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Selection of process parameters has great influence on the quality of a welded connection. Mathematical modelling can be utilized in the optimization and control procedure of parameters. Rather than the well-known effects of main process parameters, this study focuses on the sensitivity analysis of parameters and fine tuning requirements of the parameters for optimum weld bead geometry. Changeable process parameters such as welding current, welding voltage and welding speed are used as design variables. The objective function is formed using width, height and penetration of the weld bead. Experimental part of the study is based on three level factorial design of three process parameters. In order to investigate the effects of input (process) parameters on output parameters, which determine the weld bead geometry, a mathematical model is constructed by using multiple curvilinear regression analysis. After carrying out a sensitivity analysis using developed empirical equations, relative effects of input parameters on output parameters are obtained. Effects of all three design parameters on the bead width and bead height show that even small changes in these parameters play an important role in the quality of welding operation. The results also reveal that the penetration is almost non-sensitive to the variations in voltage and speed. 相似文献
Empirical models were developed using curvilinear regression analysis to predict bead geometries of rotating fluxcored arc welding (FCAW).Parameters,such as rotational frequency,rotational radius,torch... 相似文献
During gas metal arc (GMA) welding, such as MAG welding, the welding wire serves as a welding system electrode. The electrode wire is melted by arc heat to form a metal drop on the wire tip. Under the effects of forces such as gravity and electromagnetic force, the metal drop detaches from the wire and transfers to the base metal. Despite welding wire being continuously supplied, molten metal is intermittently transferred to the base metal. For this reason, various factors affecting the progression of GMA welding, such as the arc length and shape alongside the heat source and so-called arc initiation position, fluctuate in time and space. That is to say, metal transfer phenomena control arc stability and are moreover closely related to welding quality itself as well as to operability factors such as generation of spatter and welding defects. To clarify the corresponding mechanisms, it is necessary to undertake theoretical investigations in conjunction with observations by high-speed imaging. 相似文献
在焊接生产中经常遇到需要进行全位置焊接的场合,采用旋转电弧焊接可获得美观的焊缝成形。旋转电弧CO2焊接的参数众多,而且参数组合对焊缝成形的影响很大。在此对旋转电弧实心焊丝CO2仰焊的焊缝成形与焊接参数的关系进行研究,采用敏感度分析技术,研究焊接参数对熔深和熔宽的影响。研究结果表明,旋转直径和焊接速度对熔宽的敏感度的绝对值最大,说明可以通过调节旋转直径和焊接速度来改变熔宽;增大旋转直径和减小焊接速度,熔宽明显增加。旋转频率越高,导电嘴至工件距离(CTWD)越大,则焊缝熔宽越窄。本研究结果对旋转电弧仰焊工艺参数的制定有指导作用。 相似文献
This paper presents the results obtained by the optimization of laser bead on plate welding parameters for 3.5 kW cooled slab laser using Taguchi technique. The trials were conducted on two different shielding gases 100% Nitrogen and 50% Nitrogen + 50% Argon. The input process parameters such as beam power, travel speed and focal position are selected suitably in order to obtain the desired output i.e., bead width and depth of penetration. The quality of the weld is evaluated by studying the features of weld bead geometry. Grey relational analysis is applied to optimize the input parameters simultaneously considering multiple output variables. In this investigation the nearest optimal solution which would improve the weld quality was found out. Experimental trial on super austenitic stainless steel has been conducted to validate the optimized parameters. Further, the optimized parameters were evaluated through the microstructural characterization and hardness measurements across the weld zone. 相似文献
为降低现有磁力驱动泵隔离套的加工成本并提高生产效率,设计了一套便于加工、节约成本和时间的焊接工艺装备。利用该装备研究了不锈钢钨极氩弧焊焊接时,焊接电流、氩气流量及钨极锥角等工艺参数对焊缝成型的影响,并得出相关焊接数据。研究结果表明,通过调节各工艺参数及利用各参数间的相互配合,焊接电流为110 A,氩气流量为10 L/min,钨极锥角取45°时,焊缝成型效果较为理想。 相似文献
《Science & Technology of Welding & Joining》2013,18(4):312-317
AbstractGrey relational analysis is carried out to develop a new approach for optimization of Nd:YAG laser and gas metal arc hybrid welding parameters. The qualities of a welded material depend on various welding parameters. The parameters chosen for the current study include wire type, shielding gas, laser power, laser focus, travelling speed and wire feedrate. The welding experiments are performed on 6K21-T4 Al alloy sheet which are mostly used in automotive industries. The ultimate tensile stress, the bead width, and the penetration are chosen as the criterion for optimising the welding parameters. The method based on an orthogonal array following Taguchi's recommendation is adopted in the present study. Based on the results of grey relational analysis, a set of optimal welding parameters are obtained. The results show that the optimal welding parameters determined by the grey relational analysis are much improved compared to those from the preliminary set of experimental parameters. 相似文献
焊接过程参数传感采集系统以太网接口设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
焊接电压、焊接电流等焊接参数决定电弧形态和熔滴过渡形式,对焊接过程的稳定性和焊缝质量有决定性的影响。焊接电压、焊接电流等电信号的高速、实时采集传输是实现焊接过程监控和焊接过程数字化的突破性关键技术。传统焊接过程参数传感时由于通讯接口的限制造成传输频率低,无法满足焊接电信号精细化分析和焊接质量在线感知的需要。设计了一套采用MCU和以太网芯片DM9000通讯接口的焊接过程参数高速传感采集系统,采用基于TCP/IP的网络传输协议进行数据传输,测试结果表明,设计的以太网通信接口成功实现了采样频率为1 000 Hz的焊接电压和电流波形的高速传输。 相似文献
多层多道埋弧焊应用领域广泛,但是由于焊接参数较多,焊接工艺的制定和参数优化较为困难.首先给出了底层焊(打底焊)、填充焊和盖面焊的焊接参数设定和优化的基本原则,然后设计了相应的参数设定和优化软件,对焊接电流、焊接速度、焊接电压、热输入以及焊道数等基本参数进行优化计算.对所设计的焊接参数优化系统,采用K型坡口的工件进行实验验证,实验结果和本焊接参数优化系统给出的结果符合良好.利用该系统还可以实现填充焊阶段的电流递增优化设计,在保证焊接热输入不超标的情况下,减少焊道数,提高生产效率. 相似文献
A two-level factorial design was performed to evaluate the effect of three key input parameters in a finite element analysis of a forging process. A series of “computer experiments” were performed that simulated the forging of a subscale jet engine disk, and these results were then compared with an actual disk forging. 相似文献
为提高覆盖件成形模拟效率,采用特征分析、数值模拟与正交试验相结合的研究方法对某车门内板成形工艺和工艺参数敏感性进行了研究.特征分析的结果表明:窗框转角及凹槽处易裂,零件转角处易皱,门内板窗框合边面刚性差.通过对工艺进行模拟调整,成形性能得到了改善.正交试验得到部分工艺因素的敏感性排序,敏感性从高到低为:凹模圆角半径,拉深筋高度,摩擦系数,坯料尺寸,压边力,凸凹模间隙.研究结果表明:基于对产品的特征分析,结合关键工艺参数的敏感性关系对板料成形过程进行模拟优化是合理制订汽车覆盖件成形工艺的有效途径. 相似文献
Marcos Mesquita da Silva Valmir Rodrigues Batista Theophilo Moura Maciel Marco Antonio dos Santos Taynara Lacerda Brasileiro 《Welding International》2018,32(2):122-129
In this work, we evaluated the influence of welding variables on weld beads applied by the submerged arc process (SAW) with conventional current, aiming future application in overlays against corrosion. Segments of steel API 5L Gr B pipe as substrate, a 1.13 mm-diameter electrode wire of nickel alloy, classification AWS ERNiCrMo-4 (Hastelloy C-276) as filler metal, and a flux neutral, basic and crowded were used. The variables voltage, wire feed speed and contact tip to work distance (CTWD) were analysed, with the remaining parameters constant by an experimental design with full factorial design in two-level and central points. Statistically significant and predictor mathematical models for response dilution and average current were obtained. However, for the response reinforcement/width, the model was characterized as statistically significant, but not predictive, and containing a lack of fit. The CTWD was the most significant variable reducing the dilution. 相似文献
《Science & Technology of Welding & Joining》2013,18(5):457-467
AbstractThe effect of welding parameters on the distribution of wire feeding elements has been investigated during CO2 laser and pulsed gas metal arc hybrid welding process. The molten metal flow on the pool surface and inside of the samples was observed by a high speed video camera and an in situ X-ray transmission imaging system respectively. The results indicate that the fluid flow towards the inside of keyhole, namely inward flow, improves the homogeneity of weld metal. The distribution of alloying elements is more homogeneous in leading laser compared with leading arc, since both of the drag force of the plasma jet and momentum of droplet promote the inward flow in leading laser. Almost homogeneous distribution of alloying elements can be attained if the oxygen content in the shielding gas is more than 2%, since the Marangoni flow direction changes from outward to inward with increasing the oxygen content. 相似文献
G. Q. Zhao R. Hufi A. Hutter R. V. Grandhi 《Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance》1997,6(3):303-310
This paper uses a finite element-based sensitivity analysis method to design the preform die shape for metal forming processes.
The sensitivity analysis was developed using the rigid visco-plastic finite element method. The preform die shapes are represented
by cubic B-spline curves. The control points or coefficients of the B-spline are used as the design variables. The optimization
problem is to minimize the difference between the realized and the desired final forging shapes. The sensitivity analysis
includes the sensitivities of the objective function, nodal coordinates, and nodal velocities with respect to the design variables.
The remeshing procedure and the interpolation/transfer of the history/dependent parameters are considered. An adjustment of
the volume loss resulting from the finite element analysis is used to make the workpiece volume consistent in each optimization
iteration and improve the optimization convergence. In addition, a technique for dealing with fold-over defects during the
forming simulation is employed in order to continue the optimization procedures of the preform die shape design. The method
developed in this paper is used to design the preform die shape for both plane strain and axisymmetric deformations with shaped
cavities. The analysis shows that satisfactory final forging shapes are obtained using the optimized preform die shapes. 相似文献
使用随温度变化的材料热—力学参量,研究了屈服强度、热导率、比热容、弹性模量、线膨胀系数、密度及泊松比7个热物理与力学参量对焊接残余应力峰值的影响.结果表明,屈服强度和热导率的变化范围较大,对纵向残余应力峰值影响显著;比热容、弹性模量、线膨胀系数和密度的变化范围较小,对纵向残余应力峰值影响不大;泊松比的变化范围与线膨胀系数和密度的相当,但对纵向残余应力峰值影响非常小.使用切条释放法对铝合金2A12-T4平板中纵向焊接残余应力模拟结果进行试验验证,模拟结果与试验结果吻合良好,证明了模拟结果的正确性. 相似文献
《Science & Technology of Welding & Joining》2013,18(5):422-429
AbstractYield stress of 6013-T6 aluminium alloy was tested on Gleeble 1500D thermal–mechanical system at predesigned temperatures during different typical thermal cycles, in order to accurately reflect the influence of weld thermal history on material properties. The typical thermal cycles were referred to the temperature field simulation results of real welding process. The changes of yield stress were obtained directly from the stress–strain curves generated by the tensile tests. The tests were more accurate than previous publications, where only the yield stresses at room temperature after thermal history were tested or calculated from microstructure evolution model. Experimental results showed that the changes of yield stress during the cooling stage of typical thermal cycles followed one set of curves. These yield stress–temperature curves were different from those during the heating stage. Temperature and temperature history dependent material model M2 and M3 were established based on the experimental results. M2 model was perfectly plastic model while work hardening effect was considered in M3 model. Compared with conventional temperature dependent material model M1, the distributions of longitudinal residual stress and strain obtained with temperature and temperature history dependent models fit better with published results. Yield stress of the material at the weld zone decreased a lot after having experienced weld thermal history and longitudinal compressive plastic strain at the weld zone recovered to some extent during the cooling stage in M2 and M3 models. These were the main causes for lower peak longitudinal residual tensile stress in M2 and M3 models. 相似文献
铝焊接过程易产生气孔,双脉冲焊接工艺能够减小气孔发生率,获得理想的焊接质量和美观的焊缝外观。双脉冲波形的最大特点是高频时实现一脉一滴的熔滴过渡,低频时控制熔池,即一个低频周期形成一个熔池,形成鱼鳞纹,同时每个低频周期都能对熔池产生一定的搅拌作用,促使熔池中的气体排出去,从而减小了气孔倾向。双脉冲焊铝需要调节的参数较多,包括强脉冲峰值电流和时间、强脉冲基值电流和时间、弱脉冲峰值电流和时间、弱脉冲基值电流和时间等。设计了4组12个双脉冲焊接试验,通过试验探讨了焊缝成形与参数设置和焊接条件的关系。焊缝无咬边,熔透较好,焊缝成形比较好,证明本试验用焊接电源具有较好的工艺性能,能较好地实现双脉冲焊铝。 相似文献
针对电阻点焊过程非线性、多变量耦合和存在随机不确定因素的特点,采用正变试验设计方法科学安排点焊试验,研究电极压力、焊接电流和焊接时间对201不锈钢点焊接头拉剪强度及焊点熔核直径间的关系.研究结果表明,焊接电流对焊点质量影响最大,电极压力次之,焊接时间的影响最小.试验范围内的最佳焊接规范参数为:焊接电流6.4 kA、电极压力3.6 kN、焊接时间8周波,点焊接头拉剪强度可达8.92 kN.201不锈钢点焊接头中的主要焊接缺陷为缩孔和结晶裂纹,采用较大的电极压力和较小的焊接电流焊接可减少焊接缺陷的形成,使接头承载能力明显提高. 相似文献
研发了一种具有弧焊专家知识库支持的焊接过程信息分析平台,通过对焊接过程电流电压的记录,并与焊接速度、焊接材料、送丝速度等信息集成,为用户提供焊接过程任何时段(或整个过程)的统计分析结果,包括焊接工艺的稳定性,焊接材料的工艺性、焊接电源的动态特性以及各因素对焊接制造质量的影响。使用户在人机交互环境下对焊接过程各种特征量实现可分析、可对比、可评估。 相似文献