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OBJECTIVE: To measure gastric emptying in critically ill patients using an acetaminophen absorption model and determine which variables are associated with impaired gastric emptying. DESIGN: A prospective, cohort study. SETTING: A medical/surgical ICU at a tertiary care hospital: Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario. PATIENTS AND PARTICIPANTS: We recruited 72 mechanically ventilated patients expected to remain in the ICU for more than 48 h. Our results were compared to those in healthy volunteers. INTERVENTION: Within 48 h of admission to the ICU, 1.6 g acetaminophen suspension were administered via a nasogastric tube into the stomach. Blood samples were drawn a t = 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min for measurement of plasma acetaminophen levels determined by the enzymatic degradation method. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Maximal concentration of acetaminophen was 94.1 (75.3) mumol/l compared to 208.4 (33.1) mumol/l in a control population (p < 0.0001). The time to reach the maximal concentration was 105 min (60-180) compared to 30 min (15-90) in controls (p < 0.0001). The area under the time-acetaminophen concentration curve t = 120 was 9301 (7343) mumol/min per l compared to 11644 (1336) mumol/min per l in the controls (p = 0.28). The variables associated with delayed gastric emptying were age, sex and use of opioids for analgesia and sedation. CONCLUSIONS: Gastric emptying is delayed in critically ill patients. The important consequences of this phenomenon include intolerance to enteral nutrition and gastric colonization. Strategies to minimize the use of narcotics may improve gastric emptying. Studies to examine the effect of gastrointestinal prokinetic agents on gastric emptying are needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Delayed gastric emptying is a mechanism that contributes to the pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux. Electrogastrogram changes, gastric emptying rates, and Helicobacter pylori status were investigated, and a correlation was sought with dyspepsia symptoms in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients. METHODS: Fifty patients (27 females; mean age 43) with gastroesophageal reflux were studied. Electrogastrographic recordings were obtained 30 minutes before and simultaneously with a 2-hour radionuclide gastric-emptying test using an isotope-labeled solid meal. Symptoms of nausea, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, and early satiety were graded from 0 to 5. RESULTS: Thirty-six percent of patients had delayed gastric eliminating. Thirty-eight percent (19/50) patients had abnormal electrogastrograms, and 11 of these 19 also had delayed gastric emptying. There was a significant difference in the electrogastrographic parameter of postprandial power change in patients with delayed versus normal gastric emptying (0.20 +/- 0.8 dB vs 3.17 +/- 0.8 dB, p < 0.05). In patients with an abnormal electrogastrogram, the mean symptom score was significantly higher than in patients with a normal electrogastrogram (2.18 +/- 0.26 vs 1.35 +/- 0.16, p < 0.05). Twenty-one percent (7/33) of patients were positive (+) for Helicobacter pylori overall, but this did not seem to affect electrogastrogram and gastric emptying findings. CONCLUSIONS: Fifty-two percent of gastroesophageal reflux disease patients have gastric motor or myoelectrical abnormalities that contribute to the pathogenesis of this entity and also help explain the high prevalence of dyspepsia in the clinical presentation of gastroesophageal reflux disease.  相似文献   

Since there is a need for a widely applicable non-invasive test to assess gastric emptying in diabetic patients, we evaluated the sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of the [13C]octanoic acid breath test as compared with scintigraphy. Moreover, we examined the relationship between the breath test indices and gastric symptoms, cardiovascular autonomic function, and metabolic parameters. Forty healthy control subjects and 34 diabetic patients were studied. Three indices of gastric emptying, assessed by the breath test, were computed: half-emptying time (t1/2breath), gastric emptying coefficient (GEC), and lag phase. Furthermore, the half-emptying time, measured by scintigraphy (t1/2scint), was calculated and gastric symptoms and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) were scored. The coefficients of variation of day-to-day reproducibility in 10 healthy subjects were 29.6% for t1/2breath, 7.4% for GEC, and 46.5% for lag phase. An abnormal delay for t1/2scint (> 100 min) or t1/2breath (> 200 min) was noted in 12 patients. Based on the results for t1/2scint, the sensitivity of t1/2breath and GEC was 75% and the specificity was 86%. Both t1/2breath (rs = 0.523; p < 0.05) and GEC (r2 = -0.594; p < 0.05) were significantly associated with the gastric symptom score. A significant relationship to the CAN score was demonstrated for t1/2breath (rs = 0.448; p < 0.05), GEC (rs = -0.467; p < 0.05), and t1/2scint (rs = 0.602; p < 0.05). There were no significant associations of the breath test indices with the blood glucose levels during the test, HbA1c, age, and duration of diabetes. In patients with abnormal t1/2scint (n = 12) not only was t1/2breath significantly prolonged and GEC reduced, but also the scores of CAN and gastric symptoms were significantly increased as compared with those who had a normal t1/2scint (n = 22). We conclude that the [13C]octanoic acid breath test represents a suitable measure of delayed gastric emptying in diabetic patients which is associated with the severity of gastric symptoms and CAN but not affected by the blood glucose level.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence of gender-related differences in gastric emptying. The purpose of this study was first, to confirm the difference in gastric emptying for both solid and liquid test meals between healthy men and women, and secondly, to investigate the origin of this difference by studying regional gastric emptying and antral motility. A standard gastric emptying test with additional compartmental (proximal and distal) evaluation and dynamic imaging of the antrum was performed in 20 healthy women studied during the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle, and in 31 healthy age-matched men. In concordance with previous reports, women had a longer half-emptying time for solids as compared to men (86. 2+/-5.1 vs 52.2+/-2.9 min, P<0.05). In our observations this seemed to be related to a significantly prolonged lag phase and a significant decrease in terminal slope. Dynamical antral scintigraphy did not show a significant difference. The distribution of the test meal within the stomach (proximal vs distal) showed more early proximal retention in women as compared to men. The terminal slope of the distal stomach was significantly lower in women. We did not observe a significant difference in gastric emptying of the liquid test meal between men and women. Gastric emptying of solids is significantly slower in healthy women as compared to men. These findings emphasise the importance of using different normal values for clinical and research purposes in gastric emptying scintigraphy in men and women. The difference could not be explained by antral motility alone. Increased proximal retention and a lower terminal emptying rate in women are observations to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The origin of functional dyspepsia (FD) is unknown, however, abnormal gastric emptying and infection by H. pylori have been suggested as possible causes. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that infection by H. pylori could be related to alterations in gastric emptying of solids and play a role in the pathophysiology of dyspepsia. METHODS: Studies were performed on 12 controls: 6 males, 6 females, age 40 +/- 13, and on 45 FD patients: 15 males and 30 females, age 43.5 +/- 12. Clinical criteria for FD diagnosis were post-prandial epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting or epigastric bloating, with normal blood test, upper endoscopy and abdominal ultrasound. Diagnosis of H. pylori infection was either by growth positive on culture of antral biopsy or by all of the following: on Gram stain, urease test positive and visualization of microorganisms in the antral biopsy. Gastric emptying of solids was studied with a radio-nuclide technique. Patients were prospectively classified in 4 groups according to the main symptom: reflux-like, ulcer-like, dysmotility, and non-specific. RESULTS: H. pylori infection was observed in 21/32 (66%) FD patients. No significant differences in the gastric emptying of solids between the control group and patients with FD (tl/2 80 +/- 17 minutes vs 75 +/- 16 min). The presence of H. pylori infection did not influence gastric emptying rates (78 +/- 16 minutes in infected patients vs 73 +/- 15 min in non infected patients). Gastric emptying times were similar among the four subgroups of FD patients. CONCLUSIONS: No significant differences in gastric emptying of solids were found in H. pylori infected persons as compared with the controls. These findings suggest that H. pylori infection and/or changes in gastric emptying of solids do not play a role in the pathophysiology of FD.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of hypoxia in the gastric function in conscious rats which adapted to a meal-feeding schedule, that allowed free access to a high protein (HP) diet (550 g casein/kg diet, Exp.1,2 and 4), a normal protein (NP) diet (200 g casein/kg diet, Exp.3) or a nonpurified rat (NPR) diet (Exp. 5 and 6) for 4 h every day for 2 wk. In Exp. 1, after 4 h of consuming the HP diet, rats were exposed to 7.6 or 10.5% O2 normobaric hypoxia. Hypoxia delayed the excretion of urinary urea for 12 h. In Exp.2 and 3, when rats were exposed to 7.6%O2 after 4 h of consuming the HP diet and exposed to 10.5% O2 after 4 h of consuming the NP diet, respectively, a significant delay in gastric emptying was found in the hypoxic rats. In Exp. 4, when rats were exposed to 7.6 O2 hypoxia after 4 hr of eating the HP diet, the plasma gastrin concentration in the 7.6% O2 hypoxic rats was 2.3-fold that of the normoxic rats after 6 h of hypoxia. Furthermore, when rats that did not consume any HP diet on the day of the experiment were exposed to 7.6 or 10.5% O2 hypoxia, the plasma gastrin concentration was higher in both hypoxic groups than in the normoxic group after 3 and 6 of hypoxia. In Exp. 5, rats that were not fed the NPR diet on the day of study were exposed to 7.6 or 10.5% O2 hypoxia for 3 h after pylorus ligation. Hypoxia inhibited the secretion of gastric acid and elevated the plasma gastrin concentration. In Exp. 6, unfed rats that had been consuming the NPR diet were exposed to 7.6% O2 hypoxia for 3 h after pylorus ligation and were orally administered HCl. The rise of the gastrin concentration due to hypoxia was completely inhibited by oral HCl. These results demonstrate that hypoxia inhibits gastric emptying and gastric acid secretion and that the inhibitory effect of hypoxia on gastric acid secretion stimulates gastrin release through positive feedback regulation.  相似文献   

In 21 patients with nonresected stomachs and symptoms of delayed gastric emptying, obstruction was excluded by upper gastrointestinal series and upper endoscopy; all had abnormal results of barium test meal (BTM) study. Each had repeat BTM after the administration of 10 mg of metoclopramide. Each patient also had two gamma camera studies after a technetium Tc 99m sulfur colloid labeled meal; normal saline or metoclopramide was administered before each test in a blinded and random manner. Half-time (T1/2) and percentage of isotope remaining at six hours (GC6) were recorded. Ten asymptomatic controls had a gamma camera scanning study, and seven of these had a BTM. Nine of 19 patients had a T1/2 in the normal range, and in 12 of 19 patients the GC6 was in the normal range. The magnitude of retention of barium at six hours on the BTM did not correlate with the T1/2 (r = 0.076) or the GC6 (r= 0.296). Thus, these tests were not comparable in this study. By regression analysis, a significant reduction was shown in the amount of retained food and barium (P less than .01), the T1/2 (P less than .01), and the GC6 (P less than .01) after intramuscular administration of metoclopramide, indicating that both tests were able to evaluate the effects of this drug.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The role of Helicobacter pylori and gastric motility in dysmotility-like dyspepsia is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine whether delayed gastric emptying of indigestible solids and H. pylori infection are associated with dysmotility-like dyspepsia. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy volunteers and 72 patients fulfilling the criteria of dysmotility-like dyspepsia received a gastric emptying test using radiopaque markers, and the H. pylori status was determined by histology. RESULTS: Twenty-seven percent of volunteers were H. pylori-positive, compared with 32% in the dyspeptic groups (P = NS). Gastric emptying was significantly slower in dyspeptic patients than controls and in H. pylori-positive patients than H. pylori-negative patients. Subjects with gastroparesis have a higher chance of developing dysmotility-like dyspepsia (odds ratio (OR), 2.5) than subjects with normal gastric emptying. Subjects with H. pylori and gastroparesis have an increased likelihood of developing dysmotility-like dyspepsia (OR, 4.3) than if either factor were present alone. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that gastroparesis alone and gastroparesis and H. pylori infection are associated with dysmotility-like dyspepsia.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in correlations among size-related traits of head, thorax, and wings was examined in Drosophila buzzatii, by comparing the pattern of the Phenotypic Correlation Matrix (Rp) between inversion karyotypes of the second chromosome. No similarity in Rp was observed between some karyotypes in a natural population. The pattern of Rp in wild-reared heterokaryotypes, but not in homokaryotypes, was similar to the whole population represented by laboratory-reared flies. While phenotypic correlations in wild-reared flies were found to be larger than in laboratory-reared flies, similarity in the pattern of Rp was very high for one homokaryotype reared in both environments: the relatively homogeneous lab environment and the more variable field environment. While no such a similarity across environments was detected between different karyotypes, the pattern of Rp was similar for a same homokaryotype in different populations. Thus, the lack of karyotypic similarity in Rp is, at least partially, genetic. These results indicate that chromosomal inversions are factors affecting genetic correlations among traits known to be phenotypically correlated with adult fitness components in this species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Close observation and evaluation of the function of the transposed stomach after esophagectomy is essential. The present study uses the sulfamethizole capsule meal test to evaluate differences in gastric emptying between the anterior and posterior mediastinal approaches in patients undergoing esophagectomy. METHODOLOGY: Thirty-eight patients who underwent the esophagectomy and esophagogastrostomy for esophageal cancer were randomly divided into 2 groups: Group 1: anterior mediastinal approach, and Group 2: posterior mediastinal approach. Gastric emptying was studied using the sulfamethizole capsule meal test. Patients received sulfamethizole food capsules, 65 g of bread, and 150 ml of water. Plasma sulfamethizole levels were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). RESULTS: Gastric emptying in both groups was significantly accelerated compared to healthy volunteers. Gastric emptying did not differ significantly between groups 1 and 2. CONCLUSIONS: The present data show that the sulfamethizole capsule meal test is an effective means of evaluating the emptying of the transposed stomach. Furthermore, when the stomach is used as an esophageal substitute following esophagectomy, gastric emptying does not differ according to the access route.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were first, to determine if gastric emptying was altered in patients with functional dyspepsia with and without Helicobacter pylori infection compared with normal healthy volunteers; and second, to determine if there were further alterations in gastric emptying when the infection was eradicated. Gastric emptying was measured using a 99mtechnetium radiolabelled solid meal and gastric emptying time was measured as t1/2, viz. time taken for half the radiolabelled meal to be emptied from the stomach. The mean gastric emptying time for H. pylori-positive patients (n=20) was 56.4+/-24.8 min; H. pylori-negative patients (n=19) 67.8+/-31.8 min; and normal controls (n=20) 58.8+/-18.8min. No significant difference was obtained between the groups (ANOVA; P=0.348). Thirteen of 18 H. pylori-positive patients successfully eradicated the infection following treatment with omeprazole 40 mg o.m. and amoxycillin 500 mg t.d.s. for 2 weeks. The mean difference in the gastric emptying time before and after H. pylori eradication was 23.9+/-13.2 min (P= 0.556). There was no significant difference in the frequency of specific dyspeptic symptoms as well as the overall mean symptom score between the H. pylori-positive and -negative patients. Gastric emptying was not different between patients with functional dyspepsia and normal controls. Helicobacter pylori infection does not appear to affect gastric emptying in patients with functional dyspepsia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Attention has long been drawn to the potentially harmful effects of coffee on health, however recent epidemiological studies have suggested unexpected, possibly beneficial effects of coffee against the occurrence of alcoholic liver cirrhosis and upon serum liver enzyme levels. METHODS: We examined the potential inverse association between coffee drinking and serum concentrations of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) and aminotransferases, with special reference to interaction with alcohol consumption, in a cross-sectional study involving 12687 health examinees (7398 men and 5289 women) aged 40-69 years from over 1000 workplaces in Nagano prefecture in central Japan. Those who had a history of liver disease and/or serum aminotransferases exceeding the normal range were excluded. Possible confounding effects of alcohol consumption, body mass index, cigarette smoking, and green tea consumption were controlled through multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Increased coffee consumption was strongly and independently associated with decreased GGT activity among males (P trend < 0.0001); the inverse association between coffee and serum GGT was more evident among heavier alcohol consumers (P < 0.0001), and was absent among non-alcohol drinkers. Among females, however, coffee was only weakly related to lower GGT level. Similar inverse associations with coffee and interactions between coffee and alcohol intake were observed for serum aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. Intake of green tea, another popular source of caffeine in Japan, did not materially influence the liver enzyme levels. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that coffee may inhibit the induction of GGT in the liver by alcohol consumption, and may possibly protect against liver cell damage due to alcohol.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between gastric emptying and the efficacy of an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor in NIDDM patients. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Sixteen NIDDM patients (4 patients treated with diet therapy alone and 12 receiving a sulfonylurea) were given 0.6 mg of voglibose daily for 4 weeks. The efficacy of voglibose was assessed by measurement of HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose, and 45- and 120-min postprandial plasma glucose (PPG) and serum insulin concentrations before and after the 4 weeks of voglibose therapy. Gastric emptying was evaluated using the proportional cumulative area under the absorption curve (% AUC) of plasma acetaminophen concentration at 60 min after ingestion of a liquid test meal containing 20 mg/kg of acetaminophen. These measurements were also taken before and after the therapy. RESULTS: The change in the 45-min PPG levels from the fasting state correlated significantly with the % AUC of the plasma acetaminophen concentrations (r = 0.625, P = 0.0096) before the voglibose administrations. The mean 45-min and 2-h PPG levels were reduced significantly after 4 weeks of voglibose (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively). Two-hour postprandial serum insulin concentrations were also significantly reduced at the end of the treatment period (P < 0.05). The changes in the PPG levels between pre- and posttreatment periods correlated significantly with the % AUC of the plasma acetaminophen concentrations before the treatment period (r = 0.499, P = 0.0490; r = 0.713, P = 0.0019, respectively). There was no significant difference in the plasma acetaminophen concentrations between pre- and posttreatment periods. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of gastric emptying affects the efficacy of voglibose therapy in NIDDM patients. Voglibose did not however alter the rate of gastric emptying.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of hyperthyroidism on antral myoelectrical activity, gastric emptying and dyspepsia in man. METHODOLOGY: Twenty-three patients with manifest hyperthyroidism and dyspepsia confirmed by a standardized protocol were studied by electrogastrography (EGG). The following EGG parameters were determined: dominant frequency (DF cycles per minute (cpm), DF (%) in the normal range (2-4 cpm)), bradygastria (< 2 cpm), tachygastria (4-10 cpm), dominant frequency instability coefficient (DFIC), and postprandial to fasting power ratio. Data were correlated to results obtained in 18 age- and gender-matched controls. In 10 patients, a control measurement was performed after antithyroid therapy. In addition, in 15 consecutive patients, EGG data were compared to gastric emptying of radionuclides recorded simultaneously (gamma camera). RESULTS: Hyperthyroid patients revealed a significant increase in preprandial DF, and in pre- and post-prandial tachygastrias compared to controls (3.3 cpm vs 3.1 cpm; 8.8% vs 3.5%; 12.3% vs 3.5%; p < 0.05). After antithyroid therapy, postprandial tachygastrias were reduced significantly. About 50% of the patients exhibited delayed gastric emptying compared to previously evaluated normal values (t 60 nuclide retention: > 68%). However, these patients did not differ in tachygastria and the other EGG parameters from those with normal gastric emptying (p > 0.05). Both EGG and radioscintigraphy did not correlate significantly with dyspepsia. CONCLUSIONS: Dyspeptic patients with hyperthyroidism frequently display tachygastria and delayed gastric emptying. However, tachygastria has no important effect on gastric motor activity in hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

A girl born after 36 weeks' gestation had emesis 15 hours after birth. She required total parenteral nutrition (TPN) because of persistent gastric retention. When milk was given, the volume of gastric aspirate 3 hours after feeding often was greater than the volume given. Domperidon and erythromycin were ineffective. Upper gastrointestinal series showed slow gastric emptying but no abnormalities in the stomach. No stenosis or obstruction below pylorus was found. Endoscopy showed normal gastric mucosa. Manometry showed normal antroduodenal motility patterns. Transpyloric feeding, which started at age 73 days, was successful and enabled cessation of the TPN. Laparotomy at 119 days of age showed partial absence of the muscle and serosal layer in the anterior wall of the gastric body (1 x 4 cm). The mucosal layer was intact and partly adhered to the peritoneum and the left lobe of the liver. The defect was surgically corrected by plicating the place. The postoperative course was excellent, and oral feeding was fully established within 2 weeks. Although the cause of the partial muscle defect in the case is unclear, this case suggests that this rare condition can cause severe chronic gastric retention.  相似文献   

Compared peer nominations, peer rankings, and peer ratings as to reliability, validity, friendship bias, and user reaction. 145 police officers provided each type of peer assessment. Criterion rankings and ratings were provided by 33 squad supervisors. All peer-based methods showed significant reliability and validity, and the validity coefficients were not significantly biased by the friendship between peer assessor and assessee. Peer rankings and peer nominations displayed significantly greater reliability and validity than did peer ratings. User reactions were negative for all methods. Recommendations are made for collection of peer assessment data in nonpolice organizations for comparative purposes and for investigation of techniques to reduce negative reactions to peer assessment. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The mean pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP), left atrial dimension (LAD) by echocardiography, and PTF-V1 in the electrocardiogram were correlated with each other in 16 patients with acute myocardial infarction in the control period and after therapeutic intervention with either Dextran or furosemide and/or nitroprusside. No significant correlation was found between a normal control PAWP and the LAD. An increased control PAWP correlated well with an increased LAD (r = 0.98). No significant correlation was found between the LAD and the PAWP whether normal or elevated after therapeutic intervention. No significant correlation was found between the PAWP whether normal or elevated and the PTF-V1. No significant correlation was found between the LAD and the PTF-V1. We conclude in acute myocardial infarction 1) the PTF-V1 is not useful in assessing PAWP before or after therapeutic intervention, 2) the LAD correlates poorly with a normal control PAWP but correlates well with an elevated control PAWP, and 3) the LAD cannot be used to assess PAWP after therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The effect of three monosaccharides, three disaccharides, two dipeptides, combinations of tryptophan with two hexoses, one hexitol, and two amino acids ongastric emptying was studied in dogs to further define the samll intestinal receptors responsive to osmolytes and tryptophan. On a molar basis the disacchardies and dipeptides were almost twice as potent as their respective constituent monosaccharides or amino acids implying that the osmoreceptor is deep to the brush border disaccharidases and cytosol dipeptidases. Tryptophan probably acts by a mechanism different from the osmoreceptor since slowing of gastric emptying by tryptophan was inhibited by methionine which has no effect on a stimulant of the osmoreceptor mechanism. Lysine unlike methionine does not share the neutral amino acid transport pathway with tryptophan. Lysine did not change the inhibitory effect of tryptophan on gastric emptying. This imples that transport of tryptophan into the intestinal cell is necessary for its slowing effect. Glucose and galactose also inhibited the tryptophan effect whereas a nonabsorbed hexitor, mannitol, was without effect. Interference by the hexoses was also probably by competition with tryptophan for transport into the cell. These studies further indicate that the tryptophan receptor is different from the osmoreceptor.  相似文献   

The application of external scintigraphy and preparation of a new radiopharmaceutical agent for the investigation of the rate and pattern of gastric emptying in beagles and for the visualization of segments of the intestines have been described. 99mTc-labeled triethylenetetramine-polystyrene resin was mixed in a test meal and was administered to the animal. The gastric emptying rate of the beagle was evaluated by serially recording the gastric radioactivity by means of a scintillation camera, The experimental data indicate that the pattern of gastric emptying of beagles during the first 60 min was monoexponential and the gastric emptying half time was 1.3 h. The usefulness of external scintigraphy as a noninvasive method for determining the gastric emptying rates and for visualizing segments of GI tract in animals has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Contrast sensitivity has been shown to be affected in Alzheimer's disease (Ad). We investigated low contrast acuity and contrast sensitivity using clinical test charts in this patient population. Additionally, we tested patients with vascular dementia (vd) and mixed dementia (md), (Alzheimer' with vascular dementia). Contrast sensitivity was assessed using the Vistech VCTS 6500 test chart. Low contrast acuity was measured using the Regan charts at four contrast levels (96%, 50%, 25% and 11%). The patient population consisted of 19 Ad patients, 9 vd patients and 10 md patients. Reduction in acuity was found with contrast level in all cases. Regression lines were fit to the data and statistical analysis was performed. We did not find a statistically significant difference between the Ad and vd or md groups. We did, however, find a difference between the vd and md groups. We did find reduction in contrast sensitivity at all spatial frequencies when compared to the elderly normal. Correspondingly, we found a significant difference in acuity when compared with normal data at the four contrast levels tested. Acuity is reduced with contrast in all patient groups. Our contrast sensitivity results are similar to those reported in the literature. This study points out the importance of using simple clinical test charts and further underscores the idea that there is a primary visual deficit in Ad.  相似文献   

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