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Wireless Personal Communications - The initial definition of the Proportional Fair scheduling was based on a transmission rate criterion. However, a Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) based definition is...  相似文献   

A modulation scheme for varying the data rate and transmitted power in accordance with received signal strengths in a fading channel is discussed. The system, using ideal feedback, performs better than one using only rate control with the same constraint on bandwidth.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive receiver with memory for fading communication channels is considered. The receiver consists of an estimator and a detector. The estimator is a finite-memory MMSE estimator with decision-feedback which minimizes the probability of error of the receiver. Asymptotic approximations are employed to derive an adaptive decision role based on the estimate. An example is presented where the receiver with memory is shown to perform better than an optimum receiver without memory.  相似文献   

粒子滤波器能够处理非线性和非高斯的问题,所以引起了人们的关注。当重要函数分别选取先验重要密度函数和混合重要密度函数时,对于平坦瑞利衰落信道下粒子滤波算法,仿真试验结果表明,无论是在高斯噪声还是非高斯噪声环境中,混合重要密度函数要优于先验重要密度函数。  相似文献   

复合衰落信道的衰落统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文基于条件概率密度方法分析复合衰落信道下接收信号包络及其导数的联合概率密度函数,由此得到了复合衰落信道的平均电平交叉率和平均衰落持续时间的统一表达式,最后结合高斯-厄米特积分给出Rayleigh-Lognormal, Ricean-Lognormal, Nakagami-Lognormal 3种典型复合衰落下接收包络的概率密度函数、累积分布函数、平均电平交叉率、平均衰落持续时间的近似解析式。仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性。  相似文献   

Secure Communication Over Fading Channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fading broadcast channel with confidential messages (BCC) is investigated, where a source node has common information for two receivers (receivers 1 and 2), and has confidential information intended only for receiver 1. The confidential information needs to be kept as secret as possible from receiver 2. The broadcast channel from the source node to receivers 1 and 2 is corrupted by multiplicative fading gain coefficients in addition to additive Gaussian noise terms. The channel state information (CSI) is assumed to be known at both the transmitter and the receivers. The parallel BCC with independent subchannels is first studied, which serves as an information-theoretic model for the fading BCC. The secrecy capacity region of the parallel BCC is established, which gives the secrecy capacity region of the parallel BCC with degraded subchannels. The secrecy capacity region is then established for the parallel Gaussian BCC, and the optimal source power allocations that achieve the boundary of the secrecy capacity region are derived. In particular, the secrecy capacity region is established for the basic Gaussian BCC. The secrecy capacity results are then applied to study the fading BCC. The ergodic performance is first studied. The ergodic secrecy capacity region and the optimal power allocations that achieve the boundary of this region are derived. The outage performance is then studied, where a long-term power constraint is assumed. The power allocation is derived that minimizes the outage probability where either the target rate of the common message or the target rate of the confidential message is not achieved. The power allocation is also derived that minimizes the outage probability where the target rate of the confidential message is not achieved subject to the constraint that the target rate of the common message must be achieved for all channel states.  相似文献   

A communication system using noiseless feedback for Rayleigh fading channels is proposed. Pilot tone signaling is used to provide channel amplitude and phase information for the detection of antipodal signals. Channel estimates generated in the receiver are fed back to control the transmitter power and rate. Power division and rate control rules are derived, and it is shown that definite performance improvement over diversity systems is obtained. Because of the requirement of small loop propagation delays, the technique is mainly applicable to low data rate multitone modems for short range HF channels.  相似文献   

ARMA Synthesis of Fading Channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computationally scalable and accurate estimation, prediction, and simulation of wireless communication channels is critical to the development of more adaptive transceiver algorithms. Previously, the application of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) modeling to fading processes has been complicated by ill-conditioning and nonlinear parameter estimation. This correspondence presents a numerically stable and accurate method to synthesize ARMA rational approximations of correlated Rayleigh fading processes from more complex higher order representations. Here, the problem is decomposed into autoregressive (AR) model matching followed by linear system identification. Performance is compared to that of AR, inverse discrete Fourier transform, and sum of sinusoids techniques. Also, for the first time, the finite-precision performance of different methods is compared.  相似文献   

We study a problem of broadcasting confidential messages to multiple receivers under an information-theoretic secrecy constraint. Two scenarios are considered: 1) all receivers are to obtain a common message; and 2) each receiver is to obtain an independent message. Moreover, two models are considered: parallel channels and fast-fading channels. For the case of reversely degraded parallel channels, one eavesdropper, and an arbitrary number of legitimate receivers, we determine the secrecy capacity for transmitting a common message, and the secrecy sum-capacity for transmitting independent messages. For the case of fast-fading channels, we assume that the channel state information of the legitimate receivers is known to all the terminals, while that of the eavesdropper is known only to itself. We show that, using a suitable binning strategy, a common message can be reliably and securely transmitted at a rate independent of the number of receivers. We also show that a simple opportunistic transmission strategy is optimal for the reliable and secure transmission of independent messages in the limit of large number of receivers.  相似文献   

The problem of tracking a target in a multitarget environment when the observations are received over a fading channel is considered. The optimal Bayes solution to the tracking problem in such cases involves growing memory and hence is not feasible. A particularly effective suboptimal scheme uses a probabilistic judgment at each stage of the observations to overcome this problem. This concise paper presents an evaluation of the scheme in terms of mean-square error performance when the observations are received over fading channels.  相似文献   

In this paper, the outage performance of opportunistic decode-and-forward cooperation is analyzed in independent but not necessarily identical Nakagami-m fading channels, where the impacts of relay selection criterion, relay number, channel fading severity parameter and the availability of the direct link are studied comprehensively. The closed-form expressions of outage probability in high signal-to-noise ratio region and the diversity order are derived for both asymmetric and symmetric scenarios. The analysis shows that the achievable diversity order is related to the channel fading severity parameter m, the number of relays K, the specific relay selection criterion N and the availability of the direct link. Take symmetric scenario for instance, the diversity order is m (K ? N +?1) if the direct link blocks, otherwise the diversity order becomes m (K ? N +?2). For asymmetric scenario, the diversity order depends on the particular value of fading severity parameter m in each link, and the expression is also derived. Simulation results validate the analysis of outage probability and diversity order.  相似文献   

A game-theoretic framework is developed to design and analyze the resource allocation algorithms in fading multiple-access channels (MACs), where the users are assumed to be selfish, rational, and limited by average power constraints. The maximum sum-rate point on the boundary of the MAC capacity region is shown to be the unique Nash equilibrium of the corresponding water-filling game. This result sheds a new light on the opportunistic communication principle. The base station is then introduced as a player interested in maximizing a weighted sum of the individual rates. A Stackelberg formulation is proposed in which the base station is the designated game leader. In this setup, the base station announces first its strategy defined as the decoding order of the different users, in the successive cancellation receiver, as a function of the channel state. In the second stage, the users compete conditioned on this particular decoding strategy. This formulation is shown to be able to achieve all the corner points of the capacity region, in addition to the maximum sum-rate point. On the negative side, it is shown that there does not exist a base station strategy in this formulation that achieves the rest of the boundary points. To overcome this limitation, a repeated game approach, which achieves the capacity region of the fading MAC, is presented. Finally, the study is extended to vector channels highlighting interesting differences between this scenario and the scalar channel case.  相似文献   

Error Rates in Generalized Shadowed Fading Channels   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Most of the existing models to describe the shadowed fading channels use either the Suzuki or Nakagami-lognormal probability density function (pdf), both based on lognormal shadowing. However, these two density functions do not lead to closed form solutions for the received signal power, making the computations of error rates and outages very cumbersome. A generalized or compound fading model which takes into account both fading and shadowing in wireless systems, is presented here. Starting with the Nakagami model for fading, shadowing is incorporated using a gamma distribution for the average power in the Nakagami fading model. This compound pdf developed here based on a gamma-gamma distribution is analytically simpler than the two pdfs based on lognormal shadowing and is general enough to incorporate most of the fading and shadowing observed in wireless channels. The performance of coherent BPSK is evaluated using this compound fading model.  相似文献   

A novel data-aided fading estimation technique that employs both pilot anddata symbols is proposed to significantly reduce the bandwidth redundancy ofthe pilot-symbol-aided (PSA) systems using receivers with low complexity andlatency in the shadowed mobile satellite fading channels. The shadowed mobilesatellite fading channels are modeled as the sum of a lognormally distributeddirect component and a Rayleigh distributed multipath component, and the PSAsystem employs 16-ary quadrature-amplitude-modulation (16QAM) fortransmission. Monte Carlo computer simulation has been used to assess thetechnique on the bit-error-rate (BER) performances of the system in the lightshadowed, the average shadowed and the heavy shadowed Rician fadingenvironments. The results have shown that the proposed technique requires avery low bandwidth redundancy to provide satisfactory BER performances, andcan substantially lower the error floors of the PSA systems.  相似文献   

王寅 《电子科技》2011,24(3):91-93
由于在数字移动通信中要考虑多径和多普勒频移的影响,建立了瑞利时变衰落信道模型,并使用最大似然序列检测算法实现均衡.它的基本思想是在MLSE算法中插入信道估计算法,不断跟踪实时信道变化并及时更新.为降低复杂度,研究了传统的自适应MLSE算法和运幸存MLSE两种经典算法,仿真表明,当多普勒频移较小时,两种算法有相近的性能,...  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of frequency offset and channel gain estimation for frequency-selective multi-input multi-output (MIMO) correlated fading channels. A maximum-likelihood (ML) frequency offset (FO) estimator is proposed by using the Bayesian approach. We show that the proposed FO estimator is efficient and asymptotically optimal. Based on the FO estimate, we derive the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) channel estimator and analytically investigate the effect of frequency offset estimation error on the mean square error (MSE) performance of the channel estimator. Finally, the performances of the FO and channel estimation are evaluated by simulation results.  相似文献   

Reception Through Nakagami Fading Multipath Channels with Random Delays   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Nakagami fading distribution is shown to fit empirical results more generally than other distributions. A statistical model for a noisy, Nakagami fading multipath channel is given, following Turin's delay-line model. Optimal receivers are derived for two states of knowledge of the channel-known path delays and random path delays. Upper bounds on the probability of error are computed, for binary, equal-energy, equiprobable signals, which are uniformly orthogonal and have equal, triangular, autocorrelation moduli. Results are graphically displayed and show the dependence of error probability on number of paths, amount of fading and spread of path delays.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of designing an adaptive receiver with anM-bit memory for binary orthogonal signaling over a slowly fading Rayleigh channel. Both the cases of decision-feedback and no decision-feedback are considered. We present a problem formulation by defining the contents of the receiver's memory. The structure of the Bayes receiver that makes optimum use of the memory information is then established. The LRT that defines the receiver is obtained explicitly, and it dictates a detector-estimator receiver structure. The detector can be interpreted as being partially coherent, with coherence being achieved asymptotically in the limit of perfect estimation of the fading process. Simulation results are given to show the improved error rate performance of the adaptive receiver. Our results also indicate that decision-feedback should be employed in a manner dependent on the SNR.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种适用于频率选择性无线衰落信道的Turbo-BLAST方案。在发送端联合采用了随机分层空时编码和分组线性星座预编码OFDM以充分利用多径和空间分集;在接收端比较了两种类型的Turbo接收机,一种是基于最小均方误差准则的软输入软输出的检测模块,它有较低的计算复杂度;另一种采用了类似球形解码的检测模块,它有很好的性能但需要较高的计算复杂度。仿真结果表明该文提出的方案能在保持BLAST高数据速率的同时充分利用信道环境提供的多径和空间分集。  相似文献   

Adaptive Modulation over Nakagami Fading Channels   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:25  
We first study the capacity of Nakagami multipath fading (NMF) channels with an average power constraint for three power and rate adaptation policies. We obtain closed-form solutions for NMF channel capacity for each power and rate adaptation strategy. Results show that rate adaptation is the key to increasing link spectral efficiency. We then analyze the performance of practical constant-power variable-rate M-QAM schemes over NMF channels. We obtain closed-form expressions for the outage probability, spectral efficiency and average bit-error-rate (BER) assuming perfect channel estimation and negligible time delay between channel estimation and signal set adaptation. We also analyze the impact of time delay on the BER of adaptive M-QAM.  相似文献   

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