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邹晓霞 《世界建筑》2006,(3):138-140
消费文化对建筑界的渗透导致建筑师以不同以往的身份立场介入商业店铺设计。文章通过表参道4个品牌店铺的个案研究,分析在消费社会背景下建筑师的可能策略,并对建筑师能否从改造社会的角色转变成时尚的代言人进行质疑,确立商业建筑新地位的同时建筑师应以批判的态度冷静思考来自消费文化的冲击。  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, architecture has been interpreted by Structuralism as a system of signs, which results in the problem that architecture is isolated from humans and the world. In contrast with this idea, this paper demonstrates that architecture is designed as spatial storytelling to mediate human knowledge of the world, humans and architecture. The research method consists of an original survey of meaning and interpretation drawn from the fields of philosophy, linguistics, hermeneutics, humanistic geography, narrative theory, psychology, architectural theory and museology, in combination with the researcher’s personal perception and experience. By employing three elements e materials, configuration and time e to conduct parallel analysis of components of the world, humans and architecture, this paper contributes to an original theoretical model for analysing the idea of architecture as spatial storytelling. Moreover, this study concludes that, since it is constructed of meaningful materials, meaningful configuration and meaningful time, architecture is a form of spatial storytelling, which mediates human knowledge of the world, humans and architecture, thus shaping human intellectual record both tangibly and intuitively. Therefore, the fact that architecture is connected with humans and the world has been demonstrated by spatial storytelling, while also being carried forward from generation to generation.  相似文献   

有意义的建筑是对自然的回应,孕育于自然而又能够更好地表现自然,本设计对建筑与自然的关系进行了探索.  相似文献   

张相悦 《山西建筑》2010,36(19):239-240
分析了与杭州市建筑节能相关的资料及建筑节能设计的现状,重点探讨了对已有建筑不符合建筑节能部分的改造和对新建建筑的建筑节能设计两方面内容,指出建筑节能不仅节约资源还可提高经济效益,意义深远。  相似文献   

本文在对无锡古韵轩酒店的装饰设计思考后认为:一方面较好地处理了消费者对传统装饰样式认知的问题,即恰当地把握装饰设计中传统装饰样式表述上的"真假"程度;另一方面面对不同的文化层次和审美观念的消费人群,在装饰设计中解决审美适应性上的"雅俗"问题,这是无锡古韵轩酒店得到大众青睐和业内好评的原因。  相似文献   

张希  徐雷 《建筑师》2013,(6):20-26
通过分析从前工业社会到消费社会的建筑发展历程。以罗兰·巴特的神话学和让·鲍德里亚的关于消费社会的分析等相关符号学理论为基础。将当代建筑的消费归纳为一个具有四个层级的神话结构,提出在消费社会,大众文化赋予了建筑各种文化性内涵并将这些内涵与权力、地位、名望等符号价值联系。建筑消费的最终目的是实现符号价值。体现在差异性消费中的人与人的社会关系。  相似文献   

徐建 《时代建筑》2006,(5):130-133
文章讨论了美国杰出的马克思主义批评家詹明信在全球资本主义的历史背景中,如何阐述库哈斯的建筑,他的建筑与后现代主义建筑之间有何差异,这种差异如何形成并给出有意义的诠释。  相似文献   

中国当代都市景观的变迁与消费文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今在我国的大都市中,消费文化随着城市化进程改变了我们的社会关系和生活方式,同时也改变了我们的城市形象。本文选取了几类对消费文化反映相对敏感的建筑形式,并对其随消费文化的演进而发生的变化加以论述,并寻找这种转变对我国建筑学的启示及意义。  相似文献   

英国谢菲尔德大学建筑学院是英国最为古老的建筑学院之一,研究与教学并重是该学院的重要特色,其特别关注建筑与社会、文化的密切关系,突出体现在课程设置方面。文章根据作者对该学院本科教学中人文课程的观摩学习,从教学目标定位、教学内容建设、教学方法策略三个方面展开了客观细致的分析,以期对国内建筑学专业人文课程教学有所裨益。  相似文献   

Architect Edouard Autant and actress Louise Lara used theater to investigate architecture as an art of situation, of placing people in meaningful spatial relationships with one another. Autant designed the Théâtre de l'espace to model the experience of an urban plaza with multiple, simultaneous scenes that both surrounded and were surrounded by the audience. Performances juxtaposed fictional narratives, improvisation, and real situations to propose a paradigm for public space in a modern, collective society. Through theater, Autant and Lara investigated architecture not as form but as action, a practice particularly relevant to design in cities.  相似文献   

The socio-cultural significance of the dwelling has been illuminated in several anthropological studies of ethnic communities in Asia. To some extent, this interest is also shared with architects examining vernacular dwellings. Yet few studies approach these examples primarily as ecologically placed architectural entities, with a temporal-ritual ambience. Drawing on this limitation, we assume a position beyond culture-nature, built-unbuilt or sacred-profane dichotomies in order to examine the case of the Mru of the Chittagong Hills. In doing so, we also reflect on the influences between the disciplines of architecture and anthropology in understanding nuanced meanings of dwelling and related spaces.

Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, the article discusses the interrelationship between religion, economy and architecture. It establishes that the function of architecture is complex, and in a traditional community where religion and worldview have an interchangeable relationship with culture, nature and economic behaviour, it is on that premise that meaningful architectural spaces are created.  相似文献   

张俊毅 《华中建筑》2010,28(1):51-53
地域性建筑的创作逐渐成为建筑创作的普适原则,铁路旅客站作为城市的窗口具有表达和展示地域文化的优势。该文着重探讨铁路旅客站地域化建筑创作中地域原型的提取尺度;地域化建筑意境不同层次表达的符号、形体、意境;结合车站强调技术化特点的地域性表达。  相似文献   

黄山八面厅作为浙中地区传统建筑的典型代表,以其宏大的格局和精美的木雕艺术闻名于世。特别是那些以梁托、牛腿、琴枋、雀替等小木构件所组成的檐下承托系统,不仅作为一种结构构件,也常常成为建筑装饰中的重要对象,并通过那些雕凿于结构之上的极具装饰意味的故事内容或图像。来反映人们对美好生活的向往和寄托某种诉求。基于此,它己不是单纯的建筑构件.而是一种以构件为依托的艺术雕刻,不仅表达构造本身的特点,也具有了通过图像表述细节和传达意义的功能,是特定地域思想和社会文化背景下的产物。  相似文献   

当今社会建筑创作思想活跃、建筑技术并存、建筑材料推陈出新,农村人居环境构建的现状却是在追随平庸的价值观,并呈现出标准化的生产模式。此种格局的延续必然撕裂建筑和自然之间的朴素关系,也必然摧毁维系了几千年的生态平衡状态,因此建筑学专业一定不能缺少人文方面的思考。本文通过提炼传统文化中对当代农环境构建具有指导意义的生态思想,力求为当代农村环境构建提供具有参考价值的构建理论。  相似文献   

文章从“作品”、“存在”、“空间”三个方面讨论了从海德格尔那里可能引申出来的建筑思想。在“作品”主题下,海德格尔思考的是如何建立“天地之争”意义上的存在者之真理,而在“存在”主题下,海氏揭示了“建筑”、“栖居”与“存在”之间种本源性的内在联系;在“空司”、司题上,海氏批评了现代哲学和科学的技术物理空间观,指出人居空间乃是基于“存在”和“栖居”的有意味的多样空闻。  相似文献   

王丽娟 《山西建筑》2010,36(25):267-268
结合当前的建筑市场经济形势,就建筑企业在投标中的标前决策、中期决策及后期决策作了论述,重点对中期的投标技巧和报价策略进行了说明,对建筑企业在工程投标中取得胜利具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Pairing is a technique for historicising and theorising architecture by explicitly comparing two entities, be they architects, buildings or periods. As this mechanism constitutes the object of knowledge by establishing a relationship between two discrete objects, it raises a host of methodological, theoretical and historiographical concerns, among them the criteria for selecting the cases, the concepts by which their differences and similarities are assessed and made meaningful, the interrelation between linguistic and visual media, and finally, the agency of aesthetics in works of architectural scholarship. Le Corbusier serves as the case study for exploring pairing formally, as a rhetorical trope, and contextually, as a discursive intervention within a given field of knowledge. This paper analyses successive comparative ‘events’ performed in the history of architecture by Colin Rowe, Reyner Banham, Stanislaus von Moos, and Beatriz Colomina, to argue for the portability of this form and its discursive function as an alternative, counter-narrative mode of historical inquiry. As a series, the pairings reaffirm Le Corbusier’s position as the central reference point around which the history of modernism revolves. The paper concludes with a discussion of pairing as a medium for incorporating historiographical methods of research into architectural theory and pedagogy.  相似文献   

陆垠  陈刚 《中外建筑》2012,(5):47-49
消费文化是在20世纪出现的一种社会文化现象,在全球化的进程中,消费主义文化已经渗透到全球各个角落。文章从消费主义的视角出发-探讨了消费主义这个文化现象对于现代建筑造型语义的影响,介绍了建筑造型在此影响下的多角度表现形式,并对我国在这种全新设计风格冲击下出现的问题进行了反思。提出建筑造型语义的设计应正视消费文化的时代因素,并以适当的策略与方式加以本土化的转化,取得建筑设计与消费的协调发展。  相似文献   

园林景观设计是本校建筑学专业的必修课,基于此,该课程的教学目标定位于拓宽学生知识面,并提高其建筑设计水平。鉴于中国古典园林在建筑群体组织、营造空间序列等方面对现代建筑设计有很好的借鉴意义,将古典园林的设计手法运用到建筑设计中,亦有助于创造具有本土特色的现代建筑,该文通过一个作业的设计,引导学生深入理解古典园林在现代建筑中的继承与发展。介绍了该作业题目的设计,并选取三份学生作业做简要的分析。  相似文献   

建筑是各民族文化的重要代表,中式建筑是一个很大的概念,不是一个简单的形式问题,而是有着丰富的文化内涵和空间体系,传统建筑讲究天人合一,尊重自然风貌,将建筑融合于自然,这是中国人与自然最大的特色,体现了人与自然、建筑的和谐共生。每个时代都有每个时代各自特征,但沉淀在建筑深层次内的文化内涵是不变的,现代中式建筑也有着自己特定的“文汇”。  相似文献   

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