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The embryonic development of the ostiomeatal complex from 8-40 weeks was studied under the light microscope. From our observation, the uncinate process was visible on the laterosuperior portion of the inferior turbinate at 8 week's gestation. By 12 weeks, the ethmoid bulla was first identifiable on the lateral wall of the middle meatus. The primordial ethmoidal infundibulum and primordial maxillary sinus were seen developing lateral to the uncinate process in the middle meatus. The air cells of the middle turbinate may be normal development of the ethmoidal labyrinth. Congenital nasal septum deviation may cause malformation of the ostiomeatal complex.  相似文献   

SNAP-25 is expressed in neurons and endocrine cells and is essential for exocytosis of neurotransmitters and peptide hormones. It has been shown to be involved in several interactions with other proteins of the secretion machinery. Here we show that SNAP-25 can self-associate to form a disulfide-linked complex. Complex formation is facilitated in vitro (in concentrated extracts or by immunoprecipitation). SNAP-25 complexes, however, also form when intact cells are treated with a membrane-permeable crosslinker indicating that SNAP-25 molecules exist in close proximity in vivo and could form complexes spontaneously. We also show that monomeric SNAP-25 and disulfide-linked SNAP-25 complexes are palmitoylated and that both can be cleaved by botulinum neurotoxin E.  相似文献   

MHC class I molecules were isolated from the MUC1-positive human breast adenocarcinoma cell line MCF-7 by immunoaffinity using the panreactive anti-class I monoclonal antibodies (MAb) W6/32. Acid-eluted peptides from the class I molecules were separated twice by high-performance liquid chromatography and tested for reactivity with the MAb BCP8, which reacts with the minimal MUC1 core peptide sequence PDTRPA. A peak with strong and specific BCP8 reactivity was found in fractions eluting at 16.5-17.5 min. The protocol used for the MUC1+ pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line CAPAN-1 (HLA.A2) was to perform sequential affinity purifications of class I molecules using MAb W6/32, followed by affinity purification of HLA.A2 molecules by the HLA.A2.1-specific MAb, MA2.1, and high-performance liquid chromatography fractionation of the acid-eluted material. A single peak with MAb BCP8 reactivity was noted at 18-19 min. The protocol for the MUC1+ breast adenocarcinoma cell line SKBr-3 (HLA.A11,B40), which used A11- and B40-specific MAbs, also resulted in the detection of BCP8-specific peaks at approximately 18-19 min. A preliminary mass spectral analysis of BCP8 affinity-purified class I associated material surprisingly revealed the presence of two 3-mer MUC1 amino acid sequences and one 6-mer sequence. A synthetic 9-mer MUC1 peptide, TSAPDTRPA, containing the isolated fragments was found to cause strong class I up-regulation in T2 cells as well as to serve as an epitope for CTL generated in a primary in vitro immune response. These studies suggest that MUC1-derived peptides are processed and presented in the context of MHC class I molecules on the surface of tumor cells and support the use of MAb BCP8 to further define MHC class I associated MUC1 motifs.  相似文献   

The meiosis-specific HOP1 gene is important both for crossing over between homologs and for production of viable spores. hop1 diploids fail to assemble synaptonemal complex (SC), which normally provides the framework for meiotic synapsis. Immunochemical methods have shown that the 70-kDa HOP1 product is a component of the SC. To assess its molecular function, we have purified Hop1 protein to homogeneity and shown that it forms dimers and higher oligomers in solution. Consistent with the zinc-finger motif in its sequence, the purified protein contained about 1 mol equivalent of zinc whereas mutant protein lacking a conserved cysteine within this motif did not. Electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays with different forms of M13 DNA showed that Hop1 binds more readily to linear duplex DNA and negatively superhelical DNA than to nicked circular duplex DNA and even more weakly to single-stranded DNA. Linear duplex DNA binding was enhanced by the addition of Zn2+, was stronger for longer DNA fragments, and was saturable to about 55 bp/protein monomer. Competitive inhibition of this binding by added oligonucleotides suggests preferential affinity for G-rich sequences and weaker binding to poly(dA-dT). Nuclear extracts of meiotic cells caused exonucleolytic degradation of linear duplex DNA if the extracts were prepared from hop1 mutants; addition of purified Hop1 conferred protection against this degradation. These findings suggest that Hop1 acts in meiotic synapsis by binding to sites of double-strand break formation and helping to mediate their processing in the pathway to meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

A multi-center case-referent study was conducted on the relation between paternal occupational exposure and spina bifida in offspring. Cases were born between 1980 and 1992 in The Netherlands. Referents were recruited from hospitals and from the general population. Postal questionnaires were used to gather information on occupation and potential confounders. Through job-specific telephone interviews with 122 case fathers and 411 referent fathers, detailed exposure information was collected on specific tasks, the use of chemical or physical agents, frequency of exposure, and use of protective equipment. The study yielded statistically significant associations between spina bifida and low exposure to welding fumes (OR = 1.6, 95% CI: 1.0-2.6) and low exposure to UV radiation during welding (OR = 2.6, 95% CI: 1.2-5.6), and suggestive findings of an association between spina bifida and moderate or high exposure to cleaning agents, moderate or high pesticide exposure (OR = 1.7, 95% CI: 0.7-4.0), and stainless steel dust (OR = 2.0, 95% CI: 0.8-5.2). No associations were identified for other paternal occupational exposures, such as organic solvents.  相似文献   

Employed a complex stimulus situation in a variation of the reversal-nonreversal paradigm. 40 adult male Ss were given part and whole reversal and nonreversal shifts to perform on a 4-dimensional, 2 relevant dimension concept-attainment paradigm. It was found that the usual superiority of the reversal shift held only for part shifts; for whole shifts the nonreversal shift was more readily performed. Results are incompatible with the 2-stage mediational approach as currently formulated, and a tentative explanation in terms of hypothesis-testing strategies is outlined. A replication incorporating a control for E bias verified the original results. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The cDNA coding for protein kinase CK1 alpha has been cloned from a Xenopus laevis cDNA library. The derived amino acid sequence of the protein contains 337 amino acids and has a calculated molecular mass of 38874 Da. The sequence is identical to that of the human CK1 alpha and to the bovine CK1 alpha, except that it is 12 amino acids longer than the latter protein. Southern blotting with a 264-bp probe demonstrates that four or more fragments are obtained upon digestion of genomic DNA with EcoR1 and Hind3, suggesting that X. laevis possesses a family of related CK1 genes. CK1 alpha was expressed in Escherichia coli as a glutathione transferase fusion protein (GT-CK1 alpha) and certain of its characteristics were determined. The recombinant GT-CK1 alpha fusion protein was found to have apparent Km values for ATP (12 microM), casein (1.5 mg/ml) and the specific peptide substrate RRKDLHDDEEDEAMSITA (180 microM) which are similar to those of the rat liver CK1 enzyme. The recombinant CK1 alpha activity is weakly inhibited by heparin, but strongly inhibited by poly(Glu80:Tyr20). This inhibition is competitive and shows an approximate K1 of 5 microM. CK1 alpha can phosphorylate the tyrosine residues of poly(Glu80:Tyr20) and the tyrosine residue in the synthetic peptide RRREEEYEEEE. This kinase preparation also autophosphorylates in serine, threonine and weakly in tyrosine.  相似文献   

Rapid activation of blood platelets is required for effective haemostasis, with shape change, aggregation, secretion of granule contents and cell adhesion occurring in seconds or even milliseconds. Signal-transduction events, evidenced by changes in protein phosphorylation and calcium levels, also take place in this time domain. We have now shown that platelet adhesion to collagen via the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin under arterial shear forces initiated the rapid dephosphorylation of a 67 kDa protein "band" which contained the 70 kDa constitutive heat-shock protein, hsc70. Immunoprecipitation with hsc70 antibodies revealed a large phosphoprotein complex in resting platelets and adhesion caused dissociation of the complex along with dephosphorylation of hsc70. The complex also contained the hsp90 heat-shock protein, protein phosphatase IC, alpha, delta and M subunits, and some 7-8 unidentified phosphoproteins. The data suggest that heat-shock proteins and protein phosphatases are actively involved in integrin-mediated platelet adhesion.  相似文献   

Five experiments examined the recency–primacy shift in which memory for early list items improves and memory for later items becomes worse as the delay between study and test increases. Experiment 1 replicated the shift in a recognition task in which the physical form of the study and test items differed, ruling out an explanation that invokes visual memory. Experiment 2 observed the change when only 1 serial position was tested, eliminating an explanation based on changing strategies or proactive interference. Experiment 3 showed a similar change from recency to primacy when the to-be-remembered stimuli were auditory. Experiments 4 and 5 demonstrated that the same recency–primacy trade-off occurs for words in a sentence. Although it is possible to offer piecemeal explanations for each experiment, the dimensional distinctiveness model accounts for the results in each of the 5 experiments in exactly the same way. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in non-dividing cells depends critically on import of the viral preintegration complex into the nucleus. Recent evidence suggests that viral protein R (Vpr) plays a key regulatory role in this process by binding to karyopherin alpha, a cellular receptor for nuclear localization signals, and increasing its affinity for the nuclear localization signals. An in vitro binding assay was used to investigate the role of Vpr in docking of the HIV-1 preintegration complex (PIC) to the nuclear pore complex. Mutant HIV-1 PICs that lack Vpr were impaired in the ability to dock to isolated nuclei and recombinant nucleoporins. Although Vpr by itself associated with nucleoporins, the docking of Vpr+ PICs was dependent on karyopherin beta and was blocked by antibodies to beta. Vpr stabilized docking by preventing nucleoporin-stimulated dissociation of the import complex. These results suggest a biochemical mechanism for Vpr function in transport of the HIV-1 genome across the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

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