs in a lengthening contraction of the twitch response. If this proposal is valid it seems certain that the plateu of tension in the lengthening contraction of the twitch response cannot be equated with the plateau of tension in the isometric contraction of tetanus. The design of the original concept, that the plateau of active state tension in the lengthening contraction of the twitch is equal to the plateau of tension (Po) in the isometric contraction of tetanus, is based upon the assumption that the contractile component is neither lengthening nor shortening during both of these plateaus. This assumption is made without considering the possibility that the plateau in the lengthening contraction might be due to concurrent lengthening of series elastic elements and shortening of the contractile component. To account for the plateau of tension observed after quick lengthening in the early phase of twitch contraction indirect evidence is presented favoring the view that the quick lengthening during stretch is followed by slow lengthening and stress relaxation (decrease of tension) in series elastic elements and simultaneous shortening and increase of tension in the contractile component. When the original concept of active state tension in the twitch response is interpreted in the light of lengthening contraction, it is concluded that the labeled or implied Po for the plateau of the active state tension is unwarranted and confusing. It seems that the primary source of confusion is the assumption that the tension a muscle is capable of bearing in a lengthening contraction is equatable with the tension it can develop in an isometric contraction.  相似文献   

CPD-adenine blood (adenine in a final concentration of 0.25 mmol/1) was used in exchange transfusions in four newborn infants. The amount of adenine in one exchange transfusion ranged from 27 to 29 mumol per kg bodyweight. The maximum P-adenine concentration during the exchange transfusions ranged from 4 to 8 mumol/1 but decreased to pretransfusion levels 20 minutes after the exchange transfusions. During a 24-hour period following the exchange transfusions, the total urine excretion of adenine and 2,8-dihydroxyadenine corresponded to 0.5 to 1.3 per cent of the given adenine dose calculated on a molar basis. Accumulated data indicate that CPD-adenine blood can be used even in repeated exchange transfusions in newborn infants.  相似文献   

Changes of venous outflow, pre- and postcapillary resistance of the skeletal muscle vessels were found to depend on values of amplitude and frequency of the perfusion blood flow in cats. Three types of the responses were distinguished: either increase, or decrease, or absence of them. The findings suggest a possibility to affect haemodynamic parameters with the aid of amplitude-frequency deviations in the organ blood flow.  相似文献   

The authors present two case studies of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath. This uncommon lesion of the lower extremity is presented in these two cases in correlation with clinical, radiographic, and intraoperative findings. After the pathologic diagnosis was made, the patient in the first case decided not to have the tumor resected. This patient's postoperative course continues uneventfully without expansion of the tumor. In the second case, a local recurrence was noted 13 months after en bloc resection. A review of the literature shows that treatment modalities for such lesions range from marginal excision to radiation therapy. The authors wish to emphasize the high risk of local recurrence of these tumors. Early marginal resection is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

1. Six subjects were trained using a one-leg bicycle exercise for 2 months. The untrained leg served as control. After the training period, muscle oxidative capacity, determined as succinate dehydrogenase activity, was 27% higher in the trained (as opposed to the control) leg (P < 0.05).2. When the subjects in this situation performed a 1 h two-legged submaximal bicycle exercise bout (150-225 W), determinations of V(O2) of the single leg (leg blood flow x (A-V)(O2) difference) revealed that they appeared to choose to work harder with their trained than with their untrained leg, so as to make the relative loads for the two legs the same.3. Determinations of O(2) and CO(2) on femoral arterial and venous blood demonstrated that the R.Q. was lower in the trained as compared to the untrained leg, 0.91 cf. 0.96 (10 min) and 0.91 cf. 0.94 (50 min) (P < 0.05).4. That metabolism of fat was more pronounced in the trained leg was further supported by the finding of a significant net uptake of free fatty acids in this leg only. Moreover, a lower release of lactate from the trained leg was demonstrated.5. It is suggested that the shift towards a more pronounced metabolism of fat in the trained leg is a function of an increased muscle oxidative capacity.  相似文献   

Despite improvements in critical care medicine and the development and aggressive use of potent broad-spectrum anti-microbial agents, mortality due to severe sepsis has not changed during the recent years and still comes to 35% to 45%. For quite a long time our understanding of the pathophysiology of sepsis was mainly focused on endotoxin and proinflammatory cytokines like tumor necrosis factor or interleukin-1. Now it is generally accepted that many signs and symptoms of sepsis are not directly mediated by cytokines but are transmitted through other mediator systems. The coagulation system comes into play especially when the septic process progresses to malperfusion and organ failure. Antithrombin III is an important inhibitor of the intrinsic, extrinsic and common pathway of coagulation. Recently, evidence has been accumulating that there is an additional anti-inflammatory potential of the drug. Currently there are several clinical trials ongoing to investigate whether this effect is of clinical relevance in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis.  相似文献   

In this study we have evaluated the changes in gas exchange variables, blood acid-base balance and the mechanical efficiency of muscle in healthy young men during an incremental exercise test. Twenty-six healthy men: age 22.1 +/- 1.4 (mean +/- SD) years, body mass 73.6 +/- 7.4 kg, height 179 +/- 8 cm, were subjects in this study. The subjects performed an incremental exercise test on a cycloergometer at a pedalling rate of 70 rev.min-1. The exercise test started at a power output of 30 W, followed by an increase of power output by 30 W every 3 minutes. Gas exchange variables were measured continuously (breath by breath). Antecubital blood samples for acid-base balance variables and plasma lactate concentration [La]pl were taken at the end of each 3-minute step. The lactate threshold (LT) in this study was defined as the highest power output above which [La]pl showed a sustained increase of > 0.5 mmol.l-1.step-1. The power output at LT amounted to 127 +/- 28 W. It corresponded to 45% of the maximal power output (MPO) reached at maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max). The oxygen uptake at the LT amounted to 1734 +/- 282 ml.min-1 and corresponded to 48% of VO2 max (3726 +/- 363 ml.min-1). The minute ventilation at the LT amounted to 47.8 +/- 7.5 l, and its increase to the level of 125.7 +/- 19.7 l reached at the MPO was obtained mainly by intensification of breathing frequency from 23.8 +/- 3.31.min-1 to 43 +/- 5.91.min-1, for LT and MPO respectively. Analysis of the changes in PETCO2 during the incremental exercise test showed significant differences between subjects. One could recognise a group of subjects (n = 8) with high values of PETCO2 (above 45 mmHg) and a group of subjects (n = 8) with lower values of PETCO2 (below 43 mmHg). However, no significant differences in exercise tolerance, expressed by the level of MPO and maximal oxygen uptake, were found between those groups of subjects. The mechanical efficiency calculated on the basis of power output/net oxygen uptake ratio during cycling at a power output of 60 W amounted to 24.1 +/- 3.8 percent, at the LT 25.8 +/- 2.1%, whereas at the maximal power output a significant (p < 0.01) drop in muscle efficiency occurred, to the value of 23.1 +/- 1.6%. This drop in muscle efficiency occurring at the MPO may be an important factor limiting exercise tolerance when performing high power output exercise. In conclusion: The above presented data illustrate the physiological responses to incremental exercise and the level of exercise tolerance, which may serve as a reference point for the population of healthy, young physically active Polish students.  相似文献   

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